October 4. 1929 ==================~====================================================== W I L M E' T ;r E LI F E 9 Howard T. East to Address C. of C. at Open lt!Jeeting Oct. i The \\'i!m Jtte Chamber oi (ommcrcc will h o ld ib regular October nH:cting ~londa\' night. October 7, at 8 o'clock in the \\' ilmdte \[ asoni c tcm.Plc The meeting \Yilt he open to the .Pub li c and all \'illagcrs ha n been in\'itcd to at tend. lloward T. East. nne tli the oilicials nf the Chicago. :\nrth ~hnrc atHl \tilwaukee railroad. \rill hL' t he spL'aker. and his talk will he runccrncd \\'ith the "Light's Colden .I uhikc" rckhra t ion. wMicl \ride tril>Utl· lll Thnma~ :\ . l·:<lison. inn: ntor pf the incandescent hnlh. · :\f r. East is ~aid til hL· a speaker and hnnwrist ni note. \1 r. Fast\ talk \rill hL· itlllu\\·ed h\· a mnt inn pict me tltl the subject oi light. The nwri(' \rill illu~tratL' the making nf the electric light lmlh and will trace the pr11gTc~s that has hl'cn made in electric li.L:ilting up ttl the JHT~l'llt timt' . :\ ~lwrt l>u~inL· ~~ ~t~~iun \\'ill pn·cL' <k tlw prt)gram. and all tiH.'tllhL·rs ni thl' Chamhn 1li CtlllllllctTt are hcillt{ urg-vd tn Ctll11<.' in time it' r thi s ~es:--inn . · Th(' ChanlhLT\. annual dinner \\ill ht held tlt·:-.:t lll!lllth. 1-.. - .- -.- . ,;- .·...................... ;.- ...............:.... Is Your Kitchen Convenient? At Musicians' Club The :\ort h S hore \I usicians club wa s en t ert ai ned last T uesda \' IJ\· ~1 r s. Charks ~. E \·ans at her- c h ~rmi ng new home in the Indian Jlill Estates. \1 rs. E\·anston \\·as assi~tl'<l h\' llaz~·l \I d larg- and l·: n' lyn La Sa lie. The progTant pn:sentccl by the cl ub was as io lhl\\'S: 1-:t tHh· ...... . Autswung (In \\'ings nf ~ong . . ., . You Will Find the Necess.uy Conveniences at The Kitchen Shop-509 Davis St., Evanston . ~t·humann CIH pin I "The Store of Kitchen Ideas" )),·JHlelssuhn-Li:-:;r.l l'lt>lll't' 7. , l':tulilll' plt·un ·7., )lilH't·l' JJH·s Yt'IIX.\r ia Sl'IH:tll1 I 1'1'11111 I... ( 'id :\1 i<SSt'llt·t t·nd··l' thl' l.antt·rn \\'ilfrt·1l ~:lllllt' J'SIIll L111lt ·:~ toll1t · .:\[fiOillight . Lily ~tri<'l~latlll ~tr· · ~ a . \\' intt ·r \\'atts l·:liz:thdh Tlwmps1111 Tht· l!rcoldl't ~~·hulwrt-1 ;od··wsky ' I ]., . <'toqut'l Dandrit·IJ-< ; .. dt·wsl' \. l·:t uch· < lp . :!:i. 11 1 'h, ·Pi 1 .1 ~~~=-=-=-=~ -=-~-==============================· x... .I I l I ,.·· ., '· Frann·s .·\ IHh· t'!-'lill 'l'ht· L:tl,·· 1:-:1·· 11[ lnni. !'r···· Liza Ldunann \\"I! at < '··1r1t ·s ': .\ ll ll'rt )Ia llin:-:"11 Tht·rt · is :1 Budding :\lmTow i11 ~lidnight .\lh t·r·t ::\Tallini-'"11 J.if,. I Lts 1.11\'t ·lint ·:--s \tl ~~·II "SUCH MIGHTY FINE FOODS" , 1 Tri" <: .:\lint·r .\llt'gl'o Finak \\'inifr, ·<l T~>\Yil"' ' llfl x 11 nna Hos\\· 11 rth ( 'h:tl'lt>( lo · :-;liiZt ·l' 1·::--t.-ll· · ~\\'i~ : 1 rt . \ kt ·l,\· "r···· l·:nl : tu . \1,, · 1~· At ' t ' IIJilP:tlli~t>' l·:rn:t\1 Fr:tllt't ·s . \ lldt·l ·sllll PLEDGED TO SORORITIES 'l'hL· iall ru s hing ranw to a cltlSC Ja..,t ~:-ttun l ;l\ :-tt :\o;· tlmntcrn ' ll1iHrsit\·. .\ftcr 1\~· 1 1 \\ eck:-- 0 j cozie:--. tl'as. dance..; and n 11 " ·1kd partio. ~atunl;t~· (' \Tilillg tlw . , 1n·PritiL·:-- pledged tl 1t ir :--urrv:---.ful r :tndidatt· . . and \\·outl<l up " ·ith a din ncr i11r tl lL' pkd ~ L· -. - l'h _, · lli:-- h1:\. _l tJs,·phine Fark _ , . I·J i z: thl'th Frt·udt' tlrt·ir h. \l:tr .' · .