Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 57

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October 11. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 57 PLEDGED BY KAPPAS blishment of the proper study of Gaelic and Irish lanQuages and literature at .Miss Marjorie Oleson, daughter of Northwestern university." and Mrs. .T olm P. Oleson, 240 Mr. Throug-h sponsor hip of the AmeriBernard Bloch, former instructor in \Voodstoc k avenue. Kenilworth. who can I ri :- h Hi storical society, of whi(h the University of Kansas, will hold the fellowship. is atte ndin g till' C ni\·crsity of Colo- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dr. .\l<:xandcr PoDr i. secretar!V, and Boulder. has recently bee n ra do at oi ' L 'H·ral < ·tlln Ca cJ:.. on thl' north DANCE AT WESTMORELAND I pledged to Kappa Kapp a Gamma .;!J" r v and Chi c a~n. a Cat:lir iellmYsh ip \ Y es~more l apd Co untr y club will ~ ororit \· . fc1r the :-lll <h · tit l' ~· ltir la11gna).!"L' S ha:; stage Its annual harvest home partv I JLT 11 · c :-- t a I d i :-l1 v <I ;t t :\ 1 1r t Inn·~ t c rn 'vVedncsdav evening, Oct. 16. 1t \\'ill b-~~ unin:r :-- it \ .. a formal affair \vith dinner at 7 and 5~2% MONEY "Xo .othvr J.H.:O l ~ le han: _ ever been .dancing at 9. 1 Have funds to loan on choice Imt~wre mt ere sted 111 the hi story and I proved No rth Shore Subur.ban re!l1 idence property at 5%% lnte~eat. lt~er~tturc of their ra r e than . the Gaels 1[rs. EchYarcl D. lbub of Indiana I See us on renewal s. o.r ::icotland and - Ireland." said Dr. A. I \\'ith her dan).!"htcr, ~1 arih·n, ,,·as th C. L. B~0\\'11, Profess nr of English. in guest lo r :-i nna l da,·s last \\ct:k t i E. G. Pauling & Co. announ_c1n ~ the fellO\\'ship, "and loyal her father anclmnthcr, ).lr. and 1frs.· 10 s. LaSalle St. Telephone Suite ?28 Franklin 774t men ot tin ~ a!1ce strv . are contribu ting I .Arthur C. ll amnwtHl. SOO GregorY throul!'h tht s tellowshtp to the estab- street. Claimed by Death Ga_ elic. Fellowship Is Established on Campus 1 rl\llllMMMIIMIUU\I\1\II~IInii/II\I\I\IIIII\/II\1\I\III\I~U\1\1\1\! s, N c E i s Elmer F. :\dam :' , ,t rL·:-idtn t 11t \\ 'ilt nttka ~ inCL: IR~R. foundt:r o i tilL· :\dam -Pharman· in that Yilla~c and \\' inn r tka postmzt:-t .L ·r 11nd~r i)n·:-ident" T;Ut. , 1 I larding and C)(llidgc pri11r t(l l 1 D when IH· rL·tired in1111 'L·n ·ir v. pa :--~·· d ;m·a) la--t \\.L· dtH: :--da~· 11ltll'lling at thL·' age.: ()i 1,4 n ·ar:- . Funnal ritt·-. \\·ill hL· held thi:- a;·tcrn1.1nn at 2 :30 < ·'clt lrk irtllll the ).[emorial Park L'en1l'tl'J'\. cllaJh·l. ).1 r. :\dam:; \\·as a memht· t~ oi tCH· 1 \lasl)nic mrkr. tltL· I. ( ). 0 . F . ;!ltd \\a-. ~ a c 11 art cr 111 r m b n t1 i tlt L ' \\ · intlt'l k a I l~otan· club. Ile wa:- rn·t·1Jth- madl· an ' hnnorar~· member t'i the latt.L'l' nrgaiti t.atinn llL' Catt:-L oi a nne ln111drL·d percent attendance record . 1 2 c:::::: ~· 2 c:::: ::: · 1Jeere Park 2 2 : c::: ~ c:::: c:::: c::::: 2 c::::: c:::: §) c::: c::::: c::: 2 : 2 ::::: 2 c::: c:::: OCTOBER CARD PARTIES The annual October card parties ft1r benefit oi the \\·ork oi the Southern \ Vomcn' s Educational alliance will he l1cl~ in various homes in Evanston, Chical!o and north hore. Fridar ~ ftcr noon. ~ § 2 2 ~ c::: :; i 2 II I 9 rooms, 3 baths, 2 servants' roon1s and bath, and 2 car attached garage. Good craftsn1anship- this ttOnle in Deere Park represents excellent value as an investment; it oilers con1fort ·and convenience and economy of living; it affords the pleasures of the tnost be.c1utiful section of the North Shore. Property 0\vners North Shore Realtors c::: c:::::: c::::: .::::. c:::::: c:::::: c:::::: Builders Ynu ar e c ordially inYitNl by tht· l·:Y.\XSTOX REAJ, HOAUD l~STATE == ~ c::: c::: c:::: to atU·nc1 its r<'~ulnr m .. nlhly m<'eting- on :!\Jontln)·, Octolwr 14, 8 :00 P. )L == c::::: c:::::: c:::::: at 616 C'hmC'h Stre<'t EYAXSTOX to hear nn address on The Modernizing Movement by 0. W. Rosenthal Yice P1·esid nt of the Honw Modernizing- n urNl tl of the National Building ::: 2 c::: c::: c:::: ~ . 2 c::::: 2 c:::: c::: c::::::: c:::::: Representative AlwaJ'S on Property BAIRD WARNER c::: .:::::: c:::: Industri es, In c. .·\n Eloquf'nt Speal(C'J'. A Succe~!'ful c::: 2 -== c::: c::: c::: OFFICE: DEERE PARK, CoRNER SHERIDAN RoAD AND CouNTY LINE RoAD, HIGHLAND PARK Phones: Highland Park 3040-Briargate 1855 c::: Builder. Anyone who ('Onh·mplah'S chan~· Jng or adding to his home or other I properties, will want to be pres .. nt. IT PAYS TO 1\IODERNIZE YOUR l"llOPJ~U.TY · · · · · · · · · · · + · · · *:.. · · · · · · · · IUUUIIUUUUUU\1\MJU\Jil\JIJ\Jil\J\ J\lll\Jil\lllllll\l\JIJII\J\JVIJUUUUUU\JU\IIJIMIUUUUINU\MJ\JWU\J\ANUINIJIMJ\IIIIJ\MNV

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