Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 12

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12 DAUGHTER BORN TO LARSENS WILMETTE" LIFE 1 October 18. 1929 I DINNER HOSTS Mr. and Mrs. ~enneth Larsen, 3..?5 .l\Ir. ·and M~s. Samuel H. Moore of Park aycnue. arc rect·iying rongratlda- 707 Laure.·! aYenue entertained twenty All teachers in the \Vilmettc public tions upon the birth of ' a daughter, :{uests at dinner and bridge last SatJane Ellen. born ~r()tHlay, Ortoher .7, ur<iay at Shawnee chth in honor of schools \\'ill attend the Cook count,· at t h e E \'a n s t o 11 1 w ~ p i t a 1. · ~ I r ~. I.; 1r ~ l'n 1 ~ I r a n d ~ 1r s. Jn s e ph H . Jnyc c of TL·aciH: rs' in:-.titute to he held at the returned tn ht·r hnmL· n ·:-. tnda\' irnm . J':enil\\'orth, \\'ho left Thur:;day for lla ,-e n chool in E \·anstnn .Monda~·. the hospital. · . · .\rizona. Ortohcr 2H. Schools in the northern hall Clt Cook CIH11Jt\' \Yill he reprcsentcrl at thi s institute . C. C. Uutler, of Palatine. i:-; chairman oi the committee making arrangement.; it~r tlw nH'l' ting. \\·hich \Ya:- t·alkd ll\· the CtHmty s uper ~ intcn <knt <li :-.rlwPis. \\'i·l ml'tt e Publi c ~rlwub \\ill l1e 1·: ~ 1:-.td \ lil the daY of the institute. Wilmette Teachers Will Attend County Institute Educators Attend Adult.Conference in Chicago Oct.l9 BLESER'S in A- 1 condition Bowling Bowl regularly and keep yourself Compiete Fountain Service Sandwiches and Coffee 729 Ridge Ave. Wilmette 3544 ..__ ·( HoiiJDann Brothers 1208 CE:'\TR\L AYE:'\l'E ).lore than a thousand Chicago and !'\uburhan leaders in all phases of education will attend the fir st public con ference on Adult education Saturday, October 19, at the Palmer II nusc. Educators attending \\'ill include Pre sident Robert ~1. Hutthin s oi the Univcrsitv of Chicago. \\7i lliam J. Bogan, superintendent of Chicago schools, Public Librarian Carl H. R oden. l\Ii s:: Jan e Addams, the Rc,·. Frederic Sicdenhurg oi Loyola unin·r si ty and Loradn 'l'ait, as ,,·ell as scn re s Pi . . upnin tenclent s of sc hools, principals. tea ch ers a;td members of se houl hoard s ~lr . ancl \lr:-. . l'h·de 1'. 1\n:-;;-;, 13..?1 and Iannen intere sted in l'flncatir,n. Cltes1nut ;t\'t'lltll', l'L'tlih\llrth. arl' en The principal speaker is EHrctt D. tnta in in~-:· frit·Jt< b at d innl'r at- t ht· I lar - :\far1in. di:-.tim.n1i she d antllnr and edu \T:-.t ll (l lllt' chttllLT danrv at t!H· h:xnii cator ni '\'n,· Y11rk Citr, \\·h11 ,,·ill talk \\'Or t h cluiJ on OctohL-r 5. pn ··T h t' PI ace l 1 f .'\ d ul t 1·: ducat ion in .-\ml'rica n CiYili;atiun." Dr . ).fartin i:filling an intensin' scric;-; oi speaking SKILLED BEAUTICIANS cngagcmt·nt. in Chi cago .. includin g an acldn' :-.s at the C'hica.go \\"oman's rluh. Oc.tnhl'r lo, and th e co ndu cting oi ;111 Offer A Highly :\d11lt Education ronfcrl'nrc Ctlursc. in Individualized Service the C'111)k Count\· R ea l J·>.:.tatl' l11aard rnnn~-; during the mnnth. The ra piclh· L:Til\\·in:I .\clult l·:cluca t i1111 nton·nH·nt. ,,·l1irh has f< 'r it" ~ l< lt..:;1JJ "F·:~·r.'· hnd ~· l(t·cp on LL·arn· !..!." 