Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 3

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October 11, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 3 RESUME ·wOMEN'S PLAY ACTIVITY NOVEMBER 4 I WILL HEAR CLERK Superintendent of New Trier HiP."h School to Address Wilmette Civic Luncheons on October 25 Fre<krick E. Clerk, superintendent of ~nY Trier Township High sc hool, is to address the \ Vilmette Ci,·ic Luncheons Friday, October 25, at 12:15 o'clock. . . ~l.r. ~ler~. t\nc the ;orem~st le_ad~rs Ill t let' lc <t o st· ~cont<. ary ec ucatt~{l, IS cxpcc ~S o a rae . an un_usua Y large_ audtencc upon thts occasiOn, an audience that will he comprised very largeh· of ~e\\· Trier ~nen ,,·ho have their ofticcs in the loop. He is expected tn · discuss. among other matters, his ohscn·ations oi educational methods in I·: mope. made during hi . visit on the cnntinent last winter. Swimming a n d Groups to Have Busy Season, Recreation Board Plans ~wimming Ready to Inaugurate Dancing Classes If You'll Just Register Gymnasium Orchestration with intensest syncopation. ' Beguiling strains C(lmpclling obcdiencc to the terpsichorcati muse. Haunting melodies, conjuring Yisions of full moons, spring, lovers' lanes, and so forth with thus and ,:, u. CIVIC OPERA Cl\MPAIGN SUC·CESS REPORTS SHOW Wilmette . Unit of · Associated ,Opera Clubs Does Its Part in "Sell-Out" Drive Ci,·ic Opera club members and their l.!'ttcsts, the members of the Shawnee · Encouraged hy the success · of the classes for \\'Omen introduced 'a s a nC\\. feature of the Playground and l~cncation buard program last :v ear, the \\'Omen's department oi the hoard txpccts tn enter the ensuing wi.n tcr prog~am with a broadtned scopl' 11 i activity. The major part of the \\'ntncn's program will btgll1 !\o\'embcr -+. the :-.;u11c date set ior. the beginning oi the men's sports and athletic kagnt::-.. :\utable exception s in the \\'On.cn's department arc the mnrning swimming classes \\'hich began this morn1ng at the E\'anstlm Y. ).f. C. A. 1 and tht e\·cni11g class which meets at the s(l\'Crtign1 hotel. Chic1.t,go, and which ha:'i it:-. initial mc:eting ~mTmher .20. Snonsor Athletic Club Jlar tic t~lar emphasis \\·i11 be .~i \'I.' II to an (·rganization oi a Cirl:-.' .\thktir dub iro1n the Tuesday e\'l·ning gym nasinnJ cia:,:-. for girb at Jlm,·ard. .\ tcmpttrary nrganization llf :-.II ·h a cluh \ras erll.·Ctl'rl b~t year and :-.tq>s are til he takvn to make it a pnmanent or ganizatil 'll t hi-. \'l:ar. .-\ny girl between t h~ agl·:-. l'i 1S and 25 is eligibk il)r 111 L' 111 h l' r ~ 11 i p i n t II c clu h ~i 11 d . s i 11 c L' 111 1 p r t' 1 i 111 i 11 an· n ·g i ~ t rat i !Ill i ~ r L' q u i r c d , -.hlltdd l'l.'tH·rt at the lln\\ard gynlll:t"itllll, at i :.iO ll\·lock on .:\ll\'l'lllhn S. <~nnll ; t..,ium cia~:-.l':-. ittr \\t>111l'll \\'ill ltl' held Th11r-.da\· cn· nilll-!~ · ;tt JH,th tl tt· ~ t tdp and llu\\ard g\'llllla ~ iunb. l·q.:innin .~ ;tt 7 :3(1 c,'clork . \lr~. Ccr trtldc l;anckhnner. \\he· ha:-; in~tructcd till' ~t tl l ]. ' rJa..,., ic1r tllt' pa"t t\\n \'l':tr~. l1a-. 1JtT il t'lll.!':l){l'll tc1 takt· charge 11i the rh-.-. ; ,~:tin t!Ji _, \Tar . .\li . . ., I··<' ~kidnlt·rv \\ill l1an· rl1ar. L!t' 11i the lltl\\:trd t' b-. ..;. Doth gr<·llp:-. " ·ill ll!dd thtir tir . . t 111l.'l'ting~. :\0 \'l'lllher 7. \lt'llda,· L'\'t·nillg \\·ill again l>L· de \'Otl'd tt· l>a~kt·-thall f,lr " .;lniL'Il. 