Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 20

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October 11. 1929 , 20 WILMETTE LIFE ORIENTAL. RUGS In a Pleasing Variety We urge your inspection of our large variety of choice Orientals. Our convenient location and fair prices make this the logical place to buy your floor coverings. Dr. and :Urs. Dennis \V. Crile of 51 1 MAIN ST .. WILMETTE 822 Michigan avenue returned. to their University 5050 Wilmette 1949 home on Tuesdav of last ,,·eck from ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.~ three \veeks' s~ iourtt to Hern1uda . Nortbwnttrll Fou rr~ " " TicletJ 011 Salf ill Our Evansto11 Mestjian Bros., Inc .. Backers to Raise More Money to Send George Lowell of \Vilmette has Northwestern Un,versity Group lo Ohio State Game loa11cd t o the \\·r·l 1 mette p u 11' J tc l'b 1 rary a number of photographs of famou;:; that ~orthwestern untbuildings iri Europe, which are being It's great the biggest band in its used bY the library in connection with versity has one of the biggest in the its exhibit of books on architecture. history and Big Te'l, agrees ~f r. Lo\\·ell took the pictures on hi s EuT o m m y . Airth, opean trip during the summer of 1928. leader of the Library Shows Pictures of European Structures bu si n e ~ s men Shop. backers of the organization. but it means also that more mone,· will be n e e d e- d to t ran s p 0 r t the wlHtle outfit to the Ohio game. And so he is announcing a second "band dance" to be held \VecDell Coon nesday evening, October 16. at the Miralago ballroom in No 11an's Land. Arrangement has been made with the management of this popular dancing place for a large portion of the proceeds of that evening to go t o the ~orthwestern university band fund. Alumni, students and friends of the universih· \\'ill be treated to a regular pep s<:sslon for the team with Jimmie O'Keefe, head cheerleader, leading the · proceedings. Glen nainum. director of the band, Coach Dick Hanle,· and Kenneth L. "Tug" \ \'ilson. dire-c t o r of athletics. \\'ill each Ita ve a few \\·ord s to say, and seyeral entertainment . pccialtic s arc planned. And. another principal item. Dell Coon and his ~r iralago ore he tra \\'ill furni~h the music . Coon i~ a graduate of :\orthwc stern · uni\'(~ r:-ity. Tickd~ ar on sale at Chandler's. the I lub, Du Bn:uil's and ~c\'Cral t'~thcr places. Suburban League Council to Hold Meeting Oct. 12 WoRsTEI) 2-TRousER SuiTs FINE ~ Urfid-Season Feature at We promised our patrons n1any unusual things as a result of our recent progressive changes. Here is a specific example: Beautiful new Fall Suits in compl~tc size ranges. They would look attractive to you if they were priced at $6o ?r $6 5. If you want a suit with extra trousers this Fall you will be in to see these, regardless ofhow much you ordinarily pay. They are that good. Th~· tiT:-t meetin~ nf the Suburban kal!Ul' hm'< cuuncil \\'ill be held at I t l lt ' l \ ·ntral Y . 11. C'. A. in Chka.:rn I thi s ~aturd;n·. Octohn 12. :\ny Trit·r II iJ.£h ~cll<lol. which is a member l)i thL· kal!m:. \\·ill be represented 1)\· Tom Hick.. a senior and captain 11i thi . -: Year\ football team. and one iunit)r. I Dnnald Fri . hie. facultv spnnsor of thl' 1 Tri -Ship club at ~e\\' Trier. \\·ill aJ o;,f attend the Incetinl!. Grl'atcr cnnperation hct\\'ccn the ~ta dvnt bodies of tl1e six schnols \\'hir l1 arc members of the Suburban kal!lH' i-, to he one nf the principal tnpi c..; t)f rliscussinn at the ho\·s' council mectinl! . 'I' be six member schno ls are N C\\' Trier. E\'anston. Oak Park. ~f nrtnn. Prm·isn. and Deerfield. 1 I · Howartl-Ciark Buildin~ Completed by CarlsQn Th e Ho\\'ard-Ciark huildin~ 011 the I "nutltca~t corner nf Howard avenue :1nd l'lark strret was recently com nh-te<l 1)\· the Victor C. Carlson org~n ization. lt i~ a six-storv and basement ..;tructure with · 1 extc~ior entirelv of I cut Bedford :-l dle with the excc1;tinn nf thl' base, \rhich is marble. Thr i11tnior of the lohhv is also marbl e and t Itt tleyator doors- arc 0f ornamental hrnnze. Flo0rs of the lohl)\· and corrid ors are of terrazo, and . the office floors arc tile or compnsition The first t\\'o floor s are already rent ed tn store.;; and shops similar to those in the Carlson huilcling- ancl the four upper ' Anors ,,·ill contain dentists' and doctors' offices exclusively. Many offices arc already rented, and th e others are rentin~ rapidly. according to the Carl !-On offices. 1 THE::~)HUB HENRY C. LYTTON & SONS ~~ STATE ANOJACKSON cHI CAG 0 118 so MICHIGAN Orrington Jnd Church-Ennston fL\m ston Sh ,l p Opm Tu~s day. Thursday Sarurday Et·enings ~I i~ . Lenore Rennart of Wilmette ha s been pledged to Delta Gamma . orority at Beloit college.

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