Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 4

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4 WILMETTE LIFE October 11. 1929 .-\ gymnasium class for men who have not participated in the strenuous exercise connected with athletic sports ior some time. and who .wish to keep in physical trim through less rigoro~ts exercise,· is being formed by the \~tl ... mette Playground and Rccreat10n An interesting collection of board. exquisite frocks and charmThe class will meet en:ry Tue day evening at 7 :30 o'clock it~ th~ Stolt~ I \\'II.:\II·:TTE LIFE . ing sportswear in the imgymnasium under th~ . cltrec~10n ot I J)udlc'p C~ Stone. Parttct1Jat1t~ tn other - - - -- - - - -portant fashions and lovely ATTENDS BRIDE athletic acti,·ities sponsored by the "\1 i:-;:-; Margaret Hamm of 517 Sheri- Plavground and Recreation ]){)ard, in · Fall colors. dan road. h:cnil\\·nrth. daughter nf eluding the various athletic league:~. ~ 1r. and ).I r;-;. l·:dwa rd If amm. \\"as matd and the members of the men's gym oi honor nn October 2, at the \\'t'cl- nasium class last year will be barred climr ni ).fi;-;:-; Bernice D;n·is and Hcn i·,· irom this new class which will begin 1 Austin Pirkard \)i E\'anstnn. '1'!1<.' with the implcst calisthenics and ,,·cddin.l! was at ~t. Luke's church at gradually ,,·ork into a more romplicat~cJ H :30 in the cn:ninJ.!. Flltlr ni [lJc routine oi exercise. hrideslllaicl:-;. the ".\1i:-;se:-; \tar).!arl't and 3 3 2 Washington A ven uc Elizabdh Lt' l' oi E\·albt()n. and BarFor the members of the athletic hara "\fcttkr Pi lltthhard \\'onds and leagues who wish to enter a gym, "\1 an·· Couch oi Ch{ca).!o. and \1 i;-;s nasiu1n class and the members of the Wilmette I 984 l I famm \\"ert· all L!'l'<tduatcs 11i tlw rla :i:-; beginning 'class last year a1~othn gyql ! 11i 11>.2ri nf 1\n, n·Jllnre ~ c llO o l for .l!irb nasium rlass is being fnrmt' d at the l in E\·albton. Tht· hridt· wa~ ab o :1 llo\\·ard gymnasium, meeting nn Fri(..,.~0#40#40#4~...,...,-#-#_ _ _,..,..,,..,..,,..,..,....,......,..,.,...~_ ~ _~ _ ~~ -'4 _ '4 _ '4 '4 -~~~. . _-#-#_ _,..,..__,..,..,....,...~ _ · 1.!' r ad u ate 1 1 i t h c ..; ;unl' r b :-- ~. ), J r. a 11 d da,. l' \"l' ll in gs un rler t h c di r cc t inn of i ~~ r~ . Pickard are <Ill a l~tllll'\" l11tlnn <~l~·n \\ '. Cathl'rcnal. Bnth rlas:-.o \rill I trip to nnmud;l lllltil \"n\'t'lllhl'r ~ . llll'Ct at 7:30 o'clnck. Til(· fir;-;t meet\\ he11 thl·,· "ill make their l~tlllh' 11 1 itt .~;-, \rill he ?\nn:mhtT 5 anrl ::\u,·em 1 ;tn apart1:~~ 1-:~~,:tc:: _ I hn X. rc-;~>t·_ r_ti_ '"_l·_l)_·._ _ __ Jeanette K~~ Marks St. John's Lutheran to Observe Mission Sunday ~1 iss ion Sundav will be observed in St. l ohn's Lutheran church October 13 at morning and evening services. Rev. Enno Dumling, Lutheran cit\· missionan· at Mih,·aukec. will preach ..tt the 11 o'clock morning services. \\·hile the ]{e,·. Fred Prol1l of Shcho,·gan, \\' is .. will speak at an en~ nin.l! meeting l at i :-t5 o'clock. Offering-s duritH.! the da ,. \\"ill he .