Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 13

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(:lc:t:ol:>e:r:4:.:1:9:29==========~.~====================~W~~~L~M~E=T~T==E==L==I=F=E==================~=========================:13 HAS BEEN VISITING HERE FORM JUNIOR POLICE Supt. F. E. Clerk Mrs. Albert Ha\rkes of Montclair. .T ·· who has hcen visiting her sisterWELL ROTTED Scores Drivers Who N: Force . .of Sixty Boys to Safe~uard in-law. Mrs. 13. C. Ha\\'kcs of 157 KenSmaller Children at Street Crossin~s, avenue. left this week to Yi~it Speed Past School ilworth MAM.U BE Aid in Play~round Supervision her father, .J. \Vhitfi eld of \\'arr cnsburg-. 1fo. B. C. Hawkes and his Dlnck Dirt, Tf'amlng and Haul· brother, Albert Hawkes. who ha\·c Clt'nn \\·. "Hap" Cathercnal oi the log, Lalul Sand, Grading o.nd been tra ,·e li ng- in the \\'est. arc th)\\' \ ,. ilml't t e Play .~Tnun d a ncl H ecrea t ion Filling. spending a short time on the former's :-ta ff ha:-; organized a junior police ranch at Encampment. \\'ro. force of si:xt Y hor s at the various :;l hnnb (lf the . ,·illage to help keep orF. ~lEIER, Proprietor ~Ir:-;. Harold \\'atson. 116 \\'oodland der on the playgrounds and to assi st I·hone 53 an·nue. \\' inndka h·as heeq taken to :· (lllngcr children in crn~sing streets 733 ~Ialn St. Wilmette, Ill. I ~he l~:yanstnn hospital from her hon~e pear the schn(ll building.. The hoYs 111 \\~ mnctka \\·here she· had been tll ,,.i 11 also he called npn.n to se r\'l' -a t tor some time. l'tthlic gathering:-; tn he held thrllugh~~~~~ -~~~-~~ -~~~~ -~-~ - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( ut the srhnnl Year. ~~ . The iolln\\'ing . iuninr JHllirc ha\·l· been selecte d : I ft n ftn Howard School Fa \-c t t e Li 11 \". captain : F r a 11 k K 1h' · A Ht:s!dents ni the north sl11 n· t'nm- 1 An nan and Ed CnleL!rm·c, lieutenant . . : muntt1es \\'ho ha\·c occa-.inn t(l the D(lnald Scari. Phillip SanHIL' btln, l~u \\' innetka a\'entte in iwnt of the hioh ' (inl p h 1' asp a r. .J n h 11 B a i k y , \\ · i IIi am .;rhnnl. particularh:.,. .;lt the hour~ \\· It~· ~~ I Instruction on Violin Instruction l;nsch, Jani~ BrP\\·n. l:nh S111ith. :\1- -.rltn()l i-. cnn,·eninL! or heinL! di:;mi~..; .. d 1 ],ert Crane, l~ ohert HerntalbOil, :\lin·d art' a:-.ktd to driYe at a rl'a-.,)tJahl· · 'I Given in Studio or Home J:ro\\'11, \\'altt·r Hobin . on, Cerald Spin- .;JH.' ecl and to oh~en·e the \\·arni1w ..., sio·1h , ..., .. I I TilT and Cenr~e J>ctersnn. l!!~· \Yalking- Gn \\ ' innet 1 ·a a\"l'nltl' on 1 ! L.ogan School the part nf studt·nts \\·a..; a) .... \) de DtHt L _da:-; I luck. captain: Dirk llaa~ ll\llltlrt'd h~· \fr . Clnk. \Yiw states th:-~t ;tnd l~Phnt :\nder :-;nn, licutl'llant-.; he has oh:;ern·d a nunlhl'r (li narrn~r ' For Appointme.n ts Phone 1Vilmette :\n1ns I fodgki:-. ~. J~(lhert \fattiH' \\·~ . e:-raP<'~ lwcau ~v :-otllllt' :-turknt..; ·iail tn r~irhard Ta\·l\IL 0:-.car .