Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 25

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October 4. 1929 I ~ \V I L M E T T E LIFE 25 Intramural Sports Strike Swift Pace at N. T. High School Xcw · Trier High school's program of intra-mural spor ts activities was well . under way this week. The tennis and golf tour-naments ha\·e reached the quarter-fina l and semi-final staQ.· e~. and the , first intra-mural ·football g·amc:; were to he played on Monday. School champions in tennis and gnlf are decided by an elimin ation proces=\vhich includes playoff matches het\\Tt.'n the champions of the t()llf rlas:;cs- freshman. sophomore. julli()r and senior. Tn the senior bracket of thf.' gnli t Cl ur 11 a 111 e n t lb I ph R u 1111 f e 1 cl t . H i ram \ \' cl <l a11d Dou. g las \Vccd han· reached the :">l.' llli - final:'. Hunnfeldt defeated Boh Kelling 5 and 4. \\'cld trimllll.'d Clarence S te ffcn s 3 an<l 1 and \ \ ' (C(t d<n\·ned Bolt Pear:-;e 4 and 2 in the quarter - t1 t1als. Play in the junior hrackd ha~ ·,d\' ;tnred tn the finals \\'ith Adan1 ncrnardi Herbert schl'dull'd In tn meet :tnd for the class Otten clnnlpion:-;hip. Christian Science Church ~·Rcalih· " was the suhjed of the k:-;son-sermnn in all Churches of Christ. Scientist. on Sundav, September 29. The golden text wa:-;. "Tin· throne )s e tablished of old: .thnu art from "29th Season- Now Open" L'\·erlasting" ( P:-;alms 93.:2). Amon~.r the citatinns \rhich CPlll - I Wilmette Branch: 627 ELEVENTH STREET prised the lessnn-sermon \\'as th{: iu!ltm·ing irlHII the Bihly: "In the beginning \\'as the \\'ore!. and the \\'nnl Teachers in Charge: \Yas \\·ith Cod. and the \\'ore! \\·as Cod. ANNA (HINLUND -- LAURA COUPLANO All thin~.rs were made l>v him: and ,,·ithout him \\'as not am· tllin.cr made KATHERINE HEDGLIN that \vas made" (John 1 :1. 3). The le~;,;;on-sermnn also inclucled thl· "STUDENTS MAY ENTER AT ANY TIME" i~)l_l< \viug pas:--ages irnm the Christian ~rtL· nce tl'xthook. "Science and lh·alth · ,,·ith KeY tn the ~cripture:.." hv ~!an· I Main School: 509 S. .WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO 11akcr Eclth· : "J)i,·ine mctaphnics. ~1s j rcn·aled t(\ spiritual under:-~tandin;!. l t1 . '\ s1 Hl\\·s c lear,. 1at a II IS .,lind. ancl th,tt I \I i11d i~ ( ~nd. (llllllipotl·ncc. omnipre . .-- 1 l'lll'l'. (lllllli~rirnce. -that is. all pn\r.:r. J..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ thl.· ~e1ni - f1nal matrhr~ Bnnardi hl'at all tJrC:--l'lll'L'. all ~cil'nce. 1[c 11 rc all ~:-- ~--------- - - - - - - - - · - - -- '----- - -- - - - - - -- - Paul Tnne:-; 3 and 2. whik Otten clim- in r("llih the maniic~tatitlll nf ~lind" inateri Jack ~Ice 1 up on t\n.·nty htlle:-; . ( p. 275). n() h ~ rnr a 1l t r i lllll1 e d T 0 111 s111 i t h a ll <1 I 1;;;;;;;;;;..,;,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;. J. \Yilliams disposed of Jnhn Kirb\· 2 and 1, thus earning- tlw right tn battle inr the sophomurc goli clwlllpionship. The f n ·shman golf pia,. has also r~· 1ched the finals " ·ith l·:ch\·in Schild- I 1·<.