Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 26

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26 W I L ~ E T T E' L I FE October 18. 1929 II ljl r ill !I Your Photograph or miniature, colored by us, ts sure to be a Work of distinction. Special Miniatures 8 xI 0 Portraits ( In Colors l Purp.le Gridders lVI eet Gophers at .Stadium Satu'rday :\ort lnn'st<:rn and ).1 innesota engage in thL·ir thirteenth gridiron battle this Saturda\· at Dyche Stadium and tht: nutrc·lllL." will be clo~<:ly watched by tilt: l\1g TetL . . . Tl1e Puqdl' mack a :;urpn~111g illcl at.;ain:-t \\. iscon~in's Badger~ . :\nn . . . ~·i · th ~..· critic:' had figurt:d Cuarh 1laniL·y to be able to match the . trcngth oj Cknn Thistktll\\'aitc':-; army ni hu~ky player:>. hut h~ ~ent an in spi r~..·d ~cam 1\ll the fiL·Id that wuk command tll tht: :-ituatinn ;1t the start and tln· ~..·r cntc~..· \, ~l, i11 'L. r iu u :=. cl a 11 g c r u t I>l' i 11 L;" "L" 1 ·r c d \"1·rti1\\ L'~tcrn :-u!It..:red till' IP s., nt llank Hruckr in the third pcri1 d. gruder "a-; carried irnm the field \\ ith a hrPh·n k~. I li:=. ln..;:; will put the \\.i lckat-. right hack int11 thl' ria..;:- ni unklltl'.\ II" in their iuturL· hattk-. . ( >11 tilL· iau oi thing-. it k;,)k.., gl110111\ i11clLTd iur thc: Purple . Brurkr \\·a:; the ktrkh~lll\.' 11i the \"ortlnn~:-.tc rn team's t l l"f~..·JhL'. I fe wa-. a :=.ma~hing nmm·r c~tl ti lL' :ll·klo and a .L!01)(l I"l' l'l' i\·l· r 11i illr \\ a r d p a ...... L' .; . I I i ;-; k ic k i 11 g i n Ill' ... ernnd quarter again..;t the 1\adl!cr . , ,,;t" phl-11llllH:nal. a-. he :;ent itltlr !J , H)t.., in -.ucCL'""inn out ni bound:=. \\ ithin til1· ti,·c Yarrl line . ( )tl deiL·n:=.c Bruder had an ~u;:anm· ~ tbl' i1)r dete cting tile di rl'Clllil1 ni a pJa,·. . \h,ay:-; hL· "a" at till' tHlint ni attack . l1 Jltlll. . il I I t II I I ,, II II ,, I j, $12.50 $20.00 These pnces are for the mor;th of October II JosEph D. To1off Our Photographs Live Forever 518 Davis St., Evanston Univ. 2178 Ranked with Best For Gifts and Prizes ,,, Picture the choicest of fruits stuffed \\·ith pecans and rolled 1n sugar candied pineapple and cherries. surrounded in artistic design \\'ith huge salted Schley pecans, almonds. cashe\VS and filberts-all \Vith that flavor that delights and tickles the palate. A beautiful box-an exquisite arrangetnent of the most delicious delicacies imaginable. · FOR GIFTS 1\ND PRIZES COME TO THE IIDIL>bY IIDOY Nut l(,itchenEVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF For·a Gift that Pleases .ri w - .. Bruckr "· a~ ,,·ithnut a clouht a" gi.HHI a-. an,· i>aL"k in ti1L· l'nitecl ~tatL·:;." ,aid l'Par h llanl Y. '"IIi..; mlrk a~ain..,t J) a r u 111 lll t h Ia ~ t :-~·a:- un and hi::- p ~..: r inrmance against \ \' i:-cnn:-in ~at urd;ty · mad~.· up ju:;t a -.ample ui what that ill)\" mi .~..;!Jt have acr ompli-; hecl a..; the :;ea..;1111 \_\11re on. lie played inuthall i11r the love of the gam..: .' ' .-\1 ~r ou re will likely be tt-.ed ~ ~~ Bruder':- po:,itinn. Thi;-; "ill 1nean a nmnhn l.)i \\'itchL·., in thL: \\"ildcat hackt1eld iL)rce·. ~I ()L) re ha~ been the -.eL"ond choice iullhack tl) Rt~:- ~ B~rg herm. Hanley ila~ no othc:r nut-andout iullback c~ndidatc tn till the gap :-u hl' \Yill grt1L)lll · Calden,·oocl and \fonre to be ready to :;tcp in ii Bergherm is injured. The change . made necessary hY 13ru<ler's injury will put. tht: ,-er atilit\· oi the \\'ildcat hack:-; t1.1 the acid test-. Joilnnv Haas, \Yho ha · hetn :;ubbing f~r Lee. Hanley at quarkrback. will he drilled to take Calderwoocl'~ po:\ition at right halfback if the btter i::; injured or i~ shifted to full. Hanley praised the effort::; of his \\ "ildcab against \\"i scon:=.in and cxcu:t:d those who got into the game frnm practiu Jf on day. He used on.b· three ~uhstitutrs in the line and mo~t oi the inrwards took a lot ui punisJ;":" ment. The others \\Tr~: giHn a light \Hl r~~ ,ut and a chance to lnok Ln'er !'Omt.: Llt the :\{inne~ota plays. ThL· .. n .. team tried it::; ~Iinne;-;lHa inrmatinn:; against the \·arsity later in the \\ eek . Coach Ru:=.nes::;' lllt'll hav~..· i>l'L'n working on the Gopher plays tl)r tw11 \\"cek::; a1Hl tried se,·cra l of them riut in their game with Carroll CL)lk~L· at \\.auke:;ha Ja-;t Saturda\·. Squad in Good Shape X t1 r t h w L' stern's squad w iII I> t' h l't t e r f1ttcd ph~·sicall~- tn meet the Copllers -barring the loss nf BrtHkr-t han the\· \H'rc again:-t ~fadi :;nn. J ·~ghert will still he nut at end. hut Gl)ll\·a appears to he ready tn ~L'Sttme at right encl. and 1·:\·ans' fnot slllluld hi.' ht'akcl sut"ricit'llth· tt1 nermit !tim tt) iacc ti~e rnhust X )rthmen at guard. Egb~rt's t\risted knee may keep him idle until t hL' I IIi nnis f rae as. Baker':-; in i l'Ctcd sh~)ulder i~ healing rapidly unckr et111stant care. . t1 ........ Xortlm·estcrn dcfe.t4MrtM'tnn esota 1~\· a :-.core of 10 to 9 in') t---fear's battle at Ih·che stadium. r 'i ~alderwood's 70-Ya~d run for a tit own in the first quarter was · moment in thl' game. . ·~ NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING 519 3006 DAVIS ST. Give Billy Bot~ s 0 pen Et·enin~s Till 10-SundaJ'S 11 to 8 r ·

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