4 WI L M E T T E L,I FE September 27, 1929 .\n ~nthusiastic voun.c; American audicncc .L!reetcd N. K. Dhalwani of Homh;t\·, Jndia, \\'ho adtlressed the upPl'r l!'rade pupils of the Joseph Scar:-; .. rhulll in Kenilworth Tuesdav mornin.L!. It \\'as the first as ·cmu lv of the year at the Kenil\\"orth school. :Mr. Dhal \\'atti. \rll\) ha.~ been appearit\g- at a numhrr oi the north shore grammar sdwnls \\'nre an Indi an co ·tume. Ht' told tht· chi ldren of the way people in India dress. of their marriage customs. their n·ligi1nts life. their imple ,...-ay ni earning a livelihood. and man\· otlh·r interesting pbascs of their liie. The t>upi1s \\'l'I"C particularlv amused when ~~ r. Dhal\\'ani spoke the different H indu· dialects and sang Hindu so tws. Hi:-; r\\'iie as:-;i:-;ted him in dc:nonstratin.L! hn,\· the · lndia11 \\'t)tl1all folds her fifh· it'd lli cloth int() a dress each da,·. Enthusiastic Audience IWoman's Protectorate to .Jordan-Salter Wedding Greets Hindu Speaker Have Luncheon October 8 Ta~.es Place. ·October _ 2 The \Voman's Church F-ederation, The marnage of Mts~ Cons~a.nLe Protectorate announces , a lun cheon Tordan of 505 Maple ayenue to \Vtlham and . prog-ram to he held. at th.l: First Salter of \Vilmette will take place in ~ongrcgati{>nal church 111 . \\ ~lt-n c ttr the \Vilmctte Parish ~Iethodist church I u~·s~ lay. Oct?hr: R at 12 o cl~)ck. . , , ,_ 2 at 7':30 o'clock. 1111::~ organtzat1on. representing :'L'Y- \ \ eclncsda) · 0 ctouer ', , . . . l'lltt:rn d~nominati cli JS, \rith ~lr s . ~fin - with the Re,·. Horace C..1. Smtth ofhcwtnic Chapman as superintendent. and ing. After the ceremOll\' a dinner will \Yhich mini ster:-; to. m·e<h· girls ' a_n_~l be gin·n for the family at the CoJ)eland . Cl' ,, 0 men. has many fncnds and rO-\\'(llk Miss Edna DaYid son 1 n.; 0 11 the north shore. wte 1 111 ltcago. ·. Dr. Herbert J.. \\"illett t·f the l\:cni1 - ' and Arthur Borre wtll be the onlv \n 1rth l'nion church \Yill be one of attendants. · t!H' principal . pt.·aker:-; at the Jllecting. 11r. Salter and his bride are going to ~Irs. Theodore Robinson and ~~ rs. Florida 011 their w dding trip and upon ( 'hapman will sJH ak brieAy l·ll the their return \\'ill reside at the Jordan wo:-k of tht· Protectorate . home. · R · · ,rsen·a ttons t_or t1 1e 1unc 1 1eon 1nay Mrs . Ro\· Hopkin:-., 1322 Creen\\'ontl 1 111 1 1 11 f 1 f 11 J 1 I .>t ac e )y ca lllgl any (~ t Jt 0 0 (~' - avenut..·. entertait_Jed ~~i~"s. on an ?m 111g \\'Omen: ~~ rs. k. ~1. Campbell.\\ Jl - her fiatlCC at dmner Fndav eventng, " .\ I)fi ngsten. September 20. after "·hich abot.tt. ft1rtv tn~·.tte 2559: _~1rs . l: .·. .. A NEW ICE CREAM THAT'S just it. We HAVE a cream made to OUR order. Better than WISCONSIN Creams WHICH run 14,1 butter FAT. while ours run }g r;, RETURNS FROM CHAMPAIGN ~1rs. Clarence E. Draver of 103~ Elm wood avenue spent seYera l da\·s la st week \·isiting her daughters. Huth anrl Jean at the Universit\· ()f lllinni~. She motored tu Champaign with ~f rs. \Vill<trd fl. Tharer and her daughter. ~Iiss ~f arion. ni 121 I~ohsart road. \\'ho " ·ent on to Nashville. Tenn., to Yisit their so11 and his family. ~-----------~~~~~~-----------~~--------------~ \\ tnnetka 218:.: ~1 r s. Lcorge H . J·.ngl'l- friends surprised them hY gwml! rt hart, Glencoe 497. miscellaneous shower. ~Iusica1 selcctions. including an accordion. solo. and OPENS DANCE CLASSES OCT. 12 readings, brought the e\·entng to a \1 iss Marian Keeney, who is now in clo e. . \'t\\' \'ork :-;upplcn.1enting her study of I A surprise dinner and stlvcr;\·are the dance in London. Paris and Geneva, shower \\'as hdd at the I lotrl _ l o~e \\ill arriH' in \\'innc.tka October 2. pre- ~' land TuesdaY e\:ening. in h,.t)twr 01 . ~~ lS S paratory to re-opetltng her school Sat- Constanc~ .Ionian 1)\ a group ,, 1 her t:rday, October 12. I hnsine . s 1nends. Fifty Wilmette People have joined the "SO" WE have the richest. SMOOTHEST and most FINELY flavored cream IN the Village and are SELLING it at standard PRICES. $100,000 Thrift Club These members are all saving a definite amount each month for ten years. Their deposits are earning 5 ~ ~ ( . ; compound interest. They are secured by first mortgages on small homes held In trust bv a large bank. "LIGHT LUNCH" DELICIOUS hot coffee AND real homey toasted SANDWICHES served NEATLY and quickly at ALL times. This advertise- $6.30 saved regularly guarantees them $1ooo $1 5·75 saved regularly guarantees them $2500 $31.50 saved regularly guarantees them $5ooo MENT covers only one DEPARTMENT STORE . Othrrs tn our If you don't save it ., JUST as good. vou Won't have it . ~II Ceotral and Wilmette Avenues Phones Wilmette 28 and 29 Write the $100.000 Thrift Club of Wiltnette for Particulars. 113 7 Central Avenue, Wilmette. ·· I ----~--------------~---------·