Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 56

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W I L M E T T ·E 1 1 LIFE October 11, 1J29 Give · North Shore Parties for Evanston Bride-Elect At Neighbors Club By P. H. The Neighbors opened its thirtyfourth season on Tue sday, October 1. at 2:30 o'clock 111 the Kenilworth A:,semb ly hall with Mrs. Charles Hov.-ard Bent. president, pre sidiug. Ther-:: was a · large and enthusiastic gathering ci members present. The memb ers of the board of directors. whi~h includes 1\.f rs. Bent. Mrs. Harry Harrison. Mrs. Dean Vail. 1-lrs. Louis Jones , Mrs. Charle s Dub skv, and Mrs. Leon Ellis. acted as hostes ses. 1frs. Bent opened th e mcet mg \\'ith a greeting to the Kcighhor ~ and introduced the twentv new mem bers taken into the club this past sum mer. This was followed hv a briltian: h· executed musical proc.;ram hv 11 is:; Anna 'Btlrmeister. soprano. and Fred erick Schauweckcr. l)ianist. Miss Burmeister is Cine of Chical!n\ {Jlremost and most finished musician ~. Her chief aim 111 singing seems In be interoretation of the song itscli. ncYer to exploit her m\·n voicc- Jt :-; qualitv or size. There seems even ;t n effort to suppress the voice if atwthi lll! and to present the song. throug-h th e medium of a heautifullv t.rained vo1cc of gre(lt charm and flcxibilitv. as a most exouisite piece of \\·orkman shi:L The re~nlt is a most satisf\'inglv arti ~ tic program. All of th e jm· of the comnositio n, . all of thr hraut\· ni th f' melocl~'. all of the finest shade . 0£ feeling arc hroucrht out. ~fr. Schauwecker, as arcompani~t. \\'a s fla\\"le ss and nne wonderer! if he rL'spondcd to nthrr si n!!er s ni diffn ~'nt temperament ancl ideal s witl1 a-; iull anprlciatinn. The musical ~ c ttin g~ (If th e soncrs \\·ere so wrll cl onr and hi -; o\Ytl sclec tinn nf mu . , ical mnnher..; " L-rt · rho~cn \rith such excellent ta -.,tl' tl ut it 1s difficult tn nraisl' adequateh·. :.Ofr s. Edwin Bluthardt i-; chairm:tn of the departm ent nf m thiC :tnd \\· a~ rC '-P<ll l-. ihlc for thi s prnl.!ram in K l'nd \\"ort h. ~f r ~ . T lar rY Harri son. Yicv-prc:-.idv!lt and chairman of th e prnl.!ra1.1 cnmmi t t l'l' , announced that th e tl l'X t llll'· ·t llll! nf the Xeil.!hhors occ urnn l! <Ill Tu esda,·. Ortoher 15. \\·ill he a i<1i,1t nH:ding: \\ith the I enih\·nrth LL'ag:uL· of \\.ome.n Voters and \\'ill pre se nt a :meaker \\'ith a messag-e o i s p~cia ~ in I ten:st to both of the se org-a lllzatll lll'-, . · Prof. Carroll H. \\"oodch· of the dl'partmcnt of political sc ience at th< · Chica.(!n university " ·ill speak. Profe ssor \\' oo ddv \\'a s the auth or of "'1"1c ChicaLro Primary of 192()". There h al so a mu sical program planned. :\f r .... E . .John Hick s will be ho s tc ~s fnr th e dav. 1 EY We are in a position to grant loans quickly · to folks who need ready cash for persona] or household emergencies. Our service is quickcourteous- dignified. · (i tl Co. Hid~ . ,., UP TO Miss Beatrice Braun of Evanston. whose marriage to Harvey W. Weber o{ Evanston will be solemnized Werlnesdav evening at St. ] oseph's church in \Vilm ette. has been the guests of I honor at a number of parties. Thurscfay evening- of last week Miss Helen \Volff gave a mi scellaneous shower . at her home m \Vilmettc. Mondav evening Mrs. · John .tJoffman and Mrs. I Clarence Braun wer, hoste ss es at a , ~lass shower given a. the Hoffman home in \Vilmette. Mr. and Mrs. Harry I C. ~ie.l!elscn will give a dinner tomorro\\' e~·ening at th~ir home. in Glencoe 1 and Sundav even1ng a dmner party \\'ill he given at the home of Mi ss Braun·~ aunt. ~rs . Fred Hatler cf Chicago. ~fr :-; . Hubert E. Holclowav. 