Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 50

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WILMETT E LIF' E Oct ober 4, 1929 Road Tips New Cadillac' and La Salle· Have Wider Tonneau Seats PAY MORE ATTENTION to Tour Brakes PAY LESS MONEY for damages - - - BRAKE POWER IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN MOTOR POWER 'BRAKES TESTED FREE FOR YOURSELF Right before your cy.ea - on accurate hydraulic gauget-the JUMBO Brake Tester rcv.lt the true condition of the brake on each wheel. Eliminatea all Factory Trained Experts chance for human error. Assures positive equal, Adjttst or Reline i ution and perf·ct bala nce of brakuYour Brakes\.-.?' .. guarantced safetyr· Under Our Positive Guarantee ~otcd among the improv~ments in the 1930 Cadillac and LaS.atle cars Road conditions in C()Ok count\· ::ts now being presented are wtder r~ar rCJ)Orted bY the Chicago ~fotor club seats in all hody models. The ~>odt~·~ for the Cadillac chassis are Tour mches follow ·: .. · 1 1 · 1 Clem·ic\\' road is in poor cond1t10n '\\'icier and for the La a e two mews. het\\'ccn Ilibbard and Gross Point road. The bodies of the Cadillac sevcn-P.asTraffic is advised to use Lake avenue. senuer sedan and .seven-pas~cngcr 1111 !\Iil\\'aukec avenue ( [)Jinois-21) is oerial are longc.r bv three .mches. The front compartment 111 all cars ' dosed het\\'CCI~ Sanders rood and Palatine road. Traffic is directed north 011 has been made more roomy by rece~ Sanders road to Palatine road. then sing the instrument panel into the CO\d. west oil Palatine road to ~Jil\\'aukcc The center ot gra,·ity is lower and t.he a venue. low-swung appeara11ce is attained ,~·It h River road is closed between Dun- even greater seating comfort and \\'tth dee road and Rand road. Traffic is out diminishing the headroom. Front directed ,,-est on Dundee road to Elm- seat~ are easily adjt!_stab lc to the rehurst- \\'heeling road. south on Elm- quirements of the .individual c~river .. hurst- \\'heeling road to Rand ro:td. ~evcral changes 111 body des tgn ,,·til then southeast on Rand road to Rivn he noted. Visor arc m<;:ta l, of the road. smart cadet 'type. _ \ \'iudshields arc inHi.c:n:!'ins road is close d het\H<'n Dun- eli ned in order to ck fleet the glare dee road and Rand road. Traffic ts from the headlights of cars approachdirected north on Cumberland a,·e nue ing from the rear. OJ..~ en models han:o and west on Dc,·oil a,~enuc to Higgins cowl louvers. :\11 metal parts through road. . out the entire- body construction. ip.Lawrence a \·enue ts c_losed hrt,';·cen eluding frame ap<l other chassis parts, Rtv.er :oacl and 1fannhcm~ road. I raf- arc separated IJ,· an anti-squeak matefie ts dtrcctecl nortl~ m ·er vtlla,ge st_:rets. rial to eliminate squeaks and rattle~ . Def!1PStcr street IS ~l,ose.~l c~l s t c.11 ~ 1 ...:- Special ruhhrr shims- arc prcn·iclcd he Cormlck bou lc \' ard . . 1 raffle 1.' dtrcct ecl t\\·ct·;t-thc frame and body, 1·orming ;t sou~h ~n McCormick .. hnul~·~·~rd ~o I cushion " ·hich ahsnrhs all noises . Rc;d_y ~fall! stteet .east on ).Lun "'tlld. tlH ~~ I sills ha\'C' hl·eti strength ned to prunck north over vtllage strcds l11 Dcmp~tct . . .· ·· _ ac 11 c tt10na 1 :-.t.l 1 11 1 ll\ . t t s ree . Korth avenue is dosed hd\\Tvn · SMALL CARS IN BIG RACE Mannhrim road and Ri,·rr r(lad. H.l'\'ived interest in ;-.utonwhilc rar . Ha rlcm avenue is in Pl)(lr l'niHiitiPn · ing is alrcacly being Il(ltlcl'd as a r ehet\\·cen Di,·erSl'\' houlr\;J.rd and \'tlrth suit of the decision oi thl' lndianajloli:avenue. TraHic is ad,·ised tn turn cast 0 11 Din·nr v bou levard to ~an-e ~trcd. S!JlTd\\· a~· to bring car ~pecificatinns - an·nur, more in line \\'ith those nn the IIighsnnth on Savre strret to Xn rth then west on :\orth aHnuc to J larlcm \\·ays .. The governing body of racin~ a,·ctllt<'. says th~t the prn!e st .ag~insl the Lake street is closed to trafti c he- cha_ugc trom the 91.~ .cubic ~nch cars. t\n·en ~orth a\Tllttt' and '\lannheim wl11ch came ff(lm ate\\' drt\'LT S, ha s t'l)ad . Traffic is dirl'cted cast on \'orth been brought to an end with the a\'l' lltte to ~fanniH· im road. th('n south realizati.on th~t the smaller cars \\-ill 1 he contmued 111 general usc . < >~I ). fannlwim r(l;HI to Lake strert. s 1 - - - - - - - · - - - - - -- We Distribute and Service J"t> GENERALTIBE Tropic-Aire Heaters T ripl~ Hydro-Shock Absorbers "esta 13atteries n ts Pines Winterfro. MOTORS SERVICE IncDrporo~ed KENILWORTH The village Improvements In Kenilworth have temporarily upset the local garage service. We are now about the nearest garage and are anxious to serve the Kenilworth car owners. We have complete service- gas, oil, tires, accessories, repatnng, washing, storage, etc. We never close. A special service is offered at $25 per month, including storage, daily delivery, and washing each week. For a limited time only- especially low prices on washing- polishing- simonizing. Plate & Starkel INC. Hydrr-,-Electric Brake Service 2212 8 1942 WEST RAILROAD AVENUE EVANSTON Phones Greenleaf 2122- University 6272 J. C. SLOWN

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