· rg and H erhert :\a per the cnnh'nrkrs ft)r freshman honors. Schildhergl'linlinatecl Allen \1 orris I up. \\'hik ~aper \ras ruining \Villiam Johnson's rhancrs 2 up. ~I ar:--hall Dudle\·, Philip ~\\· abackcr, and ~ormau Roos are leading contt·nclers for the singks tennis championship of the :-;enior dass. :\Jan Fuller and J ark :\fee will mcl't in the flnals t)i the junior bracket. Fuller haYin!! We drive over to the Billy Boy Nut eliminated Charks ~imj>snn in th.c semi-finab. 3-o, 7-5. (>-2. \\'hile ~IL' f' was Kitchen tn Evanston to get the most taking; the measure lli Dirk Hooker. (>-1. 6-3. wonderful salted nuts you have ever Dirk '\cbon and Ed J.eyison are tasted. The flavor is so different, they're the tinalist~ in thl' snplwnwre clas:' play for tennis singles honors. Jcrry so crisp and fresh that guests invariably \\.e:-;tcricld ln. t to :\cbnn in the semifinals. o-2. o-2. and <~nrdnn H.aL after want to kno'v where \Ve bought them. " ·inning- the first :--et. R-(>, lost the ne:xt Big. huge , fancy pecans-almonds that t\\·(, 6-:?. and 6- 1. to Lt\'i..;nn. ~I orris S\Yahacker i~ the irl'shman melt tn your mouth- cashew kernels tennis singles champion. ha\·ing <leI i ea ted Ed so u ~I rl·: ldo\\·ne\· in the from Indiathey're so unusual they tinals G-3, 2-6. 6-3. 7-S: ~1 cF ldll\Yney had l)rt'\'iously eli1ninated D;n·id Eisen-always furnish a pleasant surpr,tse for drath in the semifinals. and S\\·abackcr the guests." said an enthusiastic North heat Bill ~filler. The four cla..;s champion tc;tms in Shore Billy Boy customer. thr tennis clouhle~ han· alreadY been decid('d and they will now play fnr the sclwol championship. Follocing is a sun1mary tlf the pla _ ,. in the final rountl (If the tennis double. tournament for FRESH EVERY HOUR l'arh class: ]{. 1\:elln· and T. Svkes deieatcd at the ~I ar:-~hall I)udll'\· a1;d ":\;Hman Hoos to " ·in th{: . enior- t.:hampionship 4-o~ 6~2, (t-3. G-3. Dirk 1fonker and 1.. Bell \\·nn the juniur c1a:-;s champi\lll~hip by trimming 1 F. Thnms and (. Coftln in straight sets C OLUMBIA . SCHOOLOF MUSIC PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS "When We Have Guests .,. .,. .,. · vr· ( J-1. ' I r. \\'hit c ;lrl.' th e sophomore rh<unpi(;lh, h;l\·ing " ·hipped C. ProutY and C. Ha,· 1-o. 7-.i. 6-2, 6-4. The fr-eshman teni1is clouhles championship was won by r. ~lurphy and S. Powell who eliminated E. Frazer and E. Johnson 4-6. 6-3, 6-1. Your Grocer Sells 6-2 . .. ::\elsnn and H IDILL>Y IDOY Nut l(,itche~ .,_·~· - CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE "Cnreality" will be the subject a~ the services in the First Church of Christ. Scientist, in \\'i lmcttc Sunday morning. October 6, at 11 o'clock. Sunda\· sclwo l convenes at 9:45 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. ]. \Valter Nelso1~ of 815 Elmwood avenue spent several <daYs last "'eek at Chamber's I sland, GreenBay, Wis. They had gone to close the summer home ,of the David Nelsons. NORTH SHORE HOTEL BUILDING - 519 DAVIS ST. EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF 3006 11 to 8 Billy Boys Open Evenings Till 10-St~ndays

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