Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 43

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October 4, 1929 I WILMETTE LIFE 43 Architectural Books Most Popular of Art Volumes at Library Books on architecture arc the most popular of all the books the Wilmette Public library has on art, savs ~~iss Anne L. \Vhitmack, librarian, ":ho summarizes the contents of some of the architectural books as follo\:rs: Sticks ' and Stones, 'hy Lewi s ?\I tllllford. A provocati,·e study written in an admirably lucid and smooth flowing style. Practical Book of Architecture, 1)\· C. M. Price. A popular treatment o( interest to those intending to build. to beginners in the study of architecture, and to the general reader. Enjoyment of Architecture, by T. F. Hamlin. An explanation of the principles of good architecture made clear hv many examples in this countrY and ai>road. History of Architecture, h· Sir B. F. Fletcher. -An excellent, comprehensive and profusely illustrated handboc~k g-iving a comparative '·iew of the historical styles from the earliest period. Architecture of Colonial America, by H. D. Eberlein. The best general boo k on the subjec t . Systemati c but popular treatment for the general reader as well as th e architect. Mont San Michel and Chartres, by Henry Adams. One of the most mar,·e lous books ever written. Old English Houses, by Gotch. A simp le and. readable account of the growth of English domestic architecture from medieval to Georgian times, showing .how the developing of social customs and the changing ideal of comfort were expressed in the con s truction of the houses. chiefly o f the grl?at old homes of England. Architectural Rendering in Wash, by H. V. B. Magonigle. Explicit dirl'ctions as to materials, preparat.ion oi paper, and rendering of drawing s in monochrome and color for architects and s tudents. Essentials of Compositioin as Applied to Art, 1)\· ]. V. Van Pelt. A studv l)f composit ion in architecture di,·idtd into six parts. · New Books th~ \Vilmette Public library recently, ~f 1ss Anne L. \\'hitmack lihrarian by different authors, have arrive~t at ' The new volumes are: Eighteen new books of fiction all announces. 'I Bailt·y-13urning Beauty. I3yrne- Fi e ld of Honor. D~ la Roche-Whiteoaks of Jalna. f£·k e r-Strange r Fidelitie:s. T·.. rtz- Galaxy. Gall-'worthy- :\lode rn Conkdy. U la:-;g·rnv- Th ey Stootwd to Folly. UrE~ < · n - Dark .)OUI'n e y. Hurst-Fin~ ·~ and T ell. .:\1 c<'u t<:lwon-~lt· ri \'a!!':-; . .\la<:Kaye-\\·eath e rgoose -\Von: :\IC'Xe il e- Dull-Dog Drummond. :\lontg·omery-YirtU<' of This JeHt. Hictlard~rm -Ulti!lla Thule . St e m-::\1 od e:-:ta. Tarldngton- P<'nl·fid .JashlH·r. Thynn e- Th e S-trang)('r, \\';.!.lpol e- llans FroHt. 28 Members of School Band Attend Marine Band Concert Twenty-eight members of the \\'ilmette Pt~blic school band, accompanied ~>y ~f1ss ~fargarct Hayes, principal of Stolp school, and ~Irs. Stella Maher Stolp teacher. attended the afternoot; concert presented by the Cnited States ~Iarine band in the 1\orthwestern university gymnasium ~1 onda v afternoon . September 30. . The \\"ilmcttc hand. a~ \Yell as man\' other sch_ o o l bands in this Yicinity, appeared 111 band costume at the con cert. The Cnited State s ~~ arinc hand which is calkcl "The President's Own,'; was brought to E,:anston under the auspices of the \\'omen's l·nion of the First ~I ethoclist Episcopal church in l·:vanston. Two concerts were given in Patten gyinnasium ~fondav. The band also appeared at Orchestra hall in Chicago this week. KEYSTONE RADIATOR CABINETS and SHIELDS All Metal Custom Built Any Finish Moderately Priced For estimates phone or write Keystone Radiator Cabinet Co. 4351 N. HARDING AVE., CHICAGO Phone Keystone 0 111 ~Ir s. Daniel lluguenin of San Francisco Cal.. who \',·ith her daughter !\anC\·, ha s been the 1-!Ucst for six \Ycek~ of her JJarcnts-in-la\\·, the Philip ~lrs. I. H. Chilcott. 23-l Sheridan Hug-uc11ins of 50f, Lake aYcnuc. r:::J'(,ad, Kenilworth is at Elkhart Lake, turned to her home. utl \\' cdnesda\' of \\.is. She has been away all summer. this week. If tLe old Pave:tnent ~...._,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i i ~ ~ This is the Ideal Time to Have Your Painting and Decorating Done il Painting of the outside of your house will seal up all joints and make them watertight . . . it will also preserve . the woodwork and prevent decay. i ~ ~ isRougLthe chances are that it is not strong enough to carry ·m odem traffic. A thin resurface won't make it ·~any stronger. Trucks will soon show up the weak spots. Do _ the job right! Repave with portland cement concrete Strong-Smooth-Permanent. I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ INTERIOR WORK From now on you will live indoors more and more. And it will be a source of great satisfaction to have you walls and woodwork neat and slick. We do the better grade of painting, decorating and paperhanging ... and you will be surprised at the very reasonable prices. We give quick service . . . and our men will not mess up the premises, we have plenty of "drop-cloth" to cover 'things up. and we keep them clean. I ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Phone for Estimate! Evenings- Wilmette 3 I 66 ~ ~ PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 33 West Grand Avenue ~ i i!! I CROSBY PAINTERS I AND CHICAGO DEC:ORATERS WINNETKA ~"""'~""""""""""""~ I 566 Center St. Phone 2033 i ~ A National Organization to I niprove and Extend the Uses of Concrete Offices Ia 32 Cltlea

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