Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 26

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26 WILMETTE LIFE { October 11. 1920 Mrs. Ross Back at Desk After a Tour of Europe M r;. .t.Jorothy K. Ross, membe~; of the sales staff of the real estate firm oi \Valter P. Smith & Co., 337 Park ' avenue, Glencoe, i again at her desk posting up on new li stings and sales which were made during her three month ., trip abroad. in preparation of \Yhat promises to be a busy fall season. Mrs. R oss' tour of the continent. ,,·ith the exception of three days "·hich she spent on train s. \Va made b,· mntor bus. "That is the ideal wa,- to sec the country," she declared. "The slO\rer speed. £requeue stops and routing- to the scenic and interesting plac es pro,·ide exactly what the traveler who is makin.cr the trip for th e fir st time desires." Mrs . Ross :-.ailed irom ~ev..· York June 15, first doing London, the Shakespcare countrr. including · Oxford: thence to Om-cr. Ostend, The Hague, Amsterdam. Isle of Marken, Brussels, Antwerp, Cologne. Heidelberg, Munich, Vienna. Budapest and Salzburg. Veni(e was included in the itinerarY, as were Florence. Rome. Genoa, Monte Carlo. the Alps, Xice. Crenol>le, Gene,·a. Lusanne. and Paris. McGuire and Orr Announce Numerous Realty Transactions SPAULDING-GORHAM INC. \f cGuire and Orr report the followi11g sa k s recently closed through their nllrth shore offices: 'J'lil' sale of fort\· feet of vacant on Hartzl'll st re et. -Eva nston. betw ern Central Park and La\\-tHlale avenues. hv Rqth Erickson to Peter C. Forn ey. 'l~he sale by :\ick Oehwpulo to Ros s H. \\'clch of Evan~ton. of fifty feet oi fronta~c. cast frnnt. on Hasting.: ayenue. so uth oi Colfax strl'et. Thec;e two Yarant sales were made hy P. C. Fornl',. of the Evanston oftice. Th e- sale of the large ne,.,.- 12-roo m brick and st nccn rcsiclencl' at 115 Park ;n·enuc. (~Jcncot. on lot 80xJ9R. hv ~bx Ekclmann. builder. to Valentine -Hcch ler III. nf E,·anstnn. The purcha.;tr has alrcach· taken po ssess ion of ~he propcrt.'·· The 6-rnom stucco Italian HOLLOW·WARE stde home at 590 Vernon ;n·cmtc. Cicnroe. " ·as sold hv F . F . Hamle,· to Herman l,,·kle. of £,-anston. Both oi these Cle;1cne sales \\'ere made by Stuart I. Drttttl, who has no\\· assumed ORRINGTON AVENUE char.L:-L' t)f \f cCnirt &. Orr· ~ Evanston MICHIGAN AVENUE EVANSTON office. CHICACO The ~ak hy C. Colton Daughaday to bJ~uurd nti th. \f arquis Bmn11an. of a homesite in BLACK STAll 6L FlOST·GOR.HAM INC. The Drama ~tudy cluh will meet thl' D<tn·!·harlaY Acres. \\ innetka. lo'J ifth Jlve-t'ute . ./ Vt>w ljorl< next Tuesday at the homl' ni ).[rs. cated 1-Hl fL·et . north o f Hill road. on Frank L. Koontz. 1121 :\shland an'IlliC. which the purchaser plans to build a resiclenrl' in kt·eping "·ith the re:>tri ctinn:> covering the Daughaday Acre:- . This sale was made hv Lucile ),f . Lar 1 , on of the Evanston ~filce, in c0nner The trend of the mode in Shoes of the higher grades is toward a modernized , tion " -ith A. L. :\rra .r..?:on nf the \\.in netka office. simplicity of design- admirably portrayed in the "Style Sophisticate" , The sale oi the res idl'llC'l' at .~12 I Rnsln1 Hlad. 1\:eni lworth. ll\· :\ellit· B . j Panitelcl' tn Jn~eph F. _lann o tta, with lnt 100:--:17.1: the purcha:'<.:r i~ no\\· mak i11 g c x tens i ,- c imp r n n· llll' 11 t-. to t h v prl'st·nt building. Thi s ~a le wa~ marlt· 1l\· ~rutt C. Cn·etle \li the T..:- enil\\·t)rt 1 ,fficc. The 7-rnonl :-.tucco n·..,idctlCt' at ?311 I Tc11th :-.trcct. \\'ilmctt l'. (l\\"lll'd 1J\ Dr I T. t)\rel1 D.. norf. ha s I>LTll cxchanL!l'd inr the R-rllotn stucco rt·:-.idenn· at .717 I I·:lmw ond arcnuc. \\.ilmdte. mmt.'d 1)\· i Thomas I. Simpson of Glencoe. Lu·rik ),f. Larson oi the Ev<lnston offiu 1 reprrscnted both parties i11 this tran sac ti on. 1 The iolltm ing lease:-. (li rc:-.idcnce.., ha,·e been closed In· the Fvanstnn oificc of \1 cGuirc &- Orr: 2410 Tsahl'lla street. E,·anstnn. ftlr C. \\" . Foster t Henn· F. Borcher s. <)i \'ew York City: 201R Lincoln street. 1·:,-anston. for ]of1n 0. ~Ierrill to \\'alter E. 1'\rbon. 27.19 Cirard street. 1·\·anston. inr \Vitliam Slater to R. D. Shert luff : the lea se oi 103R Sheridan road. E,·anstnn. f(Jr t-An unusual appliqued trimming :\f arion Keller Ely to A. E . Schu vier : gives decided character to this Foster thr lease nf large 9-room residence at 1309 Forest a,·enur. Evanston. for \Ji ~:. "CAMPUS" Pump. Ebony or Seal Hrlen Armstrong to f. B. Kirkland. a C'hiragn attorne,-: the lease of 2950 Brown Kid, Black or Seal Brown Cnliax street. T·\·a nston. ior Andrew Suede and Patent Leather are the .T. \[ann tn H. Carleton AVL'fY oi Bos ton: the lease of 2245 Ccntral Park materials used in its production. ;tn-nue. Jo:,·a nston. for Maud Curtin St·ifert tn Frcd.erick E. Bt:chstcin ('f The Pric1 is \"t·w York City. . .,. -by Foster < $1250 Invite Public to Free Lecture at Field Museum " .M an's Place in Geologic Hi. tory" is fhe subject of a free illustrated lecture for th e gene ral public to be <rivt:·n Saturday afternoon, October fit Fi~ ld Museum of Natural History. Dr . Oltyer · C. Farrington. curator 1f geolngy at the museum. who is not (· d for his scholarly researches on prehi storic subjects, will he the lectur er. He will trace the history of the earli·~st and most primitive races of man and will illustrate his talk with coloreci lan tern slid es shov.-i ng scientific re stora ti~ns of _the plants, tl;e animals, and the t~ pes ot men who ltved on the earth ages ago. The lecture will be given in the James Simpson theater at the museum. and will begin at 3 o'clock. Xo ticket:; are necessary for admission. t2. J &JtMter ~r&omptllUJ 115 North Wabash Avenue E\'ANSTON SHOP Orrington Avenue, corner Church Street

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