Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 31

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October 4, 1929 to ReproductiYe Cost. WILMETTE S. Stntl'm<'nt or 'Ownen;:hip nnd Fin::ul- LIFE Jl Public Forum dal lnd t" btednr~~ - . .. ~. Editor, \\"II.~lH'I"l'l·: LIFE: Cost of filing- complamts against new t·J"!y. ,·;tluations prohibitive. to . l~ t' IIL!I ~. Your readers \Yill be intcre:-;t ccl in : 1. Fir~t FJ. .. ,r ~pat · p (~t:tt·· if learning the procedure t11'eY will hav ~ ha~· · n~t·nt i:-: in<"!IHlt·tl). lo . ~i7.t' of 1-:;\l "h :-;~IIJ"t·. to go throu~h \\·ith if they d e ·ire to ·.. L· ·~!-'t'l '. file a Ct1mplaint ag-ainst the llC\\' valu d . 1 1;1 t·· r.r 1·· ·: 1:-:··. atinns which the Board of .:\s. e . ors ··· '1\ · J' Ill ~. in their letter to you of the 20th. in-,t. I f. H· ·n,·\\" :11 npti .. n. ' -· l'llJkl" ]·'l · ·lo)" ,...;]1,"11"·· ]lt·)" ~t]\l"ll't· :-;tatcd they ·had cnmpletcd fur the For o t. ' ' l'ollllt\· of Cook. 11. ,·,·n !p:il'i :-:.:n , ,f 1: .-nt: tl~ with ~illlilnr The Chica. L!tl paper:-; han' -.tatl'd th :tt 'i'YP·· "i l~uiltlitJ~·:-:. oi the th ousa nds ~)f Yaluatit ' lh \\ hich I J:;. ~t : tt· 111 ' ' 111 ·, ,f .\1"\n :tl 1111 . ' ' 11 ~~' and ExJI ··II~ · · r.. r th· · l.:t ~{ Fh·,. (~o) YC':11'!-', had been rtin.' n to propcrt\· o\\·ncr s su 1::. ~t:tt· · ll lt·Jd ,.r x .. rn1al ltJt ·"m .. an1l Ex:. iar. lcs~ than a hunclrt:d Ctllllplaint-. Jlt · n ~·· f,J. ~h · l.a -..t Yo ·<tl'. had heen filed. After cart:iulh- stnch" - 1·1. l.:l,...t l:;tl;tn· ··· ~~ht·· · t :·~ ~ulllnittt ·tl t" inl!· the enrlD-.t·d "l'nlllplain;tnt< V· ·d· ·l":tl . \utll l· l " iti· ·~. 1.-·. · · ·· p_, . .. r Tnt ·" lll·' Tax :-:t:1t· n1< ·11 t f,r tict·" the n· a~t)ll for the :-;mall ntnnhcr tilt · l.:t!'t Fh··· (:i) y, .: 1 r~ a:-: ~uhof ClllllPiainh heinl( filed is ol)\·inu..;, 1nitt·ll (It l'. !'-' . <;,,,.,.mnwnt . the Ct)'t i:-; tnt) great, re sulting ju de- lti . 1 ;t·JJt ·r:ll F':tt·t~ and ~un· , · y . pri\·inu· mam·. if n11t mos t ni the ~ mall - ----- prnpcrt\· mnwrs \\"hn haH a ju-.t cause GUEST OF F. C . NASONS ior ~-~,mplait~t. irom hayinl!· tht·ir da,· in j Fn\·in P. _f~a.II nf .Lnnght:ach: Ca l. , cnm t. h a..; he e 11 \"1St t 111 g lu :-; h rot he r-m -Ia \\" Take the ".\ditional iart~ and dat;. 1 ;u]rl his \\·iie. \f ~. and \[r:-;. Frank C. ttl be filed \\·it.h the rPmplaint." "\(1. 1 "\;t:-.on. 733 Cummings an.'lllH.' . Kenil\Yill require. that a ~un· n· he furnished \\·orth. l fc !cit the fir:-;t part of this \\hie II \\·ill :-h1l\\. the gr1ltlllrl dm1ension s \n:ek inr the ea;-;t where he ""i ll ioin and the !neat ion of the building, co t \f rs. IT all in :\" n\· York. i n)m where 1111t Ie.-.:-; than ~25. the\· \\·ill retur.n lwmc 1)\- wa\· oi t he "\n. :), P lw to(.!raph ni building at a Panama Canal. r11-.t nf ahnut Sli "\t~ . .f . Dim cn:-io t.ts oi each A( nr and ORGANIST RETURNS hcildtt. \\'ill prnhahh· ha\'(~ to be pre.\1 i:--. Flccta Au~tin. organist ancl pared· !Jy a n1ntract\)r or an archi- 1 tllu,ic director in ~t. l(lhn\ Luthrr:-t.n tvl't . Prt~ hal>h· S~O. I rlll!rrh. \\'ilntette, ha; returned irom "\11 . .; . l'tntld he inrludccl in CP-.t nf a n vx!t·tHled tour ni Furopc and h<ts "\n. -l. I n ·:-umt'd hn \\"urk at thl· church. 1 "\1l. h . .\f u-.t l1 t· tnade up I>\· ~tn an·hi t ("rt. ;1-. ntll-. pc11pk ha \"l' no plans ni ; ANNOUNCE TROTH tlll'ir lnti ldim!" . L' ~Pt'cialh- ii the huil<lin~ : .\1 r. and -:\[r. ' . Ot'tn Pctnson of Ev · i-. ten or 11111rt' \·ears old. Co ..;t prob- j an . . ton ;tn rwntll'e the engag·emcnt oi ahh ~7) ttl SlOO. I their datH.:htcr. F :-ther. tn Joseph \ \.en\,l. / . . \ffida \ it h~· lntil<)L-r 11r art'lli - j tlt-11. "lllt ui .