Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 16

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16 WILMETTE LIFE October ~. 192-> GOES TO HOWE ACADEMY SON BORN TO MONFORTS L1hn Hlair \\'hidden J.r .. ~on of ~Jr . ~Jr. and ~frS'. E. H. ~1oninrt. If, llf at;d ~~r~ . lnhn ntair \\'hidden. 10()<) l.?i ~l'\'l' llll'l'nth street ha\'l' atllllllltll'l'd E lm\\'Cit 1d ~ n .' ntH.' . h a:-; t' 11 kl'l' d IT nw<: ~lilitan· acadt' m\· at llnwe, Incl . ~fr~. the hirth 11i a son. F. K ~IPninrt. 111, \\'hidd~· 11 i:-; nn\\· ·a~StKiatl'd with ~fnnat ~t·p!emher f1. at till· llutrtltitt IHl:-iPital. :tncl Fbhat,·. \\'ilmettt· realttlr:' . I :\lr. ~loniurt i~ the :'tln (li ~lr:-; . Ia,· i{ . · 1 1\rmrn. , \1 r . and \1 r:-. Frank C. Xa~~~n oi . i33 l~ tlllllllinl.!~ aH'IltH'. l' rnihrPrth en- : ~I i:-:-. I lrl cne ~I ahan. tli \\' inndka. ttrtaincd ~1 r. ;tnd ~1 r~ . ~~..·nnour Xason 1 \ ', htl i< attL'tHling the l'nin·rsit\' of la:-t \\'t't' k -t·nd at the CtliiJ.!Tt':'~ club, l lt:di:un. ha~ i>L't'll pkdgt·<'l to j)dta Lake (~l'ntTa. and J,!ttests on Sunday. <:attltll;t :-llrority. - - - - - - -- -) > ----------------------> SPECiAL ANNOUNCEMENT WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9TH Appointments will be accepted for '\he Guise treatment of facials ro be given personally by the Countess Tatiana. Please phone reservatio ns . Only a limited number of appointments will be accepted. The Countess brings· yo u the exact treatment given to the Czarin.l of RussiJ by the famou~ Court beautici.1n. Guise. REALISTIC PERMANENTS ;.:h· ~· Louise Ay~e r.arnctt (Mrs. Eugen'e If . Carnett), 1226 Judson ayenue, Evanston poet and no,·eli t, composer and plannight, has returned from a summer . pent ca. t and ,,-c!'t, chiefly at l 1 eterboro, I\. H. . Earlv in the ummer ~[rs. Carnett and IH~r 'daughter 'Gloria \\'Cnt to vVyL)llling·, the scene of her novel publlsh d. last " ·inter, "The Joyous Pre· tender," and returned from there to go ea st . 1fr . Carnett took a cottage ncar Peterboro and \\·as there while Cloria was at Camp .KorAeet, a short distance away. ln August Mr. Carnett juined them and they \\'C'nt to New York and Long Island for visit s, and \\'hcn 11r. Garnett and Gloria returned tc 1·\·anston in time for the latter to r ·-enter J{oyccmore, ~1rs. Garnett ret_ urnecl to Peterboro and completed the j ftr~t draft of the ne\\' sacred cantata, ~t~ yet un-nat~1ccJ, " :hich she is \Hiting t_ n collaboratl~ll1 w1th Henry Hadley, l l:tnwus Amcrtcan compo ser. · --·- --- · - · GARRETT OPENS OCT. 7 Louise Ayres Garnett Returns From East, West Enrollment of Over 250 Expected for Autumn Quarter, Registration to Take Place Monday , · . . . . . (,arrett 11Jb!tcal 1nstttutc \\'Ill open for ib t1ew autumn quarter ~I on day . I Oct. 7, with an enrollment cxpe~ted to total o,·cr 250. Rl'gistration \\'ill take place ~londay. and class\\·urk will begin Tw: sday. Few ~ changes in the faculty or curriculum \rill be in dlcct. but one interesting cour:-;e antwuttcccl hy Dr. Frederick Eisekn, prc~ident, \vill he giYl'll hy Dr. I·:ntest Fremont Tittle, pastor oi the Fir~t ~lcthodist church. lll' will gi,·e a course entitled. "Pastnr Preacher," \\'hich will he a basic re_ quin.·mcnt fOr second year students . The institute purchased during the stnnmer l\\'11 parcels of loop land ad joining prupcrty it ha:; O\\' lll'<f fnr man\. ,· car~ since gin·n it ))\· :\I r:-. . Eliza Garrett. ,\·ifc ui .-\ugn:-.tt;s (~ar rl'tt. mayllr uf Chirag11 in lH-ti The property no\\' U\\'tH' d is a triangular .shaped pint bounded by \\'est \\ 'arker 1 drin·. \\'t..;t Lakl' strl'l't and Fra!tklin '\tr<:l't. and it i:-. pLutncd t11 nt:n tiH·rt· a 3X -:--t!lr_ ,. 1·t'ti cc h t tilditq.