Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 37

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October 4. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE M allinckrodt Notes · Class officers were elected at :\fat- 1 linckrodt High school <luring the course of 'the past week The officers of the various classes are as follows: Senior class, Mar~. ,English, president; Ruth Braun, vice-president: \f arg-aret Parks, secretary and trea.urer. Junior class. Rita \Yebcr. pre . iclent: Helen Deinlein, vice-president: Elizabet~l Faber, secretary and treasurer. Sophomore-A, Sarah Carrit\·, president: Alice Braun. ,-ice - president: Elizabeth Hoffman, ~ccrctary anfl treasurer. Sophomore- B. Germaine Schacf ,·r prl's id en t ; ~1 on a \\'a ls h. "ice-president: ~f ary Reckert. sl..'rrdary and treasurer. Frc:-;hmcn - A. Eilrtn Bt·r],erick. presiflcnt: Peggy Fndish. ,-ice-pre.:;ident: ~fargan:t HonYatll. ....rcrctar~· and treasurer. Fn:shmcn-R. Ccraldint· ~I ick, prl'-.ident: Esth<:r lToneman. \·ice-pn·sidcnt: :\fa rion \\\ ],l'r. -.ecn·tary an cl trea ·t1rcr. :\ 11 um htr oi clu h s ha \'l' hctn nr ganizecl, th e fnllm,·ing nflicer:-- of \\·hich han~ been elected: Gamllla Phi (Pil\·sics L'lub ). Fliz :ihet h I.i vs. president-: 11 e kn ()]>t'nneicr. Yice-presidrnt: ~larie :-;turm, :-.ecrl'tan· and trea surer. · Scptem ~1 iracula (Latin rluh l. Btth· Barry. president: :\1 arion Pearso1i. Yicc-president; Harrivt ~h.·ig-len1an. secretary and treasurer. The Ea.Lde-, (America 11 Ifistnn). Eunice Skin ncr. prr siden t : C racr Lttdwig, ,·ice-president: Lois \filler, secretan· and t.rCfsttrrr. Hidehat~ (~lodern Hi:--t1lr~· l. \I argarct Dc\farco. presid('nt: :\fan· HolTman. Yicc-pr siclent: \f yrtlc \r dzcr. secretary ancl treasurer. A. B. C. (Accounting and Bookkeeping-), Veronica Hoffman. president: ~farie ~1illcr, ,·icc-prc:--ident; Ireiie Deeroff.. secrctan· and treasurer. The Scribblers -(Stenograpln· ). Rn:'l'lyn Latferty, president: Cccili~ Krail!lcr, ,-icc-president; Cecilia Schmitz. :-erretan· and treasurer . Bio!ogns (Biology), }.fary ~1IIIi\·an. president; Eleanor \Yinan ch·. ,-icepresident : Dorothv Ludden. ~l'crctan· and trca-;url'r. · ~f. \f. Club (Cc(lmctr~·). :.tar .~arct :\f e_n:r. president: janet I .il' hhaJ..:a, Yiceprcsick'nt; Fkannr Fecher, sL-crctan· and trea..;urcr. The :\rt (·rait (~uild ('!'cxtilesl. Catherine llnth, pre:-.iclent: Florence Kric·sant. Yicc-president: \[arctlb Dnebch, sccretan· and treasurer. E. E. Club ( Ei1glish ), \'i,·ian Qllig-le _\·, pre:-.idcnt; Catherine Pearson. ,-icepresident: Harril't :\fcDer111ott. s~.·crc tan· and treasurer. Excelsior (Latin). \fan·· \Ic\'ultL president; Josephine Bacr: \·icc-pn.<idcnt: Jeanette .Brennan, sccretan· and treasurer. - · Better Speech (English), . Eleanor Doetsch, prrsident: \laric Schmidt. \·icc-presi dent: Frances Selzer, secretarv and treasurer. \\ ' ith the consent oi the facult\·, the · Senior class ha s hcgtin acti"'-' \\·n.rk on "the :\1 ," the school annual. The staff comprises: editor-in-chief, Huth Braun; managing editor, Grace Ludwig; litcrary editor, Pearlctte Ceer; as. ociate editors, Betty 13arry. Elsie Dodo, ~[aric Borre; art editor, Marion Pearson; associate art editor, Marv Eng!i ~ h; business manager, Margaret Klaukc, assistant manger, Olive Oelrich. (' Distinctive-GORHAM patterns typify Period 'Styles for the BRIDE'S SILVE~ ETRUSCAN DOLLY MAD ISO GORHAM SILVER ... recognized for generations as authentic in design find distinguished in character and craftsrnanship -is . the natural and logical choice for the bride of discerning taste. Period n1otifs and original designs provide a " ·idcly varied choice for the Bride "s Silver. 1'he tnany patterns of GonHAl\l Sterling in which the hollow \rare Jllatchcs the flat silver pcrn1i t a harr11onious selection for the entire Silver cnserllhle. f='L0RENTINE Even with a n1odcst expenditure one can lay the. foundation of the Farnily Silver to "hich additions can be rna de fron1 tin1e to tin1e. SPAULDING-GORHAM, INC. Jewelers aDd Silvers·iths ~liebl~anAveJJue Orrha~foll Mrs . .T. C. Murray of 433 Cumnor road. Kenilworth, with Mrs. William L. Page, 79 Abhottsford road. Keni-lworth. is motoring back from her summer place at Lincolnville, Maine. Mrs. Page has rented her home and wtll spend the winter in town. · · CHICAGO Avenue · · EVANSTON R11e de Ia Palx · · 1· A R I S

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