Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 55

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Octoher 4, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 55 n·car buildings, . fences or o!_hcr prov- cleaned, examined and repaired at least [is always danger in the discarded crty. once each ~· car. , . rigarettc and ch.~ar stuh . Don't keep as.hes in wooden hoxcs Don't connect gas sto\'l'S, heaters . . .. . ~)r depn!'\it them against wooden build- or hot plat es with rubber hose. ~Itss Dons ktmhall, 333. Lctcester ' --1ngs or partitiLHls. Don't us, gas 0 line ·..· t road. Kenilworth left on \Ycdnesday . . · .c . · or 1H .nzttH.: 0 (If this ,,·ec k for Farminrrton. Conn., State, Federal and Local Officials I )oll .t c 1lange Your l'kctric wiring cleanse . clothmg ncar an open flame. 1,.... 1 B f 1 enter sc 100. \\'itlll)Ut ronsulting an electrician.. D . I w1 1crc s1 1e wt 1 e ore Urge Residents to Aid tn 11 0 t. u ~c j)()ll.t ~~ero~cne. benzin~ or I returning. hO\\'CYer. ~liss Kimball will Cutting Loss hang l'lectric light cords on napt 1 1a t_ n 1g 1tmg 11res or to qt11ckcll ,·isit her roommate. ~[iss ).f ary Ch . ester nail s. a slow hrc. :\I oritz of Philad elphia . ~!iss ).foritz October 6 to 12 ha s been dcsignatl'd J)(Jn't iail tn take pr0cautiotls \\'ith Don't usc liquid pnlishes ncar open \\ill ,t hen return to school with ).I iss ll\· proclamation by Cm·. Lotti!'\ L. electric fbtirons and alwa\'S u sc with lights. ).(any contain ynJatilc flam . : Kimha ll. l ·~·mml' r son a s F i r e P n.i ,.e n t ion \" e e k I ig n a I Iig h t. m a hI e o i Is. .:::::::::::::::::::::::=..::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::.. in Illinoi s. r)on't fail to plac<.: metal protection Don't tha\\· frozen pipl's In· appl\'in 5;2% MONEY The aim oi Fire Pren.: ntion wel'k _' 1ckr all !'ltm-cs anrl pr()t<:rt \HHHI - a torch or open flame oi a-m· ki 1 ~d . Have funds to loa n on choice I mprnved North Shore Suburban res·tu impress npo~1 t.hc. t~tthlic cons.cim~:-~ -J " 0 ~~ ."·ht:rt· ~tm·.t.s ~n.'. 11 l'ar ,,·ails. . Don't a!Jn~\' chi ldr en to p-lay \\'ith idence property at 5%% interest. ness the cnorm~ty ot tire was~e m thv . ,1 h.n·p matches in closed ,. .c 11 _1 P:t~~ :--tl~\ l l ~ IJ> t ". tll.rl_lltgh cetl- I matches. fiee us on renewals. 111 1 1 lwpe that condttJOns may he Impro\Td ·..._!'1, .(Jnt_ ~r \\Ondtn 1 ·lrtltll111S. llll'tal hox. E. G. Pauling & Co. and fire carelessness clim inatL·d. . J) on_t tad to tir(!\·ide ~rrt· t·ns- ior Dnn't gn into closets with li~htcd 10 S. J. aSalll' St. Teh·phone 11 1 1 On October 9, 1S71. :\1 rs. O'J.ean·~ pt·n . rtpl;tce~. matcht·s or cand lt·s. · Suit.- ~!S Franklin 77-&0 cu\\' kicked o\·l'r the lantern which ~~ - nt·gkn Ill han· all flues \ . Dnn't fail tn rl'l11l'lllher that there :-dar ted tht.\ Chicago fire. ..~ large })<)r -- - - - titlll ui the city wa s destroyl'd and a ln~s oi two hundred li\-cs wa~ t'll tailed. WILMETTE WILL OBSERVE FIRE PREVENTION WEEK 1 1 I Since 1X71. annual fire lu~~l'~ han· I l,l'· L'Il i11 r' rea sing un t iI t her l' i ~ 1H 1" : ttl a Yerage financial luss of $550,mo.ooo in tlH: L'nitcd ~tatcs and otimated k)ss of 15.000 liY cs <.:\'en· \·car in the L'nitccl ~tat ·s and Cana;la ~ The anniyersary t·f the Chi cagu tin·. I ( ktol>l'r ~. is no\\' commenwratl'd J, uh-.e n ·anrt· 01- Inttrnatil,nal Fire Prt·n ·n t i( 111 \\'tc :~ . (1\:signatcd hy prnidt'Jl tial and WYal proclamatit 11. "Con:--erYation of our resources coit~titutc:- une oi the first oh ligati(l!l ~ , 1 (\ i mankind... !'