Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 35

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October 4. 1929 WILMETTE regulars in this battle. The remaining members of the sQuad of about 45 will face the Cornell college aggregation from Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Butler gave th e \\' ildcat s a stiff tuss le last year and l:I a n ley " ·ill take no chance s with the Hulldol.!s thi s trip . Th e score wa s .tied at 0-0 at halftim e in th e 1928 contes t. and th e Purpl e \ra s force d to go at top t sl pc edl t<? put oyer t\\" o tou chd o\\"n s m' lC c 05 111 1.! pen ods o f plar. 1 LIFE 35 · Wedding in Atlanta Holds' Interest for Many Residents Here The wedding in Atlanta, . Ga., · la st SaturdaY C\"('ning- o f ~Ii ss Ev elvn l ' la in.:· Smith. of that cit\·, and .J ames ( ~ amhlt Ro!.!ers. 1 I, oi Chi ca.l!'o and \\"il ltl.'r Park. Fla ., \\"a~ of consicl crahlc iiJterl'::l to 1 \K al res id e n t ~ . .... is oi ).fr. ACCOMPANIST AT CONCERT I a.nd ~Ir s . . ~h e lb r Sm1t h ~) ! .'\t.l a n t~ . ).!i ss Parlin c P ettibone. \Yilmctt c I (.a ... and D<!r to na Bear!'· fl~. ~ h e 1s pia ni st. \\"as a ccnmpanist for Ui ss Ruth a l_n rm n stud ent o t . \\ as h 1 n ~·to n Pa!.!c in a cnlH.:e rt 'l'ue sd;l\· o f thi s we " k ~L·nJ Jn a r r a nd A g- n e~ ~ r11 tt rt dk g-c, in th e \\'uod s theat er. · 1 ~Jr J{, ~l!t:rs 11 th~ (~aw~ ht_cr =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil . ii ._ iiiiilililiili·i. · .lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiill .liiilliiil -11 ·.-·-ii-;jliii _ iii _ i._ iil_illiilllliiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiliillliiilililiiilliillliliiilliiiliiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiiili is th e oldt· st s1 1n of \f :·. I and ).1 rs. John A . Hn!.!<.: r s o i C hi c ;J ~ n a nd Da ,·ton a fh· ar h. :\ ftn cumpk tinl! hi s hi g- h sc hoo l edu ca ti on at th e I'lorida cit,., \I r. Rogers e m nlkcl at Dar1111t ll11h colle !.!t, I fa! JO \'t'r, X. fT.. lll;ti orin !.! in a rchite cture. irom \Yher (' he \\'a s I.!Tadu at cd in th e cla :-.s 1 1i 1923. li e i;-, a rt l.!ist erc d a rchit ec t and in additi tHl to hcitll.! a ss nci at cd \rith hi s iathn in that hu sin cs:-; 1n Dan " na 1\e r~ rh he retain .; ofh r cs at \\' intl' l' Park. Fla .. \\·hen· l1e i;-, 1111\\' (' Jll..('ag.: d in hi .; chos<.: n or(l icss i, IIL Th e \\·eddin g ,,·as soltmni ze d a t tht· h111JH.' 11i th e l1rid ('\ pare nt:-; at () 1·'r l11c k with Dr. 1 . ~pr n k 1,\·o ns. pa" . tnr oi Fir ~ t Pn·.-.1> \·tni a n chur ch. :\t - There's profit for you tn la nta. t lfli r iatiia~· . :\ l'l'( ~· pti o n \\·a:-; hl' ld I insisting upon Shore Line i!,1lt11l'd.i ateh· f(l l11 1\_,·in g- 1he l' l'rl' tll OJJ , .. cleaning .. for Shore Line ( . r ~'l'll and · wlnt c r< Jill Ji ilsl·d the I d i..·r~~ ratin· srh l' lll l' t h rnmdw ut th e combines e v cry cleaning ht 1 t1-. ~· a nd \ \'a ~ carr ie d (l tlt ], ,· mean :-> i advantage There's the inl11i il' rJ h . \\h it\' r ut 1 111\\t r :->. and t't 11 port tter of cleanliness \\ l1itc tapn~. Li tdt tl'd ta per immc d t hl' (lnh· i ll t ll niilat i ~~ n ior tl1c llCC; t-.iiii l. Line sen·iced gar( llcl i\·t,n· :-;tt in lll a( k in princl' . . . , sh -;t. tnents are never less than \\ ith \1d..:l· · 11i rthl' l·<· int lace and a in1n1aculate. And style t rai11 r ut i1Jt" tl w . . kirt. i1,rll1L'd tl lc \\·vd dinl!.