Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 45

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October 4, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 45 - = --------=------=.. =--=-- ------------------------~ · (Contributed) The next activitv of the \\'ilmettc The opening meeting of the LoganLeague of Women \ Toters is to be an Hn\\·arcl P. T. A. wilt he }leld in the educational drive under the leadership auditorium of the HmYard school Tucs()f 1lrs. C. P. Evan s, .()l(j Gregorv aYecia\', October 8. at 3:15 o'clock. nue. Her committee include : Mrs. J. \yc 'ar~ to he congratulated in .;;e\\'. Behr of 1627 Fore st avenue, co- c:tnn(!' ~f.tss France s Kern, of the N"achairman: Mrs. \V. C. Ruethe. 1351 t10nal Kmdergarten and Elemcnta!T Greenwood circle; Mrs. G. E. Eaton. 1 college. ~1 iss Kern has just returned ~38 Park avenue: ~Irs. A. L. Grinndl. from a tnn to Europe \\'here she has 2.t25 KcnihYorth avenue; ~fr s. ~L H. studied the latest methods of teachin.~. ~fc~fillcn, 125 Fifteenth street: ~fr s. JTer topic. "Li,·ing \\'ith our Children," ~. E. ::\.finor. 108 Ninth street: ~frs . should appeal to the mothers of todaY. ::\f r. Harner. our school superinten:\lhcrt, N. Page, 901 Ashland avenue; ~1 rs. 1· . \V. Se,·erin. 52() Linden avenue. dent '"ill onen the meeting \\'ith a few A large nart of thi s drive wilt be remarks. ~[ r. Dayis. the village Recra rricd on In· the use of ii1teresting and reation and Plavground director. wi ll arti.stic posters illu:trating the activi- !!in' a ~hort outline of his \York ~or tic~ and real value of the league . the coming term. fn addition. \Irs . Albert ~ . Page, Seventh and eighth mother=- \Yilt 'Jrt .\fr~ . ~ferle Snyder, 215 \VoocH)inc as hostesse s. a\·enuc. ~1r . Rcniamin Bills. Indian II ill estates. and ~~ rs. Paul Leonard The room chairnH.' 11 han hecn sclccl~ocltc. Hot Central an:nue. \\·ill open ted. and arc hus\' arrang-ing dates fnr their home:-. ior aitcrnoon tea . thetr room tea s. \fothcrs are urged The persons in,·itcd to the se teas \\·ill tn attend these £!atht·rinl!s '"here \'oll he thosL' \\·hom thl' kaJ.!tH.' helie\·t'S l ma,· h 'come acquainted \\'ith \'Oc tr -.hllttld he intnested in intellil[t'nt an<·! , child\ teacher and srlwn1 work. al.~o unpreiudiccd sl:nice t(l tltt· cnmmunit,· i meet the parents ni thr childrrn \Yith . ·I \Yhom ,·pur child a~snriatcs. H OM E FROM TRAVEL ABROAD I ' ) .. .. .. . ~I r. and \Ir s. Th o rn a:- c . Cooke, JSS : ltc 1>ahtcs l· n.c n~l!,. \\"1 ,11 ~11l'l't _ a.t luntllc)r road. Kl'nil\\"nrth han~ ju st ! tl~~ hnm_e, n~ , ~f ~:--.,,I hom: . l.rh:at d~: : t'lurncd from, :thrnad \\·here the~ · s p~'nt : 1. _1_ T.ak(., a\_~;ltt(.. I hm:-.d.t\. Octnhc t tltt ~ttllllllt'r. J IH· \· sailed u· 1 the Italian 1 !0, ,tt 1 de)( k. · _. . , - ..-__ , · : , ~ l'anhhip. R(lma .' t ltc fir..;t ni Juh·. 1 T , . .t!H . 1 \\' 1 tl 1l'\' \\·en· · Ill f P1\\' l - sclton1 ( 11 t lc meet111Q' \\ dl ('tt·r l ·l·t t 0 lt-,1 1\, 11·1 l' . () t1 1ne thl'\ vi :it 1 11 tl 1 1 - · · 1 he ht d ednesda,· e\·cmng, ctoher .. ; s ec, a e arger ctt~e~. 0. at R o'rlock. in the liO\\·~r.~ srho ~)l. \~.,tp lt: ....r -h.ome, Florence and Vemce 'f. 'f f 1 Cl · 'I' I ' . .\ ISS .\ orse. 0 t le llCal!n car 1 lCI"S ' 1. 1 nttt t,t IY t H~ \· \\"cnt to J.u cer ne and en 1 ·11 k "1'1 A t el[e. \\'I snca on. 1c :' r ,, f 1 111to 1 1 c1 -nr p re-:-iCr100 P··r · .t!H·r :\lp:-, pthen . t11 Lnndnn and tu .r. , t on· T l' 11·1111.! 