'I he k:tL!liL' \\ill . hL· rnndurted at tht' ~tc1lp L! .n1111 a" i11111 a 11 d t h l.' fir" t g a 111L" " iII G " ralll·d ;tt 7 :3() <)'clock. · Make Presentations .\ ~l'l't'ial CLTemon\· 11i i'rouJtatinn ui 1nerl:tb to eight lllt'lllhcrs ni 1 1 l' 11ur~eil'a t h\.T t cam, "hich pb n ·d i11 .; 1 1 Pt·r cent 11i tht' .~allli.'S during .the pJa,· .. , g r <llll H I "t' a~ on t o a i d t !J l' i r t l' a 111 ·i 11 anne:-;ing its :-.ixth ron~cctutin· championship durin . !.! the \'ear and a hali the \\tlllll'll':-. tlcpartn{ent. has 'been a fcatml' lli till' Playground and l~errca tiun ht·ard. The captain ni the pla~· g-rnund hall tl'alll inr '"hich the medals :tre being pr\.·~entcd. is ( :Ja<Jys Fell len . The !tam n1l·mhcrs \\'ho \\'-ill recei,·e ).!old halls iur tht·ir part u'i t hL· ,·icton· are: 1\·gg~· Betts, Certrudc ~oL-rpe;·, Hildur ( hl~t·. Eileen ~chmidt. :\ugusta Schuhl.Tt. Bt'tt ,. l~vcr:-.un and Elsie Patt·r:-.(IIJ. . tt ~-~~~1tr;~t c~~tt;;da'~e~fte~:;oe~~l ~Yh~~nSiid~ J ne, .· Landon, famous on both stage anJ Wilmette Legion Installs Ne .. w Offi cer~ Nex t. T ues d (. ay \\ dmttt e Po. -.t. :\n. -io, ot the Amenran 1:rt!inn ":ill hold its a~mua} dinner and IJJ:-.tallatton ctTt'lllOntcs fucsdaY l.'\'ellilll!', ( kt her 15, in the auditlHium nf thl'. \\ 'ii~J~t'te. ~fcl~onic. ~e 1 ~ 1 plc. ,'l~hc hour b '· .. l o,~loc)k .. Dbtn.rt ( o.n~nandc:r \\ al~~r 1 · (--; 1.1 .1 .1.!'\n· "dl lH' ~he 111stalltnl!· plf1cyr. l·.!lmts arl' he1n.!.! madl' to hll \T Statl' ( t)]11111alldl'r Ira ,·,·s attend the Jlrlll!TanL ]{cpre~L·ntatiH' S of neil.!hh 11 rinl! po..;ts " ·ill he .l!uests tktt evenin~. Oflicns tn he instalkd ne:-;t Tuesda" . a rL' Comma n dcr \ \'. 1-:. l~irhmonel. \'lt'e-Cnmmander I r. 0. ~r ohr. and Fi 1 w 11 ce Officer IT. L. Flcnt,·e, Tr. . _ _ _ __ · VISITS SISTER HERE ?\frs. l<h ca llilliard ni Duluth. \linn ., was the guc~t t)f her sister, ~Ir s. Clifford hes. 1(i30 \\'ashingtnn a,·ctme, for sn·c>ral days la st \\'eek . · lecture platform, trans formed himself hciore the e\·es of his audience into characters made \\'Orld famous on th.e nperatic stage. . \\'ith !.!rease paint. wigs and costtll.nes. _he tr~nsformed 1[r~. \V_all~,ce , : 1!llcr mt<~, L zuccna, the wttch 111 · II fro\'atorc .. ).frs. ~ames Johns.ton mto J " ·. · · tht' beaut1ful ]uhct. and Mtss Jane ha\'e a reel-hot orchestra at its Frida\' 1 he \\ tlmctts ~n·tc. Luncheons co~1- Callo-.\'av into the love lv Marguerite. cvcQing dancing class. pro\·iding it ha~-; · Yene at the L nt\·crsltY club_ and Jt~ Depict Many Notables the class. meetings are open \l) all restdcnt · of Charles Triggs, wearing a costume (If we had. the h'm. \\'C han~ ll 'm'~ \\'ilmctte. in which Lazzari had appeared · counteggs, if we had the egg·,? ( !) Jess times, said he did not feel natural True, Daniel 11. Da\'is, directl)r of Legion Auxiliary to Give as 1[enhistophrles. but he sl!rclv looked recreation, has engaged a hall, has his Installation Dinner Oct. 14 li'.