Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 17

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..... October 18, 1929 WILMETTE" LIFE 17 ....... GIVES REClT AL TUESDAY Mich. apples - Weal~hy, Alexander, Marie Morrisey, contralto, is to give \Vol£ River varietis-A and B sizes: ~ recital in Orchestra Halt Tuesday also delicious canned raspberries, evening, October 22, at 8:15 o'clock. canned cherries, cherry cider, and This program is given under the din~c apple cide r at wayside store near NORTH SHORE C EM E T E R Y ~Y P. H. one asks, "What is good music?'·' tion 'o f Hertha Ott, Inc. GREENHOUSES on Green Bay Road. The Shawnee Countn· club membe:s There i. onh- one sound answer, savs Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Pence, 826 For- Open evenings. enjoyed the first of a se rie s of art the magazine: "The music that la st..; exhibits under the dircction o f Mrs. with you lt i ~ a :' tthjcctivc an swer. est avenue, returned the carlv part of Charles Denni s o f E\·an~ton 011 Sun- · cc rtaii1ly ," it sa'ys, "hut no other is this week from Philadelphfa \\·here da.\·. October 13, at 3 o'cloc k. iollowed possible. lf the · music we give atten- the:v had been attending the \\.orld 1)\· a mu sicale giv<.·n 1)\· ~[ r :-;. Alvelh: tion to wears out quickly it is for us Series games. l~c ssc .~uie. contralto, an(l ~1i ss Fra'nrc s bad mu s i~.; , \\·hether written by T o m, Anderso n oi \\'innctka, piani~t. the brother of Dick and Harry, or by Highest Grade . It ·· th e yo un g musician with the latest 1 1 wa . a mos t >cau~lt ~~ atternoon. complex (~zechoslovakian name. The both \nt~wut, . ~ nd \ntl11n the club 1 compl<.' mcnt an · que stion, 'HaYc I g-ood rnom s. I: all lohage gan'. _ c<1 lor ~tud taste?' wonld - hc answered thus: 'Yc;, ~>rant\' \nthout and .the hnlhant pamt - if you ca n lind the music that la~ts.' mgs on the \Yall s ot thc c lu~> l!allr~l~)!11 If ·,\'l. ca n't cnjo ,· la st inglv the music brought color and beauty ,,- ~t ln .n . I :H· that att r acts u::;. ~'-e haY i)ad. taste ." hou:>c;s of AndcrS(.)ll and () nncn had Drapery and Upholstery Fabric· lmn ,L! t\H'ntY-t\\·n of th e finc~t oi th eir paintin .~s for the 1 .· xhihit, lll<bth· hY ORDER OF MARTHA TO MEET ANTIQUES :\m eric an a rti sts. The: ar tists n·pr~ St. Fr a nci:; H ouseht)ld tif the Order ~l· nted included Ctllin Cllnpl>c ll Conpcr. ni ~brtha \rill hole\ its r q~· ular sewing We specialize in Antique Furniture \\'ith his "Palace Catr. l 'dait)ur··; t:wetin).! at th e IHllllC ()i ~lr s. Ray C. Repairing and Refinishing · l.:l\\TC tl C<.' ).I azzallll\·ich. \\·it h "\.aile,· l'car~ n n, lli Dttp lT plact:, ~1 on day Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order o i I·: 11 c h a 11 t mr n t ·· : Sir :\1 i r c d F;' ~ i. a ite rnoon, ( ktober 21. at 1 :JO o'cloc k. with "~hakcsprare':' Countn·": J. Francis :..r urplw . "La n<bra pr" : ;tncl ~I r. and \f r:-; . Cl·nrgl' \f . Spangkr, Fr ederic ).f. Crant. " ith "l'agoda." ;ui,l iormerh· rr~idcnt:-i t)i Ckncoc. have Highest Grade Upholstering ()thns 11i rqual achieYI ment. rt:turnl·cl t() Dan·nil11rt. Fla .. aitcr a 808 Oak Street Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 DudleY Craft~ \\':tboll t(l(lk the br.l!.