54 WILMETTE LIFE Sept embe r 27, 1929 Lightning Flash Emblem Chevrolet Survey Now Standard on Marmon Shows 1¥ay to Gain PAY MORE ATTENTION to iour Brakes PAY LESS MONEY for damages--- One of the riwst familiar sight:-; on tl.c ro ad today is the lig·htning tla sh c~1 1hknl \\'hich ad(\ms the radiattlr s (.i all :\ I arnwn -huilt straight-cig:ht:;. ~o popular and ,, · idt· ~prl'arl has j,er otll c the u.; e of this i 11:- i g 11 i a that t h l' \1 :-Jrtnon .\1 otnr Car rtl lllpany. its or i~· it :at(lr, rt ·cently applied to the l ' nitl'd ~t 'atc:-< Patent ( Htlcc ior tradctbark ri .:! ht:-. and a rt·rtitlc:ttt' g-rantitl .!.! t l1 1.'~t ri~ht:-< l ltl\\ ' ha s l> l'l' Il i:-;:-ut·d . tllll :- g·iYitl~( } 1 art\11\ll the exclu:-in· ri~· ht t1 l inC<lr l'llratc the fla sh () !1 the radiator t'i ih car .... \lan\· ~la r nwn dcakr :- ha\·l· ur g(·d 1l1a t tlie cmhkm he mecl· t)ll all ~t' itr II!Oil car:- and a~ a result it ha :-; hcrntll e :-! anclard equi~>mcnt. \ \ '. T. \\"a :; tcd of \\"itltletk a i-.. the ~I armon. RntlSc\·elt <kaler. I ncr eased lVI ileage :\filliCl!lS ni dollar:-; could he san·d J, \' the autc lllltlhik-mrni n ~ t·t:blic .t hro;tgh a mnre st ril·t nbserYanrc 0f the iact0r. that cuntml thl' ga:-;olitH.' 111 i ka.~t.· offered hy the a n-r:--tgl' ;, dh)mohilc. it is rn·t·akd in a :; urn·~· 0 11 i ue J l'COtll)lllY rPnlp lc t l' cl 1> Y t h l' C'hcnl)ld ).l l ·LOr cumpany. A t.:·ain ni irom t\\'1l to fin· milt- s on thl' ~allon 0f ga:; could he l'ITcrtL·cl. un tlic ;n·eragc. it \\·a :; ~ lll)\\· n. ii thl' nw to rist paid strict attl'ntion t(l the ek mcnt s that g~yern iud C\lllSUmptitm : The matter nf ecotwtny ha:-; al\\'ay:. been a fact0r L)f the uppennust imp ortance ,,·ith hen olet in the d es ignin g of its cars. Ha,·in .l. hHHtght the mikage to the highest point ncr offered in a :-.ix cy linder car, Chcnull't su ught ttl Ct)rral in this :-;unTy, the mauy se emingly unimportant dttaib. \\'hich through carelessness tH indifferen ce ou :he part of the driver. cut do\\'ll the tilikage that might he obtained througl more intelligent handling of thl' ·a r . ~ t 1 nnalh· GEORGIA HAS 6 CENT GAS TAX 13,. a vote of 4.2 to 6, the :-.tate Senate 1 o f Georgia ha:-; incrtased the tax 0 11 motor fuel itt that state from 4 to G cents. This makes the third state to BRAKE POWER IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN <.:nact the 6-ccnt illlpost. The citizens of ~1aine thi~ fall will have a cha11ce to ,·ote on the proposit ion to incre:tse the tax on gasoline from 4 to S cents. MOTOR POWER FIRST JUNIOR PATROL IN 1921 Major John Bauder, dril lmaster of the Chicago Police Department organize d the first Ju n ior ~afet\· Patrol in FEWER CHICAGO ACCIDENTS There were fewer motor vehicle fa - BRAKES TESTED FREE . Factory Trained Experts Adjust or Reline Your Brakes FOR YOURSELF Right before your cy.et - on accurate hydraulic gauges-the JUMBO Bra ke Tester revala the true condition of th e brake on each wh eel. Eliminatu all ( hance for human error. Assures positive equal· iz at i on and perfe c t bala n ee o f brakes·· guaranteed safety I.. \f arch. 1921. He was -e lectcd for t:tlitics in Chicago. by 90, during the the task by Charles C. Fitzmorris, then h :st six months of 1929 than during Chicago\. Pt) lice Chief. the corresponding period of 1928. · Under Ottr Positive Guarantee We Distribute and Service Jhe GENERALTIBE Tropic-Aire Heaters Eftioy an up-to-the-mintlle colot~ scheme 011 your car tlow A T sma ll cost, we can make your presen t car like new throug h recoloring it in modern Duco co lor h armonies. If you want the newest color schemes adopted by the leading automobile manufact urers you can dup licate them. Perhaps the fi nish .needs only a l ittle D uco retouch ing. I n any case only durab le d u Pont products are applied . Every step of the work is p rescribed by the famous du Pont Process, a method worked out v\'it h the g reat .man ufacturers. Your a utomobi le is returned to vo u as though from the factory -smarter than e~er. fl. Triple Hydro-Shock Absorbers Pines Winterfronts Plate & Starkel INC. Hydro ..Electric Brake Servi'ce 22 12 8 1942 W EST RAILROAD AVENUE EVANSTON THIS SIGN IS YOUR PR O TE C TI ON 4 --' Phon es Greenleaf 2 122 - University 6272 562 LINCOLN AVENUE PHONE WINNETKA 165 M acroon and Roosevelt Dealers D U CO · e · made on,l y by d11 Pont