\lit' t· ~pn· dY. nf h:vtlil\\ tl rth. anrl lallL't Jlu~hv.., ,,j Cktll't·t· arl' fiy· tt u rth . ; lwrl' _ g-irl-. pll'dgt·d .\lj·ha J>hi. ;J:Hl lLtrhara \l l'; tr th and l~uth ~hc p h ;m l 1 · i \\ ·i tl llL' t k ;t p k rl·..: L' d " a Jl p a h app:1 ( :atntn:t. I;,,J1tl\\'ing thl' prngTam \I arjoric , ~IH·rman and :\I r..;. \I c ll arg . prt·..;ic\ecl ' at till· tea tahk . . \nd th:tt \\·lttt·lt added tn l]l_l' :--urn·:-- .; and )ll'ricrtinn Ill the :titt'I..!..!_nnn\ prt1gratn wa" the g-lnry tli lht· aut1111111 sutbltilll' 1111 tht · L' :-.:pan~e ·1l hrtl\\tl pratne and gl,,ri,)u-,J~· tinted trt ·v-. . \ I i . . :- I ll' k n " r a it h l' in. d a 11 g h t t' r ' ) i \l r. ;t ,·d \lr ... . laJ n t·.., \1. 1-.:ralthdt·r. YO l ( Jak " ," td : 1\ ' L' t; lll'. \ \liP ~ r:ul uate<l !rom \ t t!rc l);t lll l' utti\ct·-.it~ · la-..t lutH', i·5 ' tit ' " :-- t 11 d ,·it II.! at \ tll:t Inn·:; te-rn uni\ t·r -.. it,· !,,j- h.n \l :t-.ll:r\ d('grL·e. 111111111111 111111111111 ....__._ ... -·.-----~ Foot Saver Shoes - "at such mighty fair prices" ~ PARTIAL PRICE LISTNe"- pack goods for delivery after Oct. 15 You save 6% more by ordering in dozens Dozen prices given on assorted cases Si1.1' 1 12 $5.1~ 2t (<'IISf') YOt/11 FIJVJJ STYlE HERE COUPLED WITH AMAZING COMFORT Fish l eig-h·~ Suburban Hartlf'tt Hrnnd F'ru its fot· ~a lad If you could comb the style centers of the world, you'd find no smarter footwear than Foot Saver Shoes. If you could go barefoot, you'd know no greater comfort than the Foot Saver patented, in built construction brings you. If you are wise, you'll let us put a pair on your feet and prove it. . ·)J ' P£':trs .. . . . . - :! Fish l e igh' ~ Sho() Peg- Co rn .. . ... , .. . - ~ Fishleigh's Medium Cut Green Beans Fishlt-igh'l!l No. 3 ·who le \Vax Beans ~ubur·ban TomatoPs .2 Fish leigh 's V getables :\.1 ix c1 for Salad .. 2 Fishl(·igh's Orange o r Gra p ef rui t Marmalade .......... . .. . 5 lb. Fish le igh' s Chi li Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 oz. Flshkigh's Sweet l\1 ix e(l Pickles . 11 o z. Fi:-:hl<·igh's C llt'lllllil t' l' Hings, L'imknto Stuff <1 . . . . . . ..... 11 oz. Fishleigh's ~trawberry Preserv~>s llb. L <'ishl eigh's Currant and Raspberry St>t·dless Jams . llh . f ;prhPr's ~traine(l Vegetahlt' Soup 10 14 oz. · ;('rb£>r's ~trained P Pas, Ca rro ts, Prunes, !-;pinach, o r Tomatoes ...... .. . .. .. . . . . 4 \f.! oz. - ·>1 ' ~~ $ .46 uo.t2 n.H 7.40 3.96 .IS .1 i' .24 t·> ,ll) !J.9-I 2.0:1 1.92 2.70 9.2R 2.6-t 4.18 7.i0 1.35 2.H !t.R5 3.11) .30 .30 .23 ····· r. r 6.20 3.38 !l.3R 6.60 2.59 J.-16 8.80 &.06 .13 2.86 FOOT INSURANCE FOR. THE FUTURE .(!/\ -10D!JAN:S 634 CHURCH ( No charge for DELIVERY FOOT SAVER A new IDEA in food distrihution-sellin~ direct to the Consumer at a substantial saving. Quantity prices on foods that every householder requires. SHOE SHOP The Shoes with a Snug Fitting Heel Visit Garden Display Room 517 Main St., Wilmette or Tel. Wilmette 531 or Gree.nleaf 7464 1111111111111 u~~!~~~~~~71 ST. 1111 111111111 THE CLARENCE T. FISHLEIGH CO. NO'l' INC. ~~~