Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Oct 1929, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE October 4. 1929 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ SILE DTOMATIC THE NOISELESS OIL BUF\NEA. I PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS (Contributed) DaYid Lawrence, who is to speak :1~ ~I r~. Gcorgt: \\'ood land of ::\lia111i, \\'innctka October 9. is not one _ot Fla .. is the guest of her son and <laugh- these professional lecturers who stt..; tcr -in-1:1\\', ).lr. and ::\Irs. Lcl~oy \Voo ll- dm,:n in the middle of the summer ancl Why not investigate why SILENT AUTOMATIC will land. 33(> Lcicl'stcr _!0~1 ~ _Kcn ~lwnrth. pre.pares three or four se~ , a<ldr~ss~s heat your home for less dollars and cents per year. Let - - - -----wh1ch he offers for the puhltc s delt.:ct.ltion. In<ked not. If you wey-e to ask us explain what 5 }~ cent, 6 cent and 7'0 cent oil will do ~f r. I.cnnence ·what he wa s gomg to s<l \' nn such and suth an orcasion he woul_rl in your home. truthfullY tell YOU. "I'll ha\·e to \\'alt and see." · Fnr Da,·id La\\TCnce ah\-a\·s talks exExperienced Evanston Show Room Hl}bbard Woods Show Room temporaneoush·. Since the daYs \\·hen 162o SHERMAN AVE. he covered the ~fadero revolution :n 900 LINDEN AVE. ~fexico in 1012 inr the Associated Pr e~..; Greenleaf 48:21 Winnetka 6so and wrote the clear. concise. fam.ott:-. Greenleaf 700 Harmony Analysis making di spa tches from the front ltn ('~ J·urlils Any Age-Le:o;sons in the \Yorld \\·a r he ha s been a na--t "\ t Your Home-)lusic :na . ter at snottinl! the krn~el. in ~YC~\· For Spedal Of'casions .\t·(·Cimpanying-Coaching ;rrain of n e\\'S ancl clesrnbm~ Jt 1 '1 simple. nnclcrstanrlahle lanl!uage. 936 Shrridan Uoad ]'hone Wilmdtc 4082 Fascinatin~ Speaker Certain!\· a front 1ine trench. an m·ercrowdccl clu~out. or a hu~\· official tcle ~raph office is no place fnr col!itatinl! or editing, And the practice that \fr. · La\HCnce got ~n thn sc \'Ca rs of iam,ti.l-reporting ha\·e made him the fascinatinl!. up-to-thc-,·e n·-minute speake r that he is. And coming a:; he d()e . f rnm tlH' hcaclnuartl:r:-. ni his t·nited State..; Da ih· in \\'a shing-t on he brings with him tlw \·en- late . ; t nC'\\'S of CotH.rrcss. the Fann Helid hnard. the tariff debate and a.! tlw o thrr tnpi rs upon which puhlil· opinion is fncnsecl iust now. Mr . La wrcnce ha s the saml' calm non-narti sa n outlonk that chararkril"" the l>e::-t iuclicial mind-, ;mel \\·hen ht' de sc rih s a riot. a JeQislati\·e debate. a We have been recetvtng many requests and inquiries regarding our high strike. a n inau~uratinn or the anti,·-, of the stock market. his reackrs and hi..; grade Dollar service and have decided to hold another Sales Campaign. for listeners mav be sure that what th t· ,· eight days only. are gcttinQ arc facts ancl not iatH'iL· . . . Gives U nb:ased Views It is with this same p oint (li Yil·,,· ! that hi . pet brain-child is puhli-,Jwd and for that reason ha s hecnme the authoritatiYe source of news oi nur federal QO\'ernment that it is . For the Cnited States Daily carries news of tht· Yariotts branches of our go\·ernmcnt and not the oer .:;onal opinions nf ib editor. Mr. La\Hence is prnhahh· the onlv editor of his kind-one \\·ho doc" not write for his own newsnaper. lli..; own claik disoatch on current t\'l'nh l!oes out throuQh his Consolidated Press which he founded about ten vears a~o. And he has been a ireqth:nt rontrihutor to the Saturd;l\· f:ycninl! Post. Korth American Re\·ie,,·, Ladie:-. Home Journal Scribner's. Harper's. the Centurv and manv others . So it wilt he like watchinl! the \Hit ing of one of Lawrenre's famous disnatches to hear him sneak/ at the hcnefit lecture which the \\'innetka League of \\'omen Voters is giving . The evenin!! is \Vednesda,·. October 9, the nlace is the lane Kuppenheimer M ·> morial hall at the Skokie school. \Vinnctka. and the time is 8:15 o'clock. Tickets at Various Stores ~f rs. Tohn L. Hamilton and her Established 1 92 1 ticket committee have placerl ticket< fo: the lecture for sale at the RenOTTO FISHER, lnr>rkar Drug comnatl\', Central avenue. \Yilmette. the Indian Hill Pharmac\· on \Vinnetka a\·enue: Adam's Ph::trmacY. Elm street. \Vinnetka: Hnhhard \V nods PharmaC\', Gage street. and at Members National Members Master Cleaners . Swanson's pharmacv. Park a venue·. Association of Dyer:s r.tencoe. and Dyers Association of Mrs. Gross \Villiams, 11 rs. George and Cleaners the North Shore r.ort!.u1. Mr.. Thomas Holton. Mrs. H arrv M arshalt and ~f r-;. T. 0. Ely j have been " ·orking "·ith the other 1 members of the ticket committee this la~t week. I 15 0 Central Avenue 57 8 Lincoln Avenue 706 Vernon Avenue The \Vilmettt> and Kenilworth Phones Wilmette 704-748 Phone Winnetka 638 Phone Glencoe 8 6 5 Lea{.Yttes of Women Yoter.;; are et,rl"'rsinl! . the lecture along with the \Yin~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:;;;;;;=:::;::::;::::;::;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;J J net k a le'ague. Mr. and ~Irs. \V. E. Shellman of 707 Elm\\'ood a\'C'nue h~d as their gucs~~ last week the latter s nephew and In~ \\·iic and so n, ::\Ir. and ::\!rs. Rocl..-:\n1od A. KuclzO\\·, and James. of Jackson I leig-h b. Lon~ bland, X. Y ~I r. and ~r rs. Shellman entertained a~ dinner on \Ycdncsda\· of last \reck tn lwnor of ~~ r. and ~Ir s. Kuclzow. SHELLMANS HAVE GUEST LAWRENCE LECTURE B · IG EVENT ·oF NEW SEASON Editor of United States Daily Speaks in Winnetka October 9 for Women Voters I MARGARET STAFFORD ..... PIANO and VOICE TEACHER $ $ DOLLAR SPECIALS for · $$ OCTOBER 11th to OCTOBER 19th YOU BE THE JUDGE LADIES' (Plain Only) SILK or Wi OOL DRESSES ... ............................... . 1 i.Ermiur IDlraurrs. F. President ~ur. I --- I

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