Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 16

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10 WILMETTE' LIFE October 18, 1929 GIVES BIRTHDAY PARTY DINNER AND SPEECHES Jeanne Frances E,·crhar't, daughter oi An exce llen t di nner, with music, good ' Mr. and :\t r~ . Jatm.'~ \\'. En·rhart ot fe llowship a nd snappy speeches is Ev<.n~t11n. t.'t1tt.'rtaint.·d ~cn-ral oi htr promi sed for Sat urday en:ning's enterat dinnn ·n n Friday uf Ia~t tammcnt at the Universit\· club. Jt at :-'ha\\ nrt club {)tl th~ occ;bion 1 ! ,,·ill he the annual Han·e t -Home dinof hn t\n·litl) birthday. ncr. friend~ Wt.' t.'k Christian Science Churches Women Leaders to Discuss Plans for ·Great Garden Show .... 0 0 L One of the largest gatherings df "Arc ~in, Di case, and Death Reat:·· \\"omei1's clubs repre se ntatives of the " ·as the subject. of the Le :;:-~o n -~c rm o n seaso n will bt: a luncheon to be hdd in the Bal 'fabarin, Hotel Shenllan, o~oc:====~o~oc:====~o~oc:====~o~ol in all Cln. l rche s oi Chri':-,t. ~cicllti:-t, 011 October 19, at noe> n, to \\'hich s ix hun~undaY, Oct{ ber 13. dn:d rc1 re s ·ntatin.::, of· women\ club:-, The Golden Text ,,·a:-;, "In the \ray and garden clubs ha\·t: been im·ited . o f ri g ht~.;ou.:;ne ss i~ liit·: and i1i th ·· The lun'cht:on is tendcrt:d by the pathway th ereof th ere is Ill) death " 1 11·td Sh<.:rman and the Executi\·e comNo nerd t o w o r ry abou t your se lecri o n of carprti ngs. We are p repared mittee ui thc Chicago Carcl<:n and to ca li wi rh J compl ete lin e of new paue rn s and help you make t he (Pron:rb · 12 :28). Fi<J\\·c r ~hll\\·, in \\'hi ch the lllinoi:-- FedAmong the citations ,,·h ich comprised crati(ln ni \\ . unH.:n·~ clubs through it. th e Le sso n-~t:rmon \\·a s the itlll C)\rill .~ ga rden department, \\·ill participate· from the Bible: "\'iolcnce ~hall nu ~farch 2X tn Apt~il 5, 1930. more be heard in thy land. \\·astitlh n ,x Exhibits \Yhich will takt: many destruction wit hin thv borders; !Jut months oi preparation arc to be made thou shalt call thy \\ails Salvation, an ·l bv the clubs, and at the luncheon the 51 1 MAI N ST .. WILM ET TE 0 t!n· gates Praise. Thy people al.;o schedul oi the :~e exhibits will be aclo pW ilm r u e 194<; Uni versity 5050 :-h·a~l be all righteou.:;: they ~ hall in~ ted, and the clubs \\·il l rccei\·e definite 0 hent the _land fon:n·r. th~ branch 01 in~tructi o n s their 011 how to h gin ocio mv plantll1£.:', the \\·urk ut 111 \' hand :- . k · that J m ;n·· be gl ·rified" ( Isaia h 60:18. · wor 21). I ~1uuature ~ardens, w111dow h1>Xcs, ,· · · 1 1 table decoratJOns, sunparlnr arrange1 1 . I he. Le sso n - ~cnn~~n a 1 SP ttlC ~c ~·.< . ~ 1C: ments, interior clt:corating pr hknb. I.' l)_I I l \ \' tn. l!· pa S" a g l ' ,:-; ·. t. r c. 111 t hI I ~ ~ I a 11 il 11 d \"a r j () ll :-i j 0 rt 11 S 0 f fl () \\' <.:r a r r a 11 g t.: ~cH.:nc~ textl>uuk .. ~~- tl· nrc ~t.nd IILrtltl~ ment \\·ill be inclucled in the C(llltl'-..t-.. \\'llh hn_- to th.t.' l -~~·nptulres. 1!\ . .\fa.rt. ' , \Yhi r h ,,jll ron·r all depar'tmt·nh <·i P·tkLT J ·d(h' . .· \l'l"\" . k" . 1 I l " · · . ( ((\" . 