Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE' LIFE October 18, 1929 / Just A Dismal Surprise! "Jint's fainted, call the drug store, Wi.ln1ette 400 . 401" Name Solon Reily John Campbells Back from Four Month~' Trip Abroad Manager of Debate . Solon Reily is the new manager of debate at New Trier High school. He succeeds Ray Ringso n, who held the position for two years. Th~ as . istant manager of debate at the htgh sc hool this vear is Ernest E nch elmeycr, \YI W .;ucc~eds George Campbell. Rcih· ' and Campbell. together \\'ith BettY - Buckett, Grcndfel Older, arHl Jac_k- \Vint cr s, compose the forcns_ic :lOar d " ·hich directs all fo r ensic acti\·ities at ~ew Trier. Betty Buckett ·s serdng her second year on -the board . ~f rs. Frederick D'Aix, a11d her niece, She j chairman of the socia l commit ~ri~ " Clarahclll' l{u s:-;, of 307 ~felr 0:-;c lee this year. Older is a . sistant chairA\'l'lllle. l(t·ni l\\ orth arl' :-;pending . . c,·- nian L)f this committee, while Jack era!. ,,·cck :-. in :\n,- York <.. 'it,·. Tht' \' \\'inter . is chairman of the pui>licit\' . \\"ill J"nin \1 r. D':\ ix ,,.l1o ha~: htl'll in committee. :\t·\\ York inr ail'\\ da\·--.. 1 '-" 'l'. , f · ll - - - - _ __. . \ C\\' ncr s o r cn~1c rccnrc ast year ~················ "·a _· <:xccllcnt. especia lly il1 the field )f debate. ~fany sttHknts who par , ltc1patc in i;1t cr sc holastic debating -,ualih·' for membership in the :\ationa! Furcn~ic league. the 0nly national lwn ctrary society that has a chapter at \" cw Trier. The ~ ational Forcn . ic lt:a_!.!lll' has .?50 chapt ns in all parts 1i the count rv 11 HI m n r e t han 4. 000 lnrm her s. (_ -~ -;::.~di ~-~--;;;=e - of the entire furnishin~s of your home: also Sample Sentences Give personal belon~in~s. etc . Insight Into New Books ~~ r. and ).f rs. John Campb ell, 815 Lake ayenue, returned la st Sunday i'nm1 a four months' trip abroad. .-\h oa rd the S. ~- Pcnn land they landed in \" l'\\' York last \\·ce k. and stopped 1 ,ff at ! ~ ric, Pa .. en route home, to Yi . it .\1 r:-.. Campbell's sister. ).lrs . C. Dean 1 --:.Jahr. who was the former -llelcn ~hurtleff nf \\' ilmctte. r n ~cot land and England .\I r . and .\I r:-. . Campbell :-.pent a llHlllt h ,·i:--iting rtl;,tin.:s. The\· tuurcd thn,ugh France' and ~witzerla1;d, <tnd ,-i..;itrd irien cb in \"i enn:t. at New Trier High ! MEN ! Isn · t Jt a horrible thing . JUSt as yod rt! about to wtn the pot with a flush. in· pops the wtfc. prema turely from that visit. That's what a sudden cold. at tack of indigestion or dandruff is like ... jus~ a dismal surprise. Forestall the evil event by accumulat ing a private stock of effective medi cines and medicaments from that sterl ing shop of satisfactory DrugsSen·ing .'Vorth Shore n·sidents for more than .? To Owners or Finer Homes ATTENTION! ( I have a bona-fide clientile. Bank referen::es furnished. I am not a dealer or auctioneer. ( Thi s should he of especial interest to owner!