Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1929, p. 61

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:-:c. ptemher 27, 1929 WILMETTE terials Ct~tering into school buildings. Th~ leadlllg t:1an~lfacturcrs of Chicago ha\ c enthu sJasttcally endorsed the sch eme. Fl . ctri c H' tlt ilati on in the kitchen p o:-;s e sse~ many a(h·antagc s, among them _h l' t n~ p_rntcr ti ll n to health. added , ~ leanl.tn c_:-.:-. ll t \\·all and curtains, heat~ng a te! 111 ·' tnt cr. ~l' llll_H· raturc cooling tn .summe- r. t ltlntn at\On nf odors g re a -,e :tn d ~ t a i n. and a poss ible com~ plet c ch_angc oi ai r in the kitchen at I re gul ar tnt cnal. . Cood arrhi tel'tu rc has ;1 definite s·tles ,-alu e. an d the 1\fl l,ptc tiYe builder of a lw m_l' r a n he a ~s urcd that ii his house 1:; "'c I1 d c ~ ig 1 1c d it "'i 11 ha,.e a better n·~alc val ur tha n a k ss attrac tive ne igh bo r. LIFE 61 Use of Terra Cotta · Aids Construction of ·Tall Buildings I Highest Grade :\ new skyscraper era, complet'ely nd amazingly overshadowing the last 1 1t'ca de, is being ushered in upon .\ nH~ rica today. Because of the nece s,,tr ih' graclua,l nature of the change, :t, tremendous significance is hardly , ; tli~cd by the general publi'c or eYen 1111 ildcrs as a class, except where some l' W giant edifice command · isolated :: tenti on. Th is. is the opinion expre ss ed hv i· ri tz \\' agner, ] r .. of \Yinnetka, pres f1 t·n+ of The American Terra Cotta and ·l·ramic company, as the result of ·h ~L: n· ation s made at a recent mect ·J, g oi the ::\ational Terra Cutta So;l t.r at Buffalo. l'rohl<:m s of the terrfl cotta indu stry ·'l d conditions of the nation's build.. Jt..:. a:-. a who le \\·ere di scu . sed. The l eli ng prcYailed that n.: gardlt s:-. of ·t ll lpnrary fluctuation . . the general · rl'n d uf con struction will be tO\\·ard ·· n· a ter <kve topmen ts than cn:r. ··J·:. nginl'ering and architecture arc . · ,,.J \'l ng · morc and more of our struct- UPHOLSTERING Cabinet Work Drapery and U pholsterg Fabric. ANTIQUES We specialize in Antique Furniture Repairing and Refinishing Hair . Mattresses and .Springs Made to Order H. G. LINDW ALL · Highest Grade Upholstering 808 Oak Street Established 1895 Ph. Winnetka 145 '!lll~~l\ll/\11111\lllllll\11111111111\lll\1\lll\l\! 5 I NCE ,1\I\I\I\MMI\I\I\MI\III\1\1\1\I\I\~I\I\I\I~\I\I\I\1\I\I)I\I\I\MI\MM~~MI\I\~~ I · I I . SKOKIE ·RIDGE For Your Home Investment == :1 ~<tl pr(~hlei11 ~ ." ohse~\· cs ~r.r. \\-~gt~cr . : ":--t t·,.: J trames and ltghtwetght tactn g 'l,;ttL· rial s, such as terra cotta, mak e it ; 11 " ' i1 dt· to erect i ar taller buildings I ·~l all all,. \\'hich havl· cn:r bc:cn at :~· 1 n pted .' The height nf buildings tn- I d; t\' i, limited bv other factor s. and as · '1 ;.,l. an: t:!in~inatcci. one ]),· one .tl ll<t zin g llC\\' prak-, \\'ill he rcal:hed b~: : ur :.ky~crapcr s . " :\L' \\' t1nancial method ;;. and econo·.,! t" n f ron ~ tructi u n and upkt'l' Jl, a . .