1 · makv, a t1lltn-r-.;tl appl'al IH.:cau . . v 1t h:t'- i(lJ'Illl'd t() aid till' hi l!' h . . ('h11(11 <'11~l~!!l' g rad uate a..: \\-ell ~ .. tlt~· unclcr I 1 pn,· dn~l'~l lllt'l l nr \\'tl llH'll . ;1 1Hl. tt . . trt: ~- l c.; thl' tact that erlurathlll 1s a h1,· -. ll1llL' prc1rl·,... and an opp1 1rtunit ,. i l·:· en·ryh1l(h·. T h t' C' hi c a~ n . \ d ul t Ed 11 rat i < 111 r 1·lil t rhe most ~~ udicd C.He l'i t'il. \rhich h:-t s ·cha r l!'e Pi tlw P ;llmn l'Xcrcised in the givi ng of. TlothC' rnnfrrrnrr. is f,1rnwd irnm :1 perrl"ancnr w a v c '>. The nH:rgn 11f 1h r Chicago F or um Cl·l111t'il fttropcan or Euqcn(' J<ealistir a n d t h l' :\ clul t Ed u cat in 11 r () 11 i t'r l' 11 r l' . \\"at: e~ at a Sf>t'Ctcrl pnce of q~ Harland TT. Alll'll of Thck Park i, p r c .., i ck n t < 1 f t lw r ot 111 r i I. F red .\ t k i n <; \ f I )( l rt· I) j n :t k P 11. r k i :' (' X.l' (' \1 t i \'l' cJ i r (' (' tor. and \fr" . S. 1'. La\\'tnn <,i Thrk Park is chairman of the l <)nit·n·nn· rntmnit t t'l'. ).fnrninl!'. lunrhe<lll ancl aitnnr1on program:- '"ill h ;.l\'C' man,· prnminl'nt v d u ct 1n r ~ a~ s p c a k l' r s. (IJ' Permanent Waving l Finger Waving Under John 's skillful fin ge r, the h.:~ir will fJII in deep. beautiful waYcs , tram ;ng the f.1cc most becom ingly . Tht· price is $I .co. Offer Lecture Series at Chicago Science Academy us \~Upply your coal. Our furnace inspcctot· will speci ty the corn~ct grade. and we'll supply that grade to you cleaned and screened- at the lowest p1·eyailing tnarkct prices. Call for out· inspector --his sen·iccs without cost. .()L, LL ha\'e no heating prohlen1s Yor worries this wintet· if you let Call Wiln1cttc 131 or 190 for pron1pt serYicc! .\ \\·i<kh· diH· r~itie<l prPgram 11f :-.cicntitir. tr:t,TI ~tnd medical topic · h:'-· men iamnu~ in natural hi~tory and medirillt'. \\·ill he tlfiered h~· the Chiragn :\c;1dl·my of Sciences \fu:--cum in Linr n1n park in ih autumn illu:-.tr:ttcd lvcturt· "L'rie-; opening October 27. it ·IS annnunced ln- Director :\!fred \f . lhill·,·. The ta 1k ..... 111;1m· (lf them ilh1-: tratecl \\·i th m lti(ln an(l ~till pictures, \\·ill hv gi\·t..·n · cn·ry Sunda.\' aftl'rnoon at 3 p. 111 . in the llltht>Um's kct tlfl.' hall frnm Ort!lht'r 27 tn Decrmbcr ~~ . Scientific facials that era se Tltt f1rst h:r ture i~ "Turning nark line<; of btiguc and give tb~ the CI1Kk Tt·tt \I ill ion Year s," hY :\. ~kin the sm ooth , firm tex S. C'nggesh:tll. din·c tnr of th e. , t. t urc of youth. The MarPaul ln~titute of .\rts and · ciencC'~.·· t'elow. Rest Facial is 'S1.oo. The n ·.., t tli the program f()ll11\\· ~: '\'m·c mlH·r 3. "Pin· . . iral Tkit·r t.; in Sr1 tnnl Cltildrett," h~· Dr. .\rtt11ld lT. Krgt·l. ChiL·agn cnmn;i:-sinncr ni lte:tlth . '\'nn·ml>er 10. ":\ Ia ska." by Capt. Sigurdur CudnH'lHbnn. '\'!l,. 'tnhn 17. ".\long the Old ~anta Fe Trail." l>y Freel Payne Clat worthy. :\on·1nhvr 2-l. "The Indians C::e of :\ manicure at the Vanity the Fore~t." 1)\· lluron H . Smith. Box nDkcs the n:~ils look. Den·mhl'r . 1~ "Four ·y ears at the like glistening rose petals. Courts of tltt· ~ult ;in nf ja\'a," . hy Dr. rhe rricl' is 7 5c. Tasill<l :\dam. December 8. "The Crippled Child." 1)\· Dr. Fremont :\ . Chandler. ·December 15. "\farket Diseas s of Fruits and Ycgetahlcs," by Dr. George K. h::. Link, professor of Plant Pathology, C'niyersity of Chicago G16 CHL RCII ST., EVANSTON December 22. "Is the Doctor ReSUITE 2 2 2 CARLSON BLDG. sponsihlc for the High Cost of Ill UNIVERSITY 9700 ness?" Dr. Charles F. Reed, ptesident, ----------------~ Chicago Medical society . Facials -t · .. Manicuring I ·

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