·e that iamous character from e\·e on an instructor, is about to rc"Faust." t~lin an orchestra, and has informed Mrs. ~red \·on. clcr_ Lippet~ is in I Louise Homer. Edith ~lason . .Melba. his staff to get read\ . ' iur the class. charl!c Pl resen·atll)lh l()r the mstalla- 1 and 1farv Garden had ,,·orn the cost inn din 11 er '" h ic h the Le).!ion Auxiliary t umcs in which Mrs. ).1 iller, Mrs. In fact, he had a large number oi nf Post :\u . ..u, ,,·ill ~i,· e at the First Johnston, and Miss Callo\\'av appeared. rcgi~trations, almLbt enough to guar- Presh,·tnian church. Xittth ~trect and The slogan, "a sold out house by antcv the class, which take thirt\· (~rL-cllleai <1\'tllttl'. nl'xt ~londa,· eve- October 12." promises to he a true married couples paying SI~ . SO in ad- ninl-! at 7 o'clock. :JI'rs . ~lntle I\ancc nrophcsv, as indicated in the committee vance ior the course of t~n lessons ancl ~Irs. ~f rCullam '"ill represent the report . la st Sunclav. and C\'Cllings of dancin~ . . ckpartment: ~Irs. ~fahe! n. King, (.'(.)111400 Volunteer Workers But111itteL'\nm1a11 ior the ~. e,-cnth district. :\"earlv four hundred Yoluntecr workThe hall co:;b mo ney . The instru~- " ·ill he, ~ht ins~allinl! ntiict.'r. ,. ~.r rs. ers. in ~he Chicago area pledged their tor c u ~ts mone,·. The orchestra costs · ,l,lelcn :-im1th. :-.ulm:-.t. and ~lr:-.. \\ tl)1am c!1t1r_e ttme front <}ctohcr 7 to 1.2 to ~s monl.·,·. .\nd the staff is willing tn I I. T t~ ne~ .. r 'adcr. \\· h~~ han' ent_rrtatnc.rl l stst 1_n e\·en· yossthle ,,·ay t~ chssemtncollec-t it. l thl.' au:-;tl1an· at prc\'lt:lu..; nH'l'tllli.!S \nil I ate mfnrmattlm and estah h sh .a ~ore . . . allp\.·a r 1111 th program. , romnlcte knO\rlech!c of the functions . ] Iow<:rer, not a s~ngle p;:u d rt·glstra- , of the Chicago Ch·ic Opera·, and at the t1u11 . has been n·ccl\'ed as yet at th\.· 1 same time to awaken a keener interest rtrreation offiCC and it is possibl that r. ere . ope~ arne I in its J)CrilWtllances ~enerallv . In a the _class will be . di:-l>;u~ded unlc~~ l to Church Advisory Board '"nrd. tu r.pen up. tn _thousan.d~ who the lull I"> cruarantl'e 1s rccct\'L 'd s )()11. , J) r. · \" t...TL' \' . 1.oper. mtnls · · t l'r o 1 not hcrn shartn.,. - tl · 1e ha,·r . . . · '"' 111 the cltvtdemls . Th~ plans. arc to meet c\'L'ry other First Cunl.!rn~atiunal church. has been lrum the CI\' IC On·~~~a the onportumtv Friday en~ uing in the ~lasonic tL·mplc l'lccted a· member ot the Ad\'ison· It~) do so. Tn adcltt10n to ,the ~d.u~a audit<·rium at I') o'cluck. The hr)l]r irom ht~;.rd of the Chical!·n Association of tlnnrl.l fcatur.es nf the \Hck s acttvtttes. R Cl'clock to 9 o'clock will be cle\·oted l\·nQTcgational churches. 1Ie \\'as ;l ~n rffor~, wtll he made to. c~mplete a to in:-,tructi11n hy a ballroom dancing ~pL·aker at a mt·etinl-! oi tlw a~snciati l n se!l-~ut nf the fin' pnnclpal su~ teacher. Xe\\' stvps as \\'ell as individual la~t Tuescla\'. Till' .-\dyisnn· hoard is scnptton l~erf~rmanc~skfnr t1.1c 1929in~truction fnr beginning dancer~ \\'ill the exccuti,·e horh· oi the assuciati0·1 sc~~on ac~ -:0 ~rth \\if ;er dr~:ei1 1e. 1" 1c . pera c tt )S, ,,. IC were be introduced. From 9 o'clock to 11 :30 and tran:-;acts all its business affairs ·clock the t · e \\·til · be g · ,·cn to free 1 · . · 1 , 1· ·. onramzec t1 1c ll't\\-ccn tts semhmnua LOll crcnrcs. k past summer. Th A are . . 1 <1nnng . 1 tna 0 . . 1111 . . 1 , t1 1C ttntts \\' 1 11C 1 ·e llP e SSOCIdancmg w_tth no tn~t ructton . fhc oratccl CiYic Opera clubs of ).1' etropolitan ~·h<.:stra wtll. be a good_ one and the MOTORS TO NEW YORK Chicago, and ~.f:ss Dcma Harshbarger wstructor \nll he nne ot much experiCharles H. Bretlwld. \\'ilmrtte j, the acti,·e head of the movement. cnce. builder. motored to :Xc\\· York early The cluhc:; an.