Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 28

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28 W I L M E T T E' . L IF E October 18. 1929 BOY SCOUT NEWS of Scout Leader Says World Jamboree to ,~id Peace ~1ove thrilled with the part that the Roy Scouts oi Amerira played in tilt.· grcatc~t gathning nf hoys in the h! ·,ton· of til(' world. l.tlrtla \\' . Harrla,·. cxt:cut in· oflirc.:r oi t lw A mer iran CtH.Itingt·nt of thl' \\.Prld Scout jamhorl·e ht·l<l at Hirkt·tdwad. England. Ja.;t sumtnn, arri\'l·d in \:l.' \\ York ahnard the S. ~ . Adriatic on Sl·ptt.'nlbcr .h) with ~rout CtHldard l.ight ni Iktn,it. w h n \\'as t h t' Lt ~ t h t lllll' L' llllll' r ( 1 i t h e l,JOO Bl)_ , . ~l'llllt ar .~oJJattb \\'hn saikcl away in .ltily fpr thl' \\'orld jalllhon·<·. Thl' \\'oriel ~r tH tt janll~tntT ha~ dnnl.' murh tt' furthl'r intt:rn ;ttional under standing :11111111 .:..! btl\':- 11l ;dl natitll: .' acrording t11 ~Jr . Barela _ , .. ".\ :.. t'X('C\1 t in· n f1 i c n o i t Ill· . \lilt' r i r; 111 r t 111 t i 11 g l' 11 t. I did nPt "l't' Pr hl·a r di II lit' ra:..l.' l.1f disor<lt·r Pr l'\'t·rt 11i :t11 intl'rnatitllt:tl \- 11i tht· rat)lp:.;, misurHkr:-tandill)..! i11 .til _ although thl'rt' " tTt· SrPub prcst.'nt from mnrc th;ttt :-t'\Till\ difll'rcllt land '· inrllJ(Iing tht: prtlll'l'tlll';tll'S Pi till· nritish Empire . The htl\·-; dtutnttH'd wit:J nne :lllnthn dmin g tht· l'ntirl' durati(l ,l of the j;unhnrc;· . \\ 'l' had platllll.'d w:-t~·~ and mc ; tt~'> oi gl'tting tlH'tll to visit hut \\'l' did11't h:t\'l.' ttl thl.' tht·m. It sc.'t'tttt·d tn hl· till· natural thin).! t ~,1 do," he said. · "I \\' ;t s 'tT\' prtlttd ,,j t Ia· :\ttll'l'irall dt'kgatitlll :and all 11i tltl' k:tdn ~. F· erv American \\llll :-.:1\\· tht· t'tllltim.:cnt thrilkd "ith pridt· ;tt t Ia· high ~t;tnd ards uf t'\.rt.'lll'tll'l' 'l't ll\ tltt· .\t1a: rican Scout:.. in t'\'l'l'\ l.'ll<k;tnlr. It \Yas l.Htr good fort lllll.' .tt l · kad in t hl' parade .; :111d p:l~l'allt~ ht·catt:-l' ,,j l)ttr alphaiH·ti ral dt· :..i)..!natit~n " .\nterict" '"hirh pbrc.·d 11~ at tltt · ltt·.td Pi tlh· litll'. Th:tt was tht.· fl'<htltl \\' l' \\l'l't' ah\a\ . . tir-t . Thl' jamhpfl'l' \\:l .... prtlhahh· thl· brg .. -.t dt·nwnstratiun t~i uniftl'd \\'tlrld hn,tlh·!·hood that the natitlll:.. ni thl.· \\' t~rld h:t\'l' t'\'t'r witllt'"="l'd and a itlltllcl.ttillll "·'~ laid ft,r inll·rnatillll,d ~ll11d \\ill that should lw;t r tllllt·h i ruit .in the yt·ar .. i·l · ~till the NORTH SHORE TROOPS club~ North Shore Area Council A ttgulu ftatutt p11g1 ptlparttl Hch WHit bfJ mtmben ol th1 BofJ Scout Pttu Scouts Always .E njoy . ~wimming . "Duty" Several Leaders Added to Council During Past Week A number of leaders registered during the pa ~t week: Se· a Scout Ship 29 ni Epi~copat church, Kenih,·orth, David T. Sandns. il7 Kent road, Kenilw{)rth. ~I r. Sanders had con~iderable seaiaring experience in the navy during th~.: \\·ar and comes to his position we 11 prepared. Samuel C. Daniorth, Springtield avenue, Deerfield, first mate . ).lr. lJ;llliorth has likt\risc had experienct \\'ith ~ailing vessels on the Ea ste :· n . cpast. Troop Comlllittce oi Troop 29l~obcrt ~1. Burns, chairman; \\'. H. \\' illiams. \\' illiam 11. Smyth<.:, \\'alter :\. Cillttt, the Rev . Leland ll. Daninrth. · ~ca ~cout 'hip oi (~hrist churcl1, \\ 'innctka. Ralph ~L Jaeger. Sli I la\\' thorn lane, \\'i nn<:tka, skipper. ).Jr. Iaeger i~ a graduate oi :\nnapolis and :. . cr~· ecl at the Creat Lake s Training station in 1917-1918. Troop committee of T_roop 26-the Rc\· . H. ~l. \\'a;·d , the HcL E. A:,h)cy Gerhard. Elm~·r Baker, Jr. Troop 14, Christ church, \\'innetka, scoutmaster, \fag n u:.. Thnmpson, 1144 Lake aYenuc . }..1r: Thumpso n registers a~ Scoutma~ter nt the new tr oop at the Christ Epi scop ..d church in \\'innctka. · He is a college l!raduatc and by profession an architect a-;. ociated with the firm oi Benjamin H. ~Iarshall. Troop committee l)i Troop 14-- the Rev. H. ).1. \Yard, chairman; E. \V. }...[c~l ullcn, the Rev. 1·:. AshleY Gerhard. Troop .?5. Episcopal church, Ckncl.W, :'Coutmaster. \\' ilbur L. \\'alter, 312 N. Central avenue, Chicago. ~fr. \\'alter rc~isters as the scoutmaster for the nC\\' troup at the Episcopal church in l.lencoc. He has a record oi succ<.:. sful experience a. a scoutmaster in the Chicago cnuncil. Troop committee cf T~oop I-t--Orval Simpson, chairman: the Rc\·. ] ohn Coolidge. George J. Finck. Robert F. Doepcl. who has been scoutmaster of Troop 17, regi sters a:; deputY cotmnissioner of Troop 24 1t Sarred If cart church in H ubbarcl \ \' ood::'. There are a large number of hnYS in the parish ~chool and \\'h~n Trnnp 24 is \Yell under \\·a~· a second 1roon " ·ill he organized. likC\\'i:-e a ·t roo~) nf Sea Scouts . · ~wim111ing i~ (llll' nf thl' nutstanding actirities i11 :-ummt.·r ~cout camps . The ~orth Shun· :\rt·a rounril is iortunate in ha\·ing an t.·xrellent hl'ach at Camp jla - Ka -Ja - \\ 'a tl whne tlw SrPuts raYort during the ,·acatiun nwnth~ . .\b(H'l' i~ typical ni tHJr ~Ctlllh dt1i11g "dut~· " 111 the suri. 'l'hl' fnllo,\'ing ne\\' Scouts wrrc \\Tlinto thl' council duri:1g the p3st :\i tn tltl' rity-\\·idt' public court l" f \\\.'t'k. making- a total oi 1.141 ~c o uL: ht~nLH tn h(' stagNl inr \\ ' ilmt·ttc at Trnop 14, \\'innctka Chri . t churchtilt· St 11 J11 ,cJ 1 e~nl thi~ Satu rday night. l'aul ~auer, George \lc~tulkn \\'illiam . ~lrl;adzcan. Hichard Kaulback. \\'alker 1 ! ktt 1ht.·r 1 ' . thl·r~,· \\'Ill he four new ll'tbl'tl. Fred Homann. ~filton DethlL)ff, t·Jgk ~ct1llh in thl' :.:-nrth ~hore :\re:t ·Barney Doak: Troop 26. Sea Sco'.tt l'tlllttri!. _lnt'tllt' :\l·,· i 11 ~. Fred Robin- I Ship of Christ church. \\'innetka-F l,,111. l'attl ~tl'l'lll.'l'. and c 11 rdlln Cutltr. llll'r Bakl'r. Frank Hilpert. Thom<l" .I oh;tn-;cn. Toni Larsen, Bill Pa ,- ~.·y . Tlti :-. ra11k i. . tlw hiL:I tt·:-t in Sro11ting. Bartl.ln Smith. · Ra_ ,. Oa,·is: Troop 29. thualh takinL: 1\\, ., 11r three n·ars of ~ea ~cout Ship of Episcopal church of lt:trd - \\tlrk · t11 :tt'rn tnpli . . h. · The.;t:! 