October 11. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 11 -MONARCH , 9 MONARCA String Beans Small. gr~··n string buns. A Carload of Monarch CaDJled Foods for Our Annual Sale MONARCH Tomatoes This extra large size picked (0/o. 3) can of delicious Phone Peas Extu selected Pus with lg. can MONARCH MONARCH Golden )falz~ doz. Green Asparagus An all ~reen, whole stalk Asparagus. packed for · R ~id Monarch only. As close to the ddicious taste of fresh Asparagus as evu w~ h.1vc ta sted . All home grown gr.1ss that has such a distinctive flavor. MONARCH Prunes The finest of the Oregon nop go into these Mon arch cans. huvy with syrup and luscious whole prunes . a delicious flavor. 39c $4.50 lg. ClaD Corn 25c $2.75 doz. MONARCH Lima Beans The red. ripe tom.llo~s ar just the right time . A real treat for the lovu of fresh summer corn. for this is pack\'d in our own plants tinder .an entirely new method thlt retains the rtal flavor Lg. can (No. 21/z) MONARCH Chill SauCle Made from the fin~st Tomatoes and Peppers. sm.11l Lima Bean. otr.l Sl'lrctcd. doz. $3.25 of lUinnesota Corn Jg. tall can (No. 2) doz. Jg. cnn 59c 29c doz. $3.25 lg. can 39c $4.50 doz. can, 29c $2.75 25c $6.75 dozen Jg· .tar di)Z. 29c $3.25 The Biggest Stock o2 MONARCH PRODUCTS on the Nortli Shore If is our aim to carry every item packed under the Mona.ch Label l'"'t' this as a Wan~ List MONARCH Apple Sauce Apricots Black berries Blueberries Red Raspberries Black Raspberries D Strawberries D White Cherries 0 Red Cherries 0 Fruit Salad D Seedless Grapes D Grape Fruit Hearts ~ Gooseberries c Loganberries ~ 0 Red Plums D Peaches 0 Sliced Peaches ~ Pears 0 Egg Plums 0 Black Cherries D Sweet Corn 0 Golden Bantam Cor-n D Sweet Peas 0 Early June Peas D Asparagus D Spinach 0 Succotash 0 Tomatoes 0 Lima Beans 0 Red Kidney Beans D String Beans 0 Wax Beans 0 Sauerkraut Juice 0 Salmon 0 Crab Meat 0 Lobster 0 Shrimp D Tuna Fish D Deviled Ham MORGAN STORES University 2750-51-52-53 Use this as a Want List D 0 D D D 0 616 DAVIS ST. Wilmette 835-836 MONA.CB D D D D D D D D D D D Green Tea Catsup Chili Sauce Peanut Butter Pork and Beans Salad Dressing Apple Butter Jelly Sweet Pickles Sweet Onions Sweet Chow D Sweet Ringlets D Queen Olives D Stuffed Olives D Ripe Olives D Strawberry Preserves D Red Raspberry Preserves LJ Spaghetti, Prepared D Prunes D Marmalade D Molasses 0 Prepared Mustard D Maple Syrup D Marshmallow Creme Macaroni D Noodles D Spaghetti D Preserved Figs D Jam D Mince Meat D Sliced Beets D Diced Carrots D Hominy D Whole Okra D Pumpkin D Sauerkraut D Tomato Soup D Vanilla Extract D Lemor, Extract 0 Cider Vinegar D White Vinegar D Green Gage Plu~s D Sliced Pineapple D Tid Bit Pineapple D Crushed Pineapple 0 Pineapple Juice D Fresh Prunes D Dry Prunes 0 Peeled Apricots 0 Sandwich Spread D Maple Syrup D Chicken A La King 0 Golden Bantam Succotash 0 Asparagus Style String Beans The Store of Character-of Quality-of Service For i7 Years Monarch P-roducts Have Been Highest Quality ~···· tht· most t'OillJlh·tt· display and demonstr.ati11n oi )lOX A It(' II FOOH PUODUCTS we lla re t·n·r oflt·rt·tl. En·ry item guara nteed ftnt·st fluali t y. J-:l·erl· itt·m a wontluful ,·aJue AM EVENT " "ith tiH· Jlri«·t·s we !