· arrant:di 1.g for programc;, The fcc for the cmtrse of ten Iessous this \\'Cck to meet \1 rs. Brethold. ,,·ho lectures and short talks explaining i:1 '"ill be $12.50 or $1.25 per couple per is returning- from an extl'ncled tour pf detail the artistic efforts of the civic C'\'Cning. The first meeting- of the Europe. Th~y \Yill remain in the cast onera and the solendid results which class \\'ill he Kon:~mber 8, provided al- iPr two weeks. the comoanv has achieved during its \\'ays there is sufficient rtsponsc to - - - - - existence. \\'arrant thl' project. Registrations and rhecb ma,· bt. ent to Director of Recreation, .Davis, at I the Playg.rutmd and l~c>creation board 1 oilier. Tenth and Central streets. The I tl'lephon~ is \Vilmett e .toR. Resolutions providing for advertising fnr contractors' bids on the improvement of \Vashinu-ton avenue and other Carl Oberteuffer Will streets in the Pine Crest ~ubdivision. Instruct Art Leaguers ; lncatecl \\'est of Ridge road, and the pa,·in(!' nf the first allev north of HighThe :\orth Shore Art league l1a s land aYenttc betweeh Fifteenth and :-.ecured Carl Ohertcu ffer of the Chi- 1 Sixteenth streets \\'ere p'assed bv the cago Art Institute, to teach its l'\Tilill~ 1 Yilla. !.!e Hoard of Local Improvements art classes. Final detail~ lli thv snie~ I at a meeting held at the Vi1bge hall of k_ssons \\'tre discu~sed at a hoard la st Tnesda,· niQ'ht. The bids will be meettll(!' held Octubcr 3, at l'ommtml! ,. ope ned 1)\· the hoard at its meeting on 1rouse. . I October 22: The League cnn~iders ibt·li ltlrtunatt' The streets included in the Pine to ha,·e ~fr. Oberteuftt'r ~ 0 near. a :. I Cre:;t proiect ar<> as follows: Washinglast sum·mcr sc ,·cral nurth ~horl' Pt'nplt ton avenue hetween Ridg-e road and \\'('llt to Booth Ba,· fiarlH·r. ~It· .. t<· Twcnt\·- first street: Hig-hland and Cent II I . ·itt1 h. I When searching for help. :-. , ~' " m1.. . . . tral avenues hetwecn Ridge road and antiques, a home, or what l.h <:> cia. s be1nL!. ltn~ltl.'<~ tn .th1rt,· Twenty-first street and Twentv-first not your wants are more t~H~ tnla·rs, .earh· apph,r~tll)n 1s adYtsall1~· · and Twentieth streets hetween Washeasily satisfied when you C_la.~s~: mil _he ~~<.: ld . ~ .h.t~ rs( :~lY. and ~ ~iinQton and Central avenues. The esdel\ ntghts. 1or SIX l ks l~L'ilH c. Chn..;t- I consult our classified pages. timated total cost of the Pine Cre~t ma~ ancl. t\\'elvc \\'('eks lollomnL! the in~ prn\'1,'111L' 11 t is a hout $06.000 . lwltdaY s. EXI'. \\' !liTE :'IT:\~ \\?ISHES LEAVES FOR PORTO RICO Further informati11n may he serur~·cl hou :-:~·work and <·ar1· llf furna ·~·~. ' h\' calling Mrs. I ·tn .lohan:-.L'll, \\'in Halph C. :.\[nuldin.l!, 10.25 Elmwood Pit. \\'ilnwtte ::~:l~. nctka 769: Mrs. Felix Bllldcn\\·ccr;:. aH'nttr. left this \\'Cek on a husiness trip to Pnrto Rico. Th, \\'ill he awav \\inn tka 20-l-t: nr ~fr~. Ralph j Brackett. \Vinnetka 2033. : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' about t\\'o · months. The la t waltz, the shining stars- ! Here the scribe's typc\\'riter at \\'ilmctte Playground and RecreatiQn board headquarters collapsL'<I. lt couldn't stand the gaff. But. \Y!1at the scribe \\'as intending to sa,· \\'as· that the hoard hOJH.' s to D y y L N d 0 Improvement Body Seeks Bids on 2 Paving Projects l Journey's End 1 "L J

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