1-\l'nihn)rtlt joel Dickin:--on. Jack ~~· ·1111 . . h:t\1' t':tlllt'd :t t k;,,t 1\\l'llt\' llu\\t'. Bill Stllythe. Dick Schucttg '-·· · 'lll' tllc r it h; td~v-. . httt llltll't' than th~tt l 'ar kton ~rhrtleder. Ed Sample. Bni) the,· lt;l\ 1 ' , Jt,l\\ 11 l't llll'l'l' t 1.' ~·,· id~.· nr·_· :\I at hiL':-t)Jl, Cenrgt· ( :illett. Robert tlln h. t\~~· l't'lllt ittllt'd ttl p11t in Burns: Tn)np 2:1. Ckncne Episcopal 1 th;tt CO Ill<'. prartirl' tltl· idt-.tl-.. :tnd principles of rltnrch :\!bert Bl.·nennti. .-\lhcrt ":\tl\\ tlut I h. t' l' ;trri\ ct! :tt !ttl'! It' I tltt· ~l't'llt ll. ttlt and ]a,,: t hat the,· :\ irt1lazzi. \\' eclo Sehben. Jt)e Coridini. tlw Pill' thitt~ th :t ! l'l'tllaith in Ill\ mitt h:t\'t' tn:tintainvd :tn acti\·l· -;l· n· i~·~· !(:- ~l·hastain Coriclini, Joe ~accn. Charles is the Ltct .tlt.tt .\llll'ril·:t ll ill't. tll;tk·.· btit'll:..hip t1' :-:c,ltttitt~: :tnd tlt ;tt thly hc.·r nwn c.t"C' ltlr intl'rn;ttitlll:tl pca,·l· h:t\'l' lll;Hk ; 111 t'lltlrt t11 dl'\'l'ltljl :Ill l Dast ic, Ted Offut. Ste,·c "\[arinctti, Ct·orge S;trnck. Battisto Dignclw, John hl' furl' t l 11 · h a r l 1 1 t h c " l 1 r 1d . \\ l' ... Itt 1 1tl, I ,ll'lllllll "rat v k; tdl·r~ hip ability. l.azzrrl'ta. l~og-n Bro\\'11. Loui:' Sehht·'l, not :trguc ;ut\' lnnl.!lT :thl'l tt tht· ~tt T r 1 1n I' 3 , 11. : It l' \ \ · i It nc t k \! l't h 1 HI i :- t I~ a \'llll1tld DL· :\!art ini. Tnh 11 De ~I artini. prt'tllal:~. ui .\11Jt·ric·a h11t . . llllttld Clltl rcntratl' lltl :trhil'\'t'llll' tlt and hrt ,t lll'r ch urch prl· ~~·ttt-- _lt·rnnJt· ~n·i n~. a . \l <il., Bnthdld. \\'ilsot; Rankin. l.l'mar hood . :\ riti;ren:-hip rl';llly i11r :'l'nicl.' Sc~1ut :--inrt' .\pril. Jl).?i. He earn~ · l !Iauck. l.~.·rn, · ~l' ahrnn. l.t'lln:trd T1rc., \\·P, I nne. Jli.?K. and his liic :\rt Da~tic. ·numi Bianrhl' . and w11lin~ t11 l' '\ tend t h~.· lt:uHl tH. il·l- hi, :-;tar rani.; irt _ 1 low~hip i,· thl· ~rl' : tte--t ~ uarat ttl'l' th :tt 1 in Sl'Jlll'llthcr. l >.?K. ,,·ith t\\· l· nt\·-~) nc ·nin..; is no·.\· LONG LONG TRAIL tht' world c.111 lt;t\ l' ,,{ :1 n:ttit)ll·, rt· :tdt -j tnt·rit h:~tkt· . . . :-: r,lllt Tr (l\)j).? llt '~lt..' nt·s~ tt) :-h:trl· tht· rt· . . p,lthihility 11i ; '1_, 'l'lli(lr ll:tt~- ~~t k;idl'l' . ! :\nt~thn \fa -Ka-la - \\'an ia\·pritt' l t<·rn:ttil'lt.tl Jlt'.ll'l.' and ~tl11d will." I \\ ' iltnl'ttl' l'tlll !.! l't · · . t ti t~rtal rhurch st..·nds Tltnc's a ll11lg, lnng trail a-windin .~· inrt!J ( ·:~~rdtl ll l'tt~ 'L':- 11i tltl' l';l!-!ll· rank. ! 11t11 the camp l)i m,· dream:..: Tlti . . tr.~ ~ ~P tt11\\ Ita . . ti\l' : td{,~- l.':lt.!k the l.'\·ening's. camllfitT':- gl r·:-ttll Wilmette Troop 2 Holds :-:r~,ut.... . (~.~~-d~~n has hl.·~.·n an arti,·c \\ ' hnl.' tng, Fourth October Meeting ~n,ut . . inrv \I ; 1 ~ · J().?(l. t erl·iring his .-\nd thl.' white 111\Hlll hL' attl'. :-tar ill ~1;1,. Jll.?i. :tlld liic ill luh·. I().?t). Twop.? til \\ ilttll'ttl' ktd it..; i,1urth 1ft· is a ~Cllttt liil· ~ttard " ·itit t~\. t' llt\· · Tht' rt·'lJ hl· long, l(lng 111Pilth:- 111 " ·ait ing. meeting ( )(·~t~hn K at the Fir:-t l'on- l\\11 mrrit h:ui.L:l" · P:tnl S·t crncr irntn grq.:atiun:tl, chttrt·h :1t 7 : I.:; p. 111. lrt~np -t !tt tilt· ::-1 . \11 gust inc rl1t1n:h. l'ntil tll\- drl'ams all l'lllllL' trttt' rJa· trl·IIJI \\,1, l'. tJI :d to t'IHJcr f·)r \\ ' i]ml.'ttl'. h:t-. ht'l' ll ;\11 actin· ~Ct);!t 'Till thl' da,· \\'hl'n I'll he )..!tlflll.!' in . ptrtitlfl It \\ ,t-. tltt'll di,itkd intt) :iincc :\t)\'l'ltthn. Jl).?