> of lar~e homes or estates. No indi,·idual pieces handled. Phone Sunnyside 4644 ( Chica~o ) . .Vote : I f _vou radius s years Snider·Cazel Drug Co. 116 7 Wilmette Ave. Auto Delit-'ety Sen· ice 111 liv e <£·ithiu a mil n . write i u detail as /() uumber of \11 ·."1"1 E fJ/ one hum/red W ilmettc and KePi/worth room s. item s, etr .. to W11 LII·E A-i2. Makes You Think ol DOUGHNUTS - hut t hert· are dnughnut ~ ;uHI dr>if.fJhIIut s. Try 0ur' l~ :t~:->ed. Plain. ~ugarl'"rl. Chocolate ,,r Filll'd . PUMPKIN PIE < >m . . art· . . pin and rirh. a11cl ht' had in indi,·idual l'l' lar_ l!;. '-li'l .... l·; u1 :\m ong the new boo k s to be fou n d the \Yilmett e Puhlic libran· art "The Sou l of .._pai n," by Ha~·c l ock Ellis, a nd "The Psychology of Happi ness," hy \Vatt er H. Pitkin . ~fiss .\nn e L. \Vhitmack has se le cted twt' sample se ntence s which wilt gin· read . ers an idea of th e cn nt<.·nt of tht· tw< i hook:-;. Here th ey are: In the Spanish mu1 oi tt1day. hnw 1 e\·er. it is sometimes di Hi cult tu rtcogni zc the splendid and n :s tl ess act iYitie:-; of their forefathers . . . \\'ar alone. if sulti cicnt ly prolongl'd and sn'l'rt·, suilire..; to deplete a natitlll Pi it-; must vigorous stocks. "1 he warlike nati nn of toda y," says President _I o rda11 . "i:-. th e deca dent nation of tonwrr nw.·· The martial ardour and suc cess of the ~paniard..; la sted fnr mort· than a tlwusancl years; it was o nl~ - at \'Cry great cost that th e Homan . . sui>dtlt' d the Iberi ans. :1ncl dn\\'n t<' the sixte enth cen tury the Spaniard;-; were great !--01di('r..;: hut th e st ruggl e in tilt· Xether lan<l :-. wa:;ted th eir energies. an(~ \\·hen ;1t l{ecrm·. in t IH· middle ni th e 't·,·vnllT ilth rt.;ltury. tht ~panish in ia ntn· that had l~t·en cn unt('d the fine st :n l ·~urc>J>t' \\·tnt dtm·n hefnrc tlH Fn·ncil. tlw militar_ , . ..;pkndour oi ~1J ; 1i11 had ,· ani~hcd. - lra \'(·lnrk Elli:; in tht· - ~"u l 11i ~~~ain . at T I DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE ( 1r1v ,,! tt t1r'. ,,ith it:-- ~t,it. mai !tt\\" )' irnsting. and ih ll ;tllt,\\t'\·11 dl'l·nrati(\11--.. ,,·ill put tht fini:--l lillg l!·llt"ll Itt \·l11r pari,- ;uHl 1!t-light ~- 1111r gul'--.h \\ith it--. gcH·;Illl·~' . And We Also Make Manv Other Hall owe' en Goodie~ SUCH AS - Orangl' and CIH C _ (tl:ltt' Dai~il". "\farzipan P 11111 p k i 11 :--. ln d i '·i d 11 a I Fa nr y l' a k l\. e t r . \\'nc \\t· tn undcrtakt· a l"lllllplttc analysis pf th e happines:; ancl unhapp inc:-;~ 11i a giren personality, uur m:lill ta~k" \Yc>tJid he fo ur. \\'e shou ld first have to di scoyer C\·ery impo rtant tr end in the man' s nature, distinguishing a~ far as possible thos e '"hich are natJ\T irPm tlw!--c \\·hi ch are acquired. :\c :-..t I \\"l' sho uld han~ tCl nh:-.en·c the dynamit· ' ;·vI at i1H 1:-; am o 11 g t h n s c t r c 11 d :-. c :- ; p e c i :ll h; th ,·ir r elatin· strengths . . . This done. we should han' tt1 louk at tilt ph y :- ; i ca I and m r n t a I c.·q u i p me 11 t of t h l' man in llr<lcr to ascertain ib fltnc ..;:-in re:1lizing the entire · svstrm <)f \Yi sh ~- Finally we sh o uld -s crutinize his available cncrRie., mea_ suring them 1 ag;timt the entire syst em of ·wishe:-.. - \Vatter P. Pitkin in The P s vchol\H~ ,. ni Happiness. - II{ : · I THE PATTY §HOPPE 1153 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette 57 5 ~~ Mr. and Mrs. Warren ' ).f cCrackcn of Chicago and Miss Pattv Foresman. daughter of Mr. and :Mrs. Hugh Foresman of 515 Essex road, Kenilworth have gone to spend a period of three weeks at Hot Springs, Va. Mrs. McCracken is the former Dorothv Fore sman.

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