Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1929, p. 52

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52 - W I L M E T T E · L I F .E and cowpath in the republic, but accidents on tl!e highways will persist in Iar'!e numbers until we take full ad\'at~tage of our _knowleclrre that the h biggest factor in safe · driving is til.~ personal e-lement. "That is to say. we ha\·e got to keep cHr lastinglv dinning into th e mind oi the mot oring public that every dri,·cr ca rrie s hi s life and the life of oth er s on the turn of hi s steeritw .\\'heel and the p_ressure of his brake pedal." September 27, 1929 r·················-····-··: .Personal Element Called DE"ORATJNG '- Artistic :i 1 : 1! I Big Factor in Safe Driving Road Tips ., Tl1e btggest · f actor 111 · ' sa f e d nvmg · · is the personal element and this must Condition of roads in Illinois as l "oor horne has Its own ntmo.sph.-re. : he realized before any substantial reported by the Chicago Motor club With thr nld of our lntnlor 1. prngres . i:> made in the direction of dl'roratorM you ('llU .-'x pr.-ss thi s saf_r_ ·t\' on the streets and highways, ioliQ\\'S: fndhldonllty in thf' dt>eonttlon!'. according to a bulletin iss ued by the Cleil\'icw road is in poor condition accident pre\·cntion department of th e hl't\Ycen Hibbard and Gross Point Chirac:o ~1otor club, which goes o.n road. Traffic is advised to u .. c Lake . to say: · a \'C:nue. "\\·c may legi slate unti l \rc are blue · Painter and ·Decorator '\I il\\'aukce a ,·enue (111-21) is closed in the face: we may plastt·r the land betwct.:n Sanders r oad and Palatine There \\·ere 80.179.841 inner tubes for road . Traffic is directed north on 1030 Greenleaf Phone 2764 with :-;aiety . ignals; we may post trafa.----·················-··· 1 fie officers at e.\·e.ry corner, crossing automobile tires produced in 1928. ~andcrs road to Palatine road, th en west lHI Palatine road ~o :Milwaukc;e ave;Hte. l~i\'(~r road is clo~ed between Dundee road and Rand road. Traffic is advised to go \Ye st nn Dundee road _ to Elmhurst -\\'hc e. lllg road, so uth on · Elmhur st - \\'heclit1g road to Rand road, then ~uutheast un Rand road to RinT road. !!arms road is closed at Golf road. Traffic is clirccted cast on Church street to Gr >Ss Point road, north on Gro:-.s Point roa d to Harrison street. thcn we~t <1t1 Jlarri :on street d Harttb road . HiJ:"gin :-, road is dosed hctween River road and Cumberland avenue, traffic is directed north on Cumberland a\·enue, \\'est 011 Devon ;nct!uc to Higgins road. Lawr nee a\'enuc is clo. eel betwe<;n Rin·r r oad and ~f annheim road. Traf fic ts directed north on. r Yilla~c strclb. Dempster street is closed east of .McCormick bouleyarcl. Traffic is directed south on ~IcCormick bottlc\·ard to ~f~in street. cast 011 Main street, then north ove r ,-illage streets t0 Demp . ter M. Portenhauser : .. ~ 1 stre~ t. 10x1 1 · 3Ix4 12x4 29x4.4030x4.5010x4.7530x5.0031 x5.25 10x5.50.. 11x6.0032x6.50 $4.7) 8.4) 9.05 - 5.65 6. 30 7.80 8.20 9.85 10.40 12 .20 14.15 OLDFIELD ·...· Firestone's answer to those motorists wll· o have demanded an outstanding medium·priced tire. Look at the tire ahov~bserve its beauty, ruggedness and safety--tread design- a tire to give you continuous service at ~n extremely low price. Their high quality is equal to other· "first lines" by actual test. Compare it with any other tire in the same price field and you'll find it is not only the leader in performance -but, appearance as well. We have your sizes in stockj come in and examine them. · Wilmette Ba tt'!ry & Eleetrie Serviee 740 Twellth Street r Wilmette 691 X ort h a \'C·nuc i:-. rInsed bet ween annheim road and T~in·r road. T larll'm an·nue i:-. in ponr rnnrlition bet we en Di\'erscy boulevard and !\ orth aHnue. Traffic is a<h·ised to turn ta:->t on Din.'r:->n· boulevard to Savre st re et. so uth oil Sane street to Xorth avenue. then \\'(·st on ~orth a\·entl<.. ' to Harle~n a n ' n ue. La'k e street is closed to 1rafiic he . t\\·etn \"orth a\·entte and ).f annheim road. Traffic is directed ast on Korth an:ntte to '\fannh ·im roacl. then south Oil ~\fallnheim road to Lake street. Di-..,:ie highway is closed between JSCJth street and l-ith str<'et. Traffic is directed cast 011 159th street tn S(1uth Park aver' e. south on South Park a \'C'Iltt<' to lJixie high\\'ay, south Oil Dixie highway to TT omewoo<l Lan .sin .~ road, east Qll HomewoodLansillQ" road t o Hal sted street. so uth 0 11 Tl<ll str d strrl't to l-ith street, then \\·est on l.fth street to the Dixie hi~h · \rav. This detour include s tbr Hal sted . treet detour. Habt ed strcrt (Ill -1) is closed hetwe en l o7th street and Home\\'O~d Lano,;ing road. Traffic is directed west Oil 159th . treet to South Park aYentte . . outh on South Park a\·enue to Dixi e highwa \', so uth on Dixie highway to Home\\·oocl- Lan si ng road. east- on Hnmc\\'ood -Lall si ng road t0 Hal sted st rret . R ur ll ham a \'f·n u e is closed h et ween Siblcv a\·enue and 130th street. Traffic is cli~rctcd west on Sihlev boule\'<lrcl to Torrence avenue. n.orth on· Torrence ayenu~ to 130th street, th C' n ea"! to Rurnhatn avenue . One hundred e1ghtv- third street is closed between V\T est.ern avenue and Dixie higlw\1Y. Traffic 5s directed south on \\'es tern a\·cnuc to Flossmoor r oad, cast on Flwsmoor road to Dixie highwav to 183rd street. . Illinoi s- 1- There is a short detour at \Veste rn a\·enue and 75th street in Chicago aro..-!1.d raihvav track elevation . Tllin.ois-5-Detour at M annheim road. follow Mannheim road (Illinois 40) north to North avenue. west on North avenue to Illinois-5. · ~I ' .. l

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