Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 38

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J8 WILMETTE LIFE October 11. 1929 ~-]1 News oF the :North Shore ClubS [[~WJJ_1 '~Travel," Subject Club Will Hear Opera Program at Business Women~ s Heads Alumnae Club Meeting Monday Tenth District Plans Institute Club. Work to Be Discussed by Club Women of Pro1_11inence at Evanston. O.ctober 16 Finr Arts Department of Catholic Th{' tJ{em of the 1\f onda \' prog-ram oi the Hu~incs s and Prnfe.., . innal \\'omWom.1n ·s Club to Present l'n\ club \\"aj "Trayc]" and it.; cducaI ntrresti ng Program ti(mal \'alu('. This \\·a:-; emphasized ;,1 Fr irl:t\ a ·t('rtlOntl. ()rt,~hn II . at · h(lt ll l' t ' f · \I r :--. F r a 11 k ( k k rich . l.~ 't l tit c Crt'l'tl\Yt ll' rl a n·ttttt. \\'ilmtt tc. t IH· ftm· art.; dcpartlllt"n t ni tltc \\'mn;tn':--. Cath olic rltth (li \\.ilttttltc will gin· an itt fcrt· , tittg Jll"tWr;tm ni tltlt·r;t mu..,ic. l'!Ji.., It a" he " It :1 rr a 11 ~ l' rl ], \' \I r.; . \f. H. \for ris ac; in aprop1,.., t·f the openin~ llf tll\· opt:rrl ~ea .... nn. ~I r . . . \1 !Jrri . . ,,·ill rt·l :ttt· hridh· the ~tt~n pf each OJH.'I":l pre 'ented, fl';lturing tiH· mo,t prPmint·t :l c;c<·ne.... ;111d tltc prinripal aria~ an ·! r hont-- 'i'tlllll her-; . Tit(' mtl'-.iriath t;tking pat·t itl t111 · prngram \\"ill h<' l'lhltlln('rl a.; tltl' pritlripal rlt:,rat·t<-r, in t h1· IIJll'ra~ tltt·\· :tr1· singing. The flllln\\·ing prn.t.:rant ,\ill hi' ~i\"(·n: r. F:tUI't Co\IIJII(l ()n ll :trry I.ornharcl. Flowt ·r ~~~ng- - .\lr:-: . l!·othi11g with ~lr~ . :\1. 1: . :O.Iorri~ at tht· pi:tll··. II . !\tart h :t Flt~t .o \\· .\l:tid ~f' r\":tlll!" ' I'IH·I' U S t·ll ~ t·JI)J,), . I .:t' ~t Hll !-'1' of ~urnnlt·r. :tnfl · c 111' So Fair .\1r· ~. Sold it·~·!-.' I 'hor·u:-;- Eii!-i:tho·t h I ,illt · \"itali, l\lrl' . ('hark:-: Hmad. :\lr!-'. lfarr~· Hf'ftinghall >", :\lr>". l'h:trlo ·:-: .':nrrnan. :\frs. 1-'r:tnk l!othiJtg . ~lr :-:. Holu·rt Ft~nlh:trll. :tJHI .\In:. ;\;'"l' lnfl 11 Ill II 'f'r,.\·: tt 1 ort· .\ ll\"iJ ('ht!l"ll !" t·IIS··Jn),J, . ~li '-··rt·rt· :t lld l'ri !"ll ll ~··nt.: .\lr~. y, rd i F"ntham \", ·nl i ;\;'nnt·· .\Irs. J:, · ttinghau ~ \' . ,\ria " fr"'" L a T"~'·:t l'tJ< ·· ·i ni 1·:11. nl···tlt LiiJ ·. \'italt· \ ' f. Till' Hllho ·rni:tll l:irl J::tlt"t · Th,· llt ·:t rt llo\\'1'(} 1 >own 1 )lr··:tnH·d I l>wt ·lt in :\larhJ ·. ll:tll s Vitllin - \\"inifn·d Ttt\\'IISt·nd C'n·t· \\'ht·n Othn Lip!" :tnd ' Oth.·r lk:trt ~ I ' :t I'll L(·l:t \"II l·':tirdlild Lomh:trll \\':tg-11·"1" Tannhau ~·· r Jo:\·,.n ing- St:t r f'il~-:rirn ' :\I r· ~. I :ro·atl l'ltor·u s J·:n~··rtthlt· !