\lr. and ).frs . l' :trl \Yendel l h· ·rt a-. · tt l rl·prndurtin· \ll~t. Prnhahly 11 i lfl.f >ixtcl·tJth ~tred. September z:;, 192\J . ~~ l'urchal'<' Prkt> of P1·operty. Lt-n!'t' I>at:t . ,., Land ' Tntst . Ct·rtifi<-atl Sale. d. I :(oJJd ll'sll <'. lt· ·t·t· nt ~alt ·s and Lt ' :l~t·s nf Similar l'l"··jll" l "t:>. a. .\~ldn:..: l'rit ·· · ~ of .'imii:Jr Pr0pa. h. BROWN FURNITURE EVANSTON 1460 SHERMAN ·AVENUE ·co. oo COMFY CHAIR 1 "\u- J Women will favor this smart ·and graceful design. Comfort that goes way down deep. Well made, nicely tailored, hair filled back and arms, down cushion. Tufted back, ~96 upholstered in silk damask. .p · \ ·.. 1 ' Jl"' EVANSTON'S LARGEST FURNITURE STORE 1 HIGH BACK WING CHAIR So rich in true charm, so harmonious m color and design, is anything but costly, in view of ita smart lines , its fine frame and fabrics, and its exceptionally good construction. (Only pure hair and thick layers of fresh cotton are used in filling.) Down cushion. An excellent buy :;::)1!. Xt l. () . 1\~·rL· tH sales, ('(C . Prnhahh· :~::o ttl ,'/) it1r the inn.·stigatitlll and tv.;! inH lll\" ',j n,pt·rt "· and the same - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - n· Ia tin· t" \" (). 11. "\tl . 12. Pn1haL l~ :'.?.i it.r c:;t.·n·trt·..; l)t ' an accountant. Tn all. thv tax -payl' r desiring- to fill' objection:-; to l1is ,·aluati(ln mu~t han: I all thl' abnre 11cinr~ he tiles his com-: plaint at a co:-t of about S300. Xn \\"OtHkr tht-rc were ~o ftw complaints 1 filed. Ii ,·o u c n rwt file till' abnn· \\·ith Ynur . complaint ~· tHl \\il l not g-c·t the full and earnc-.t rnn:-;idcratinn ni thl' Ht,ard ni .\:-:-;e-;sors. Yours \ 'CT\. truh·. Cc<,~gc R.. , f;trl>au. t.:h. _.\..,-,c:- . nr X e\\" 'J'ril'r To,,·nship. $109.00_ Jl" .THREE FLOORS OF QUALITY FURNITURE I OPEN-ARM CHAIR Open arm chairs of good design always possess decorative value. One of the things that nearly everyone says- and so few people practice-is that taste, rather than costliness, is the mother of beau~y. See this chaar . ... .. . w,f, .: Th· · ";l(!tliti"n;il fad,... h·· filt·d \\"ith ,-,mplaint,...·· a ." n·fPITt·d to :tiJt·\"t.· 1 .\ .\ J r . llarh:lllgli:) l 'lal r,f Property. < l ·:di!· ·r ·~ ~t:td dat:t t" S ilhou ett es rep resentin g your famil y group. or children , are· ex tremely smart this year. And yet they a re reall y very in ex pen sive. Special silhouette des igns can be made from life or profile photographs. These, of course .. a re very eff~ctive . pro v ing extremely inreresting ro your friencs . · .. ... .). l,q~:tl l)··~rriptit·JJ ol' Land J'ht,lt·f:!Taph tJf l:uilrling . r,, ·-t:: . Each Fl··r·J' lT<'igh t. ( 'u bi a ! ('t ·lltPnts. I )(·sniptio n of 11ui l <1ing. !J[ Dinwn~inns and P hotost:1t of a. P I :1n~. E l cvati(J I J~ ancl , ···~·titJil!-'. h. 1· d. '. Bal'C'I1H"'Ilt. Fi r st F' lror,l· . SN:o n<l F lotJ t·. $98.00 Jl" BUY NOW-PAY FROM YOUR INCOME 7. Affid aY i t by B u illl er o r .r\rl"hitt·l"t r1~ Hoof. Contracting Allow us to submit our estimate on ct>ment work of any kind. Our modern equipment and many years of experience assures you of the best service and workmanship. CEMENT There are many at reactive designs to ' choose from at $I 4 to $ 1 oo per hundred, complete. LADY'S CHAIR A comfy chair for the lady, an article no home abould be without. (Seasoned, selected mahogany, even in bidden ~frame-work). Hair and felt filled, with down cushion, covered in Damask. Neatly tailored .lines lend character to thia channing chair. For Thursday, Friday and Saturday only . ................. . .. . Wetli.OI\,W.Brot"-ers . AJtTlfiT .Suite 315..17 Hc\ltrtBuild~ 1618 Orri~to'\, Avef\u~ Paul Reschke & Co. Cement Contractor 522 Center St., Winnetka Phones Winnetka 1378-1362 l ..___ Ev"-~Of\.~ 111~ G·R·E·EN-LE·A·F· .·07·99 _ __. $89.00

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