Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1929, p. 64

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WILMETTE LIFE Sept em her 27, 1929 INDIAN HILL CLUB SECTION' New Brick Colonial Home- 10 room, 4 baths. New English Rrick Home- 9 rooms, 3 baths, breakfast room, sleeping porch, screened porch, 2 car attached garage. Slate roof, copper gutters and screens, weather striped win· do\\'S. Double insulation, Electric Refrigeration. Wooded grounds. Everything complete to make per· ·feet high grade homes. 1 Hokanson and. Jenks Kenilworth Shows Report Four Sales, ·Building Slow-up;. and Leases on N. S. Only N . i ne Permits (o Kcnil\\'orth which has enjoyed one c.f tlte most active building sea,s ons of anv of the JH rth shore Yillages. found itscli in the normalC\· column of September stati:->tics for activities of this nature. There i; l)lcnh· of activitY remaining. h\)\,-c,·e r, as the village is cn~a~cd in th<.: prdiminan- \\·ork of buildin~ it ~ sec til)n oi the ~fcCormick ho:.Ile,·ard work on \\·hich it is sa id \\'ill he ~tarte~l soon. and on the complcti .1n oi ,,·hich. nnmcrnus building improvrm .. t s arc pending. Onh· nine building pc·rmits \\·ere i_sued the pa:t month, fi \·e of which we-:-e inr remo<lclin .~ jol,s. costing $-t.o30 and fi\·e for pri,·atc ~aragcs. to cost SlJ-W. the total cost of the nine imprn,·e mcnt s hci ng on h- $5.070. Hokanson a nd .Jenks Inc., report the following tran actioi1s: Sale of the frame colonial residence on a lot 75 b,· 150 feet at 2728 Grant street. E\'an ston. b,· H<:rbert C. Jenks to Harn· C. Lee. Sale of the 7 room English brick residence on a lot 70 hy 221 feet at · 2435 Central Park a\'enue, E\·an~ton, h · Herbert C. T cnk~ and Richard G. R-reeclcn to ~far·\' Edith \\'heeler, formerly of 1616 Judson an·nue. f\·anst on. · -. 1 SM~TH E.SAWYERI CHRISTY 'North Sho e !Realtors JNCORPORATI ll BRO'\>VN (BUILDEHS and OWNEHS) 736 Elm Street Phone Winn. 142 1================-111 I ::.ale oi the .i room early American colonial lnmgaln\\" 011 a lot oO bY 1-t5 fc et at 2310 \f arn· arenue by \\'illard C. \Yalker to Herl)trt C. .Ttnks. Sale oi 1.2 mom brick Ccorgian colonial on a lot 110 bY 1S2 feet. 45-l \\'a:-11ington A,·e.. ftkncoe. In· Franci s S. Craham t() 1\a ,·mo JHl F. Smith fnr~f aple floorings are possible in a merh· oi 914 L'r;in street. Evan:-;ton. number of shade:->. \ ' i,·idly hued stains ::.aie of the ,·a rant Jirnperty 50 h~· 160 or soft tinted tains have been made ·feet just \\'est ni 128.1 Scott aYenue, to penetrate s ucccss f ullr the extreme \ y inn ct k a. h~· ] ul ia .\. ]..; oc h to Rayhardness of maple and the sta n.d ard 111011 d L. Srhl'idt. shades ha\'C rttn a gamut from silver ]{ecent lta ses in the 11('\\' 0-7 and 8 gray to royal blur. and from dclir.~te room Ha\'lllntHl Park apartment buildorchid to seal black. The shacks Ill- in~ at H~nman and Cron: an·nuc arc: elude among their munher natural, R H. \\ 'ondland oi the Orringt()n hnrarly :\merican . autumn brn,,·n. dm·c tel. H. A. ~candrett ni the Hnm<::t<.:ad. gra~·. pastel grctn, and .'panish hrO\:·n. Thomas C. :\'cal 11t 8.23 \fichigan -:\ow it is announced that on spectal , an.