Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 47

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Octobe r 11. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 47 Sears School Grid Knobel-Austin Wedding Squads Clash With . Taking Place Tomorrow Evanston Thttrsday ;daul!hter The marriage of Miss Be rtha Knobel. . of Mr. and M rs. Charles · 'f,,.o t eams r ep resenting t he .T oseph Kn obel. 204 \Voocl Court, to Ar th ur Sears school in Kenilwort h \\'ere Calion Austin, son of ~1 r. and Mrs. S. sched ul ed to m ee t t he Haven school E. Austin of Richmond. ' Ind .. will take of Evans t on a t Rovcemore fie ld. EY - Pla ce tomurro\v afternoon at 4:30 1 ansto n. T hursday of this wee k tn OPL'II o'clock, at St. John's EYa ngelica l Lu t he 1929 North Shore Grammar School i thnan chur.ch. \Vilm ettc. The Rev . league footba ll season for Kcn'il\\'orth. 1 llcrman \\' . .\f e\'l'r ,,:ill perform the 1 The .Tosrph Sears school wi ll ha\·1.' ceremom·. :\ reception and wedding teams ent ered in the midget and lis..r ht - ·I :-upper " ·ill follow the service at the weight classes th is year, Rnhcrt \\·. h(lllH~ ()i th e bride's parents. To,,·nlc\·, athletic director of the Kenil \1 i% Knobel ha s chosen as her maid \\'Or th school. announced thi s week . I ()i honor. ~1iss \·era Austin of RichDirectors of r ecreat ion in the pu;, _ , monel. si _tcr oi the groom . and as her lie schools of .Ken il worth. \Vi lmett c. : bridesmaids. 1\t iss Irene B l e~cr of \ Vi ian d f.ya nston me t lars t week to arran re : mettc and Mrs. Lawre nce K nobel nf ,. . I . the l!ramma r school league football .E '.Yanston. ~[' \\'o small meces of t he ~chedu l e for th is season. bride. l ea n M atthc"·s and E ll en Burns, Ke nih\·or th will have a;wthcr bu~,. "·il~ be flower girls. . . wee k next week. as both the lis..dlt .Karl Knobel. hr~tlwr ()! the hnd~?. "·eil! hts and midget :; arc sc hcdnlc d to , wtll sene ..\f r. A nst 1n a:-; h est man . The PJa'·. t\\·o games. I ra,·en " ·ill come tll ,. K-;h~r~ \nil he ~·a"-r ~ n_ce and Alex 1,1~ he! a.nd Ilarn :\for n~on. Kentl\\·orth for return games T hur sda\·. . October 17. and th e two Keni lworth 1 he .h nd~. and (!room \\'Il l makr tlh.~ tr tea ms wi ll olay \ Vi lme tt c at Kenil\\'orth ! h!lllH' Ill \ \ llmcttc. tlll Satu r dav, Oc tober 19. - - - - -- - - .Kcn ih\·orth 's schedu le for the r ._ ' , TAKES HOTEL POST mainckr of the season fotlo\\' s: !. . ,1··· d~· \furg. fn,rmcr manager nf , J' .. t hl' CL'nrg1an hote 1, 1·. ,.an:- t llll, and wel l \\ eclnesdaY, October ..- .)-\\ r1me.tt~· at kllll\\'11 to many north -;IJ()re resi<knts. t1rc Howa rd school. \\ Jimette . .\f tdl!l't . , ha · 'l<' CcJl ted tl~e 1), . · f .·.. .· · and li ght we ig hts . '~ ' ( ~ 1 1lllll ' 1 . 'H L-preslv ··I 0 t 1 )~ \ .. a11d l.!t·ncral managtr nt th e Ho tel . dent 1 at 1',\' - · T) 1 rnca\·, co l('f -.:1- . 1r 1 1n.., · '1 ·1 · · ·t B o It \\'Ooc1 par k 'I rc '1 I . ~e nw11t .C'l~ · ll'rtr an r(l:td at net mon t an~ nn. ·. ·' l!'l'h an< t · · an·nue. Jrcagn. \lr. de \ f m g \\·as . · I1t ·c 'rrJ IH.! \\ !..