111\lr.l· . . J" · gar d c 11111 ~ art a 11 cl ~ · 111 111 I !l r a ( n· <kmand-. upon u .. 111r htL:hl'r pn~tlh · . · . . · l ' l11.·J-..tl.tJl ·. nra ttnn. ra tl 1vr than pr,llv:-o-..Jo!h 111 \'t·\\t' L 'J'h 1. ,L : i 1r 11 , 1j., c 1111 ,i:-t ..,,.Il'h ;11 Thl' PrL!aniLation 11i central <..'lll1111litth . <k-..tn 1 ~.·titlll <·i :-in. :-irkn\'-..-... :tnd tn·:- tn direct ' thc cnnksh. and a gt·tJ ~ p1n. . 't a-.. f l'" ·' 1 .., n;tl ;L< I\· i-..<11"\ l'Pilllilittl'l' ()11 \\·hirh <1 t':tt 11 1" t IlL' iH· \t·r <·1. · I ~ dc:-tr 11 , l'd th ~.· 1 n" 1 p. 23.)l. :·rnlllillL'llt \\1>l11L'll.s club kadcr-.. art· , _____ _ _ 't·n·ing, ha-.. IHTll romplett·<l. <tnd at tht· ltltll·hl···tl t hL· ddaill'd tJial t, ,,·ill TO MAK E D E B UT i>l' atlllt·lltlrl'd ll\· :.Irs. Chark-- 1·: ~lr . and \lr-.. . (:t·Prgt' .'tanky Parker l'ald\\l'll .... tal L' gardl'n chairman . \fr . . . :tnrl \Jj,, F.li;aht·th P :trkcr han· i.;- I . ~! arc Ftl\\·kr. prL"-..i dent ni thl' llli-..tlt·d in\itatirl!b it 1 r a t~.·a ~aturday. 11 ,,i .... ·tatt· 1·\·(krati<lll <·i \\·,, nan\ Octlllln . ~r,, ;Lt .?llll.l.in~kn ~lrl'v;. \\.iq - dull-.. ,,ill ht· pre..;l·nt. t <·L:dhcr with 'll t :- a 11 d k a r k r , i 11 I 111: t !. a. I hl' t 1c ca -.. 11 ·11 h \It ~ :> I a r k e r ~ 111 a 1n 1'; t ... t i' n · . . i dL ' d c h u t ( ) 11 :\ 1 1'T ml 1n .?< J. :\I i ~ :- Jl a r k - t h l' \, "tllt'll ·-.. r lu h " 1H I d . l'r\. llllt' k and aunt. \fr. and :\lr<.., . \\·arrL'll l'ra\\ i!lrd l)i \\'innetka. arc I \1 r-.. Frank 1\arr l't . :i.; 1·:-.. . . l':-. rt·.t ': l' 11 t v rt a i 1 1i11 g i 1) r 11 e r at t h e Ca ~ in o I K t·11 ih' 1 ' r t 11 " i , ~_·n t c rt a i 11 a t t 11 t· \ · i:- t a rluh. rkl l.al!o tltl ~aturda, · . (ktnhn )C) Printed and Plain Carpetings o~o o~oc:=====o~oc:====~ D >. . h :( 1 ·I Solid white gold rimless glasses In the Almer Coe stores you will find available, in a variety of styles and lens shapes, the new type solid white gold rimless spectacles and eyeglasses. for appearance, for comfort, and for better vision, no more practical, smart and adoptable styles in glasses have ever been made. for more than 43 years we have spec1a!ized 1n the designing and making of glasses, and in the Almer Coe stores you are always sure_ of receiving technical, scientific and interested advice in the care of your vision and in the selection of glasses. You should have authoritative advice where your eyes ore concern~d The Pttblic Is Cordially Invited to attend the AUTUMN SALON OF PAINTINGS at The ~eorgian DAVIS ST REET AT HINMAN AVENUE EVANSTON OCTOBER 20th TO NOVEMBER 2nd 'fhrt·e g r (' at .art ists : ( ' hri sti'JI SI'll or 1'rl't' Bhlw£'11. Jlrt· S f'ntin~ a galax~r ot llll,!'l' hor£! .J o~;p ])rutli ~ Almer Coe & Company Scientific Opticians 1645 Orrington Ave. E\'ANSTON Hla<ln, promhtt·ut ' I S}llllli Sh ~tu<lio I I University 6804 brautiful suuj (' et s in oil atul watrr enlor. .\ n ('X· hibition that no loHr o·r nrt will want to mi ss. FrN' ntlmissi o n. O}wn aftunonn l' anti t · n·nin~or s tlaily bt·· ~innin~ thi s Sunday. Come for tllnuer antl en toy the paintin~or s anrl mnsif'ale. · fl:lilltl'rj anti :\liN'

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