Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 5

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October 4. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 5 Miss Marie Koepke, daughter of ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Koepke, 414 Washington ave nue, \ Vi lmett c, who ·is attending James MillikiP univer sity at Dec~tur, Ill., has been pledged to Pi Beta Phi sorority. Miss Koepke is a freshman there this yea r. ANNOUNCE SALE Christ Church Guild Completes Plans for Annual Rummage Sale in Win· netka October 7 ~ale of clothin~. furniture, or anv of ~l1cr~ \vill be uositively no advance . . t~1c ar~t~les . " '!ltch at~e a. pa;~ of _ ~h~ ht~mm~t~e :-ale ~o be, !1cl_d. ,1 hursda) ~ ( )~tnbet. 17. ~mth: r the ,~t~=>Ptce .. of t!h.: \\ nman s 1f'_lllld and auxt!tary ?t Chn t church. \\ tnnetka. th e comtmttce annnuncc:' .. ~l~u~,- rcq_u<' b ha,·c bc_cn lila de In· lnd_tndu;_tls lor an opportuntty I to :;elect arttcles 111 advance. I f tt . . . at er o 1 me e an .-\ t the me t't 111 g o t t 1 1 e c x c cut 1ve , · l>l1ard ni the l-!ttild held on :.tondav the Hurt When Htt by Motor deci:'ion \\;b mad~ that no partialih nr Take \Ycndt. 3r,]9 :\(1rth aycnttc, iaYnriti~m cuuld l.lr \rnuld lJe shown. Chica~o. ~tt'pfatlwr oi Tum ChristenOn the da\· oi tiH.: . .;ale the doors oi -.en, 1517 ).laple an~ nu~. \\'ilml'tte. suithe Pari~h ll onsc un Oak and Linden it'recl scHre head injuries that required :--trc<:t \\'ill he (lpencd at g in the morn - six stiches ~~st Friday ni _~..;ht ab ut 8 inl!' and \\'ill clllse at 9 in the c\·cning. o'clock \\'hen he \\·as ~truck h~- an :\[ r-,. l·:rnest ~- Ballard. () Kent road, automobile..- at La\\·tHlak and ~orth llul>bard \\'lhHls. president of the l-!ttild, ;nTnllt'!.-,, Chicago. as he wa s getting i_ . ; tn.: m· r a I r 11 a i r man o f t h e a 1 e. M r s u If a . ; t r c e t r a r. l !c..- 'r a ~ t a k t' n t n t h c \\"illian1 I. 1-:ldridL:"c. telephone \\'in- Kcystnnt· hospital in Chicago. \\·htre nl'tka l7X-L ,,-JHJ is in charge oi th e physici~ns said he \\'Ottld n·c<wcr. ~fr. ,-,,Jkctiun ui nnnmagc, if twtified, wtll \\'endt has bcl..:n a conductor on the arranl!·L · tn collect articl s \\'hich can- Ilnmh(lldt Park rle,·att·d line in Chinot conn:nienth· he hr11ttg-ht to the GIC!'O ior t\\'enty-fi\·c year:;. Pari_..,h llou:--e . ).1(\ndaY oi each \\'Cek __·_ _ _ _ __ i..; the da,· un \\·hirh cnllt:ction.- ?.re \I r~. 1 lcnn· I3 . Dcarhllrn ,,·as the made . \\'l'ck-encl ~uest of ).f rs. Paul 1~. Soule, T h c r c i -"' s t i II a n n· d i, 1 r 111 11 c h Ill< , r c 915 Lake a\·cmte. and ha s now returned cl()tltinl! 11i all l\' JH.':-, C:'pccialh- \\'Om- tn ~ c '" \'ark. ,,·here she will be until I en's r,)ats and dressc~ and children\ ::\~l\'t'lllbcr. returnin~ _aga_i~l for the 1 t·J,Hhinl!' i1lr all aL:"cs nf ho\·-, and girk \\·tntcr to her lH)tlte at ;39 1 cnth street. ; Thi_.., annual iall rtlllltll<tl!'C sale dn :.: " \\.i lmettc. ;1 'nL·ia I ~en· ice \\·nr k in pn ,,·idinl!' th~ -o<·PP<·rtunit\· i1·r llhltltn..; oi larg · iami -~ \Jr. and \lr". (~cnrgc Con:-;aln·o; oi lie:- \\ith. limit~·<! rc-..nurrc..; tn nutf~t J(JS .. Fuller Jane, \\'inf1dka. IJayc, .old thcnhl·h·o. tht:tr hu,band~. and tlh·tr tltL'Ir h(lnH· tn \lr. and \frs . frank children \\·ith l!'l)l'cl clothinl! at tlh>dcst l)nlltanilh oi Chiragl1. 1 ,rice.., . ~I a II\' \\'1 nncn ha \ ' C -""' expre..;scd -ot llc ir apprc..·ciati .lJJ tl) the \\'llllll'll of th (· \\'arrc..