Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 23

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October 18. 1929 W I L M E T T E' L IF E 23 \Vilmett e while attending the wedding oi .Mi ss Fern Older and Harold Lundberg, which t ook plac e last Saturday evening. "Daddy" flood Returns Bayreuth Wagner Festival Will Begin July 22, 1930 From Extended Trip; The Bayreuth \Va gne r festival oi Plans Another Jaunt 1930 will begin on ] uly 22 with "Ta nn J. :\. "Daddy" Hood n[ lOG Sixth st rt~d. 88 years . young, i~ hark hume after clcyen we eks of tranl \\'hich wok him to his farm lauds in Iowa and way up into th e northea st corner of the country whert· he attetHkd th e national etH:ampmL·nt of hi~ ht·)n,-cd (~. :\. H. '·Daddy" spen t ~<liiH' titHe (ltl hi:-; iarm in Carrnll count,., Tt l\\';t, and later ,·isi l'd in Lin coln , :\ch. Hack ttl \\ .ilmcttc for five day s. he · ltt·ttdl'd t:a!-.t,,·anl hi s first nbjcctin.~ l>ting Portland, \l .l'., tilL' scene ni tht· l'iril ,,·ar \'C tcran :o\' tncampment. Latn he !-. topped 0\Tr in Bo!-otntt, J:ufLtiP . . \1hany, and \'isifed a so11 at Elkhart. Ind ., before proceeding ht)ll)l'. :\!ready the rugged \Ttt·ran i-. planning to make a \\'inter trip ttl his natin.: h(':ttlt i11 the nltlllJltttiJJ:- tli \U.'~tl'rn \"nrth Carolina. hauser" and will end on Augu st 21 \\·ith "Parsifal." Two comP.lete rwr formances of the "Ring" are scheduled. fin: performances each of "TaJmhawcr " and "Parsifal." and three of "Tristan." In celebration of Siegiril'd \\'agne r' s sixtieth birthday, "Tannhq.nser" " ·ill ha\'e a n ew se.ttin g. The co nduct ors i nr thl' iestiral will be Toscanini. ~I ich and Elmendorff. For the 11r:-t time in histt~ry the opera~ will be radio!=ast. HERE FOR WEDDING ::\Ir. and ~Ir s. Jame s Older and their daughter, and :\Irs. Bertram Older, of Portage, \ Vis., spen t last week-end in EDITH BIDEAU NORMELLI I Teacher of Voice with degrees Bac'helor of Music and Bachelor of Arts Enr. oll Now for Fall and Winter Studio Building, r 7 r8 Sherman Ave., Evanston Phones : Studio : Greenleaf 3523 Residence : Univusity 7278 I .... British Poets Have Sport With Contemporary, Bach :\prop os remarks made in thl' British · .\tu sirian and Mu sical \"L·ws nf Septi:·lllhc r. concerning the former English pronmH.:iation nf Bach's name, two hits of n·rse Wl're (juoted. harlc., Lamb writes in his "Free Thoughts 01 ~onH" Fm inrn t C11mpn~rr<' tht: ft~1ltiH·ing couplet : f H tJidd not ,l!!l iflllt' mill'~ t tl \ 1~1t ~clJa..;tian Bach (nr Hatch. which 1.; it :) :\ nd hi~ ct'll t l'll l pora r y. Leigh Hunt, ha-. in the · f1 0 t.: 111 ralkd "The Fancy l\m et rt" : ( >i1. trul~. \\· :1' !tal.' · he ar d t h l'l t a nd ( ~L· nnan~·. \f vl tH I\·'s heart and thv ri r h brain t)i harmuny; l'un· Pai\·ic llo, \\·hose airs are as new, T !J t l l ll!h \\ L' kll\1\\' the!ll IJ\' heart. a..; ~ 1a y hI o :- :-ulll :- and d c ',~ ; :\ 11 d nat ur v· . ; t \\in " ll. Perg< dc~i; :u Hl Uach. ( Jld i:llht·r oi Fu!-!tll' ', \rith !Jj ., t·ndl<:s::; Ii 11 t' t :t Ik . I.L' JLdl llu 11 '-aid " larmam·," and n idt·n t 1.\ l 'l'l >Ill llll trcd JLch ·· Jb \\· k." CHICAGOAN 1 Tri-Ship Club to Hold F rosh Reception Oct. 24 The Tri-Ship Bt,y:-' club <'i ::\t:\\ Trier I ligh . choo l will IHdd it..; annual rccc.:ptiL)n i >r ire:-hmcn lhl\' :- Thur~da\· , Octubt·r 2-L This \\·ill i>c the fir~t 111l'ctinJ.! oi th e Tri-Silip club \\'hiclt fre-.lltnen bu\·s are al lO\rl'd tn attend. Tlw :-l JL·ake r \\·ill he I Ial T nt ten, spo rt~ writn ior the Chical!o Dai h· \"t\\· ~ and radin !-.Pl'rb announcer ior \\' \LVJ. the Daih· : \ t\\':-, sta ti t)Jl. Fntntai:lment will also b' imni . hed h,· :-l'\·era1 nH:mbcrs oi th e :\ ew T ric.:r facult\·. Ct·or.l!e Darlin g is in charge Pl arran~l·ments inr th t? affair. COMMENCE SUPPER DANCES Im portant o n the soc ia l rakndar nf the ,,.rL· k is the formal ope nin .~ o f th ~ main din ing r oom of th e Drake o n Oct n her 19. f n r t h c fi r s t o f t h c w i n t a -..erie::; oi Saturdav suppl'r danc ec;. Tables will he lai (f in the Aisle of l'altJh, as well as in the dining roo m, under the g i<)W ni rainbow curtainli gh t s and shaded candles. ~1u s ic is to be 1)\· Chapman's orche!-.t ra. About a th nus.and g uests f r(lm Ch icago, the ~ uhurhs and nearby midwest ci~ics make attendance at this c1pening an annual Suits and Topcoats qor e5t;'le atid E"ro!IOIII)'·Jeeking Ghicagoans- :JX.Ething .t:jJ:e Them ~~ I - - - --·--- - "Chicagoans" are incomparable. uChicagoan~" are the Clothes that ha,·e established a new standard of value and smartness at moderate prices. "Chicagoans" are for college men, young business men and older men- in a ran6e of styles and patterns that you .will not find equaled anywhere. cJuits With ene or Two Trousers THE~~)HUa custom. ., . BACK FROM HONEYMOON ::\{r. and ::Mr:-i. \Villiam Salter (Ccn:-: tance ] or dan ) returned the early part of this we ek fr om the South wh ere the\' had been on a honeymoon journe v for two weeks. Th ey visited ~ir s. Sa-lt er' s sister and. her family, th e ] oh n ~f cCartys, formerly of \Vilmette, hut no\\· re sident s of Lakeland, Fla . HE~RY C. LYTTON ·& SONS ~~ E ~.:anston Shop 0 pc.n Tttesday, Thursday and Saturday Eveninf}s Evanston Sllop ORRINGTON AND CHURCH -='I. F. Footb::tll Tickets on Sn le in Our Evanston Shop

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