\ircctrd into mi ss ionan· coffers. A detailed program is to he fou ;1cl I on the Church Page of thi s t;-;s uc t"' f 1 1 Begin Gym Classes for Men Who_ Desire Play_in Mild Doses Offers $15 and up 1,RUE SINGLE CONTROL EVEREADY SCREEN-GRID HERSON'S HAVE SON J !elt-n lhdc Cater. -L1K \\'i11n ctLt .. \lr. and ~lr:-.. :\u !..:u"t. llcrhnn . .!.!.1 an:ntlt'. \\' innetka. returned Frida\· lli :---1xtccnth ;-,lrt'd. arl' hc1ng· CPngratu- Ja-.t \\Tck irnm ::\c\\· York \\here -.Ill: latcd nn t he birth c·i ;1 nillc-pou.nd :-.till, attended \\' ilhur C. \\'hitclll'ad\ rb, . . F_ riday. Octl)hn -l .' at ~t . F rancis lw~- ' i 1)r teachers. She abo tOt)k indiYidual pttal. . lr . llnl Hlll j., a munh cr ni the \\·ork \\·ith t\\'o nf :\e\\' York\ JHlJIUb r \\ 'i lmcttt' Fire dep:trtlllt'nl. , tl'ache r-. . Gratz ~cott and Leila I lat - - . -- - - - - - I ter;-,ll". ndnrc rettirning hlli11L' :o,llL' "\fi ::;::; Bt·rnict' ('tdt·. 3 1~ 1 ·:-.:--cx r~ ~a : l. filled lt.:cture enJ,!·a).!cment:, in ;.:L'\\" Yo:·k ~enil"· orth. i:-. at tvndi111..! tlJt· l·:,·atl'-11111 : !->tate and 1\c\\" Ter :-.e\·. ~he reporb l n u ='in e ;-, :-. y u 11 r 1.!' L" '\ h ~'I" v -.lt t· i... t a k i 11 ~ ~ n ·at in t cr e::; t in ron t ran h rid!.! e 1 ' 1 11 t·xtcn-.t \ ' l' "l'l"l't' t ana I rt 1 tlr:-.v . 1hrnul("hnut th e Fa:-t . ____ _ 1 1 ,I A DO. G 'S, LIFE . . the woeful CONSIDER case of little Petrarch the Pet Pekingese . He has a silk cushion to lie upon. juicy bones to eat, distilled water to wash down his meal, and an adoring mis tress to stimulate his vanity. And yet his . lot is not a · happy one. we regret to say. '·· EVEREADY MODEL 52 $}57.50 "RECEPTIO:"l WITHOUT TUBES With built-in electro-dynamic 1peaker without fumbling"-that's an Eveready principle. So you get real single-dial control. Antenna tun<'r is pro\·ided; adjust it once to your antenna and it nt·eds little attention thereafter. Volume control is hut a single knob, yet it OJWratcs two separate and distinet dc,·iees simultaneously-pioneered by Eveready! Come in for a eon,·incing demonstration of the new E\·cready Screen-Grid Receivers-today! "WHAT , .. asks the wondering reader. '" can this cantne bck in the \\".1)' of luxury?"' '"Ah." we reply . "there's the rub ." Abs : this poor pooch is totally barred from the delight of a t.1sty toa sted sandwich and a delicious malted milk. Don "t lead a dog ·s I ife-patronize our fountain lunch . It's economy . too: EVEREADY TUDl M41U\ R((;IU(RID Sercing North Shore Residents lor more than 2 5 Years RADIO RECEIVERS Made by the 1ponsor1 of the Eveready Hour l.ir·n ~~~ d umll'r patents and applications of RCA and RFL Snider·Cazel Drug Co. · 1167 WIL::\tETTE AvENL'E WILMETTE 400-401 Terminal Hardware 411 Linden Ave. Wilmette 2843 Auto Delivery Service rn Wilmette and Kenilworth

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