·n- :-'cibuld. :-.Pn ut \Ir. and !..! uild at pa:--t :-;ales. :\Irs . .-\ . 1~ . ~eihold. 522 FMc..:t aYenue, RL' Cl'llt acqui~iti(llh i1·r · tilt: "ak arc has returned to his :--cnior year at ~~ Ia l'l!.L' c llllcc t iPn o i l'X r c Ilent Yi rt rola C1 1r nd I un i r crsi ty. 1 1 records. lamp shades, and some attractive riding habit s.. · Youthful prospective customers will he interested in the · icc skates of all sizes and in the great variety of toys \rhich will be on hand. \\"c..m1cn's ~irls', bu . -~-;'. men's, and. itifant~· flutllitl~. a l;r~ncl1 rll\1111, tritllmin~~. belt ·, !)<t)..!':', l!·lon::' and. scarfs. stockml.!·s. hats. shoes. books. chma and hric-a-brac. trca . urcs. pictures . curtain. and draperie s, _lamp s and s_hades. kitchcm,·arc. and l urmture \\'Ill !Jc ' amon~ the features oi the sale. Luncheon will be sen·ed under the chairmanship of Mrs. C. C. ~IcKinnev. 'I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr. and Mrs. Eu~c n e Lathrop, who ha\·e been livin~ in north Evanston. will spend the month of October with Mrs. Lathrop's parents, the \V. \ Vallace Kerrs of 707 Fore st avenue. before ~oing on to their \\·inter home 111 ).[clbourne. Fla . BLESER'S Bowling Academy Alleys F h W"J M tn tip-top condition. Start now and assure yourself of bowling a good game this season. 729 Ridge Ave. Wihnette 3544 ·I 1 c~~~u~u~~=~ THE "VIRGI1VlAN" Look at the STYLE .o f this SHOE Your Beauty Problems Solved By Q~1E\V YORK'S most beautiful STYLISII~ isn't it? You Let. It's a pace maker in current fashion. It will wear, too. ~lade with the ·world's best leathers. Corne .in and ask to see it. It's called the "Virginian." Slip it on your foot. Ah, what coanfort. And fit. How much is it'! };'he dollars. IIonestly, that's all it costs. And if the "Virginian" doesn't exactly suit )' o u, there are forty other l 'riendly Five styles from which to choose. All the sante remarkable price. I~~ h- c dollars. Come in, we'll l."; looking for you. exact same preparations used in and fashionable women CHARLES' salon treatments. You daily throng the gr(·~·t CHARLES O F will be deli ghted and amazed at TilE RITZ Beauty S;tl0ns. The new the wonderful improvement they Cu,\RLES OF' Til I:: R rrz bea ut v creawill make in :your appearance after (ions, n cn~· on sa le here, avre the e\·en the fir!-.l few treatments. Ask to sec them iod;ly. For .Aseing Lines For B/emishn, Eruption, :\:--:n -\\'nr:-.:t<u: CRF:A.'\ Rt Tz-~1 arvclou-.. for dry ~hrivclnl ~l(in and lin l'<; . .. .. $:.!.00 A011>: LOTJO:-J RtTz- Qui ckly dries and h eal. di~figuring-l.lt·mi-.ht' S .... ..... $2 .25 For Large Course Pores PoRE PA S TE Rt TZ -Qui .:k l~· Jut:e~ and smoothc; c-oar~c r0ugh pur· ,. . .. ... $1 . .iO For Tftin, Brittle Hair To:--:tc RtT Z FOR DRY ]J,,m-Feeds seal!) and hairc1uicldy bringing new beauly.$2 .00 FRIENDLY FIVE .SHOES For Sui/ow A-fuJJy Skin Rnz- Kc<· ps skin white and so ft. Ends blackheads ......... $:!.50 BLEACH CREA .'t For Red Rough Hand_, L F..'10N HAND L OTION RtTzMalres and keeps hanJ s soft, c-reamy white ...... $1.50 Serving Noeth Shore residents for more than 2 5 years J Bring your shoes here for the famous Tee-Dee repairing. ... Snider·Cazel Drug Co. __ ....... 116 7 Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 400-40 1 Auto Delivery Service m Wilmette and Kenilworth TAYLOR' S. The Satisfactory Store 1123-25-27 Central Ave.-Phone Wil. 1914

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