\f r~ . ( klnirh will ht· :h"i"t l'd h\· Mrs. Fnn·,t ~I illn and \I r:-... J antt·~ Tarlctc)ll. Mrs. M erie Snyder Hostess for League Tea October /6 The fir~t of tht' series oi tt·a~ he!.J each autullltl hY the \\'i lllll'ttr Lea.lUJo.' of \\'omen \ 'ntns will hl' gi,·en at t ht· IH llllt' of \f rs . \f n k H. ~n \"(kr. \\'l'dnc . . day, ( >rtoht'r lf,, frlllll 3 until r. o'clPrk. A"~istinL!" !\1 r~. ~nnln will he .Mrs . Cl·or~t· Lamb. ~I r~ . Carey Orr. M r:-... Earl ~mit lt. Mrs. A . C. 5-clm·amt. and \1 r:-... 1~;1\· \\'arren. Mr .... !\lav \\'ood Sinllms, the kague's \late chainnan nf ritizen:-.hip, will gin· a . ., h1lr t . i ll t n r " t i lll!" t a Ik at 3 :30 11· r In c k. It i" cxnt·cted that tltt·re \rill ht· a larJ.!<· nutn\tl'r prl':-..l'llt ;ttl<! <'n·n· nlt'tll her of tlw h-:ll.!llt' i . . \\'t'knme if :'hl' will hnnl! with hn a irirnd wilt) is a Pro Jll'l"t j \"l' tlH'Illhn. it i" ;lnnounred. Tltic; i-. <ttte of tht· in\· ""'ri:tl alTair:-: th<' ka~tll' 11tTn, and pr,,,· idt·~ OPPtl ·tunit' j,,r lllt 'llllll'r-. , ,, 't' l' ,.]d iril'nd-. al.!:titl1 ;1 itt r a . . umnter· . . 'ar:11 i, 111. To Address Council The C<·tJtr;ll Ctl\ttJril ··1 ~·hildlt"'Hl Educati<·ll \\ill hillel a j,,int "L·~~i,,,l Saturda\". ()rtt·hn 1..?. at tilL· l·:k:ln,,r Club rthllll . 17 .\,~t· tlt ~tatt· -.,tn·t·t. Chical[o, at II o'cltl\'k Carktn11 \Va ~ hhurn. '-ll)IL'rintl'lldrnt 11f the \\'in netka Public . chulll'.. \\ill di~nt---. .. The Education llf Yuung l'hildrt·n." t h(' shurt talk ll\· the chairman of th · tran ~ pnrtation, ~!i ss (~race Sanders. The Tenth district of the Illinui s "·hu broug-ht the: mt ssagc of cooperaFederation of \\'omen's Clubs \\'ill hold tion oi the chairman of the transl)Ora Club inqitute on October 16. at the tation committee of the Xational Fed \\'omans' club of EYanston. nation of Busines-. and Profes. ionrtl The meeting \Yill open with. greeting \\'"nmen\ clubs. Follmrin~ \fi,:-; · San!)\· \f r:'. Robert L. Elliott, president 0 i der:-' talk. examples of the plea . urc the hn:;te :-::; rlnh and rP"t>onse h\' ~frs. and profit of travel \\·ere gi,·en In· ~fi;;~ S. \\' . C.ib.; nn. president oi the Tenth l·:n:h-n Hrm\"11, head of the :\ilc:; C<."ldistrict. ter branch of the Chiragn Musical Club \\·nmen of prominence " ·ill gin· t'"(llle~e and a recent visitor tn Ha\\":lii a ~cries nf talks on different phases ')i who played Ila\\"aiian · son[!s for the club \rork. \f mic \\'ill he furnished lllea-;ur(' of the club members and 1)\· thc Glte Club of the Young \Vom I.