(l, and tW\\. Ius Dtl\\'11 tht1~l' (11d ramp trail:- \\'ith \'l'~ll. two gruup . . , t1 Jl t' ).!rii\IP :-tlld}·ing "tin-:t hn·nl\ -Pnc ntnit ha<kc:-;. 1t wa~ Dl.'aid whill.' til~.· t·tltn )..!J'llllJI did it . . :.!Old ·~·crnlH: r. l 1>2i. when hl'. l!t't his star and ishl.'d their ment badge \\nrk. Three t~.trn h\' p;tllllltl).! ·q'IIJlt' 11i till' Sttnda:v· _lnh·. 19.?14. \\ hl.'ll ht· g't).t hi..; liil.·. This t)i thl.· lllw~ art' nH~ntb't'r::' of the Order school rhair... . I trl1op nll\\' has thn·~· arti\'t> eagle tli the .\ i·rt'l\\·. tilL' ramp ltunnr ft!atl'rnTnm l.iH·: , \\ :1' tht·tt :t""igttcd t11 tht· ~Ctlttts . Frt·d 1\nhitt :'nn frtl11l thl.· \\'il - tt\· . lt'rtainh· the,· hin-e all demonPant~l_t·r pat; ·d alld l'.lld !l ,dftnan t<· ml'ltc ~rt·~~>ytt·ria~t rhurrh, at a.cti\'e ~t-rall'd kadl~rship training and ability 1 the.· Stlvn r t l \ I 1··ao 1t·r Ill I rtHIJ\ ·" h.ts hl't' ll a ::--ct)\~t as ,n·ll a~ their pledge to the Scout -- J{ohet t Fktd~t· r. Trt)tlp.? l~qwrtl· r. since January, 1927. June, 1928. b ugl:t oath and law. Three other Scouts alo;o I h1111 h i ~ !'! t a r a \\' a r d a n d ~I a r r h. 1929. honor ram per!' at Camp )..[a-Ka- JaDon't forgt·t tht· \\.ilml'th' Cllllft L'lf hi..; lift' award. He ha:' twent\·-fo~tr \\'an are ready to receive their eagle . Honor at ~tolp ~l hoot at 7 :30 thi:-> mnit h:tdgl'~ tn hi:' credit. rank at their local court this mont~1. Saturday C\'l'ning, Oct. ll)th . Come It is an intacsting and significant They are Ben Brion, Troop 23, Glenand g~t your ath·anr<.'lllt'nt and Camp fact that all of these Scouts were coe: Fred Reichardt. Troop 33, HighMa-Ka -)a - \\'an a\\ank Spnial ramp hont)r rampc.'r~ at Camp Ma-Ka-Ja- land Park; Bruce Kenyon, Troop 45, program planned. \\'an thi~ summer where they all fin- Lake Forest. l'lllllt'd Four h_,agle Scouts Jfr ill Take · wing at T¥il1nette Saturday Forty-Seven New Scouts Registered During Week II Garnet and Company Loan Scouts Room for Meetings Carnct and company of Glencoe has loaned the Scouts of (;lencoe an empty store room in the basement t() fix up ·and use for Press club meeting. . Th·~ boY~ haYt made a desk out pf boxes ancl are goi ng to decorate the walls . Tn thi ~ ronm .cYcry Thursday afternoop at 3 :30 Mr. :M c ~fan us he 1 p s them with Press l:ltth-troop news. He also brings hadgl.'S , handh()oks ancl supplies for the troop. Garnet's arc now official outfitters and carry complete stork of Scout equipment, so all Glencoe Scouts should buy there. , -Boh Moulton~ Troop 22, GlcncO"· ASK M£ ANOTHER \Vhv was Chtlstopher Columbus a farmer? Because he plowed the seas and planted his foot on American soil. \Vhy is dead hen better than a live one? Because she wilt lay wherewr vou put her. What month has twenty-eight days? All of them.

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