1 11'11 ( ren. ,. ' rum <trts 1hey ."·en~ tn> G~r- ~f others \\·ith children ni pre-schonl '" t~ . p,;ut .'.· " .1wrc t 11ey spt·nt .tt~l1t' 111 Le:l~n. age are im·itcd to attend. a lso anY(llle and \\ et :-- lndc11 ,·tstt - tnterc stcd 111 thts 1me of sttHh. .\luntch · Cul<wne :: · . · tllJ.! all the ht:--tonr place:-;. ~lr. and .\ir s. ( ·n( 1kt took three long airplane TOUR WEST EXTENSIVELy trip:-- . · ()m· irntn !k!·lin tn .Frankfort. ::\fr. and ~Jr...;. \Y. E. Dunn ancl. son, ti'< IJ11 <..nlugn~ . to I arts, and trum Pari:-; HaY, haYc rl'turned tn their home in tc.· 1.\lll(l>t)t!. I ltt·y spe n t o ne day on the 1 \\.ilmette aiter a five wed::s' trip to tt\Tr .h .lttnt·. .\ltnJ.!l'ther they were · the \\'e st. The,· were at Banff and ~t llll' L'tght \\"l'cb. l 1.a ke T.nui~c. \ ' ictoria. ~cattle. ~an - - - -- - - - 1 Francisrn. and spent a \\·cek \\·ith Bciore his departure fl ' r Lehigh uni- iricnd~ in Pasadena. Thev enjoyed n ·rsil\· la:--t \\'eek Jack Kaufman, ~15 tlte mntt1r trip up the Cnlt11~thia R(,·er \\ 'a~ hinl!"ton a\·enut'. entertained se,·eral hil[ln\:l\·. alsn the driYc to San DieQO. e~i his friend:-. at dinner. Each guest The,· t:e tnrned J,y \\·a,· nf ~alt L1ke "a~ nre:-elltcd \\·ith a likene:--s of him - 'Cit.\: :tnd Dt'll\'Cr itftvr ;t dl'li~htful trip. -.ell cut l>v ~1 i~s r anc -' (lllllwn <turi;Jg I -the t·,·eninJ.£. 'I'lw guests incluckd ~frs . Tollll Zerh. \dlll ha..; been Yisit · l~oht'rt Flli~. \\'alter Lindblad. Car l in!.[ l1er son and hi:-; wiit. \fr. and \fr:-;. llall. Paul ~mitlt. John \\' aidner. Dick \'. P. l.l'rlt . 018 Fnre..;t an·nul', during· ~rltuettl.re. ancl 1lortnn Kaufman. the summer mnnths. Ins tw\\· return~·~! -otn her home in ~fih,· allkl' L'. ).Jr. and \frs. If. Ken,·on Pope, t:\07 -oForest a\·enuc. an11(lttllrC the birth oi \fr. and ~I r s. Halph \\'. \fund,· (li a sntt. Richard Ken\.()11, nn Saturda\·, 1235 Ash la11d a\·l·nuc kft ~cptcmhcr ~c.:ptenthtr 1-t. at tht· !~,· an:--ton Itch- 20. tn :-.pend 1\\·o \H'l'k... in .\tlatttic Cit,· pi tal. and ~ cw York. U' ilmette Women I Voters to Promote ·Educational Drive Logan · Howard P. T. A. This trophy lias been awarded to J.D. Toloff · for the' best photographs in colors in a national competition conducted by photographers. Your photograph or miniature, colored by us. IS sure to be a \Vork of distinction. 8x 10 Portraits (In Colors ) Special Miniatures ° $12.50 $20.00 These pnces are for the month of October JosEph D. Toloff Our Photographa Live Forever I· · · · 518 Davis St. , Evanston Univ. 2178 \fr . and \frs. :\lhl'rt C. Ackenna~111, ~Jr. a11d \frs . \'. P . /.t'rh han· rt·o t· ~ 1 1 !'ark a\·enttc. had as t heir house.:: turned tn their IWllll' at <)IX FPn· . . t 1-!' tl<':-.ts inr Sl·n: ral da\·:-- this \\Ttk. ~fr. · :' ·c nltt aiter a t\\·n \reeks' "oiourn at and ~f r< L. ~f. Servis of Rogers Park. · l'nlurado Spring·s. -o- 1 - o - IRE DALE FIREPROOF WAREHOUSES If you are breaking up housekeeping this Fall, the cheapest, safest and most satisfactory thing to do is to store your furniture and other valuables. They will be safe from all haz ards and you will be relieved of all worry. Estimates gladly furnish~d. Fall housecleaning? Let lredale's MOTHPROOF Your Overstuffed Furniture and Rugs! 1723 BENSON .t\VENUE, EVANSTON PHONE WIL~JETTE 1332 STORAGE

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