[Ut-;ts. and ~f rs. Sarah E. Ga , .. ,\·ltn an's auxilian· of the f\·anston \\'oml.!"ave accounts of her personal exoe:·ian's rluh. and piano selecti1lllS ll\· Tlelc:1 ttH"<·s in the Hawaiian Island:; the pa -.. t Ha\\·k Carlisle. -. ummer and a ntunhn of \Tars aQo. Dr. :\lhert R. EllinQ\\'Oc>el of Xurth The l'dttcatinnal ,·ahiL' ni ~f rs. Ga,··s "·estern uni\'er.. it,· \\"ill gi,·e "A Reric ·.,·: traH·b in liawaii \HT<' demonstratvd t)i \\'"orld Xe,,·s." 1)\· a complete description nf the pro duction and manufacture of ~tt1!ar. the The reQtJiar monthh· hoard llll.'Ctinl.[ 11rnce:--ses of \\'hich she had obscrn:rl nf the Tenth district \nil precede th e .. pt·rsonalh·. ~amples ni tht different institute at 10 and will h~ fo!IO\\·ed Produrts and h\·-prnduc;t s. \\·hich 1\f rs . 1"· luncheon at 12 noon. (~a,· hrcHlL!"ht \\'ith her irom lla\\'aii ancl Thr prog-ram for the da,· f(lllo\\' . . : 1 . ~() itll<H\·ed the listeners tn handle. nro\'C·d (:roup rof .'ung~ f:lt>P f'luh Yonnt.:" ,.1 l'.;pecial interest. \\'"nmnn·~ ~\uxilian· . ""{)mfut' ~ r·tuh of (f'hroll· h~· Tolnff) The t>rol!"ram closed with the :-..in(!ing EYan~ton · li ll)()l'l' lltl\\"<liian Soll .C!"S and the n. r .. : _\frs. Fred Porter L1i H.a,·inia. re- t; rnup l·f I 'ia no ~. · lf:'dionf-1 \\' . C. Emhk·m sonQ". . lf(·l<"n Hawk ("'nrli~l· · cently elec ted president oi tlll' :\lumnae :r.·· ·tin t: :\Tr~. Rolwrt L . Ellint t asSt)Ciation nf the ~atiunal 1\: indet- ~-( · Pr· ·~ ill· ·tt ! ··f thf· \Yomnn·~ f'luh garten and Elementary cnllcgt· in E,·_ "f E\· an~ton Invite Women of Wilmette anqon, \\·ill pre'>idc at the alumnae T:· ·>" pnn!-'· · :.rr~. ~ - \Y. Gih~c·n l'n· ~ idl'llt of tiH· Tt·nth Di~tri<'t to Sew for Economy Shop luncheon to he held in the Clticag,, .\nnoun('t·mt·lll>" :.\Trs. r.. "·· :.\huwh Tit~· pltilanthr.)p\· 1kpartmetJ! Pi th{· \\'uman\ rluh ~aturda\ · , October · !..?, .\!lmini:-;tr·a ti· ·n :\Trs . .-\ncln ·w :\TacLI'i~·h · l ' .. ntmitt'·"~ .\Jr ~. Eilwarc1 Lindl PY .Ton· ·>" \ \ ·Ptll a 11 ':-.. r I11 h P i \\ ·i Ime tt L' r t' ... 11111 L' .; i t . . at 12 o'clock. I 'lnlo J>r .. :_: l':t 111:-' :\1 r:-; . Earl r: . ";hit:ll((·r "l' \\ itll' :-..l";holl, Ol)L' pita-.(.' 11i it.... \\·idL·Firt:\11 1"1' -.,prt·ad itt·t i\·it \", Frida\·, OrtPhn 1. '. ( ., 1 f 'lnlo l1 1· 'lltllo · Catholic League Hears '\ it h ~ t' \\" i Ill! i 11 r · t h l' I·: con< ,111 \ · ~ h n p :\I r~ . I' lark :\ . Hu~\\'· · 11 (h) '· l!udt:· ·t :\Irs. Frank .1 . Odf'ric·h \\!tiL· It \\'ill hr n·twakd Frida,·. Or -. Music Reading Program ::-F.,runl :.\tr:-; . .