\rna:-;un. 1\()ht'rl u:-c the CTrh:;; \\alJ..:s. 1 1 -~ -·~: · · · · ·...!.._· · · · · ~!. ~· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· · · · · L~~~an and. Llin Dt· u~tachiP. Stolp School llar(llcl \ "crhakn. captain: \\ ' illiam DINNER FOR BRIDE l<atz and .I larry \lino~·-, .lieutenant:;: \fi..;:-; Bc!ni~·l· l\ll.c. clau. : ;ht_n ni \fr. James ~del lure. l>nnald loeppcn. Jnhn '}!HI .~frs. 1·. 1· .. \1. ( 11k. 3b 1·.:-'t'X road. I,LtrthoiPt lln\·, J 1·h.JI Stut ... I~unal<! .\n- ~ t·~~·n1 h\"1lrth g:L\"l'. a d.ittiiLT i11r tyn ~m !ll'r..,uJt, 1\u . . ..,c] \\ ,·k. \\ tlham ~tack- \, cdne:;day c\· cnln~ 111 hnnnr nt \11-.:-. 11\lll'(', Fr:tnk "l'll1:\". l<l hn lk;llll. T tllll Flnrt·nre Bird, ni Darl·npnrt. Ttn\·a. · \ 11 t r i111. \\ ·iII ia 111 _(c n j, in . : , l) id:: B (1 rn, " ·It n \' iII h v 111 :Lr ric d t P l' 11\11 L t 11 J a l. k \\ illiatn CulH·r and latiiL':- Dcn1ahuc. ..:nn . :-'tlll 11i \1 r:-;. \\·annan Crt,,\. lark St. Franci~ School :-tltl ()j 1·\·;tll:-.!tlll at ~t . l.ukv'-. ciltlrrh t.Vith John l~ .n m·. captain: J(l t' \falllll'- 11 11 _:a~urda _\. <kt\lh<.'f ~. \fr . Jarkh:t ch and :\mlwrt \l rD;tniL·k lil·ukn- " 11 11..., -.~:-.tt.'r. :\\·;tnl· lk, \\·hn \\'ill he \1 i-.,~ a11b: ltll' J.,·nrh. lanll':- Tarkt,)ll, l~ird'.; unly :dtl'll!lant. ,,·a:-; tllll' ni thl' la111e . ; llall. John \liikr. l1,hn :-:.mitll. )..!'lll·-.,t~. \lr . Jarkson \\·a:-; a nH11lllllatt· ., .ick \llHltH'\:, . \r~!tur Ztcl~. lack Pnl:-, 11 i Jlallett Ctlle, SP 11 oi \fr. and ~fr:-: . lack \l cl'ttr.tlt,·. \\ 'illianl 1.\:llrh · ,l'.nn F. L ~f. l·~~k. at Hn\H' \lilit :tn \: rCa_nn, <:n:tld ~t·ng, (~l'·ral(t ' ( '(lhL·. I ac:tckmy, J-lo\~· l·. T!Hl. , At that tim~·. ;t;Hl l·rL·denrk Cramer. \lr. .fack:-.on ltn·d 111 1nlsa. Okla .. hut ha~ been in hu:-inL' s::> in ChicagL) fnr · \1 r~. J. :\ . Culhcrt~nn. 220 \fl·lrOSl' :-\ l' \-cral year:;. ;1.'.Til llt' , 1-.:l'nil\\·orth is leaYing tnnwrr\1\\. fllr allrPad. She is going· to ~Irs. \[. R. necklcr oi the F\·a nshirc I' ranee "hnl' :-.he ex)H..'Cb to li n \\·ith ht1 tel. and \dw has been YisititH! her I a Fn·nch iatnih· thi:-; \\'illtl'L :\ friend clau).!htcr. ~frs. Paul R Soule. 915 Lake OMPLETE elimination of ho'\\·ling, squealing, t·i \f.r< Cnlhntson irom Pasadena is a\·cnue. for t\\·o \Yteks. has retut~ned to hum and other " 'background" noise-that's g·ni n!..!· \\ ith h -.: r. I no~tnn inr the \\'inter.. I lltH. ' .... .. r Reckless dri\·ing on \\'in net ka aYein front of the '\'n,· Trier Jlig-h sc hool campus wa . sharply cnndt·mn.e<l this week in a statement issued hv Frederick E. Clerk. superintendent (~i the hig-h s'chool. ).fr. Clerk states tlt ;lt despite excellent coopcrati n irom the \\'innetka Police <l.:.;.·>artnwnt and the . !