Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 56

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WILMETTE LIFE Octo her 4. 1929 EY ~ We are in a position to grant loans quickly to folks who need ready cash for person.a l or household emergencjes. Our service is quickcourteous- dignified. PEHSO~..\L 1~1~..\~CE Room 211. Church Street Second Floor i'OH Church Street ·· ~::w UP TO c:o. Bid~ .· $300 PHONE OR W~ITE Br a 48-secot1d margin. Twinkle Ditto. sai led bv Max Hayford and C. Y. Delnap. \Hlll . th e star clas s race of the Chicas:ro Yacht club regatta Saturday nil the ~a,·v pier. The " ·inner coYerecl the nine-mile trianl!ular course 111 2:20:02. and 43 sccnnd~ behind came .Carol. sailed bv 11. II. Elliott. George Dal seg 111 Bee iron1 the Columbia Yacht club, was third in 2:23 :-t6. ancl the only other ~lwridan Shore boats t o fini. h \\'ere: fourth. \Yalrtl S ( tock ton -Xall): fifth. '-'t -k (f"' ;" (lJ \.a 11 0 \\·a·) c ~ · Thi s was the ·la st competition of the sea:-;on it r the boat from \Yilm ctte harbor. and their O\\'ner. \\'ill soon be!!in puttinl!' them awa\· for the " ·int\?r. l~arl T. De ~foe. champion ski pper. " .;,1 compete in Kew Orleans next \\-eck. sailinl-! Dream Star for the intcrn.t. · 1 · t11H1al champions liP. - - - - - -· - Twinkle Ditto Captures I Close Race in Chicago I · · EXHIBIT BOOKS TOYS AT EDUCATI,ON PARLEY -- - Co"'lfereoce 10 10· One -Dav . netk~ October 2R to Attracl Eminent Educators __ . \ ·1 · f 1 1 1 .1 H't:c \\"1 11 rH.' an l'X 1 >It (l- )(\()'" fnr chJiclt:L'Il a1~r! 1HH)k~ l<lr pa1 tnb 11 : the .1 unH ir Ktn<.l.nl!'arten r 11 nm 111 Sl~okte schonl. . \\ Jnnl'tk;~, and <lrrln" \\'111 he ta~cll tor these nr an,· other hn( k.- \rl1trh ma,· be \\antL·(I. at · 1 . th ·e nnl·-da,· l·durat1on;1, l' 011 1 _ nenr~· t< ) t>c ht:ld Ort<lhl'r 2R._ I he. rhd(lren s b,lo.k~ wtll ]>e st·lertul trnn.1 .lt:-t" ma ck 1111~ 1)\' 11w torrn111~t authnntws <111 th.c "nhte ·: t. such ;~s \fJ:-s ~fa,· \fa~ sn· nt D "nhk~ da,·- D~lr;-tn. \f.JSs LtHil-.c Lc_aman ill I \farmtllan : \fl~ S ~nnsPnll\· nt _t he Sat 11rcl·,,. Hc\'ln,· ot T ttentun· \!J..,, TJ,lrll . ·· . · ' . · · · <d Kr nrh-. hoPk:-t(lJ'l'. \lh ..; ()J,en an.! \li:--. \\",·pa11t ,q- the \\"in nctka srhtltll.., :1nrl \fi-. .: T.ihll\· ni Xt'\' Trier lfi ~·h srhn11l. Tlw htHlk~ " ·ill he l!rnnPccl !loll l 1111h· an·nrdinl! tn aPt" · irnm kinder·Jl rartl'll !tl hil!h srlwul. hut a!-:,1 arr·n ·l· 1i·H· t(l ,·pnt<·nt. sn that :1 -.l'krtitln rr~ ·.tld he mack inr ai1 idt~:-tl l!hr;~n· i11r a!n ;tt!<' and atn· tnw 11t cl11 1d . I Select Books for Parents T IH' ho 11 k " it~ r 11 :t r e 11 t . . h a ' ' t' h t' v 11 r;trcinlh· :-L·krtcd in1111 \arit~u..; authllr itatin· li-.t..: In· \fi._ . : France..; Dutnnh·r. The ()hit·t't h;~s been tn "l'll'rt . rl'a:h helpinl and pradiral h()(lJ,;., rathn th .1·1 1tl!) -.rientifit' and -. pcc i;1li; vd ntll". The cnn11nittt'l' in rh:t -~l· ,,j till' l)l~t ,].;:, I i_... ;~~ f_,dl~l\\ . . :_ \fr __ . . ·hntn;tt_l. ,; \ldr ;':_h. I dt.t111lld1l. ~dt-.. <.... .\ . \l rltl\ 11, \f '. ' 1\ nhn t lf;tmm,,ncl. ~f r..,. T h.nn:t1 fkarnv. \lr:-- .. \11 -.tin lt·11ki 1-. . \lr" . Fd "ard T.t'\\ i..;. \f r..;. f. \\- . \1 ; t ('\ · . \f r- . I r. ( .I l r l'T p <l r k ('J'. \ r r .. . Iit r l' 1H. l' R a 1l d.til. I \!, .... \\'allan· Hum"t'\·. \fr- . . \. :-::.. \\-l'h1lt'. :tnd \fr .... Fra nl· \\'llitt·. 'J"J 1 w· I E\'...\NSTON. ILL. Tt·l··phont· (; r····nl1·n f OJtt·n to ;; 6 - 11-~-1 satnrtlar · ~::w to I ~T \lr . and ~Ir s. HcrhL·rt II. Bach ni 12-l l Cn·l·tl\\'llt)d an.