Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 46

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46 W I L M E T '1 E LIFE October 1L 1929 ll!fi'ss Dorothy Troy Mrs. Catherine Moloney Dies at Wilmette Home JV eds George Young FIREPRQQF WAREHOUSES · .I WO ime[y Services Housecleaning? Let I rcdale's l\10TT 1PROOF ~f rs. Catherine Moloney died suddenly Saturday evening, October 5. of a heart attack at the home of her The marriage of Miss Dorothy F1ordaughter, ~Irs. Marian Jacobi, 935 'cnce Troy, daughter of 1vfr. and Mr;' · Michigan avenue. Mrs. l\loloney. who Frederick A. Troy of Scarsdale, :N. ) .. was 86 year·s old, had lived with her former!\' ·oi \\ 1 ilmette. to George Bihh daughter in \Vilmette for the past six Young-, ·son of Mrs. T. Sloan Young of years, and prior to that time lived 1\"ew York, touk place Friday evenin~~· . for many years in Chicago. Her bus- October 4. at the home of the bride'~: band, the late Andrew Moloney, died parent s nn Edg-emont road . The Rev seven years ago. Mrs. Moloney is Victor (~. ~~ills. rector of the . First . urvind by one claughte~. ~frs. Jacobi, · ~lethodist church in Montclair, · '. ] .. and a son, Andre\\', of Chicago. Fuu- pcrfnnnecl the ceremony, "hich wa s era! services were held Tuesday morn- folll)Wed b,· a n.·ccption. ing at 10 o'clock at the St .. Francis The hricie. ,,·ho \\'as givcn . a\\'ay in Xa\·icr church in \\"ilmctte. Burial marriage b,· her father, wore a parchtook placl' at \lount Olivet cemetery ., ~~~~~t-~:\)~~~:~d ~~·~:; n ~-~~· n ~~~~lec\11 ~~~\~;~ At Scarsdale Home rr_ 'T' .I your Entertaining? ovcrstuHc..:d furniture..: and rugs. lreclale's arc cqttij)pcd to rent folding chairs and tables; also dining chairs and banquet tables. 1723 BENSON AVENUE, EVANSTON PHONE WILMETTE 1332 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<~1~t~ll~e~i~tl~tc~ ·r~e~s~ti~n~g~J~ lo ~i~n~ts~o~f~t~h~e~S~o~u~tl~1. ··- - - - --- STORAGE . She. wore a n~ il of oi 1041 Forest a\'Cnue ha\'e just re- ro.se-pnl!lt lace caught mto a cap ~ffcct turned from a t\\·o weeks' motor trip wtth oran~e l>.lossoms~ and ca.r:ted a 1 ~I r. and ~Irs. George L. Panushka fonnin~· a train. I 1 1 Presenting Another New tctor · Model R--52 · 1lt tt<lttl'l ot \\'lltte orchtds and ltltes-ofthe-valley. The matron oi honor, ).f rs. Jolm H . Tr11e of Davet1port. lowa. who was Dorotlw Cullen, daughter 0f the ],1hn \\'. Cuilens of \Vilmettc wore a frock nf rose satin with close fttting bodice and long· skirt. dipping- at the sides . Her l>ouqul't was oi ro!'lt dahlias and hlne delphinium. ~I iss Eleanor Leech and Miss Virgit~ia Bro\\·n. both oi \Vashington, D. C .. \\·ho served a ~ bridesmaids, wore -;1milar drt:sses oi French hlnc and carried si111ilar btHt quets as that carried h,· ).1 rs . Tn1e . Three niecl's of the hrid~·groom served as tlo\\'er girls. Betty \' tlllng oi Ards le,·. X. \'. and · Bche and KathL·rine \'~nmg of Forest 1-1 ills. 1.. l. ).1 r. \'onng\ best man \\'a s hi-, brother. T. Sloan \' oung . .1 r. of :\nb Je_, .. Another brother. S. Cassels Young ni Forest 1-1 ill:-., 1.. r. and the >ri<k\ hrnt her. Charles ~1. Troy, " ·ere ushers. The bride attended ::\ e\\· Trier Hi~ h :--Clll1<d an<l graduated fr0111 ~'rart~ l more cp))cge, S\rarthmore, Pa. in 192(J. ).1 r. Yn11ng \\'as graduated fro :' l C(Jrncll unin.·r:-.it\' in 1921 and is associ:-~tl'd \rith the F. \\'. Dndgc crqwration 111 ~ew York. $215 l.ess Radiotrons S2 38 with R adiotro ns Circuit 11ttuned to present-day broadcasting conditions ... New electro-dynamic speaker . · . Full vision, automatic tuning dial that is exclusively Vietor's . . . ten radiotrons. De Luxe cabi.n et. at Lyon & ~ealy's Howard Pupils Punctual I September Records Show The first week in October sho\\'ed a marked decrease in the amount of tardiness among pupils of the H )Ward school, Lowell F. Todd, principal. stated this week. '1\vo grades. the fourth and sixth, ,~~,·ere the worst offenders during the first few weeks of school. while three rooms in the Howarc! building had · no tardy marks against them. Last vear l\f r. Todd experimented with a ·"school for the tardy." This school was held the first week of the month for pupils who had been tardv a certain number of times during the previous month. It \vas held after :>chool hours. A s{milar class for tardv students will be held this year if oc-casion demands, l\f r. Todd states. Attendance for the first month at the Howard school was about 97 percent perfect. ~1rs. B. F. McNaughton, YEARS of electrical research and experience by Victor engineers developed a radio that is worthy of the name of Victor. Now another marvelous set is introduced in a new dress - the De Luxe cabinet of classical design. The marquetry door panels of matched butt walnut, reeded legs and stretchers .w ere designed to match luxurious home furnishings. Make a point of it to see and hear this handsome new Victor-Radio R-52 at Lyon & ~ealy's today. Your Old Radio In Trade The Rest Of the Cost In Small Monthly l'crms ENTERTAIN AT MIRALAGO 1411 Maple Evanston Store: 615 Davis St. avenue. g-ave a supper dance at the l\f iralagn ballroom Thursday evening- in IJ,!1nor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Moore ui '1\ampa, Fla. Her g-uests were Dr. and ~1 rs. G. A. , Stone. l\1 r. and Mrs. R->Y F. Best. Julian Radda. and Mr. and ~Irs. J larolcl Brockstacl. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur C. Hammond 500 Gregon' avenue returned to thei~ home last week from an extended three \\·eek s' motor trip in the East. Amo!lg those places visited were \Vashington, ~e\\' York Citv and Niagara Falls: ~1 r . +tnd Mrs. }. l\felville Brown, 99 Lyon£Healy Open Evenings Till Ten o'clock -o- Robsart road, Kenilworth, have been in the east visiting ~heir son, Robert.. at Harvard college.

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