:Se :p:t: ei:nb:e:r:2:7:':19=2=9==================================VV=I=L==M==E=T==T=E===L==IF==E============================================~7 New Trier High School Seeks Championship as Grid Season Opens · F .\ abundance oi material \\'ill aid I any, it appear that ::\ Trier lJioh chool \rill be a strono bidder t\H: ning of practice and irom the se the k tlt-hundrcd str ong yar si t~ conte n sl~rs \\"OtJicl C\r -.hown aboYc \\Tr c clc,·cbpcd. J ctt letter ml'n. members ui la st year' · i~..,/'the Suhurba11 league chan~>il)nship ag ain thi:-. year. :\ squad of more than ddcatcd outfit. arc included in th (' tl1rce hundred boys turned out at the .L' roup . "\1..·w Trier ,,·ill ~··e its t1r..;t ~ 1 , I !igh sc!H!ul (lf un-: Saturday " ·hen Fenger Chicag.o im·adcs thr lu ca l g nd1rot1. :\ccorclmg to \V. L. ··nuke" Childs, head of the athletic 1 (lcpartmcnt. and \\' alter J. AschcnL;tch. head football mentor. the pro:-.- adion thi s I pects for one of the finest teams in the 1 ~ 1 1 !J:story of the school arc exceedingly J,nght. ~oac~l As~henbach (rtg~t) IS , ·Jo\\·n With h1s assistants seated 111 the .- L·reground . . . . GARAGE HEATER BIRD CAGES New designs have just been received from A fuJI range the factory. of colors. FIRESIDE FURNITURE You will like the anisric effects of our fireplac~ ensemble~ andyou will be pleased with our pnccs. Complete Outfit- $4 Cage and Stand · 95 ··QUAKER" Hear your garage with Oil. Costs only a few cents a clay. No Wicks ~o · Motor No Moving Parrs "SUNKIST" Electric Orange Juicer FURNACE WORK Old furnaces cleaned and P.ur in workable condiuon. New furnaces installed at p r i c e s that will satisfy. Will squeeze juice for the whole family in a f cw seconds. $14.95 MILLEN HARDWARE CO. 1219 WILMETTE AVENUE Phone WILMETTE 3060 FOOT · You will want equipment that properly protects your boy BALL Head Gears, $2.5-' Shoulder Pads, $3.00 Football, $2.50 Whistle, 2Sc