Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 36

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36 · WILMETTE LIFE October 4, 1929 . re · October Reawakening Social ·Activity on North ShoI ' ... Former Wilmette Girl Formal Dance to to Be Wed at Shawnee Introduce Winter Oi intnest to a numhcr of \Yilmett e · Season at Shawnee re:;idents is the approaching marriage BY JEAN TEN BROECK The ~ignal which sounds the opening of the nt·w \Yintcr season at Sha\,·nec Country club i!' the formal ·d ance "ft>r seniors onh·" SaturdaY evenin):!". Oc tober 5. which foil(""=' a dinner ho11r from () until X. And in JlP!Jtdar par 1an c e· t hi!' ~ ig n :11 w iII me a 11 to the cl u1). its member~. and · their guests, ··a bi,l..!".l!<'r and hcttl'r" Year. Thi . . ~tatemcnt is horne ,)ut in Octl)l><:r's caletHbr a!HI hint-. at illlltn·atitms t el cnme :1s print l' d in "Sha\\ llt'l' Short' ... the rluh's pffici.tl m~ga?tne and 11ur ini,)rmant at thi . . time . Sunda,·. Oct11hl'f f1, all nH·mher~ ··!· Shawnee arl· im·itrd tn attend the second tm·t:tinl! oi the \\"ilml'ttt' :\~~·~ ciated Ci,·ir Onaa dub. \\·hich \rill h· he 1d i n t h \.' cl \1 h a t 3 o ·d o c k. A r l' p r t ' sentati\·t· ,,j the Chical!'o Civic opera wilt l!in·. :-h the nrnl!ram nf ·the aftt·ruoon. a talk ' 'll ".\Ltkt· l ·p." \rhi~.·h !1·.: will denliHht-ratl'. Monda,·. thl' ncca~i,·n ni thr nC'xt bri<il!c tea. "ill be Partner daY. ""ith nrogrc~:-i,· c hridl!e at 2 and tl·a at 4. Thur~da,· t'\·cnitH! hring-:; an(·thn Pi tile huffet ·dinnns " ·ith prol!rl·..,:-iH hri(ke follo\\"ing. a reg-ular weekly en·nt at the cluh. Shawnee. it is e\·idl·nt. i.., nnt t1· h'-· content \\ith ioldinl! its hand .... ll lL\' that it:; club hnmt· i., CPIIIPll'led and a certain Clntrst· t·i snrial and athlct;c events ha"' bern t'~tahli"hed. · and kt thing-s slip ill t () a Ill ac h ine -likt· re~illl e. hut is tP branch nut along rultur:-tl lim·s. ~ftbic :dread,- has htt'll inrlucf.:d in its pr,ll!'ram. ancln(l\\', it~ mal!azi ·1c indicate~. "art~ and arti:-;b" are . tl) lw "a featttr~.· of winter." \\·e quote: "It is· the privih·ge nf the Shawnee Ctnmtn· cluh to foster the fine art::; of th~.· vicinit\· · and to ill\·:tc its n11:,mbers who enjn,· picture~ t(l ·meet snrialh- at · exhibition:-. As " ·inter comes. an art committee will rdl'hrate tht fir. t occasion 1)\· a recrption to artists. "Mrs. Charles H. Denni:-; has taken the first =-tens to secure a !'erie:-; Pi exhihitintJs (li fir"t rank tn he httnl! in the hallnh\111. The :\ndcr;;nn Art l!allerics a ncl the Hnu :-;e oi o·n rien ill C'hical!n will loan in.lportan t call\·a ,L's for the nnening. "Followin.l! the npcninl.! displa\· 11t American and European ratl\·ase..;, tach month until spring- will he twtahle t(lr a snecia 1 collection." Suwla,·. October 13. bring . . an art exhibit at 3 n'clnck i()lltnHd ll\· the hnur of tlltt!'ic at 4. An iniormal dance inr it ·Jinr:- at () o'clock tht· eYening of Octnher 11. a hridJ!e lunche, ln Ortnher 1·-L the 1 farvest J·Llt11\.' part,· Saturda\·, Octl)her 19. with dinner and dancinl!. thr danct· inr children <>i thr sixth. seventh. and t'i£hth grade..;. Octnher 25. to he tL)llowed 1}\· a children\ part\· October 