Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 25

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October 18. ·1929 WILMETTE JUNIORs. PLAN HIKE j T~e Junior Hikers~ organization of K~mlworth hoys under Roy Scout age. 1 wtll meet this Frida,· afternoon in the gyt11nasium at the J ~scph Scars school at 3:45 o'clock. Plans for another hike will be discussed. and there is to he a knot-tying contest between the ni;1c clubs wl~ich make up the Junior Hikers organization. ------. ~Irs. Lester \\'ood oi the Oak Crest. l~vanston, formerh- of \Yilmette. and Mrs. James d'\\'oli Archer, also of E,·anston. left 'l'm·sda,· to clrivt tn Biloxi and Gulfport. ~·iis~. The,· will visit the former\ <laughter. ~fis:-; Helen. \dlll h::> . ' "Ill "t···<l Lll)<)tl ll"t· fir .~t , .e"r n '" ..... ... " ' (\ at Culi Park rollegc, Guliport . · -o~amucl ll . ~lnorc. lr .. :-on ui ~fr. and ~frs. S. H. \lonrc.' iOi Laurel an' qut·. wlw is attl'nding Dartmouth cnl~cge, h~s been pledgl'd tn Psi l'psilon 'j lratermty. r LIFE 25 Oak Park Gridders M ar N · T · H opes I Or 1929 Championship Xew Trier High school's hope for another Suburban league football championship took a ver~' decided drop last Saturday when the boys from · Oak Park. sti ll stinging from a 19 to 0 heating inflicted hy t\ew Trier last · " ear, swept the north shore lads off their feet. 19 to 7. That the i\cw Trier team was outplayed is not to he disputl:d. Oak Park made ~(J5 yards in scrimmage to 154 for ~ew Trier. Tlu~ nHmhcr oi first downs , made was 1-t to 8 in Oak Park's faror. Capt. ~~ ccnan of Oak Park ,,·as poisn11 to ~e,,· Trier. He scortd two oi Oak Park's touchdowns, n11e of them " ·ithin fi\T minutes aitl'r thl: opc11ing kicl~off. Tom I licks. \:e,,· Tril'r's captain. played a gn·at game .at right hali. J lis ptlnting a\·cragcd about fnrtY -fi\'e Yards and he wa:-. a consi!'ltcnt gt:tllllHl gainer. Tlwmp~on and Connor also !--hrm·cd up well in the hackflcld f~r \:ew Trier. wllilc Cullen. Cl·ntn. ancl Ogan. right guard. shone hrighth· in the line. · · \:ew Trier mack it:.. biggl':-.t ],id fnr ,·ictory in the third quarter. Capt. 'l\m1 Hicks thrc\\' a pass to \\.olf. :\t·,,· Trier lrit end, from tl.!c fort\' yar;l line. \\'nli grabbed it on the t\\'CiltY-ft,·e Yard line and raced o\'er the Oak- Park ·goal line ior a touchdn\nl. \\'oltn place kickc·d ior the l'Xtra point. . It ~\as also in the third quartt:r that :\ ew Trier lnst a ~econd opportunit\· tn score b~· inchc~ . \:n,· Trier had the IJall un Oak Park·~ one Yard linetirs.t dtnnl and l)nly (ollC to g<1- but the hall n ·n ' rted to Oak Park aita an · off..,ide pcnalt \' ior \: t ' \\. Trier and iour unsucL-cs..,iul 'atttmph to catT\' it across the gp;tl line. l't>ach :\:-.chenhach !--Ubstitutcd n.:pta ttdl~· in an dTort to ·stan: off a \: cw Trier ddt at. hut to no a ,·ail. \:n,· Trit·r·s pa:-.~ing attack also was not up ttl !'-tandard. Oi fr1urteen atttmpted pa:-.~<:s, fin: \\Tre complete and thrcl: were intercepted. The lineup: U;tk l'al'l\(l!t) .J,u~n::;un BIJACK WALNUT, VANILLA 'A ND ORANGE BISQUE ICE CREAM Full Quart Brick There Is a Hydrox Agency Ncar Your Home ..~ . YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT THE BROWN· FURNITURE CO. The North Shore's Fines't Furnitut·e Store. 1460 SHERMAN AVE. ..r . EVANSTON . TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR. NEW! A GENEROUS ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD LIVING ROOM, BEDROOM OR DINING ROOM SUITES No\v is the time to trade your ol~ Living room, Bedroom or Dining room furniture ·for new. Why wait to fix up your home, when you can buy now at these low prices, and pay out of your income. Call University 6300 for an appraisal. L. 1.::. 1·1Iess1Jach 1 lat'l'is L. L. I· ... I ·~ot:-:\\'lol'th \\'itHlt.'t'kl'!' Emer:-;on Sdwt·n LfJYt'tl T!urtoll lL 1:. 1!. Q. L. .:\t:\\' Tt·il'r ('i) Lilldo..:trt·lll, \\'olf T. LorL·nz, l'a!'lt: r Li. Atwuud, !Juyl:-:t<·n 'ulleu U. (.lg;tll, .:\l'!Hdd T. I ~udtolph , St--llt ·ry E. S('hl'nl'llt ·l', ..\lann 1: . \\'tdtt-t;, lla:..:ldns f'aul:..:en, Clabaugh :\Jillt-r . n. II. Jlick:..: (f'.) ..\JE·t>nan (C.) F. n. TIHomp:-:1111. ('onnor , ~O\JC·hdrown!-:-:\lt · Pl1flll (~). Lro\·l'tt. \\-olf. I f·lllts :tftt'r toul'IHlown:-: :\ft·t·nan. \\'l·ltt·l'. Jr. Eatt~n, Lind B. ED OUTFIT ($35.00 Value) Coil spring Mattress and Metal bed, complete. Only 22 to go at $26.85 OPEN ARM QUEEN ANNE CHAIR Maroon Gridders Meet Ripon-Indiana .Teachers \\.ith a highly satisfactory confer· <:nee Yictory o\·er· Indiana · to their cr~dit. the up and coming ~[aroon g·nddcrs \Yilt iace ]~ipon and Tndian:l State Teachers on Stag-g ' Field Saturda.'·· October 19. at 1 :-l.=l o'clock. l~ipon l;-~st year upset the Chicago team 12 to 0. and on Saturda~· defeated CorneJl coll ege of Iowa. 33 to 0. th e tirst time in the hi story of the ~fi<hrrst Conference that the V\'isconsin team was able to turn the trick. The Indiana team is coached hv "\\ally" :~larks. former Lindblom C!nrl Chtcago star. His team won ]a t week and its double-wingback attack cause the Maroons some difticulty. Stagg's team should win both games, on the showing it made last week against Indiana. hut Ripon \vill und.oubtedly make plenty of trouble. Capt. "Red"~~· ·who last year ran 70 yards. a~ .>.~Jhe Maroons for a !ouch dow~, · · · i of the best back<; m the M td ., ·.it, and AI Mangen, the smallest ' . ·on the squad, has done spectac ~rk against Wisconsin ~nd C 1 ~ WINDSOR. CHAIRS A wonderful assortment of Windso· .; hairs in Mahogany or Tudor finish. Rust or wood seats. All types. ·' DAY BEDS ($35.00 Value) "'iJi A day bed opening to full size bed, with 30-lb. cretonne covered pad, pull-over type. A real buy at . . . . . . . . . . .D · Cl.'23 85 Open Arm Queen Anne chair of Solid Mahogany, seat and back covered in Tapestry or Damask. $27.85 3 FLOORS DEVOTED TO QUALITY FURNITURE ff:..

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