~· hd ll l't' tht· l'tHI ni thv \'l'ar . PI; t 11 :-; r a I t' in r a ~ t rt 1l't tttT () i ttl t r a mockrtl dt: . . igtl \\ ltirh \\·ill pn·-.t·ttt a radical cl<"partllrt· fn,nt Jll'l"-l'llt :-.b·-;rr;q ll'l' ck-,ign:-;. ctnplt 1ying \'L 'rl ical ~t:t had:.; a" \\T il a-, ltnri l tlllt;tl. Thl.· :.t·t hark . . \rill it·rttt the ba:-.l' ni tht· '-trur tur v n11t oi \\lti r h tltt· {11\\t·r \\ill ri··t' lt ;I ht·igllt l)i .f(lf) it·t·t \\'ith '-\\L'l'j tilll!' i ~t · r l t·nclirular lint·" · ft \\ill Jll'!lh :thh h1 · r nn:-trtlt tl'd ,,j Ltt'L' bri ck " ·it h ' t I illl · ll I' II tl !Il l' II t; l t i I )I I. I ' 1 I I l!t ·:11i!"ti\' Pl'rtll:tllt·nt!" tlw fl:ttt.·rin;.: lttll!"t ' \\":t\' L' that tlltf, ·lllillill(' Ill· dt ·- This JH · l'ft · vl \\':1\'t> th:lt l't'l)llil't ·!" 11·· ~ 1'1 t ing· :ts ~ tll't ·:-: ~ ' till :1 \\'I'll : t pJit ·: lt ':tlit ' t · lht ' tfll!..!lt · 11 1 I· tIll' h t t:-- y :-- · ... i:rl :-. ~ . ' ~ · 11). Jil:tnds . ·d·· S ,ocial Season pecials: lnecto Hair Dyeing. $4 up Contour Hair Cut Scalp Toning Shampoo Marcels That Last Exquisite Man.icurin~ T the absurdh· low prier of $1 fJ.7- we this fine are offering diamond in the beautiful. mo !ern \\' h i t r gold mounting pictured abo\'e. The stone is selected bv a leading importer. The fJnqr pierced and en graved s c t t i n g adds greatly to its brilliance . An iura! first investment in diamonds, or a moderately priced gift. OUR SPECIAL OCTOBER 1 TO 1 :;. only 1 gl'lll>llH ·d A 'V ()) b CHURCH ST.. EVANSTON SUITE 2 2 2 CARLSON BLDG . Ul'\lVERSlTY 9 700 H ear the Worltl's .Series and Eig football Caan e~ PI a y by PI a y - - i n your 0 \\' 11 Easy C h air NOW you can hear all the lcadi~1g radios before making your Fall selection. 'I'he ten most popular Jines ,are nO\\' \\'aiting for your inspection at SUBURBANITES A TTE·NTION! Radio Headquarters J. M. BUDINGER HERE a II d :\I r"' . I . ), I . n11 d i IH.! l'· r \\ i: lt th l.·i r :-. tll:tll :-ttll, lli nrtlliX\' ilk. :..:. Y. ;, rc ,·i:-.itilll! till' former' .; P:1fl't lh. \I r. ancl :\fr:-;. J,,llll Buclin~'-' r ni fil-l :\la pJc .:t\ t' llllt', ior :-. L\eral \\'C'<:k-, . ~Ir. I~ud i Ill! v r. '\ 1t n '\ a .· r c c l.' 11 1 h · a r: 1-. h i t-r a t th · \\ .i lmctll' State hank. i. . tl<l\\' l' l·!t m·rt vd \\·ith the Xatinnal Bank a ttd Tnht rompanY 11i Xc" Yllrk Cit\·. \ rr' Is Your Radio Ready for the World's Series? Ours is an expert service. We can only do just so n1uch. Please g i v e us an1ple tin1e to take care of your needs. Phone \Vilmette 3006 or Greenleaf 3230. OCTOBER DIAMOND ·DAYS . OCTOBER 3 TO 12 Just across from the A'ortlw.'estnu Stotion, in lht· '"' "-' Duily .Vt'<~·s lluildiug, corn.· ,· of l.'mwl and IJ'aslziugton Strel'ls. · Drop in on your ·way to or from the "Loop" and hear the hltest improved radio . Pick out the set that suits you best. Demonstration without ohli~ation. All models, sizes and prices. We display complete Jines. Liberal allowa11ce 011 old sets. Easy terms ( pay out of income). Jeweler and Optician · llilmrttr ~unit ~l111p 1 1 79 1166 Wilmette Ave. JJ'rite or call for Free Radio Lof.! Book Wilmette Ave .. Wilmette . Ill. VICTOR MAJESTIC SDARTON ATWATER KENT RADIOLA - BRLJNSWICK - ZENITH CROSLEY HOWARD PHILCO II eadtJlUtrtn·s for hic.vcles. velocipedes and all childre n's wheel .floods. · Highest Grade · u ·P BOLSTERING Cabinet Work Drapery and Upholstery Fabric a ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair Mattresses and Springs Made to Order HARRY C. PERROTTET STORES 47 N. CA~AL ST. 71sT STREET Telephones: FRANKLIN PLAZA H. 808 Oak Street ·a. LINDWALL . Highe&t Grade Upholstering Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 (Doily News Bldg. ) 2301 E. 1638-39 1880-81

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