Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 24

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J! WILMETTE LIFE October 4. 1929 MASSUESE Gn1tl1ta1,· f,·om Stock hol m ('Hrr.-rtln W«) rk of S pfne "ll !' !'ll~f' -Gymnn !i tlr s .. nnd t:lm St. Joints GURU LAGERGREN ~ 1; Wlnn.-tkn 1-&31 IS GUEST OF THE A. HOYTS .:\1rs. l ll'llrY Ri.~-rg-s Hat h ho ne return ed to her ho m e at 312 S h e ri da n road. K e n ih,·ort h, o n 1\fonda,·. aitcr spen cl itl'·.:a \\·cck \r ith D r. a nd ~1 rs. Alirl·d .-\. H oyt a t t h eir estate . "BcattYoir" near Ort!.!'l)IJ. Tt l. T h e estate adjoins t h:!t ni C'ol. Frank · O. Lm,·dcn . 5'eptember Bride I [Co.u rts of Honor For Scout Awards Booked This Month Dates for Courts of Honor to be l'eld i< r Bo,· ~co u ts in Yario us north ~hnrv cntllll1lt1litirs were announced tl 1j.., \\t'vk ]1,· the :\orth ~hnrr :\rca tllt~IH:i 1. lh)\_. ~roub nf America. \Yith Il l: a c1 qua r tt·J:" i 11 II i g h Ian d Park. ~~aturcb,· . Ort()l>tr W. i:-; \\ ' ilmctte'~ I ~ In trod tieing Otlr Ne,v Sttldio t ··,u rt ,,j · IIPII· ' r da'. The L'H' llt '"ill k hl' lrl in thv ~\!llp . ,chntl l g· ymna~ium ;ti /:.)() o'c]nrk in tht· 1 ' \'l'lling-. _1 . H. 3 8 x 10 Portraits Reuular Price n $17 .50 T his o ff er is limited to i H a rpn will ht· 1hv r h:t irman. · Tlntr:-;cl;t ,._ ( kt uhv · 17. ;:-; the da ~t· t··r tl1e \ \'inndl-. a Court nf H()nm . The· meeting- pbrt· i-. ). l atz ha ll. l'tllll tllttllit ,. H1)t1~l\ and the hou r. i :.10 u\: ln ~· f~ in the l'\Tning-. F ..\. Hutlllll kr ,,·ill be the chairman. Ckncne Cuurt eli .Honnr i..; · chcdukd i<l r Tue~da,· n cning·. October 1\ at I :30 < 'cl1lck. It \\·ill he he ld in the t 't·ntral ~chool. Franklin de Brn:-; will be the chainn.tn . .\\\·arcb which the SctHtts meritccl at t h· :-; lllllllll' r c a m p. \I a - K a- Ja - \\·a 11 · in \ \'i:-;r,,n:-;in. will i>t· made at thC!'\C ; l'nurt~ Pi Honor. ~: Parent:-: and iriell(b of the ~C!lttt., 1 1 :t \ ' t· hctn urge~! to atttn~l the l'uurt , 11i HP1wr in thetr nlmmuntty. Oct . 20 th ·. INJURED ON TRAIN .:\ 1r<. \\' tlliam Darling Shcp hnd I ---- - - - - - - - - - ----- 13-H \ l e l ro~e an nu e. KL' tli h nn t h. 1 1·11 ., 1 ., lo~· 1:, · id>, EuGENE PHOTOGRAPHER Phonr lJniv . 22 38 · EVANSTON L. RAY 16 06 Chi c.1go A vr. .\l r-- . l:rcrkimid!..!t' T. Clarki-, tht· i, 1r11ll'r :\ licr T:l\ l11r. daughter ,,j ~ I r. · and .\lr:-; . J lnhert 11. Ta,·lor (1i t~kll rot·. l i n tnarriagl· tll ). 1r. Clark. \\·lw · i~ l'Xl·r uti,·c ~t·nctarr c1i the \ \ 'illllcttc Cl1:t mhvr oi (.',,11lllll'rrt·. took plarl' ~t'Jlll'lll hn 1.?. (~l'11l'l!t' l ·~t~rk~ 11t Lo~ :\ngek.., ha~ ,· i:-itim~ hi~ aunt. \[r~. Hnhert ~ ~,,aim cti /01 Lanr<:l :H·enuc. 11i iil hP~trdin.~-r a ~·h~rago ..:\_ort ~1 S hore. ;~_IH: ~I Jl\\·aukcc ltmttt cl tra111 t r om t il t: < 11. la..,t ~at u rcla,· aitl'rnOlHl suffered C\1.1~iderahlc in iun· \\'hl'n she was nu~ht·d In· :-tYtral pa~~engers ancl thro\\'11 ior·\\~anl in the ,·rs tihuk of the car. ~he il'll. --trikim.! ht·r head. \ l r-; . l'. \\·. l:ui!H ·rtsnn ha!'