\T. H . Li..Jwr l·1l>rr ..?.~. Tltl' Ill'\\" .philantltrtt!l\ r,H,lll "" Til· · 1:~ · -f.a\\"!-' nf Your f'luh" Tl.te tirst meeting of tht 1929-30 :--cai11 t hL· ttL"\' rluh lttlllll' \\·ill he in r~·adi ,:: · 1:-, lJr . .-\llwrt R . F.llingwroo(} lll"" j,,r tit~· nn·a:-..i,,n and lunriH"'~t ~on of thl' Xnrth Shnrc Catholic \\'om". \ 1~ ·. , i.-w nf \\"orld Xt·\\"!-'" an's league \\·as held Tuc . . da,·, at .2:30 \\ill l>~· St't"Hd at I.? :.10 u'rltlrk,. :.\fr:-... \\". :\ . Broclkorh of the \\'nm n'rlock, at the \\"innctka -,,.L)Illan's an·.., club pf E,·anstnn is in chan:re cf :\ .; lt;t.... ltt'l'tl thr Cthtntn in tlt.· pa . . t. rltth. lunr!ttun rrsen·ation ~. \1r.; . \Yillialll 1l~t· 'l'\\ in~ sn; lllSttn·d ll\· the dt'pa rt Thnl' wa ... an Opl'ning reception, a11d F. Farrtll is chairman nf cltth in..;titutc~ llll 'Jtt ftlr ,·ari1Jth cltaritahk 1·rl!aniz;lti,,n..., j, nnen to all \\"tlllH'Il ni the \"il - .\1 iss Fn·ida Pt·,·ckc. oi Los A!l- and ~I r ~. I . "K . Far Ic ,. . ] r.. of K t n tll:w L' w h v t lw r 111 v Ill h t r :-. n i the rl u h , 1r gek~. internationally knuwn composer- " ort 1t i, rPrre~poncli n g secret an·. ~'··I. \\ht, nta\" hrinl!" ~rh<Hll childn·n t., interpreter. gan· a group of musicalh· illustrated readings. .\1 iss Pe,·ckc i-s the lunrhrnn . a membn t'i the committee· which To Give {lA Just Claim" \\ 't~rl..: will l'OtllllH'nrt· at 10 itt tlte serves on t hl' fanwus Hollywood Bowl at Economy Shop Tea lllnrttin~ a ttd rPntintH' until -t i11 tlw ":\ J tt:-..t Claim," the one-act play hy :· itnnnnn. the chairman. ~r r ..... Frrdt·.· - hoard. This group is res.pon. ible for irk Til· antwunres. 'f'hl' rluh'.; tl\\"11 the rlwin· oi conductors. solnist s, and ~ari ~ztktl:· \\·hich won r; ·st prize in rl·aritahlc enterpri:-;r. tltr Ft·unum,· prt)grams in general ior this vast open- Tllinni~ among original plays a yeJ.r ~Jt,·P. will benefit !"· t\\·n ~l'\\'illl! ntl·~·t air amphitheatl·r where concerts arc :·.(!"n. \\·ill be put on hy a competent i"l!:-i. till· nnh· nrganization St) tn hrnv - gi\'ell for two month :-; each summer. t·ast \\'"t·dnesday afternoon. 0ctober Jr. tit. and ior that rea:-it)n t\Yn lunrh··~~:t \1 iss Peyckt· lay s no claim to orig- at tht· \\"ilmettc \\7oman's club at a (' !J air tlll' tl h a\" e h ('ell a J )I)() i 1l k d. . \ r r.;. inating a new form of musical com- .trift tea inr the benefit of the Economv · L··:-..lit· ~I illar and \f rs . \f. H . ~f c ~f il- posit i(Hl, hut <h)l'S claim that her read- shop. lt·tt . \1 r..;. H. R. 