Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 9

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PLAN ENLARGEMENT OF (Contint:ted from page 1) 1~1m·c ========~======~==============~====~==============================~======~ O ct ober Us. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE n CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH Star Women Bowlers Will I . Roll at Bleser's Alleys Ucmbe r s of t he \ Vomen's Nort~t ~ttl)t~rban Traveling league bowlers art.: to roll at Bleser's a lleys on 1\ idg-e an'·nue this Saturday evening at 8 :.~0 o'clock. A picked. team from th· ~ Bleser alleys \rill be pitted against a'l all-star group representing the Clen,·icw H.cc_rcation alleys. 1 · Make Some One's Day Sweet on .the forward in its work. The fina l I recnmmcnclation of the seven which he I :=. uhmittecl ~pokt' of the ncecl of the enlargement of the building o£ the I church in ( rcler tn provide fcir the adequate carrying· nn o£ a program Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Aldrich u! 1510 ' oi religious education witli the young \Vilmette a\Tiltlc ancl ).lr . and .Jtr~ . JH'op lc of the t·hurrh. 1-1~..: presented. Paul Dan·v returned last ~undaY af tt· r l'y means oi lantl'rn slide s. a complete a week hunting· at !\lack . Duck plan ior t ht· remmkling nf the present La~e in ).f inncsota. ~q uipn ll' llt, ntH as a rLTOlllllH' ndati ot· , of \\ha t sho uld he donL' hut as a s n~ gcs. t i<Jll uf wl1at tnight he d o ne . !li s ieL·ling wa s that the church slwulcl !ir :--t Pi a 11 s c t k t n n t iIi z e L·" en· i 11 r 11 of it s pn·:--e tlt ~part' i< 1r snmt.' - i undatlH'nta 1 lll'l'd -nf tht· church pr<l~ratn, and ·. htTL'H' r JHl:-~ihlt to pn,\·ick in t1~e ~:tme ~pace ior :--L' \Tral nl'td~ . The plan which hL· prv:--t·ntccl ~t'l'lllt'd a J\·a,ihk and de-;irahk plan tP ~neral 11 uilding runtr;i.c tor~ \Vilt l are 111l'lll1H· r..; ,,j the t'hllrrh and Illl't \rith C<·nsidtr;tlJ!~.: J:t\<'r <111 tht· part ni tht' peopk . of SWEETEST DAY of th e },. ear Saturda y; October 19 1 ·- ------ - ------- --· FOODS Er.,count er N o Objec tions .\ t tht· rl<hl' 11l l>r . Loper· ~ rep 1 rt l·l· a kl'd f<lr ;1 ir;tnk cJi,ru,..,i(lll <ll the \· h·dl' ~itu < tti <l tl. im· itit~:_:· atn· nitiri~111 11r (ll'lH"i ti Pll 1<· thv ~hurrh'.., ~ctting 1t"< li ckli11itl'h· l<l thi~ ;tdra tl L ' t' "tl·:1 . .\ !..!:·t·at ntany 11i t ht' prLllllitlL'llt lca ckr" "i tht· l·h11rrh "]Hike L'llthusi;t~ticalh· Pi !11: pl a 11 !..! < 1 i n ~: i c11· "·a r d and n < , t a r c, ice \\;t . . r;ti~td in nitil·i~m ur LlPJH1:.:ititlll. \\ ' hvn ;t -.t; tttding Hl!L' \\as rcqne stt·d '1!1 tile tnu ti <lll ,,·hirh prtl\·irled i<'r !hl' itnt tltdiate enlan..:L'lllt'tll <li tht· etlllllllitt n: a 11 d t he i ,l.'lllttl at i, 1!1 l 1 1 ; t r o 111 p r c!1 ·nsi\·t· huildin:..: pn1gr;un. prarticall_, . . l'\Tn· mt·mJ,t-r <Ji the chun·h --tood tll indicate hi ;-; <ksirl' that the church face t ! 1i~ t a~k in the irlllnecliat~.: iutnre . 