·nut· annnuncc the birth (li a clamd1tcr. lanct La \ "cn.c, ~l·ptcml1 1 ·r 2. -o\1 r..... P:ttrirk l\ l\\·n. 33f'i Halcigh n ad. kl'ni1\\tlrth _ i. . entnLtini ng· at 1.1 ( J·: \ S E U H Y T II E .\ T E I lunrht·,·n I )t·toi1L'1' ..... at tilt· Lake Shore .\lhlL·tiL· -t·luh. Buy Bonds! Paying 6tf 2 ~fortgage 1 c Percent E offer an excellent selection of First W (;old Bonds, secured by business buildings .. con1bination store and apartment properties ... apartn1ent buildings. 'fhese range 111 location frotn ~"'ountain Square to the Main Street district and to that excellent North,vest scctioti adjoining I.Jinco]n,vood. host of satisfied investors O\Yning Hahn-n1adc securities vouch for the desirability of these ~1ortgagc Investments. 'fo Insure satisfaction, buy securities in this com· n1unity. You are acquainted ""ith its present high degree of property values. You are assured of its bright future. And, quite as important, you know this house of tssue to be sound in its experience and its judgmei1t of properties in this locality. ~. . Exhibit of Tovs T11 r,,ntwrtintt "itl1 t 1 tt· l~tll·-d:t· l'tlll inl·11re nn "Tiw F amih .. . , ltirlt ;ti l hl' lwld 111 thl' Sk(d-:i(· .,, IJ,)(,J. \\ 'i· ' ndk:t. nct,lhl·r 2~. thnl' "ill l1l' .1:1 intt·rt·" tittl! L ·xhihit 11i t·~, ·- !..!r·,t iPvrl 1.1 l't'll··t'.,cnt till' t ,·pe..., 111 pl:t,. matt·ri ·t!t·Pill\·ahk and Yalu:tldl' (11 t·hi ldrt·n , o1 rli t"ft·rt·nt ;l.l!l'". . 1 The (·-,;hi1lit \\ill llt' 111 rha rt't' '1i tl lt' 1 j,,J)tl\\itu..'· t·n nJmittl't : \fr .....\l irl'd .\ 1 . . <·hulvr. \fr:-. T,)hl\ Frat tk. \fro: .. \ rth.:;· 1 l: ;tchrarh and \fr- . Carlvt11il \\· . \\· a- 1 burnt·. \fr.,. \\"a-.hhu··tH'. "1111 j ... chai·· 111 ;~ 11 1 t h e r o111111 itt t ' L'. It a ' h 1 ·e n 111 ~ll.: lilt!. an l'-,; ten-;in· -.turf,· r1i nla,·thin !" t 11at ;~rt· r,,n..:idertd ll\· kadin0· eduo l·1r:-. ;~nd child 1>~\Thtll,.~~i.;;h (,1 h<.' llltl ·t \\'< 1rth \rhilc frnm an cdurati n nal -.tan:! t>nint a" \\'tll a.;; mn..; t intrrt· . . tilll! t·· cl1 ilclrtn. Srlwr.J.; cnoperatim.! 111 tlw rnnfnrnct· inrlucled X'l·\\· Trin T11\\ n~hitl TTii!h -..rhnnl. \\'in tw !ka Ptthli c -.rltnol.... and the X'orth Sht)rc r,l'tllltn· D;~ ,· .;c h< 11 1l. The \Yi nnl'f 1.::1 ' \\'<1m an':-; cluh 1" abP knclins:r its ;~rtin· ('llclor:-;rment. Fmincnt cducatnrs frPtll ,·;trinu . part.;; _ nf thr cnuntn· ,,j1J he nn the ~Pl'a kcr-.' n1-.tn ;~t t he rnnfercncr. 1 1 (I - $100, $500, $1000 De·n ominations \fr. and \frs. Paul D;~,· i:-; expt:rt ft) tllll"< ' into their llC\\' home thi~ \Ycek a1. 2~() \\'nnds t ock aYenue. Kcnil\\·orth. t l't' h<nl"c thn· rercnth- purchased from :\k xanckr H . H an nah. -o- }OHN F. HAHN, Incorporated ESTABLISHED 1899 \fr s. 0. \\·. Lowry of r,rand Rapid", ~I irh .. " ·ill he the gurst nf her parent!;. \f r. anrl \frs . Philip Hugurnin, 506 Lake ;l\·enue, for scYe ral \\·ceks. -0- Bonds, Mortgages, Real Estate, Insurance, Renting 161 7 Sherman Avenue Greenleaf 2 700 .\ f r. and \f rs . \ \ .illiam T arbon Ta \br haH' rdurn ccl frnm their \\·e cl<lil.lg:rip and are at home at ().t-tl Xortl; !~ichmoncl street, Chicagn. -0- E ~ ANSTON Rogers Park 5115 \lr -;. C. ]. Albert. 321 \\' anYick r oad, K enihrnrth entcrtai ne(l at lunch eon and Lridg-c at the \ 'is ta dct Lag·o club on Friday· <lf la st \\'eel.::. · -0- Fdgar and Francis ~tantnn, 30 Locu st road, Tndian Hill left la st \\'C c k for Xe,,- Ha,·e n to enter their sop homore y<'ar at Yale.

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