'I'alwr is chainll~!l ings differ in intent and technique The play. \\"hich i:; a colorful comedv iM Ortnhe~·. as,istt>ll ll\· \fr;-; \\' . P. irnm the pianologue. such as is used in of Hungarian peasant life, has bcei1 LYI)Jl~. \f r-.. T. D. Dil1~··1c. \f rs . r . II. English nntsic halls. She will fill sev- prt)duced by the Playwright Theater .\ rdt·n. a ncl \f rs. 1 f. l. Dnnl hI. e ral engagements around Chicago and oi Chicago. and the author is a memlean·s the latter part of October 0:1 ~>er nf Th endore Hinckley's play \Hitlllg class. Snonsors Studio Tour another world tour. "·Bring ~-t)ttr neighbors \\'ho arc not The \\.o man's rluh oi \\'ilmcttc j.., Ht):-;tesses ior Tucsda,- will he \f rs. . . n tlll ~or i 111! a t our t h r o tll! h t he lh· n - \\ 'illiam Schilclgen oi ·E\'ans ton and member:-;," states an announcement in the \\'" on1an's club bulletin "Thev will i:1min \hr·.:ltall stttdin Clll ShnicL111 \Irs. \ \'illiam Lardner of Glencoe. l' t_tj LlY not on Iy the play ~net the cnp. t"11ad in \\"i lml'ttt· \L11Hia,· aiternnntl. ol tea. hut the chance to see the new Cktnhn 2R ir1Hil 2 until S o'clock. a ATTENDING OPERA clnh !tutbe a..; \Yell." tnttr t· ' \\"hich. the annnUtlCl'llllllt :\.htHlt thirt\· ntember s of the \\'om-.tatt':--. "\\"L' rordialh· inYitt' our frit'nds in llll :-~II :t1Pn1! the ntwt It s hnr r ." an's Catholic club of \\'i lmettt' ,,iiJ at- Party Benefits School Ticket~ i11r the evrnt ma,· he procured tend the performance oi "~lartha" The ~f others' club of Mallinckrodt in1m \1 r..: . "K. C'. Pt'l,)tt. 1103 :\ shla :td gin·n II\· the :\merican Opera Ct)lll- High school is sponsoring a card partv patl\' at the ~[aje~tic theater ~aturcla\". :t\"t'tlllt'. \\"ilnll'tte .273R or at the dn·)" . Friday C\'ening. October 18, at the schoo l auditorium. \\' almlt and Ridge EX-SERVICE GROUP MEETS MEETS THIS MONTH avenue. at 8 o'clock. Bridge, five-hunThe regular lliOnthly ntccting of the dred, buncc. ancl euchre will he played. :--:.t . lndl"s htHlsrlwld. Ordn ni \fartha. \\ill lt,)lrl a rt'L!tllar hu.;itll'ss :11ll1 rx-st.·rYire committee of the \Voman's Tablr prizes. \\"ill he included among ,,.,,·in" nwetinl! ~fonda,·. Ortohrr 21. club nf \\ 'i lmette " ·ill he held Mon- ?th_er. attractn·e one~ that will be given. :·t.?. ,)·,·lpck. at tl·t' hnmt nf \frs . Tames day, Octnbn 14. at the home of ~Irs. r_h 1s 1s one of a senes of parties to be F. \f d'ar th,·. 0i3 \·rrn n11 a\·enur. Huh- Ge(1rg·l· \\' ebster. 613 Linden a renue. ~wen for the benefit of the school '~ard \\'nod:-. at 12 :30 o'clock. lntilcling- fund. '_;· I

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