Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 59

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October 11. 1929. WILMETTE LIFE 59 Open Next Wee~ as Leading Lady and Juvenile I ·I"' I I i Charlotte Andrc\\·s and Xoel \Var,,·ick. leading- larh and jun:nile. rc:-tH:ctivch-. of the l.akc Sl11 1 rL· Produl·titllls - the !.!roup oi :-lal!c arti-.ts to npcn a sca~on oi lllll'f>l11lllflll Il1tl're~t next wcvk in 1·\·a n::;tnn -rarn· the leads in tht· JlriHIIlctinn. "YI·!tll.L! \\ 't~cHI]e,· ," 111 aJ..:c it. bt,,,. to its F,·a JI:-l\111 and nnrth thv tJla\· \\ith ,,·hiril tlh· l'tllllp;l!l\' \\illl lake shore productions c/Jnnounces 1"he opening on October 17th of a Con1pany of selected Ne\v York Players ... new to Evanston nnd the North Shore ... presenting a new play each '".veek. The first production 'viii he :-lwrv pa tron..;. The date ,,j tht opcni·nl! lJa..; been clcicrrccl irn111 ( lrt. 1~ t n i T!ntr:-da,· c\-L'IIinl!. (>ct. 1/. Till· iur- I llll'l" :\'l.,,. 1-: ,·an:-dtlll thcatn. irt·:-ht.:IJ,_·d , a11d tllllt\\ h:tt altvn·d. "ill htlll'-l' t!H· 1 . r'"" all\' j,,r it, t'Jr-..t -..va-.tlll. 1 CURTAIN UP THURSDAY ;t.t!v,,tl'rl \l·llll~ iu'c"i!v -~~~~ thl' ~~l.,,. Dramatic Company to ()pen at Evanston Theater in "Younf{ Woodley" , 11 itt·d ,,, it. ")',,llllc; L't· lll P:tiJ\', and till· rt.lc nt t L' pr,·r~.:-, ,nr·, \\iiv · ,,jj] J,l' l·arril·d :"- l'harlt,tte \ ndr t'\\, , 11,, j, <tid \·' l1c. ;td!ni rahh· Thl·\' \\ill hl· Sllllllt>rtt·d t!t 11H! ("(Jlll]lall\", l1C\\' \\ 'lludk,·." :1 J·l;t\ ,,1 YO uth ),,- tfl E,·an_:;ton. :til \lllll-U;tlh· 1.hil·h IJ:1-.. fl,\ltHl i:t\'t·f' roll t he :\'c :\" 1 ~-------------~ )',,rk :->ta~l· and till the rn.trl. "ill lh' : , hl· i 11 j t i ;t! ( ~~ r{. r i Ill! (J i , h (. r. a kL· ~ h () r c I l'rr·dudi(lll -., rumJ!:tn\· ,,!Jt·tJ it makes , it . ; Ii r 't a 1, pc a r a 11 ct..: T i1111·, d a'- t" l'll in...!. ( )l·trd>n 1/. at til\· lr·l'll~l']" \\·'.\ 1-"_,-_ ;, 11-.,11111 t hl'atl·r. \\'ith l'IHlnrsL·nH:nt lli tht· Drama l.l-al!uc (It Chica.l!u. the Drama Club of E \.an:-- t(liJ and ot h cr .l' ruUJh and in· di,·iduals inkrc :-tcd in priJ\·idinl! Evanston and the north shore with drama I Friday, Saturday of the better . or t. the openiiJl! e,·,·ning October 11. 12 t>rnmis s to he attended \\·ith sncc ial proies .~iona l ancl social intcre:-t. :\'unJack Oakie hers of ur<'HlPS arc arranuin(! theater and nartics for the cYent. Evelyn Brent The plav. "Young \\'ood Jc,·." " hich will be presented the fir st week of the cnmpanr's seaso n. is th e ston· nf a ho\·'s fir st cxperil'nce \\'ith pa.::;sionatc love. The nart of the hn\·, Ynnn .l! \Yoocl]e,·. ·will he plar<'d hv · Xoel \Yar\\'ick. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday October 14, 15, 16 6tt.YOUNG WOODLEY~' Glenn l-lunter's popular dramatic success of English College Life. l l nder M ana~ement of "Fast Company" Ann Harding : COMMUNITY HOUSE Fri. & Sat. Oct. 11-12 J. E. HUTCHINSON "Paris Bound" Thursday, Friday, Saturday October 17, 18, 19 Ne'v Evanston Theater Owino to extensive cleaning, decorating and alterations, we now find it impossible to open on October 14th, as announced last week. All will he in readiness for the opening OCTOBER 17th. Box office Open Oct. 12th, 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. ' UNIVERSITY Dcuglas Fairbanks "THE IRON MASK" 1-'urth..r .\dnutur(' S of "Th1· 'J'hrce )luskctcers" Betty Compson and Tues., Oct. 15 JUNIOR COGHLAN Louis Wolheim In Fri., Oct 18 KARL DANE (;('0. Sally O'Neil · in K. Arthut· in "Square Shoulders" "On With The Show" with Arthur Lake "China Bound" 30()()

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