\a\' s GoY. Em111 t·r~P! 1 · in hi~ prorlamatio.n and adds: . "\'(1\\·hcrc is th<.:re nwrl' can·k . , " a:-.tc ui our wealth than in tIll' gTt·;tt tirl' J~,~~ tli nur t,tate \rhich annualh take~ a tldl of $20.000.000 in )lropaty and n\'l·r une hundred human liH-.. I "The rtcords of the pa::.t year indi rate a r<.:duction of approximately ~!.20X.032 in property de struction in I lllillui~ through fire. This repre se nt:-- a :--tdb tantial ~a\· ing- and the pcopk (l i tilt· ~tate an; to ue congratulated <1J~ thi:-- record. "The reduction made last n:ar ctJJ he repeated if our pe(,ple haY~ the ,,·ill to repeat it. Xincty pcrcent oi <lit. tire lnsses arc due to cart· l cssnt~:-- a11 . 1 ~hu uld he a,·oided." 1 Fire Loss Increases iUII\IU\1\lU\/\MI\I\ni\IUIIIMAMIIIIII/11\IIII/IIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIII\1\1\t s l N c E- ' ::::= :::::: I ~ 5 :: c::::: :::· :: c .c:::::: Deere Park on the Lake : 2 ;:; c:::: ::= :: c:::: I I ::::a 'f c::::: ::::::: 2 c:::: 1 · = :::: 2: Zibble Urges Caution Fir<.: Chief \\'alter Zihble, in cpm IJH·tlting on Fire Prcn' ntion \\'tt·k. ~tated this week th at he hoped tilt' citize ns of \ \' i lm cttc \HHtld con~ ick :· t·,·cn· ,\·ec k of the Year as Fire Pn· H'nt~on \\·ee k. He . thanked resident of the Yillage for their cooperation in the prevcn_tion qf fires during tht· last n·ar and expressed the hope that such ,·noperation will continue. · The losses from fires in \\' ilmettl' last Har. 19.28, s h o w ~"'! a decided in crease over th,e losses of the year prcyious, 1927, according to ).fr. Zihhly In l<J2H the total fire loss in \\'ilm ette wa~ estimated to be $34,733. while in 1<J27 it was o nl y $10,828. The per capita I()SS for the village la st year (based on ~~n a population of 19,000 and inclucl - 1 111g a ]1ortion of Kenilworth) " ·a!'\ ~ 1.83 as against $.70 in 19.27 . . The ,-a luati on ' t)f property affected , hy fire s in \\'il mette in 19.28 was $523,830 and the in sur a nce on this property amounted tn ~-+63,820. according to figures compiled hv ).f r. Zibhle. · The \\' ilmett c Fire departm ent made a total of l<Ji runs in 1928 compared tn 112 in 1927 and 125 in 1926, Chief /.ibbk stat ed. Everv run inade 1)\· the \\'ilm ctte firemct-1 la st year cost · an a \'e ra~c of $2 19.80. Chief Zihble. on the eve · o f Fire Pre\'Citlion we ek. suggests the following li st of "D on't s" which arc onh· a few of the admonitions he is COJlstanth· giving the public in order to keep the lo ss from fire in \Yilmet te at the lowe st possible figure: Don't permit rubbish to accumulate in basements or an y wh ere ahout the premises. Don't burn trash, hrush or rubbish ~2 ~ 5 ::::: ~ - 2 § ~~ a::: ::::::: ~ The first floor has five rooms and bath; living room dining room 16xl7, library lllhl4, kitchen and breakfast roon1. An attractive winding stairway .leads to the second lloor which has four master bedroun1s with three tiled baths and maid's room and bath. The lot is especially desirable, having 105 feet on the street with a depth of 247 feet. The reat:" yard has several oak trees and offers a seclusion and beauty ideal for children __./ Within a few hundred yards of the lake, this property enjoys the privileges of a private beach and park. 15x26~, ~~~ ~f~l: I ~~ ~ $ ::a ~ =~ 2 I 2 2 ~ c::::: == Price, $62,000.00. No assessments. . 5 $ I$ ::=a 2 .c:::::: c:::: Representative AlwaJ'S on Property ·$ ::a ~ ~ c::::: ~ BAIRD & WARNER OFFICE: DEERE PARK, I :; ~ ~ 2 ~ORNER SHERIDAN RoAD AND ::::a ::a ~ CouNTY LINE RoAD, HIGHLAND PARK Phones: Highland Park 3040- Briargate 1855 ~ I ~ IU UI U UVUI V\I\J\IU \I\I\I nl l\l\l l l l l l\1\l l ni i\I IU\li/U U UI U \1\AI IUI UI UI UIMJIJIMI\JIAIU I U U U\lU\I JIM/UijiJ\IU I ~

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