26. and a hridl'"e lunrhenn Ortoher 2R. are the l)ther hig-hlil!ht~ idr OctnhL·r. ni ~~ i"" Constance Virginia Kimball. daug-hter oi ~[r. and ~Irs. Kenneth Phillips Kimball nf Rogers Park. Chiraga. fnrmerly of \Vilmctte, to Richard Alexander. snn of ~f r . and l\Ir.. Hnrace Lee :\lexander of Philadelphia. Engaged Quiet Simplicity Marks Pope-Veeder · WeddingCeremony \1iss Isabelle Pope, daughter of l\fr. and \frs. H. A. Pope, 910 Lake avenue, " ·as marric·cl Saturcla\' evening, September 2R. to ~feh· in Veeder, son vi \fr. and \fr.. Albert H. Veeder, Jr .. of fi33 ~faple a\·enue. \Vinnetka. at the h(l mc t) i her parents. Onh- members of the two famili~s \\Tre nrl'sent at the reremonv \Yhich tnnk place at 8:30 o'clock and \\·hicl1 "a~ perfnrmed In· .the Rc,·. Y ere V. Lnner. t1a~tor of the Fir:;t C'nngreg-a.tional church. \Yilmctte. A recention and wedclin):!" ~upper fnllowcd the ser·:tce. \f r~. Sherman Barnett of Glencnc (Elizabeth Pnpe) was her . ister'. nnlY hridec;mai(I. Fll1Wtr l!irls \\·ne t\\"O small niece ni ~fi~s .Pnpr. ~fan· Anne Bad!:!er (lf Ev.an . ton atHl ~f arinril' C'nlt of \\'ilm ette. Edwin Hunt Badl!er. Jr .. srn·ecl as na(!r. The bride's gmyn wa:' nf e!:!(! shell cnlnred· satin m:1dc prince~.; st,·le. Her \·cil of m:-e pnint lace ""a., worn in can effect anr! caught with a 'nra,· ni nranf.(e hlt). snmc;. She ca·ried calla lilies. ~fr::. Rr~rnett's gn\\·n \\·as of peach cnlnred Y( h-et . \.enr(!e Yeeder sen·ed his hrnthe1 a . . he . . t m;!;J. After a wedding trip tt1 Eurnpr thf bride and Q"room \\·ill make their h · :1e in E,·anston. TIPth thr hrid,~ and rrn·nm clrc· f!·· :-~d uates of Xc\\· Trier Hi1..d1 . chc.·.1. anrt ~fr. Yec.:der nf Yale uniYer.;it\· .-\mnng the nu t nf tn,,· 1 rela:i,-,., " ·ht") ::Jttcnded the \\·erldin(T wrre ~f~. a.Hl ~frs . T. C. Lane of Elkhart. Tnrl .. ~,fr. r~nd \hs. \Y. E . Tin\\·man of l·.lklnrt. \lr-;. Tda Hamptnn nf Kanqs Citv. \fn .. anrl her snn. Donald Suthcrbnrl. nf Kansas Cit\·. ...-\ numher of nrenuptial affair.; """ rl' l!i,·en ior ~f is" Pone and \f r. \. <·tr~n. among " .hie h '"as a lu nc hrnn :1.11 c1 hrirl!:!e fr·r the bride on Saturda,·. Septemhc·r 21 c:-iven In· \f rs. Ran "'om C. ~hermr~n at the home nf lH'r mnth(:r. \f rc;. Genr(T(' E. \\'bite. 027 Grcemvon.-1 an·m1e. \\.ilmette. .On Saturda\· e\·cninl!. Sente·i ~ l,.r 21. \fr. \·e('der rrave hi-. h::~rhrl ' i dinner ~t thf' Harvard. Yale. Princrt·1n rl11h. On Tuesrht,· r,·rnim:. Sentcmher ~-l . \fr. (llld ~fr Sherman Barnett t'iJtertained at a dinner n~rt\' at tht·;, h, 1:1e in (',Jencoc fnr ~fi . s Pope <tt·d ~fr. \~ eeder. Th<: fnllo" ·inQ da,· ~f rs. \Yil!i:-tm Srln,·eitzer Of an· Louise Scheid(·nhelm) Q"a\"c ~ lunchenn and hrid!:!e at the hnmc ni her m()ther. ~fr:-;. Fr2nk Schf'idenhelm nf \Yilmrtte. in hnilllr ni \fi . s Pone. \\"ednec;da,· e\'f'PiTH! :t dinner and hridrr<' and kitchf'll -.h, 1\H' r w('re fTi,·pn ·tJt th" hnrne of r. ;nH{ \f rs. \\.illiam H. Xicholls in \\'innetka 1)\· lTPrhert Xich()lls anrl. ~f;..,~ r..:i 7,!hcth \utler. in honor of ~f r. \·,·c-d,'f and ~fiss Ponr. ra. The marriage ,,·ill take 1>lacc Tur.- ('Ycning at R :30 o'clock. at Sha\\' nee Cuttntn· cluh. ""ith thl' Rc\·. Preston HradJt.