Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 18

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18 '1Jo you o[oveyour W l e 1 WB · TV7ifi ) · I · · WILMETTE LIFE October 4. 1929 Garden Talks GUARANTEE All ~· oaK You do, of course, and give to her everything you can. You take her to the movies and remember her birthday. But have you realized what a welcome gift a modern heating system ·would be? She'd never be tired at night from shoveling coal into the furnace . .And the house would be warm and cozy for her, always. AMERICAN RADIATOR HEATING EQUIPMENT reguires only two or three· coalings a day, but it keeps every room at 70 degrees in the coldest weather. We'll be glad to explain how cheaply you can buy it, and arrange easy payments. William B. I~ ucke 514 Railroad A renue Telephone Wilmette 2020-2021 - ----~--- -------------- · (Contributed !)\· the Wilmette Garden Ralph Orner. son of Village PresiClub) dent and Mrs. Earl E. Orner. and a Th e S tadium at ~~ adi son and \ Vood senior at the University .of Illinois, has street s in Chicago is to be the scei1e been elected president of Synton. hannext . pring-.'\pril 5-13-of a large and or>arv radio fraternity at the state uni llt'\\' flo\\·e r show that will be known versitv. as th e Central States Garden anrl ' Radio has been a hobbv with the Flo\\'er shcm·. The people taking part vounger Mr. Orner for several vears, in it, howc\'C:r, are not n ew in fl o\\'e r in fact si nce his high sc hool dav s at shO\\' experie nce. for th ev arc th e X ew Trier \\'h ere he and several oth er memb er . oi th e seven tv -two ga rd en "radio hugs" were instrum ental in ~)r cluh:-. that make up th e Garden Club ganizing a radi o club. It was durin ~ oi Ill inoi:-;, oi which ~'fr s. Fr deri;::k hi . high sc hool da \ 'S that h e rece in·d Fisher i ~ presi dent. hi s amateur radi o ope rat o r's license The plan s " ·ere talked m·er at a from th e federal governm en t. . lun cheoi1 and bu si ness mee tin g la:-; t O~hcr north shore. bo:·s at tl~e unt \\'ednesdaY a t the Stadium ,,·here on:r I ;·er:-;tt\· ":ho ha_ve malll~am ed a.n tntcn sc )()() repre:-entatin:-. n i the i2 gard en tn.tcrest 111 radt o cxp~nm~~1tatton along dub:-; \n:rc the !.!llt:'b oi the mana!.!c- 1'"_lth ..Orner arc Carl Bud Schultz. son ment. Xc\\ ex hil>ih ,,·c·n· :-.li!.!!.!C:-. ted <~ t \ lllcH!e ~1 ~\~~ a!.!t'r and ~fr s. Carl . c. and ~onH: ni the nld nn e:-; cha n!.!cd < r I Sc hult ~ ()f \\ dm ett e: Oltvcr 11odcll;'. 1 dr<·PPtd irnm th<· ~c h ed ule . ~o n 0 1 ~fr . a nd ~fr s. Tohn B. Bodcbe Durin !.! the past three vc:ar;o;. the 1 o~ \\'ilm ett e. and H nwar d H ea ton. son !.!arden club . , ha ,·e takc·n an enthu :-.i- o~ ~f~. ~nd ~fr s. B erman C. ~Ieaton a:-; ti c part in t he annual Chica!.!O ( ~ar- 1 o r K end\\·orth. f\ 11 · are lt cr.n. ~~d den and F! c,\n:r ~hn\\·~. Thi :-. \'tar. the amateur operators ot exte nded expe ri 1 (~ardcn Clu h 11i fllint·; " decided. in- l' ncc. . . ~ . . ... t l' ad . t c1 r P1H lu c t a Cc 11 t r a 1 ~ t a k s , Tn a d cit t tn n to h ts h on n r s 111 t h c r ad 1n Card~·n and Flti\\T r shcn\· at the field. Orner i-; a cap tain in the R. 0. :-;ta(1ium. and the (!·arden r lu l>-. ;11·c T. C. at lll inni . . :-.ho\\·im! the ~ame intcrr.._t in thi.; 1H' I. \' ---\'t'ntun· that thl'\' ha\·t· in thL· pa-.t. in \lr. a~H I \I rs. J antes_ 1-!