·m1t. \\'. ~- 1lt)\"l'\- l l i the Orrin).!tnn jobs, \\:here l.arge ::-.uriact:s. must he i hotel and D nc tor Thomas r.alO\\"CIY. harmontzl'd \\·tth a Jlfl' C11nceJ\'Cd color .-\mun):! other lea st's arc th e f<tllP\rschcme. ne\\' ~hade~ \\'ill he created inl!' houses: .2-tlS La\\'nclale :\\'(:.. \\-hirh arl' cOJhistcnt " ·ith perfect cPlnr 1 ·~ ,·a n~t\lll. inr \\.illiam Kuhrt tn .T. \\·. lcffriL·s 11i Chical[o: lrl](, Jud:-t·n a,·_ harmony. enue. E\·a nstlm. tn Tames D(lnlll·lh· .: ior ).!r..: . .\!an· Fditl; \\' hetkr. l(,(K) Lincoln an·nuc. E,·an:ton fpr Clnle Cros:-e t n Charle:-; E. Law (It \\'i11netka. Tht· Beau:-; .\rt . Ciit Slwp ha:-; rent) c d a s t n r L' i 11 t h <: .:-1 a rt i 11 b u i Idi 11 g a t : 333 f[o\\arrl :-trl'd inr ten \'Ca r..;, enlarging thl'ir pre:--C'I1t quart.n:--. The ' ~ilcn t :\ u tnmJ tic Oil Burner has 1c :tscd , the .;t(lrl' at 11,,2() Shcr111an a\·t·nut·, EY- - A TEMPORARY INVESTMENT with Unusual Values Charming Olde English Home \\'hitc washed Brick on wooded lot in Hubbard \Yoods. H spacious roon1s, 3 fine baths, sun roon1, recreation room. 2 car attached gar·age. Just r·cd uced to $29,500. I A PERMANENT INCOME an~ton. A . WALLACH Investment assures you of SAFETY OF PRINCIPAL INCREASE OF EARNING POWER INCREASE OF PRINCIPAL This investment plan gives you a thoroughly protected investment plus interest on your principal. ·plus the re turn of every dollar of your principal. and then you receive a generous share of the permanent profits of the business. It is worth your while to investigate. Send the attached coupon for full particulars. 1 fokaJh(lll , · Tenks. fnr. .antl\llllll'l the additi!·ll t ' J the rl·11tal ~ tafT en· \!j..,.., lzt·tta .\ n<kr:-·111, \\T il ktHl\\'11 in 1\-; 111 ~Ill !I as d i r l' c t 1 'r (I i r c 11 t a 1 s at t h c ! >rri11 gton h(ltl'l anrl "·hn has ju~t com' pll'tl·rl a :? yL"ar llllltract a:; managl·r uf '!'hv l f 111L' . . tl'acl. NOW IS THE TIME TO INSTALL A Fine Brick Home $1,000 Cash 6 roon1 Residence in \Vilmettc. Sun rootn, T. and lav., fine bath. H.cduced to $16,500. I.._asy tenns. \\'e consider this house a real bargain. GARDNER RADIATOR SHIELDS AND ENCLOSURES FOR EVERY TYPE AND SIZE RADIATOR Stone Residence, Slate Roof In \Y· Jed \Yinnctka. 4 lat·ge bedt·omns, 2 fine baths and tnished recreation room 33 feet long. Attached garag · Ncar Public School, · Catholic School and (:hurch. $26,500. Any Finish ·.··..···· Any Desitn East Winnetka Colonial Beautiful Hcd Brick Residence, near schools, transportation and stores. 4 bedroon1s, 2 baths, sun roon1. H. \V. Heat, attached garage. Priced lo"" at $25,000. / Wallach Bros., Inc. L34 North LaSalle St. ' / ,--- ........ CHICAGO -~--- (TE.-\H . OFF IIEHE) BILLS REALTY INC. 1649 Sheridan Road \\'ilmctte 3740 WALLACH BROS. INC.. r 34 N. LASALLE ST. Chicago, Ill., Please mail me without obligation complete information regarding the Wallach Investment Plan. Name -----------------Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Equipped with or without Copper Humidifier Thousands In Use CALL OR WRITE Distributor J. T. PARSONS 1718 North Wells Street Chicago, Illinois Telephone Dlv~rsey i711

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