·,. nf the People'~ church. Chicagu. llfticiating at the sen·icc. \f i:-;;; ~feel ora Bri,l..!"ht of \\'ilmrtte \\·ill he maid of honor for ~li . s Kimball, w hi lr the hridcsma ids " ·ill he \f iss Betty Fi,hl)(·in of C'hicagn. ~frs. A. C. Baur. anrl ~r r~. \\"illiam J\:. Thnmp"'nn of Kansas Cit,·. ~fo .. whn ,,·as the forme·r ~f argaret Echols oi 1·\·anston. Ccorge :\lcxander ui Philadelphia will :-;c.:rve his brnther as best man. The us h tr s \\"i 11 i 11 cl u de J0 h ll ~ralls u r (' 0 i Phi lad(' lph ia. X nrman Fran zen nf E \"anst(ln, Edward ~fadi~an oi Chicago. :tnd Rohnt Friedlander of Chicago. On their return fr ~ .m their wedding trip the bride ancl groom \\'ill make their h me at \\"alnut lane. ~[ontours villc, \ \ "i lliam sport, Pa. ~fiss Kimball is a g raduat e of Xew Trier Hig-h school and attencll'd the l' ni,·ersity of \[ ichigan. \f r. Alexander attcNled Princeton and is a graduate of Xnrthwestern uni,·ersit,· where he is a member of the Phi Delta Theta iraternity. da~· Hall-Borgen Wedding to Be Solemnized Tomorrow ~Iiss Catherine DePass Hall. daughter of \[ r. and Mrs. H. R. Hall, 729 \Vashington ayenue. will he marrier:! tnmorrow afteruoon to Kenneth R. Tiorgen, snn of 1fr. and \(rs. johtl Borgen ~pf Xevatla. Iowa. at 4 :30 o'clock 111 the chapel of St. Luke' church. Dr. Hubert Carleton oi St. :\n gustinc\ Episcopal church. \YilI!Jette. "ill read the wedding sen-ice. There will be no reception. but that en·ninl!' the bride's parents \\·ill entt.:rtain t hl' ·., edding partv at their hou:;e. .\fj,_, Ja~.··t Hall will be her sister's c·nly bridesmaid. and Dion P t)ppeney ni ~t. Lnui:-; will sen·e \[r. Borgen as ],est man . \f i~s Jane :\ystrom. daughter ni ~f r and \fr:->. Albert ]. Xystrom. 714 Central a\·enue, was hnstus at a pantrv and . heli sho\n~ r i1 n hL)nnr of \fi-.:. Hail nn Tue:;day nf this \H'C k. The ecgageme nt of 1fi s ~Iona E. Heller, daughter oi ~Ir. and ~Irs. Charle · D. Heller, 808 Elmwood avenue, \Yilm ette. to George Voss. son of ~[r. and ~Irs. A. G. Voss of the Edgewater Beach hotel. was announced J.t a dinner and bridge on Tuesday evening of last week at the Heller's home. The marriage will take place the early part of next year. ~1i s Heller is a graduate of ~t!W Trier High school and of Southern seminary, where she is a member of Beta Gamma sororit\·. ~Ir. \·o is a graduate of the L"ni .\·ersity of Illinois, and is a member .o f Phi · Kap1 a Sigma iraternity. Miss Dorothy ·Troy Is Marrying in East Today Golf Season Closes Today Frirl ay. Octnher 4. tnminate s the c;easnn o.;chedulcd fnr wnnv·n g-otias at \\'estm nrebncl l.nli cluh. :\ homecoming lunchenn. with dio.;trihution of prizes. and a l!alllc of bridge in the afternonn mark t hi.' ncea~ilHl. ~f rs. · Robert H . Fulton. Tr . of Evanston ha heen chairman n( the "·nmen's g-olf events thi . . summer. Society Exhibits The \"ncati,·nal ~ociet,· IC,r ~hut- Tns announn·... it" (Ji..,Jda ,. t~i l·xdu~in· modt'b in the "hnn at 112 raq \\"alton place. ChicaJ,!n. ~~ r.. Laird Bell nf Winnetka. pre~ident. \\·ill he a . . si . . ted ~fr . Arthur E. Ruff nf 1320 ~faple \Irs. Jacques \Villis of 1606 Forest bv a g-roup of the sea . on'::- dt:hutantes an·nue ent(:rtained a number of