·, t·ll as the ~Teat e r utilitv oi ter ra 1,, a and o t!1 ~ r modern b{1ilding m a- 1 t·ria ls. are important element in t he ·-Ji rl'acl of thi .. type of con structi tlll to ' 't t· smaller met r()polc :-.. Pe opk in · :l ('~t· tm\·n:-. are findin g that it is \\·ith :·, th eir al, ilit\· and t o th eir l'CC in < ·tnic .,r h· anta g (' to .enj ny ·the bett L·r eta s, o f ·ui l cl i n~:-.." \tr . \\'a . t.:·nc r re pl1 rt s th a t Ct .J t,r 1 . ,., ·min g int o increa:-in g l'opularity in · ui lcl i n ~· . ju:-.t as in other pha . . e ~ oi I .\ 1n t:r ir an liic . Li .t!·ht ~ urb cc:-o. prc: - 1 rl" lll lllatc. larL!eh· bt·ctu :- e th l'1l' re tlt L'ti\'l· qual(tie ~ Cll tlsnn· :- u: lii gl n . I r l r r asi < ·ll a l clark c r :-. u rf an·s. u i t1tll1 "u a I -or t.;, ha\· e al:-n attr a ct ed a tte tl i11 n. \ \ ·a.., h a h le surface s . :-u c h ;1 ... ;w · pr o'i rlt' d ],,. terra cntta and (lt hn tll:ltt·ri;tl .... a~e bring !llorc and Jll ii i'L ' Lt~\l' ll ! -,,r gr:lllll'd. and cleaning· is hcin~ r! nnc llH ·r c extcn:-.in: ly than ~· \· cr. . 1 - 1 1 ::;::::: ::::= :::::= ~ ;::::::::: - :::::= Chicago B. of E. Architect Starts Building Classes T'aul Ccrl1ar<lt. architect i<'r the Cl 1icagn Bnard oi EducatiPn. ha~ in :- ti utccl what might hr termed ~a t mda y ;, ittrnnnn rla:-.~c:-; fpr all building -.,u pc rintcndcnts and con,trurti1111 lllt't l. :\ll oi the:-;e men shall each ~aturda y a it<·rnoon personally in~pect tlw mt·thod and manner in \\·hirh the nn t ni al s to h<' in corpora tL·d in sr iH h 'I ' are manufactured. The fir:...t impt·ctillll trip will he made to the Chicag11 Pl:t11t 11f the :\urth\\·cstern Terra l'o.t ta CPI11 JI<lll~· . Inspection \Yill !->tart \Yith th e ra\\· material and continue . thnn1gh t\·t· r~· department to the fJni slwd matnial. Personal cllntact ;tlso \\·ill 11(.: had between the snperintenclcnb frnm the board and the manuiacturcrs' engineers. ).f r. Gerhardt beli eves his superintendents and constructinn mtn should be fully conversant with th e 111t11nate details of manufa ct ure nf all th e ma 5~2% :::: -- :::::= ::;::::: -- Your next investment should be in a home. ·Y our dividends are in the comfort and happiness of your fan1ily; your profits are in the appreciation in value of reasonably priced property. North Shore property-well located- has shown a good appreciation of value over a period of years. Skokie Ridge is well located. The prices are reasonable (a range fron1 $70.00 to $115.00 a foot). It will pay you to investigate. · ! = ;::::: ::;:::::: Representative Always on Property :::::: :;::::; :::::= ~AIRD & WARNER 2 · - .. Have funds to loan on choice improved North Shore Suburban r esidence property at 5lh% interest. See us on renewals. MONEY Office: 1071 Skokie Ridge Drive, .,_Glencoe Phones: Glencoe 1554-Briargate 1855 Sheridan Road to Park Avenue, Glencoe, West to Bluff Street, North to Dundee Road and West to Entrance. - E. G. Pauling & Co. 10 S. LaSalle St. Suite 'i!S Tel('phone Franklin 7740 Ill\ II III II \Ill II Ull\11 1\1\IIll /Ill II II II II 1\ Ill\ II /IIIII III\ II II II II Ill IIIII II/IIIIII\IIIII \1 II Ill II II II II III II III III \Ill II IKI\1\1IllIIIIII 1\J\1\1\1 uII \IIIII\ MilliNIIIIIII 1111111111111\1111111111

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