Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 39

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.... pctober 4. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 39 Tells of Excellent Work in Music at College in Alabama The Music News in a rec~nt issue published an article by 'Valter Spry, north shore pianist, commenting upon his summer \vork as guest teacher at Alabama college, Montevallo, Ala. Excerpts from the article, which will be of interest to Mr. Spry's man y friend s o n the north shore, are repriuted. as , fo llows: "T here are seve ral things those of tt5 from the north must learn in order to make such a stav successf ul. First JUST A LITTLE BETTER of all, \\·c mu st learn to clothe ourTAILORING selves for summ er weather. \ Ve do not parade in pajamas as some do on JUST A LITTLE BETTER ).fichigan an· nu e in Chicago. hut Palm Beach suit s arc the order. Then it is MATERIAL not customan · to run arnund at noon time:-; as t hnttg·h the de,·il \\·ere after JUST A LITTLE BETTER us. Thi is a c u:-. tom abo oi Chicago. not on ly at nDon timl'. hut an\' time. PRICESln o ther \\·ords . pl'opk in the - South ;tre mon.· cl<-JiiH' rate than tl1osc in the :\nrt h. a~ a rule. an d things arc clone t.'\Tn bdtcr ic1r that fl'(l:-.0 11. "Thv \ll\\'11 1lf ).Jontt,·allll i~ I11Ctted in thl' tniddk 1li the :-;tate. at the icnt- 1 hill:-- ni the .\p palachian ran .~l' " ·itl1 an cln·atillll Pi about /.:o i c d ahl·YL' the ' ··n·a11. TIH· :tir. thtrl·it·lre. i:-; 11111rt 1168 Wilmette Ave. Wilrnetle liit.:-~i\ i11~ th:111 oi place=- i11 tl1<: lmrbnd, , ~I r .... ~ pry and I han~ bnn 111 t i 1 1r t 1111 all' i 11 kt ' · i 11 !.!.. a h l'; · t1t i i u I j ,out lu·rn h· lllll'. !1 ll'a 1\'rl i 11 pi Ill' \\'ULHb ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nn a hill. I "I j, ~urp ri,in;...: \\ ktt ;uh anCL'Illl'Jlt I lJa, l.<:vn 111:uk ii1 111thic: tll l· :--t<tndard;; r ; t r v a . , 11i ~:· 1 ; 1.., t l11 h L' a n ' · \\ h ere. a 11 d t h c :·,·:tcht·r.., ;trl· the !Jc,t tklt r:111 llt :'l'~ urt·rl. . l~L·i lll-!. a :--!a_tl' in-..t!tutiun. thcrt·! 1, ll·l 11k:t 1l1 pnl!Jt -makJn;._:. ami thL· 1 rv-..ult i ~ the tc.:achns arl· ,,·dl p:tid. l ;tncl till' J·ttpil-.. ~et the l1c~t 11i l'\'l'n· -~ t h i 11 ~ i "r n· r y I itt 1c m n 11 L' y . .. ~I, . rJa,.., \\ <lt tld r.tnk in JJltelligL·nce ,~,ith tllt' :t\l'l';tL:l' JJiil' ILT rla~..; \\Crt it I in :\l'\\ Yt1r k. BP-..\lln (l r ( ·hir < tg"tl. Pi an.) 1 rLTit:tl-.. 11i pn1gram:-. cotnpri~inL:· tllL· I lH· -..t lit~.·raturl· in L' \Try pcrillcl are gin·n hl·i,,rl· audil'lll'l':'. \rhich I iel'l arc a I nitira! a~ a11\· Pi a large Jlllbical r<.'Jl- C O· A ·T S EARLY .SELECTION INSURES SATISFACTION LAJEUNESSE, INC. (t :-- tcr . . I ... Garden Club Leaders in I Plans for Great Exhibit TilL· fir:-t direct :-;tcp in the campai .~n to beautify the Chicago area\ landsca pe with llu\H' r bcd!-i and ).!arden;; \Y<ts tak l' ll when presidents and dclc~atcs of the SL' \'l' 11 t Y- t \\'0 . g a rdrn c Iubs a fli liat ~ d \\·ith the Garden Club of Illinois held a spec ial luncheon and lntsinc:-s meetin[! rccentlr at the Chicago Stadium. Tilt· c:luh \\' Dille n, ntunhering more I than "'lW. 'adopted a reso lution propnsing to make the new Austin-KinL!e cle,·atrd hi~h,Ya\· on the west side ,,f l'hica~o one n-i the most hcautiiul bnttk\'ard~ in the world 1)\· Jayin~ it out in flower hc,~s and <tttracti\·c miniature gardens m-cr, the entire length from the ri\'er to the citv limits. Tlle rL'!'in lution. which was f Of\\ arcled to Dr. 1 Tohn Dill Robertson. president of the I ,\.est Park hoard. pledged the assistance nf the ~arden club. in planni11,g t hr flo\rCr arrangements. · The b.tnc he on and business mcctin..:r. attended hv sixtv-fnur of the scYent\·t\\·o presidents. the entire exe~uti,·e committee and hoard of directors, and dell-gates frnm all of the affi li ated club". \\'as l!·in: n cn·er chicflv to plan _ for the Central States Garden and Flo\\'er Shn\\·. \\'hich is to he held in the hig west side exposition httilditH!. April 5 to 13. 1030. The Garden Club of Tltinois. as spo nsor of th e sho\\', plans to make it the most spectacular garden and flower <lisplav eYer presented '"e"t of the Atlantic seaboard. Mr. and Mrs. 'Vallacc Kerr. Tr .. ,"l f .T ackson. :M ich. will motor to vVilmette Th~ MILGRIM HA-fS Hat of Tit~ Autumn Vosu~ is admirably portray~d 'in tltis MILGRIM Black v~tv~t tlt¢ n flairn of its distinctiv~ lin~s id~ntifi~s it as an original MILGRIM Cr~ation. 600 MICHIGAN BOULEVARD -South this \Yeek-end for a visit with th e former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. \V. \Vallace Kerr. 707 Forest avenue.

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