<.' Yi . . i1 with nnrtlt -.htll'l' irienrls . !.! l"tlltp oi mt·mher~ and iriL·tHb irtll'l lllll' painting to ;uwthcr. gi ,·ing . . L·h1 d;tr ' h· r(lmnh·nt alllH tt each nne in .\lr . \\ 'at,~~n· . . inimitahll' ~ t , · ll' . '!'hl' picture-, \Yill l1an~ until the ttl'.d l'Xhihit (Ill \:' nn·mhn Hl, when p:tittt im~~ ll\· 1111flh ~hurt· arti~b \\ill Ill' h lllH! nn t h r cl t1 h '\'a Ib. .\ ll!llll ~ t h, "' t' to c:xhihi t 1111 \:'<1\'t'lll llL'r 10. \\ill Ill· l~ud,,Jph [n gTrk. llcnn· I lu hhtll. ;tnd Frank P1: naud. A rrccptitlll i()r tht' cxhil>itt,r . . "ill 1)\ . 1 held at 3 n'd(1ck and aitn ;111 htl\tr 11i cnjontH 'ttt of the pidurc-. t hnc \\ill l>c a mu~ira!c in the rluh li' in g l'<lll!11 . Th<.· Sunda,- aitcrnnnn~ at ~h:t\\lll' l' I prn lll ise to he o i the n n- h ig·hl·:'1 ~~r d cr. ~[ rs. D e nni s. \\'ht' i:- ar ra ngi tH.! tl w art ex hibit s. prnmi~L·:- 1111h· th l· · fiitc~t Pi paintin).!s and (hark~ \\' . Trig ·~ ~ alreath· ha s t: stah li ~ h L· d hint-.L·li 1)\· thl· t·xcclknt prn).!ranb he kt s iurnisl~c·d in the pa st. Art Exhibition. Music That Lasts Is Good at Shawn.ee ·Club Music, This Writer Asserts of Ht.gh ' est Type News The British Musician and Musical answers the question that every- Read the Want Ads 1 UPBOLSTERIMG Cabinet Work H. G. LINDW AL.L 1 1 320 MJC ·HIGAN AVENUE~ NORTH Girl Scouts Dedicate arc remindl'd that the llC\\" (~irl Scnut rtwlll at tht \\T ilmdtc Pari~h ~r ethodi~t rhurrlt will be ded!catcd thi s Sund;l\· aitcrnoun at 3:30 n'c lnck. I mmediatrh· fnllmrin . l! the dedi ca to,·,· ~t.T\· ice. a Scout's (),yn ccrcmnnial will tak e place. Thi:' is a ~c rrire t)i dignitY and ren·n·ncL· in \\ hich l'n ·n · Cirl Scout, regardless 11i rare 11r nn· d. ma~ · participate. The Cirl Sc1·tlt rOtltll i. lnr atl'd in the cduratinnal 1111it Pi t h<.· llt\\· ~ll'l hn<li . ; t churclt huildin .l!. Tlw r110111 ha~ h<.'l' l1 iurni shl'd tint s ta r thruugh 1hc Clllllhined etTnrb ni thl· girb thcnt :' dn ~ and gttt:-; from their parl'll l:' and friends . En·n·tllll' intert..,ted i~ im·itvd !1) at tend thi s :'ig niticant :-vn·il'r. l'a~~~~a~IJ~~"'~~~'~C~Iu~,~~~ I AFTERNOON DRESSES ]ust Arrived The new long uneven skirt with potnt8 or scalloJ?s, and the accepted higher waistlines are featured in tbese .... ( ·' TOUR IN GRAF ZEPPELIN ~I r. and ~~ r-. . Harn· \ ' i ~~t ring, 2.~i Kenil\\-,H·th a\·cnue. han returned tn their hcnne after a n-r\· ddi~htiul trip tn German,· . ~f r . . \"is.,t.rinl! \\'ent to Cermam· ah(lard t.he Crai /~ppelin and ~~ rs. \ ' iss erin.l! iollmrcd a \reek latn 1)\· hnat. Thc .Y spent ahnnt twn week s in (~erlllall\· , \\·hc·rc thC\' Yisitecl J1cr lin. naden-Badcn ' ancl Friedrick shafen . \\'hi lt· there th eY made a tour of S\ritzerland 1)\· air in the Graf Zep pelin. Thrv spent a iew days in Pari-> and th e n sa iled for lwml' o n th e Leviathan from Cherhourg. ~f r. Visscring .SPI2llt a few da~·s in Xew York before returning tn Kenih,·orth hut Mrs. Visserinf! came on immediatelY, returning on Fridav of last ~\'CC k. The entire trip was for a period of one month. chic, new dresses in the pop. . ular French shades of Crepe Morocain. .. . .

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