September 27, 1929 WILMETTE LIFE 39 ' R os.en berg 's FALL FASHION ,. Presentation The Theme We Sponsor Is the "Costume Complete",. ,. ,. For Fall Hats Fit Snugly .. . no matter ., .. ·h ;lt 11 th er qualilic a ti()n they 111 J \ ' han'. lllu~trate r ] i~ ; chic m ocl el u i black .\u : - tri a n so leil \\)th attr ar t i\· c r1 r 11 a m.· nb Dress, Sports Coats Lavishly Fur-Adorned A ·trikm g trave l coat o f im po rted 1ri sh plaid ha s fring e and a raccoon collar. $9 5. The dre ss coat o f black broadcloth di s play s sabl e fitch at co lla r and cuff s. $150. at th e ~ id e . ._' 21.~0 . Necklace - - Bag .. . must ha \·e a point of co n tac t. Th e bla ck suede ha n dbag ( SJ, ; ). c h oo ~ cs ja de fo r i t~ clasp t o comp le m ent th e nec kl ace of g-o lcl . jade Jnd Jmher. ~ 1 0 The Hose Blend . . . rather th a n co ntra st t h e s e d a v s. \ Vith a black cos tt;m e are ca stor ho se of chiffon , $2.95. The g love s are tan wa sh abl e suede; s ix - butt on leng th . $4.95 . Fall's Mode Requires Both Suit and Frock The irregular scalloped skirt of a black crepe frock and its deep ecru vest and collar join under a jeweled buckle. $39.50. A black velvet suit choos e s an eggshell satin blou se as contrast. $50 . T - Strap Shoes ... of black su ede are the fini shing t o uch to the b I a c k costume complete. Arch - Bridge s hoes with high heel and slender straps ·are recommended. $10 . ~0 . ROSENBER-G'S DAVIS STREET- EVANSTON ROSENBERG'S Accessories-First Floor