Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Sep 1929, p. 17

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September 27, 1929 I WILMETTE I LIFE 17 NEW TRIER·HIGH SCHOOL TO HOLD PARENTS' DAYS I Open Football Practice at Joseph Sears School Football practice at the Joseph Sears was under \\'av this week. Robert \\'. To\\'nleY. a·thletic director at the I school, is jHcparing his charges for the opening of the North Shore Crammar School lea~ue football season about the middle of October. The 1<enilworth boys are practicing on a regulation size field adjoining the school grounds. The bovs assisted Mr. Townlev in marking off and lining the field this week. Fathers and Mothers to Attend Classes With Pupils on . October 3 and 17 11i Parent's dav for mothers and fathers ireshman and sophomore students at New Trier High school will be held ThursdaY, October 3. This was decided on ~'fonday night when the executive cnmmittee of the Parent-Teacher as~ociation met to set the dates on which GOES ABROAD AS DELEGATE parents are to sit in the classrooms John F. \\'eedon, 204 Fifth street. with the children and take part in the has just returned from an eight "'eeks' classroom procedure. Parents' ciav for the iunior and senior classes will he tour of Europe, visiting Germauy, H<.llland, Belgium, France, and En~ Thursd£tv, October 17. land. ~I r. \V cedon went abroad as the Hold Special Sessions delegate from the People's Gas Light In order to accommodate parents and l't)h· company to the world con" ·ho will he unable to come to the ference of adyertisers hel~l in Berlin. high school in the morl1ing, the regular schedule of classes will be moved ahead · on both October 3 and October 17. Following a short ach·i er period inr routine work at 1 :45 o'clock in the afternoon. the first regular class neriod \\'ill begin at 2 o'clock. Classes \Yill 1w held the same as on a regular srhnnl d;:n·. continuing until C) o'clock at nig!1t. and choicest ingredients \\·ith a half hour recess from (j :13 to (, :-+5. make :'\ l!"enrral mccting will be held in thc sc hool auditorium at 9 o'clock. a itrr "·hich parents ""ill meet the ad Yi:-ers in thr mes s hall. The schedult· i(lr hoth parent\\' daY-, \\'ill IH· a.; illiJ, l\\' :' : I 1 :-+5 Il l 2 :00-Short ach·i-.;n pni,l{l.l t'ltllt inr \Y nrk. 2 :()() to 2 :-t5-First perind. 2 :-+3 to 3 :30- Sccond perincl. 3:3() tn -+:15- Third period . -+ :15 tn .~ :00-Fourth pcri ncl. 1 .~ :00 tn :; :30- RrQular ;jch·i-,n pnit ·'l. l s:30 tn r; :1 S- Fifth ptriod. a wonderful r,: L~ to () :-tS- Rcccs s. ·' · h (; :4S to 7 :30- Sixth ptrind. treat Wlt any 7:30 111 H :15- Se\'Cnth peri<1(l. meat R :15 to 9 :00- Fi!.!hth pcrind. 0:00 to 0 :20- ~fcetin~ in auditorium . ' 9:20 to 10 :00- Parcnt ~ meet ach·iser:in mess hall. I PACK Made Committee Member \ Other husincs . which came ut at the rxccuti\'C committee mectin~ ~f ondaY Hig H-oz. bottle nil!ht included the appointmtnt of ~fr:-;. \\'illiam 1 f. Ellis. 823 \.rL'cn·xond aYe mtc. \\'ilmcttc. a:-; fre sh man representati\·r on the committee. The other cia.:-; chairnwn \rcre elected la st spring-. The rxecnti\'e committee of the Par ent-Teacher association is composed nf the officers. Thev arc: lTarn· P. Harrison of K<>nihYorth. pr~:sident: ~rr~ . Ralph F. Potter of \\'ilmctte. Yic cnre-,ident: Arthur T. ~fcTntosh of ;, I; 1\laln St. Kenil\\'orth. scnior chairman: ~frs . Wilmette lnhn P. narclcn of \\' innctka. iuninr Wll. ri!Jl ·chairman. and ~frs. Fred A. Sager r. r.-cnlenf 'i 461 nf Glencoe. sophomore chairman. Thc committee voted to hold the anNO CHARGE FOR DELIVERY nual clcction of officer. for the ParentTeacher association on April 2-t. 1930. rf' "SUCH MIGHTY FIN· £ FOODS" FAMOUS HOME RECIPE CHILI SAUCE I · 1 FRESH "at such mighty fair prices" PARTIAL PRICE LISTNew pack goods for delivery after Oct. 15 You save 6'/o more by ordering in dozens Dozen prices Brantl ~ttl1UI'I·art 35C FOODS ~iven on assorted cases ~iZl' :!1~ :!1:.! ·I I $ .46 1:? $:i.1S :1.!14 2-t (C'II!oif') Fi :- ltlt·igil':- Fruit:-; for ~:tla<i Hartldt Pt·:tr:J.'i:-hh· ig·h':-; Sh(l1 · 1\·g ( '1trn . Fi:-hkigh':-; ::\lt·<linm Cut Cl'(.- t·tt B(·an:-; Fi:-;hlt·igh'::-; ~o . :~ \\.holP \Yax lkan :- .:c;, .24 J·J ., ·) .IS 2.0!1 $10.1:! ';.70 !1.!16 .1; 1.!1:? 2.70 :1.7-& ;,.2~ ·I ~uhurlJall 1 ·· i ~ ~~~""""""""""""""""~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Does You· P·ope·ty Need .A.ay ~ ~ Repai·s! . . \'t·p·t :t hit-:- :\I ixt·tl ft·r ~al<ttl Fi:-hl1 ·ig-h's Orang·t· t·r ( :rapdnrit -'\larm:rladP Fishh·ig-h's ('hili Sauct· Fi:-;hldg-h':-; S\\'ed .:\lixt·(l l'ivklt ·:-: Fishlt·igh's Cw·umht·l' Jting!-i J'irnvnt··. ~tufft>d Fi:-;hh> igh':- Tomatfws :! ll1. . J .j I>Z . 1.:,;, .IH :?.14 !1,1'\.~ 2.64 4.1S .. t.:.o .:c:t .2S 11 11 I·Z . liZ . :c.l:t :c.:ls :~.ns ; ·711 Fi:-hll'igh':- Stra wbt·ny I 'l'l'St· l'\'t;>s Fi:-;hlt·igh'::-; ('urraul aJttl lbs)JlJt'ITr < :~ · rbt·r's < I lit. ·:Ill' ... " .., .:10 .:?:1 fi.:W 6.60 6.60 1).06 2.~6 1 ~ ~ S(·edJ<o:-;s Straint·tl \'t·gl> tahlt· Soup :t ·rlwr's Strain1·cl l't·il!'i, Carr(lts, PrUilt' S, 1 Ih . I (I 11 I>Z . 2.ii9 1.46 Spin:td1, ··I' T··matnt·s Jl:! IJZ · .13 Fireplaces a Specialty Porches and Walks, Plaster Repairs Stone and Brick Chimneys All grades of Stone, Brick and Cement Work No charge for I)ELIVERY ) ~ I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A new 1DEA in food distrihution-seiJin~ direct to the Consumer at a suhstantial savin~. Quantity prices on foods that every householder requires. J. SHORTRIDGE 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth Ph. Kenil. 2735 Visit Garden Display Room 517 Main St., Wilmette or tel. Wilmette 531 or Greenleaf 7464 L,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,J THE CLARENCE T. FISHLEIGH CO. NO'r INC. ----

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