-tort· :1111l are offering during tllis sale>, Jt will pay you to 'lsit our stot·k your Jlltntry XOW for the winter Unusual Savings on Orders for Dozen and Case Lots MONARCH POPCORN 2Se pail <JL\ J,IT\- l'OH ~0 MONARCH Red Raspberries (~rown in far·W('St('rn vaJIPys. J)iffPrNlt antl infinitely llc·tft·r than th(' usual canned rt·tl msJilJt·rries. · MONARCH Pumpkin doz. $2.75 can l.Se Qt:AJ,ITY FOR 70 YEARS YEAUS doz. $4.95 can 4Sc These items and hundreds more at special pnces MONA.RCH Peaches Tl~t·rc· MONARCH Apricots ThHc> is no doubt that th·· c·annNI ~\ 11ricot is of a m uc·h HnH tbnor than even the frt·sh on·· is. )(onarch insist.; on the> mo"t st·lret fruit of a rt· JWil<·llf'S a till Pears ~not! JH·ac·Ju·!->, hut in c·' <·ry tin ot :lion a rc·h l'c>arhf·s. you'll Ht11l the Jar~est, most .Jwrl t'_l'l halns Sacramc·nto \'alley ort'11ards Jlr!HI ·· l:n·ry t~« · aC'II fully ri11e and t c>ntlc>r- e··· ,iust ~~on't kuow h~w rannt·tl pt·ars C:\X DE. until you'n· eatt·n :nonarrh You th e <·roJ) for these apri«· 1ts. rannt·~l . PPnrs. Lrsnous. doz. $4-50 can 39e lg.can 4Sc dz.$5.2-S doz. $6.25 can sse ·o MONARCH Golden Bantam Succota~h Snmt· thiu~ MONARCH Pineapple 'l'hit·k. G11lclen slirc·s of Hawaiian pint'apple, in wun· tiHful syrup. MONARCH Catsup . Hh~ht' :y popular. )faflt· fr~m n .. w. somethi!ll.!' ~ootl. ,JiiiH··nt,--n tHl ml~hty «·an·iully !iie h·rtc>fl, fully rjpe ln11iaua tomntoc> s. Thc>y bave n llal'or that snys "more." doz. $3.:15 can 29c doz. $5.2.5 can 4Sc doz. $:1.59 bot. 2r3e Don't Wait·You'll Save Money by Buying Now MONARCH Sweet Peas anti MONARCH Mince ·Meat · Wt· hn,·e nevt'f known a u st·r of )lonarrh )Iince 1\Ieat niw t'tlultl he satlsftt'd with any othc·r brand. MONARCH Cocoa llt·tt«·r, mort· ('onvenl cnt ancl <'ht·apf'r thnn ('!horolni~. Ettnally ~oocl In cnwlles, «'akt·s, f('fn&rs atul as a hot or i«·t·tl h«·n·rage. Teenie Weenie D D D D D Peanut Butter Pickles Popcorn Wheathearts Beets Asparagus Peas Carrots Corn Coffee Cocoa Black Tea when ::\fonarrh sa)'S "slH·c·t" you'll fl!HI 'Pm s wN·t -a nd tt'nder, nnd every tin full pa('k. doz. $:&.75 can 25C 2lb. jar 59c lb. can 39e D D 0 MONARCH RAN'fAl\1 CORS '1'1·111l1·r and SWC't't, prod ud Of )lonn rt>h cannery farthest north In the stntc>s, where tuttlrr·· glv.-s n nnturul sweet· nt·s s not foon<l In othet' ,,acks. (~ ()J, JJEN MONARCH Coffee If :ron paid U.OO a pound. you couldn't find a bt·tt.f'r t·offt'e, becttu se )fonarrlr li u hh. ·nd of tlte best coffees grown. It MONARCH l'rc> l" uv.eR-Strnwberry and Red Strnwherry nnd D D D 0 berry. We worll-nt'V('r lmve we SN·n the N1ual of these prel!lerves. Raspberry It·~ d n.nsn~iH you our doz. $2-.75 can 25C 3 lbs. $1.59 doz. $4.35 jar 39C