· l!tl\\ 11 11i thl' l> r idl'. li n 1(1 Jll! it takes longer to re-style a n ~~wi l l \.!. n· il ll i tulk \\·a..; ra u. l!. ht a h1 1 \l t suit the Shore Line \Vay hut tlH· r a p \\it h ~ · J u, t l'r~ tlf l'ra nl! t' hl·h it stays that way longer. And " 111 b an d -. Ill' c a r r i l' d a , 1H 1 \' l' r !11 1: 1tlll d Cli bridal l'lht · ~. l ili~,· , 11i tlH· \·alk'· ! · economy ... S h o r e L i n e and ~\\Pi l ~<llli a . prices are based on the cost T hv hr i( k \ t111h· a ttl'nda nt... \\'tTl' ht·r of uoing finest '"'ot·k under t""'. -.i-. t n~. ~ ht· ~li -:-.l':- (: J ach ~ a1 1d I \l ar ]<' n · :-; n11 th. \\htl wc rc l.!tl\\ Jl t·d tnost favorable conditions. ·: t1 i 1-; l' i 11 c ha r t n ·u ~ c l!. r u : 1 1 . t a ff t'1 ;1. All of that is worth renletnho u ffa nt . . t\ k a nd c t r riL· d ar m hnll bering. q uvt ~ 11i ( > nltcl ia rnsc.., an d hlu l· dcl lihi ni um. 1\ air d l~ tH.:n . . . hr, ilh n r1i tlH· l!.J'<II il ll. ;1r tcd a~ h e ~ t ma n. OUR PRICES \I r . . . Stnit h. mot lwr ni t l1c brid ·: . I " 11 r l' hlu l· rhi ff 1,11 and a ~ htltildcr Men's Suits l' lll' ;-,;wc 11i () pln· li;t rn~c ~ a nd lilil' :-; ,,i till' ,·;tll n· . \lr ~ . .lll hll :\ . Htll!·c r.; , Cleaned and Pressed, $1.00 tn oth ·T 11 i the L!Tflnill. \ra . . dr e:-;:'e d in l\1en's Top Coats a ~ trikin l!. hlark lllockl \\·ith a .; hnttld ~· r (~leaned and Pressed, $1.00 hn uqu ct nf pink l'(lSl' hud :-. and lili .:~ < ,f 1he ,·a ile,·. Men's Overcoats Out -Pi -tm n1 g- ue sts pr es ('l1t iJJ chtd·' d Cleaned and Pres~cd, $1.25 \1 r. and .\1 r... . 1 fihhard Ca sselhern·. Men's Hats Chi r aQ· ,~ : Dan Le o nard. Chicctl!(1 : ' Cleaned and Blocked, 75c Cenrge C. Kei~c r . Xe\\· York rit\· : ).f.- .;. 1anH·s Camhlc. Lnui sYilk K,·,: \f··. Ladies' Plain Dresses ;t nd \frs. J(l llil :\ . Hnt.rn s. Chiral!'n and Cleaned and Pressed, $1.50 D;l\·ton:t nea ch: \fi :-; ~ l·:li;.raheth Ho;rLadies' Plain Coats n s and naird Hm!l'r" . Chical!(l 1nd J'la\·tnn :t Bea ch. and Clarence Bald\\'111. (;leaned an·d Pressed, $1.50 Pari s. K\·. 9xl2 Domestic Rugs Foll n\\·inl!' a " ·e ddinl!' t rip '.\fr. a ~H I Cleaned, $3.50 \fr o;. RoC! r r:-; will be at home tn tlH'ir irien(l s at \\' int e r Park, Fla .. af :·: r Oriental Rugs 0dPh er 15. l)ry Cleaned, sq. ft., Sc · \ t.\1 1a r.ta1\. . ngc r:-; this Cleaning--·-----Sells You . .. Butler Looms as Worthy Foe in Purole l~au~ural Xorthwcstern's \Vildcats will plaY before a rccmd crmnl in their first ap -, ncarance at DYche stadium Satunl<n·. acrording to present indication s. '.\fore than 35.000 are exnected to attend. . The demand for sea. on tickets h;,s hccn heavy due to the scYcral fine attractions which are hcing offered on the home gridiron this Year. Jllinois. '.\fi.nncsota and Notre Dame are thr three outstandin~ engagements. Tn addition to the se::lson tickets and the single admissions for the opener. comnlimentarv tickets " ·ill he extrnded tn 15.000 Bov Scouts and Y. M. C. A. hovs from Chicago and vicinitv. 1'he first crame will start at 1 :45 o'clock. with Rutlrr opposing the Wilclcat forces. Hanlev will use most of the men who give promise of becoming 1115 Washington Avt .. Wilmette. Succtssors to rht Krauss Cleaning 'co. · ·sHoRE. L1~ ~~~~w~. EANERS, ·~tt~c. C. L. ROGERS, President A PHONE NO TOLL PHONES CALL WILL BRING OuR TRUCK To YouR DooR HIGHLAND PARK 3400 GLENCOE ...... qoo GREENLEAF (Evanston) 3400 GLENVIEW WILMETTE ......... ·3400 310

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