\ n:turn vd tl' hn fwmc at · <I]<J Elm\HlOcl an: 11Ul' aitn a \\Td.;'., Yi:-.it \\·ith her ~1111 :t11d hi~ iam i h·. t ht· l'. I:. Culhnb· \lb 1 1 i ~tallh-, · . \\·i~. !JtTll BARRY'S OCTOBER SALE of RUGS The supreme effort of the season. An even t in savings you cannot afford to overlook! This sale of FLOOR COVERINGS gives you an opportunity to select your Floor needs NOW for Fall refurnishing. This sale is really an INVESTMENT-Whether you need Carpets or Rugs todaybut for later use. See the showing .and you will appreciate this OCTOBER REDUCED PRICE SALE. Never b'efore h a .v e we presented such an elaborate and generous showang in ANTIQUES. We want the citizens of Evanston and the North Shore to attend this great sale, for we know it is the biggest and greatest bargain event in our history. GOREVAN RUGS. A collection of beautiful hand ·made Orientals. Why buy an imitation when you can secure from us, the GENUINE GO REV AN Rug? Size, 9x12. CHINESE RUGS- a group in larger size, 9x1S, embracing the Oriental charm, beautiful symbolic ·patterns and high colorings. A grade sold at any other time for far more than now priced. A rare bargain! $145.00 PERSIAN ARAKS. A soft blending of colorings and rare designs. Our collection includes only the finest qualities. Size 9x12. $~75.00 AXMINSTER RUGS. Seamless, high pile, in the popular designs and colorings- an extra good grade and a remarkable bargain at these prices. A rare bargain! $~75.00 SUPER CHINESE RUGS. The rich gorgeous colorings will harmonize with any color scheme. Hand woven of machine spun yarn. Will give years of pleasing wear. Size 9xl2. $10.00 to $45.00 SEAMLESS WOOL WILTON RUGS. Finest quality wool in Persian, Chinese and Floral effects, in all new colorings. Compare this with any legitimate Rug and Carpet House. Size, 9xt2. $100.00 INLAID LINOLEUM. Sl z«· 1:?.:lx 19.6 $ 6;;) ( ' 111\l~ s-..~ . Slzt· l:!x1 ~ 4;;0 ( ' 111\ESE, Slu l:!x.l;) :1 ;;0 SI' .\H 'I' Y~· . s7s.oo· 'V/1'" 8 Ranging in prices from $1.10 to $3.75 per square yard. S .\Ul ' l\., Slu 12x.1 ~ $ 1,000 90 S .\Ul ' l\, Siu !l x.;; K . \\H . \11 . \1~, Si:.w 1;;x 26.9 1.600 .\IL\1\, Siu 11.2x1 ~ . R.. .. $600 I'EHSI.\\ ltL~· XEUS, Size :1.2xHI.;;, maldlC'd Ju )lairs, .. . .. ... · ........... 100 ··a('}l Complete Showing of Plain and Figured Carpetings All the Newest PRICED RIGHT OTHER SPECIAL RUG VALUES The LARGEST exclusive CARPET . RUG and LINOLEUM store north of the "Loop" DAVID G. BARRY E sta bli shed 1920 Estimating, Cutting, Laying, Sewing, Stair Pads and Linings. Cleaning and /:' 806-810 GROVE ST. - · Private Parking Space EVANSTON Phones: University 5712 and Greenleaf 2300 Open Saturday Evenings until 9 .. . j Repairing Rugs and Carpets

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