college avenue was hostess to several of her durinu the <:xhihit which c,Hnmenced friends irnm Evanston and Oak Park friencls at luncheon at Shawnee CounMondav. at lunc.heon Saturdav of last week: try club. \\'edn esday. ~liss D(lrothv Trov oi . . carsdale. :\. Y .. will be married toda~· to George n. Young of ~ew York in a quiet wedding ceremonv at the home of her parents. ~[ r. and ~f r.. F . R. Trov: Scar. dale. former residents of \\'ilmett e. ~fiss Tro\· attended Xe\\" Trier High ~chonl and is a graduate of Swarthmore rolleg-e, obtaining her ~faster's degree at Columbia univer . itv. Xcw York Cit\". Last vear she taught Engli~h at S\\·arthmore. · ~Ir s . .John True of Davenpnrt. To·,,·a. daughter oi ~I r. and ~1 rs. John \\·. Gives Dinner Saturday ~~ i.-;s ~fed ora Bright, rlaughtcr of Cullen. 1226 A hlancl avenue. '"ill he ~lr. and ~'Irs. Philip \"aughan Bright. matron of honor for ).[iss Trov. 731 Ashland aYenue. will he hostess at a dinner party tom orrow c,·ening at Tea Opens Guild Season Shawnee Countrv club in honor of The As ociated Guild; of St. Augu t~!iss · on tance- Kimball of Rogers ine's church will begin their season's Park, who is to he married to Richard activities with a tea held at the home of Alexander oi Philadelphia Tursda \" \f r-;. Clarence ~f. Puhltnan. 023 \\.ashevening at Shawnee. The dinner \viii inl.!ton avenue. Frida\·, October 4, from be given fnr ~[i ss Kimball and \f r. 3 until 5. Everv mem her of the guild :\lexander and the members of t!1eir and am· member oi the church w!JJ wedding party. · is intere . ted is cordialh- invited. ~[ r ~. Albert H. l'llri"ch is president of the Associated Guild:,: ~f rs. \Vitliam Guests at Farewell Parties ~fr. and ~Irs. George ~L Spangler. Edmnnds. first vice-president: 1Ir". who will make their permanent home Hubert Carleton. . ecund vice-pre iin Da\·enport, Fla., ha\·e been gi,·en a dent: 11 rs. A. E. Logie, treasure! ; number of farewell parties among ~fr s. Richard \Yil ~on. ~ecrctan·. \\ hich \\·as a dinner last Saturdav evening given by ~r. and ~[ rs. C. H-o...,vard Circle Hostess Today Searle of Glencoe at their home. 1fr. \[ rs. Frederic B. Crossle\·, 600 \\'ashand \[ rs. ' A. B. Seibold entertained at ington avenue. will entertain m.embers a dinner party Thursday evening at of the \\'ashington Avenue circle of their home in \\.ilmette in honor of the Congregational church todav at ~r r. and ~Irs . Spangler. luncheon at her home. · "f Betrothed ~r r. and ~f rs. Atfr,ed P. Friedrichs of E\·anston announced the engagement of their daughter, Vyril June. · tn Arthur. H. Cook. son of Mr. and ~~ rs. 'rhomas F. Cook of 930 Seneca rnacl. \Vilmette. at an informal bridge !!i,·en at their home on the evening of Sentemher 27. The wedding will take place in the spring. Welfare Meets Oct. 14 The \Vilmette Senior board of th~ ln~ant \Velfare society of Chicago will hold its next all day meeting with 1{ rs. . Judson F. Stone. 1234 Ashland avenue, ~fonday, October 14. · Church Group .Meets The Third division of the Methodist church held a luncheon in the Church school yesterday. Mrs. Albert G. Ackern" lann is chairman of the Division.

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