723 Fo:-est avenue. and her sister, Mrs. Robert Zimmermann of 303 Greenleaf avenue, left last SundaY for Long Beach. Cal., to spend a month with their mother. Mrs . L. Franz. -o\\"ilsnn Dl'Camp, so n ui ~fr. and :.Of rs . DaYid R DeCamp of 6~5 Ab1 bot t:-ford road. Kenilworth has been to hi~ home with the influenza I confined for the pa st \\·eek. 1 PERSONAL FINANCE Room 211, Church Street Second Floor 708 Church Street EVA~STON, $300 PHONE OJ\ WR.ITE ~ ILL. 6·0·~·1 Tt·lt·ttlannt· rHnlf'llf ' "'::10 to :J Sattmlny 1'1:!10 tn 1 LH ' E'"SE[) BY TilE ST .\'l'E Ott~·n Buy Bonds! Paying 6Y2 Percent w . ( ) F}' l·: R a 11 t ' x r I' 1 lc nt ~ ci c l' t i u n u i Fir~ t ~I urtg-agT Cold nond~. secured 1)\· ln1Si1H.'~~ building:~ cntnhinatiPn ~tore and apartn1cnt prop crt i c ~ apart 1n c n t b u i 1 ding·s. · '1' h c s c ran gT 111 location trotll Fountain Square to the ~fain Strl'ct di~trirt and to that excellent Xorth\\·est section I ·: ;t<lj<)lt1itlg' 1~it1(()1tl\\'( )0 ( l. ho~t of satisl1cd in\·estors O\rntng I-Iahn -tnaclc ~ecuritie~ \'ouch for the desirability of these :\Iortgage I n\· c~ttncn ts. 'l'o 1nsurc satisfaction, buy secu ntles 111 this cotn tnqnity. \""ou arc acquainted \\·ith its present high degree of property values. \ "" ou are assured of its bright fut urc. ~t\.nd, quite as itnportant, you knO\\' this house of 1~sue to be sound tn its expenence and it~ judgtnent of properties in. this locality. $100, $500, $1000 Denominations }OHN F. HAHN, Incorporated ESTABLISHED 1899 Bonds, Mortgages, Real Estate, Insurance, Renting 1619 Sherman Avenue, Evanston, Illinois Green leaf 2700; Rogers Park 5115 Gc<Jrg-c Stuart and hi s t\\'o dattl!htcr~ the ~fisses Harriet and 1-.lizabcth Stuart formerly of Kenilworth. w!to have been 111 Europe all summer. r\· turned this week to . Chicago aftet stopping briefly 111 New York anc Southampton on their way home While abroad 1f r. Stuart and hi . daughters visited the Dalamitcs . Th ~ ' are expecting to leave again Octobct . 15. for a fortnight's stay at \Vhit~ SulDhur Springs. I -oMr. and Mrs . Rov Herbert .T arrett 1 , Tr., and their sma ll son have take1 an apartment on the ncar south side \\·here he will be ncar his work wit! the American Radiator comnatw. ~fr and .:..r rs. Tarrett formerlv livecl 11 Rogers Park. Mr. Tarrett 1s the son of ·:Mr. ancl Mrs. R. H. Jarrett of 53-+ Essex roacl. Kenilworth. -o!\f r. and :.Of rs. T oseph J o\·cc nf 53 1 E~sex road. Kenih\·orth are planning to make a trio to Arizona in the verY nr.ar iuture. ~fr . .Ton·c. \\'ho has he ~' ! ill for some time. is slmd,· recovering. -- I -0- ).frs. Merritt 1 f. Dement of 337 Ah hnthfor d rnad, Kenih\·nrth (·ntrrtainL(l a tabl<· of hrid!!e at the Skoki·c Countn· club TuesdaY of thi s week.

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