-, 1 ~. . l I L' I . 'l' f1t 1rscla\· 0 ·t( 1 , 31 \' . . t l11rnwr y manager ,,t· t 1It' l ,a,(. ,.., wre 1 . . c > >t r , . 1l 1 1<) .., ,1 > . (' . . 11 agn. Kcni hn)rt h. 1f idl.!cb and lightwcil.!ht ~. 1 rrn· 1IOtl' 1 111 1 1 1 1 KEYSTONE RADIATOR CABINETS and SHIELDS All Metal Custom Built Any Finish Moderately Priced Foe estimates phone or write Keystone Radiator Cabinet Co. 4351 N. l__ HARDING AVE ., CHICAGO NAMES SEMINARY FACULTY \fr-;. T~oy llerhcrt Jarrett. iH l·: ... . L·x Teaching started l a~t .\lnJJda' :n r~1ad. l...:cnil"·o rtlr is a\\·a,· 011 a t\\' l) the nt·\\· \\'es tern Thcolu.l.!ica1 :i(.:minan·. \n:eb' Yisit l l l l·:,·ans,·i1k< Ind ., \rllrre at the ::\orth\H'stcrn uni,· er~it,· npp!l - she \\·ill hl' till' . :..:uest:- (lf frit'!Hh. Sht' I s 'it~.· the Patten gymnasium 011 Slrcri- "ill rctum hy \\·a,· l)i l!idianaptdis dan road, in E,·anston. Dean Crant ,,·hnc :-;he ,,·ill Yi~it .\f rs . C. H. H(l\\ ·t rd announced th at the iacult,· ,,.0 111<1 h~· l)f Tndian;tpo lis inr a ie"· da~· ..,. CPillPused of the Rc\'. :\ . flaire Fnr -o"tn. the Re,·. PL:rc,· \ · . .:\llnwocl. th <. \lr :-. Frank D. Fultllrt. Hill r llacl. RLT . D. A. ~fcCre .Q'()r, Dr. Geor. l!'l' \\ ' innL·tka ha~ a:- hn gue:-.t. her daugh,.. Craig Stewart, Dr. P. C. Lutkin. \ ·isit- t er. thv f(lrllll'J' \laril lll Fulton. no,,· in'! lecturer s \\'ill be Pro is. Franri ~ I . .\I r:-. I .aur~.·nr~ Edmund He Bout . .111 1 1 I fall. Samuel A. ll. .\ T crcn, the R~.:,·. sma ll yl'ar ~ Ll1d daughter. ~ I aria nne FulFrederirk C. Deis. and the Rl'\'. E. I. ton . ni Laudt:n·i1k. Ohill. Thl'y :1n' Randa ll. I making a t\\·o weeks' visit. 1 Phone Keystone 0 I 11 Concrete Pave:tnents Outlive tLe Bonds Long after you have paid off the bond issue for your portland cement concrete streets, the pavements will be giving perfect service to traffic. "Perfect service" means freedom from co. nstant repairing and a pavement that stays CARPfTS Everyene tcants ··a ll m:er II carpets in o_ffice and home. lt 's eu. "y to get thPm here! If price has prevented you from buying carpets ... (:on1e to our Display Rooms for a pleasant surprise. Here you +u find roll on roll of 8landard grades priced unbelievably low. Our business is supplying the hotels, theatres and clubs of the country ... you ·profit by our tremendous volun1c. And expert carpet laying ... so important to insure long wear . . .is aSEyJred by a corps of skilled layers. They will lay your carpets over Ozite Cushion, to double their life and make them · smooth . PORTLAND .CEMENT ASSOCIATION 33 West Grand Avenue CHICAGO softly luxurious. Phone Franklin 5051 for an estimator ... or vi1it our Dilplay Rt?Om and 1elect your carpets from our large stocks. Special Valua duri"'J IM month ofOciDlH>r ALBERT PICK-BARTH COMPANY IN 0 A National Organization to Improve and Extend the Uses of Concrete Offloea Ia 32 Cltlea . 208 West Rando!pJ1 Street 1200 West 35th Street

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