>rescncc ;>i conspicuous \\·arning ~igns 1n the mtddle of the street. cars are l) itl'n driYcn pas·t the:-;c siL!ns at thirt\·fi\c an<l for!y n1ilcs per l1our. c11dat1~cnng the lt\'es of students crn:-;sinl! the strr.et a~ tl~e ll(l()!l hour a~HI \\'hl'l~ ~riWtll IS <}tSI111SSCd til the attl'ril" ' . Wilmette Ice & Teaming 1 SAX APBOVE B Auos 1 OBG UJZED J. 1 1 1 HAROLD LIDDY 1945 I, HEAR The World's Series the new that has ended A--C hum.- m m C \vhat the new Majestic has accomplished. And no\V Majestic Power Detection brings beauty of tone at any volume-absolutely without a trace of disJortion. .· 111 Illllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~ m 111111111 11~ Vol. I Publt~hrd in the inrerest of \\' ilmrtre people and the Ridge Road vicinity by the RIDGE AVE . PHARMACY C:\RL C. REN!\'ECKAR. Editor. October 4, 1929 \ Ye:-;tcrn Indian~ arc again killing a lot · of people-by motoring orcr them. \\'c know a m'l_t} in this tO\\·n \\·ho thinks e\·eryhody ha~ it in for him. No. 37 \\"cathl· r~trip yonr dnllr:- and \\·indnw:-.. and san· iuel. S()llH' money ing prices: · $1.;,() l·l'trol ~a\'- Hear, for the first time in radio, the pure, clear, lifelike tone magnified to.lifelike volume. This new Majestic feature-Power Detectionis the sensational development of the year. And the public is wide awake to its tremendous advantage. Every day 5,000 new owners are added to Majestic's satisfied million. H ear this new Majestic at your dealer's today. A small first payment puts it in your home. \\\· just . heard of an o t h t' r "human d y 11 a 111 o." E\'crything he had on \Yas rhargccl. Shop on the Ridge .\ specially con:-tructcd tank trurk rcccnth· carried 1.350 gallons- of milk from Pittsburgh to ~[il\\·aukce. Kow. <Ill we wat:t to know i.s. what kind of lir1uor made t 111... ;·e turn trip. :;o~aJ~!:;,H I·a!-Ot·· . \~ar $t.:w ~,0(· l~t'Jlsotlt·nl Tooth Htlfl hou1111 '('ou~h Ut· nu·d :r .... :Hit· ;;o(· J·t' he en 'foot h 11 o!~.~ == 1 TIME PAYMENTS in the purchase or Majestic Receivers are financed through the Majestic Plao at lowest available ratea. There is still time to deliver your new bet \\·een an elephant and a mosquito? "The Doc..,. -'fhc shape. Shop on the Ridge The girl who go(·s for a ride with a "flat tire" should not iorgct t o take a little jack along. $1 S(tHihlJ :\linual Oil !o!:ic· $1 (iilldtt· lUatlt·s ~:.c· ~:tc· .JO(· ( ' astoria :~:ic· J>alm Olin> Shtning- ( ' rt·am :1:1(· ;;uc· ll intl's Uonc·y a n·l .\I monel ( ' rc·a m .. 4;ic· Iktttt.Ud utuln 4 tmttlt o lW>atiom o/R. C. A . 1r.'F. L .· auo "" Lektipltonf', $1 J Jistc·rin(· ....... 83c j :,(. Ht·X 1faltosr . . G:tc· (;;,,. J>Citltl'S Crf'alll .. ;,!1(' ~:d d ~f:~:':4.::.C~:~.Hooatl R A D I 0 Carleton Koumeyer ·--- \Villiam Steinhoff of Riclgc Hadio Shop says ~Irs. S. and the new son arc doing nicely. RIDGE AVL,UE Opposite St. Joseph'· School PHARMACY ~ilmette llilmrttr ilusir j Qnp ~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1179 WIL:\IETTE AVENUE PHONE WILl\IETTE 3006 Phone 316

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