· PrL·nti:-.:-i. Jr. the l'hiral!o (~arden and Fltl\\'l'r ...:h 1oi\'. · ;11HI th(.'1r :-; 111all snn , ot l·,va n--tnn . ha\'P The :-;tadiun 1 i-. ;1 llll!.!l' plaa. · ft i-. ' ~·in·n up thl'ir apartment at 53~ ).lichit>lannul t n ha\l' tlw Ltllllll1l'fria1 c:'\- P;\11 a \·en u~· . and are st ayin .(.!.· \\i th ~fr. hihit..; <·11 tht· m; 1in tlt ·<lr \rhnL· thn· Prcnti:-.:-.' p;trl'nt:-;, .\lr. ;111 d \fr-;. JanH-. L ·an l~t · "1'1'11 irom the ktk<llliL·-.. ;1 1HI ! 1 n:n ti~-. . .?Ill C .'.nnl>erland ruad. Kcnil tht: ~..:arclt·11 ~·lui> t·:o.:hih it -- ;tnrl tht· tv.t .,,.tlr th until their Ill'\\' hnme i" reach· r····m ··1 1 t' 11· 1111'/l:tllilll' tl~ .. ,r. Til~· ;t·a ~~~~- tht'nl. Tht·y arv hui ldin!..! a ~·hann rti·IIJ J \\ '11 1,1. ;1 h '!..!t' 1111~· ;1nd the cntirl· i1 1 !..! rnl c ~tlial lloml' in thL· Indian Ifill llrt.tit-- ir1 ·111 i ,,ill !..!<' It · the C:trd<'1l <··';Itt·., --n·tit11l and L"\pl'd I<) llltl\'l' intn l'ltJI, ~~i lllil lt'i': \'.hich ~:·il.l <J,,lJ1.>tJv,.._ 1 :; "1111 1 <· til llt· hci<1re ('hri . . tnt a~. 11 "t · tl w lll · ·I'<' 1· 1· 'r 1'l'; 11 111 1' 111!..! II h 11 '~-. . - o\1 r. a1 d .\1 r:--. Ct'lll'l!t' Kl'chn ktn' . ! 1-. 1\ ,,', t rt l ' · l.;t\\, .?-+ \\':t n\it· l· 11·! ··\vd l1itl' k !1· lnr!i:tll l lill. Tht' ,. ha\'1' r· ·:t·! . ], .. !1-: ,~, .. nlJ ll;t- L:11111 · ,, 1: 1"! ·: . rt·lltl·cl \Jr . . . Fr~ t nk Fulkr', h tl lllt' <·11 ' .\l:t"' ·· ,i,!· j,,r 1 \\" \\ L 'l' k-. j 1 111'rr 11 rll;trl. 1 1 Ralph Orner Hea~s Honorary Radio Frat at State University ..- . SUNDAY DINNER October 6. 1929 Outdoor Li\·ing Room Jt Home of Hugo Dalman , Evansron1 Fruit Cocktail l'tll'ry Price: $1.35 MENU Olin·s (>lei Fa:-.hinnul \ ' egl'ta hie Soup Chicken Xoodlr Soup F.XTREE 1\ oa-.t l.t111g I sland Ducklin(!', Dr essing Ca \'iar Canape Pickle . N ORTH SHORE rrsidents lead the Outdoor Living Room vogue, which is now sweeping the coun try. Swain Nelson 8 Sons Co. have collaborated with the owners in creating some of the most admired formal and informal outdoor liv . ing rooms on the north shore. The result of this experience will be an invaluable aid to you in pia&' ning and planting your new outdoor living room , or in modernizing the one already establiahed. Write' or p~one, and a Swain Nelson gardener wall call to confer with you- without cost or obligation. Chicken Fricassee with Dumplings Rt..,ast Prime of Beef. Au Tus Roast Leg of Lamb. ~tint ' Sauc<: Braised \ .eat Steak. Vegetables Pan Gran· Baked Ham, Rai sin Sauce. Candied Sweet Potatoes Fri ed Oysters on Toa st Fr e nch Fried, Baked Idaho, ~la s h e d and Candied S\<veet Potatoes RtttH'red Green Beans Scalloped Corn Raked Hubbard Squash Stewed Tomatoes Lettuce and Tomato Salacl Fru.it Salad · Home Made Rolls and ] elly CHOICE Pumpkin Pie, Green Apple Pic Raisin Puff Pudding Strawberry Layer Cake French Pastry Chocolate Sundae and Cake Fresh Peach Parfait Co ffee · Tea Milk Iced Tea Buttermilk S\YAIIIElS011£S011S CO. Jtnd:~cape r;)ardeneri,{)lenview!JII. ~~~~ Phone Ro~ers Park 6620 1"'/// \ \\ I or Glenvtew 87 or 88 II Sandwichea to Order Weekday Luncheon 6Sc Evening Di~Der $1.10 All Paatrita and Rolli at The RidgeaJiew Are Home Made. THE RIDGEVIEW ....... 1 MAIN STREET AND MAPLE AVENUE, EVANSTON UNIVERSiTY 10000

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