Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Oct 1929, p. 12

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-- -r - .. -= -- - --~ . .-- -- ----=---- October 11. 1929 12 WILMETTE LIFE ~ ~ ~ ~ D . ~ ~ ~ ~ 08S y OU. p ' · U ' d ·ope·tJ' .nee R 8 P8 · i · S '· · aftY A. I· ~ ~ ~ ~ mtoxicatcd. wa·s fined $150 and costs ~e,,· Trit·r High school's 1929 i·l~ by J usticc of ,the Peace Ha~1s Von tramural football seasqn opened la.,t II'.; ReinsJ)cr~r a. a result of an acctdent at \\·eek. Ten teams, composed of 110 ~ i<'ifteenth. street and Lake avenu~ Fri- bo\'S \Yho are not members of the var~ day evcmng, October 4, about 6 0 clo~k. sit\· football squad, are vying for Ten Elevens Seeking Motor Accident m Vdlage Honors ~n New Trier L. B. Richards. 518 Garfield avenue·. lntra1nural Football' Chicago, charged with drivin~r while ChkagoanFinedF~Uo~ng ~ ~ ,:.; ~ ~ ~ ' Fireplaces a Specialty Po_ rches and Walks, Plaster Repairs Stone and Brick Chimneys' All grades of Stone, Brick and Cement Work W ~ Richa.rds. driving his car south on Ftf- school honors. teenth stn:et. · railed to stop for the ~ stop sign at La~c avenu~ a~1d cra~h·.:! d ~ into a truck whtch Lewts Stotmet~tcr ~ was driving ca ·t on Lake. The Rtch ~ ards machine was badlv damaged. but ~ no one wa_s_h_ur_t._--'--_ _ rs. Hayes cKinn y returned tn ~ her honie 1035 Chestnut avenue, last divided ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sundar from the Evanston hospital where she · ad been for about ten da.v s 9 R' K · h Ph K ·1 2735 after un'd er;, oin!,! an operation. She is 41 tchmond Road, tnalwort . .ena · ,10 w recovering rapidly. and ,\~ill he ~ ~ I ahle to he out the first part ot next ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...... ,,,,,,,, ..... ,,~ 1\'l'Ck ..· s BoB T B J D G E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ at ~f The teams have been into lightweight and. heavy weight divisions and named after RigTen and eastern universities. In the lightweight division, Illinois. '"ith three victories and no defeats, is leading the league, \vhile Wisconsin is at the bottom with three losses. Each of the four other light,\·eight teamsXorthwestern. Michigan, Indiana and Purdue-has won one and lost one · game. Princeton and. Yale are tied for the leadership of the heavyweight league, each team having won one game and tied one. The two other heavyweight teams, Har\'ard and Dartmouth, are also tied, \\'ith one loss and one 1 ie apiece. Scon.·:-; oi intramural games playt.'d t ll'ts far this season are: Princeton 6. Harvard 0; \'ale 26, Dartmouth 6; ~ortlnn:s tl'rn 14, Indiana 12: Michigan 6. \Yi sconsin 0; Illinois 12. Purclue 0; Prinrl'ton 0, Yale 0: Harvard 6. Dartnwuth 6; Illinois 7, \Visconsin 0; Indiana 2~. \Yisconsin 0; Illinois .37, ~orth\\'estcrn o and Purdue 13, ~[ ichi1 - -- - - ·---- - -- - ....... g'rtll 12. Joseph Reinwald Succumbs to Lengthy Illness Monday To;-;c ph Rtinwald. 1101 lllinoi :-; ruad . \\' ilmettt·, a lift.'time resident of t he nnrth ~hore. died at hi~ home ~fonda\· oi thi;-; \1 cck after att illm·-.~ lli st.: n :ral months . ).f r. Rcimrald \ra:- h1lrtl in Clcnc(le 77 n:ars atro last -:\o,·L·mlh.·r. r le \\'~ a retired carpenter. ~Uf\' i\ ' in!.! him are clen:n children, all ],ut t\\ u oi \\hom live in \\'ilmettc. thirt ,·-ni:tL' trrandchildren. and t\\·o grl'at ).!randchildren . The se\'CJl :-ttr\'1\'Jllg :un~ arc : roscph' .l r.. (1 f ·H.u.l!Crs Pu k. and LH'()~). Anton. \\"illiam. Hubert. nernard. and John. all of \\'ilmette. The daul!htc :·~ are: ~~ rs. n,ubara Braun. ~~ r:-. . \Ian Thalman. and ).frs. ~Iargarct Kric.::-ant of \\'ilmette. and ~Irs. Theresa LL'\ L·;·nier nf ~orthfield. Funeral sen·ices were held at 11 :.10 o'clock ~'hursda,· morning at ~t. Toseph\ church followed In· burial :n St. Joseph's cemetery. Phone Wilmette 4200 And assure yourself of warmth and comfort during the chilly fall days and the ·long winter months. Our modern handling equipment enables us to deliver speedily, orders of any size quality fuel. Years of Satisfactory Service on the North Shore Wilmette Girl Scouts to Dedicate Church Room Dedication of the new \Vilmettc Cirl Scout room will take place at an im pressive ceremom· Sunday October 2: 1 at 3 :30 o'clock. One of the features 1 .; this progr:1m ,,·ill be the lighting ni a · fire in the fire-place for the first tim..: . This will also be the first time that meeting o( anv kind has been held in the new club room. Even· Gid Scout will take part in the program and each \\·ill rene\\' the promise th at she made \\·hen she was invested as a tenderfoot Scout. This service w!ll he one of dignit\· in which even· (~irl Sco·tt. regardle ss of race ·or creed. ma ,. Darticipate. The parents and friends oi all th · \Vilmette Girl Scouts arc cnrdiallv invited to attend. a ....... · Wilmette .Coal & Material Yard 1,01 LAKE AVENUE ~f r s. Ben ~fathe,,·s. GIVES TEA 319 Essex road. Kenil\\'nrth ent'ertained four tee n mothers of classmates of her daughter. Certrude. who is a sop homore at the Ro.rcemnre School for Girls in F.Yanston. ~f rs. ~fa thews also had as her g-uests. 'Miss Ash lev, principle of th·: school. and Mrs. Keith Preston, who i..; the assistant principle of the schoc1l and the head of the Latin department. The tea was given so that the mother-· and the teachers of the girls could become acouainted anrt talk over the conditions of \vork and play.

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