Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Oct 1929, p. 6

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WILMETTE LIFE October 18. 192g l.HIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiiiiiiiiiiUIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIImiiiiiiiiiiiUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Enroll Fifty for Evening MOSToF THE BEST FOR T,HE LEAST School; Meet Each Monday 1 ...... .... 9f:e ······· ··- MEAT MARKET CO. All T elepbone and C. 0. D. Orders Carefully and Quickly Delivered Charge accounts solicited from reliable people The \Vilmctte Evening school has been fullr or~anized with an enrollment of fift,· and \viii meet ever~· ~tondar ennin~ at 8 o'clock in the btnlp ~chool. Tenth ~trc.:et and Central avenuc. Three cla~~e~ of di ffcn:nt l!radc~ ha,·e been inrmcd to meet thc different abilitit':' and a(h·anrcmvnt l l i the students . \\' hik the ~rh o ol is intended primarih· itll. imcil!n hom IH.'tlpk. a \\·ill be organizt.:d fnr class in Fncrli~h ,. . American hom if th e re are <'lltHI.L:h · registering tn justi i.\· it. .M r~ . 1a me:- ( > . nrook ~ . will) had chargl· ,;j the ~rho(ll ~ast year at t.he \\oman's cluh. i-. acting a s the pnncipal. ~frs. Kathn·n E. \"crnon. ~Irs. \\' . F. Schur and ~1 iss ~I ildrcd \ .an llnrne are thc tt:achers. Shekels Prime Requisite Even in Recreation Board Dancing Class Says pavis ~omc checks for the milrric<l couples' (Contributed) I NORTH SHORE MARKETS I Winnetka Wilmette Hubbard Woods 796 Elm St. 1145 Wilmette Ave. Winnetka · 4 and 333 Wilmette 2814 and 731 910~ Linden Ave. Winnetka 417 and 418 I·EVANSTON MARKETS 1559 Sherman Ave. Greenleaf 6868-6867 I 705 Main Street Greenleaf 2989 1941 Central St. Greenleaf 4355 1407 Greenleaf St. University 3700 FOLLOWING PRICES PREYAIL AT ALL STORES dancing cla~s. to be conducted on alternate Fridav C\'enings, han~ been rc ceivcd bY the \\'ilmcttc Playground and Hecreation uoard and no~v the Recreation staff, including l>1rector !)aniel ~1. Daris and the lnnnh 1t.' sen·1JC ""hose duty it is tu pen plainti,·e ple~s 1 for' mure and still nwre checks. fcc a l!rcat deal better. . . Hut the danger- rCtlliiHb the scnbe - is not pa:-t. ~till more checks are I needed to guarantee the class. a~ . though the h(lard feels that there IS little. doubt the additional iunds will he raised . :\nd, the ~crihe further Art Institute Speaker to pnints. more suhscrilwrs arc \\'clconH.', · Address Wilmette Teachers hcart il'" welcome in fact. hut the ,n·l~ 1j s s (' Ia u c1 i a L. pIt 111 0 i the l' hi rag< , I c1) lllL' ~ s < ~ o u h lc cl \\' h c n s 11 h script ion is Art in~titute ,,·ill be thL· speaker at the accompanu.'cl hy a check. llll'dinl! Pi tlw \\ ' illndtl' '1\·acill'l':-': TJmH\·cr, welcome nc·\\'s is in .stors.· club ~fonda,· afternoon. Octnher 21. I {nr the ~ul>~crihn. The classl'S \nil he in thc Stolp schoc1l lihran·. Thy L·luh llvld in the srlwol g~· mnasium. th-..-; mceb on the- third ~fnnda,· ot l'a_ch t·liminating a cost of hall rental an.d month . ~!iss ~1ar .l!ard C. _llan· :-.pnT~ - the price has hccn lo\\'ered to $10 pc1 < ·ipal Pi tht· ~ttllp ~clHhll. b thv prcst - cnunk· 1nr a course 1f ten lessons, incknt. , clu<iinl! an hour nf instruction hv a ---- · j 11romincut teacher and dancing with a AT MUNICIPAL PARLEY gnnd orche~tral accompaniment ior thl' F. L. Streed. Kenil\\'t)r!h ,·il.lal!.t' m_an -1 remaining part of the evening. In·tg-er. kit \\.