Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 17

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October 4. 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 17 Legion Auxiliary ....... ' Artistic Your homt' has Its own :tflllO!!'Jihl'rf'. With tlw ai4l ot our httt·rlor 4ll'('flflltors JOlt ('1111 I'X})fCSS this intliriduallty in the dfcorations. RBADING ROOM-rt63 WILMETTE AVENUE Open Daily (except Wednesday ~d Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday 9 A. M. to 7:45 P. M.; Saturday 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The :Sible and Works of Mary Baker Eddy and all other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read. borrowed . or purchased at the Reading Room. THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERVICES AND VISIT THE READING ROOM i.'llilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ttllllllllllllllllllllll 1 ~ ).lr~. (~ . E. Leal r,a-, been appointed to head the contact committee for the coming year. '>llrceeding ~I r ~ . \\" . 1·:. l~ichm ond. It is the dttt\· of thi~ Ctlllllllittec to cn()peratc \\·itl,1. the Legi\)tl in att\' projnt the t\\'u nrganizatilln~ jt1intl~· ~pohsor. At prcst·tJt the billttlllthly partie·s gi\'(:11 at Cn·at Lake s rt'jll'l'Sl·nt till' principal ,,.11rk 11i thi: Ct)llllll j t t l'l'. M. Portenhauser Painter and Decorator 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS l ' tlclcr clCJt;trttnrtlt. t 1J c unit i~ arran gin g a II tt in .~· :\ r m i ~tire day prng-ram . The nc\\· Hn\\·a rcl . chool auditnrium has ltl'l'll :-erurtd for an OJH n lllt'l'ting 011 that c\·ening and PalIller D . 1-:dtmtnd~ . head Pi the Amer irani..,nt cummittl't' oi the Legion. Departllll'ttt ,,f lllitl(li:-; . "ill cll'linT the principal ;tddrc:o;:-.. Till' appcarancl.' on t h t· pro~ ratll pf \ · i llage Pre:-.id t' ll t Earl F. ( )rtlt'r ancl lllral mu.;ical t:t lent \\'ill h:nd a di..,tinrt t'lllltllllllllty ILt\'tlr . tl1~ Atnericani~nl ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ -~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------& WHAT IS THE \1 r..,. l~atHl o lph ~~ rl'andli..,h ha ·~ chthen the fll ll tn,· in .~ .\uxili ary lllClllht:r:-; l·l :-.t·rrt· otl the rchal>ilitati u n committl'e during the year: ).lr:' . 0. H. I:t:r~rh. ~1 r'> . ( ). C. Daih·. ~Ir s. :\rthur (: ;trtJl':-". \lr :-.. D . Leach. ).frs. ( ~t't1rgr I.cal. :\I r:-; . .\f . S. :\ C\\'Comh, ~I r.., . 1 ·:. I. ~I r.\rdkl' and \I r:'. (;. :\. ~l·lllt' . Till' hi-\\·eekh- \ ' tslt t o the C rt·a t l.akl':-; " ·ard \,as· made la-,t time !Jy \1 r:-. ~I rCandlish. ~I r:-;. Garn c;;:- , \ i r' . \' 1·'\ cotn b ;l11 d \I r :-. I.L· a l. c. · · ... -, ... Tht· ~t ; ttl' cun\ t·ntitltJ. held la-..t llltJllth , at 1\ nrk 1:-.land. \\·a:- ,,·l'll up tn :- tancl - i ani. btJtlJ in attendance and in the I prllgLtiiJ prl'~l'lltt·d . Tht· nutablcsl prt·:-.l'nt included national ofliccr:-;, Yi~it tn~ dvpartmcnt prcsi(knh, Legion departnH·ntal nlliccr~ and reprcscntatircs tti otlwr patriotic tlrganizati o n~ wh llrtl\lgllt greetin gs tn the as ~ embly irtllll their Yariuu:-; Sl)Cil'tie~. The ,·i sitt ·rs and ckkgates \\Trt· \rclcnnwd by \1 ayor ( 'hc:-;ter Thomp:-; Cl n Hock lsl;tnd, and ).! rs. Pearl .\ . Duncan. retiritH!.. :\u:\ilian ~ tate pre:-idt·nt. re :'Jlt)IHkd. ( )ne tlf the mcbt itlljJt)rtant quc:-.tions dehatvcl \\:t~ the sekctinn nf a prrtnanent hl':tdqu:trter:-.. Chica .~n hl'ing rhtlSl'tt in the helid that it i:-; the logical retliL·r of .\uxilian· interest, altlwug·h it is twt gt·ng t:aphically centralh· located. .\1 rs . Fltlrt·ncc B. Kel1 ' IJ.!.t.r. \\ ; 1s l' k i.'t l ' d d c I' a !'I !Ill' n t p r c s id l' 11 t atHI \1 r:.. Pearl 1.. .\1 iddldtll1 \\'J~ natned r1r:-t ,·ice-pres ident. One ui the most deli ghtfu l nents otl the CtH1\'l'nlion program \\'a s the dinnn giYcn ior 8oS dclegatl' s at the l~ock Island ar'>cnal. \\' hile the tl oors \\'ere cleared for dam·ino· the ddc o·ates at thl' im·itation t)f loi.J(in~~·. the ~om tnandint! ofliccr at the ar:'cnal, wandered thrott.t!h the mu;-;eum " ·hne Yari ous military equipment of the United States. dating back to earliest times, was on exhibition. ~lrs. Arthur Johnson, who ha s served the Auxiliary as president for the past two years, and l\1 rs. T. L. Hall were the \\'ilmette delegates to the convention. Aurora was chosen as the meeting place for the next state convention . I ' THRIFT OF CLUB WILMETTE? ur The majority of those who have investigated have joine~. You should look into it. Particulars will be furnished gladly. Address The $Ioo,ooo Thrift Club of Wilmette, I I 37 Central}\yenue. WH ·o IT? IS BEHIND

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