1 .\ Illl'l'ting uf tht· huildir 1 g C<ll!tlllittc · ,,· ill hl' held t1l·xt \H'ek \vith the priman· purpll~l· oi c!t: tnmining ti\Hlll the l·t !largin~ oi the ]ll: r~() tJncl , , j till· l ' ( l llllll it t l ' L'. < 1 DIRECT TO CONSUMER from this Bunga1 o w Preserving Kirchen and Legion Drum Corps Will Parade at Curtiss Field : i lm e tt e l.t·g i (111 post Drum and 1\u~..;lt- rurp:-; is to partiL·ipatc in t!lL' dcdil·:tti,,n (li thl' l'urt is.., Fh·ing fiL·ld at Cll'tl\·iL'\\ . ~uncia\· aitcrnnun. Octoh n .Z(). I·: i ~ h t d r tt m :cll r p :' rep r c.., e11 t i 11 g legion pc1..,ts thrnttgh(ltlt the Chicago nt·tr(lpolital1 area \\·ill paradl' in tlw I tnamtnoth cckhration. \\.o rd has bl't.'!l rcr~i\· L· d that CoL I Charlt.·~ :\ . f ,indhcrgh and ).f rs. I ,ind- 1 htrJ.!h ,,·ill he anwng the guest.; d honor at t llL' lll' w th i n ~ Jle 1d t his ~ un- j T h t' \\· 1 1 1 I GARDEN . DISPLAY ROOM Sw eetes t Day c01nes once each year. .\-lake some on e's day sweet on Sweetest l)ay by taking home a Box of Dutch ~1ill delicious hotne-tnade candies. They con1e in 101 unusual v arieties, made fron1 the purest and n1ost \vhol eson1 e ingreJients. A special assortn1e nt avvaits you in anttc1pation of S\\'ectest l)ay, SaturJ ay, () ctohe r 19. day. . 1 ( )nl' ,,j tht· greate~t fh·ing cirrtt:'L'S t'\'t·r ~tagt·cl is plan1 ·d a ~ part < li the dvdi catinn. it is stated. · WELLESLEY GROUP MEETS ). I rs. Craha111 C. Pattcr~ o n nf F,·a!':=l<l!l garl' an ir1terc:--ting ta lk on last .'ttlll'\ r l' uni<'ll at tht· mectit1g 'J'uc-;rlay I 11f t hl' \'nrt h ~hnre \ \ 'e lJe-,ln· circle. ThL· m;·t'tinp- "?:-; h.el<l <~1 th~ lwmc _of I ).frs. (,cnrgt. 1·.. Bl! s;-;, . . . \:Prth T.tnclcn aHJlltl', l l i!-!hl:tnd Park, and :\f r!'. l .\lin·d Ta,·lor ni F,·anstnn and 1frs. 1:ranri-, 1\;.<HinH.:ll ni Chicag<' poured . Salted Almonds C : ashe'v Nuts Salted Pecans Salted Pistachios Spiced Almonds n ... , I ( , ;I' I ). Jr. and .\ 1r..; . ~amucl 1 f. Dar:-t havf' rtturncd to tl!t·ir hn111c .Lt R3 l (\·ntra l cn·mtc after a delight iul and l'Xtt·nsivc motnr trip thrnugh the Fa . t. They drove to Qurhec. Can;1cla, and hack through the ~;"\\' Fng land ..;tatcs to \'c\\· York Cih· \rhcrc thl'v visited friends and ldt · thl'ir rla11ghtcr, Etni lv. ·at ~ f rs. · D ow's school, Bri arcl iff ).f a nnr, ::\. Y. Th ey rl't ttrt H .·cl by \ Vash ington and t hn) ugh t he :\ lkg h c ny :\f ou ntain!'. -aT h e fir st m ee ting oi tl H' :\l pha Phi' U ot he r s' clu b w as hC' Id at t he .\l p ha Phi hou::;e on T l1t1r scl a ,., October 17. T h e h os tesses a r e ).fr ~. A. n. C l r~. rk a nd ).[r s. Geo rge> Bor r owm a n . at 517 Main St. Wilmette Fruits VegetJbles Olives and Pickles Orange Marmalade Chili Sauce Mrs. Fish leigh's J eHies DUTC 75 Jf' il m elle .Shop 1 rl 't ANDONE DOLL~R THf LB. Wilmette Ave. 0 p posite Vil/af!e Hall 11~7 l,ake F ores! .Shop 281 E. Deerpath Ave. Lake Forest Shops All Over Chicago

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