<.·dnesclaY ltlr _~prtn~hel .d diYidual couples "·ill h~.: admitted for to _ at_tend tl~c. annual nH: dn~g (~t the I 7~ cents per evening. By using- the llllnnl~ :\1 t1111Ctpal league \\·l11ch ~s . h~ - !->clwnl gnnnasium more couple~ can inl! held there Thursday and 1· ndaY IJc accommodated. 1·1i thi.; week. Further information conctrning the , dancinl! class 111;1,. he had and registraALMA WEEO 1 ti nn maY he made at the \Vilmcttc ' PlaYI!rntmcl and J{crrcation hoard ofPianist and Instructor fice. · Tenth ancl (' ntral strLTts. 'l'<'k!lhnnt· \ \ "ilmetll' 4()8. _\,·ailahle in \\' ilml'ttl' \lt ttH]a,· and Tuesday aitcrllPOib . ln·~truction it·r _\"(1\lllg rhilclrtn ;1 MADE DIRECTOR "!Jl'Cialt~· . Frank \ V. Ketcham of 1\:: t:n il"·urt h. ~~lit) numhl'r-. or acrnmp;utl chairman of the hoard of din·ctors of nH·nh inr Stlri;tl iunctitll l'- h _ ,_. ;tr the '1\n!ntieth Centur~ · pres=-. has bccn 1 ra llg"L'l11l'l1t . . . ;q1pointccl a director oi the Illinoi~ Sn it'r the Pren·ntiPn oi Dlindncs=-. Studio- 22 Bellevu e Place ,1 ~·iet\· Hu~~cll Tyson, president, annnunccd C hica,!!o ! thi~ week. ~~ r. Ketcham's appointi mcnt fdls the \'acancv created br the Phone Superior S79S ~ death of :\lkn B. Pn;HI. . MODEL NR-55 (Less Tubes) FRESH DRESSED FRESH Spring Chickens f·:~·:::: ~~:l;~ 39V2c Little Pl·g Hams t',~.~ir~· t·~.~l~~~: }91L2C plrkc··l. Lb. ·Tnst thl"' rl~r"ht SwN·t, t(·nclt·r 8~ Tube Neutrodyne for hou~e~current operation . Push~Pull amplification. In- St ridh· :-;rlf'<'t II ncl frf'sh. Lb. ~~ ductor Dynamic Speaker. CabinetofWalnut Veneer . Pot Roast .Beef ams H eaI R oast V · Steak · Iom Ir S teak Lamb S PRIME .\ rhoir<' qunl· itJ ·.iulr:r . ntul tast)·. SJH'<'hll at this prh···· I . h. THE NEW PEACOCK BRAND BLOENSES- Thl"' kincl that ma kc·s :ron want more·. Fhnorc·cl inst rl~rht-·nt~tl tlrupHIJ !'uwkt·ct 11 it4l t·nrc·cl. to to FREED RADIO 14 IIJ..;, Lh. AT NEW VALUES! You l!t't the rt·nl n~al tn:o;tf' in our spl"'rinl Yt·nl Uonl'ts. V(·J.'Y !l·t11h·r. I.b. '!o~ can now buy the new FREED-with radio quality that ts wtthout a peer-at a price which appeals to the most mod-erate income. This has been made possible by the new factory, enla~ged facilities, an expert corps of engineers. Efficient pro-ductton means low cost-and low costs point to ultimate consumer gain-A demonstration on the new FREED set will tell you more than a bookful of ads. -thf' ftr!'t <'llfl' tlnly. Anti you ~t·t tlll' lwst ()Jl the market nt this low 1>-JIHII\I prlet>. Lb. Xotltlng FRESH CUT more (lt>llghtf_ ul for tlhlllH thnn a julry f('nt1f·r I .. umh Stl"'nk. 'f.ry It llllll bt· <'ODl' lll<'('d, Lb. 42c Tune in. on WHFC at 11:30 every morning and learn of the go~ thing a to eat and lateat market prices, · at PALACE MARKETS. 111111111111111111111111111111111 m111111111111m 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 m1111111111111111 Terminal Hardware 411 Linden Ave. Wilmette 2843

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