Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Sep 1929, p. 47

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September 20, 1929. WILMETTE I LIFE 47 Heads Opera Clubs RECEPTION FOR SINGER ! ....--::===~::::=~===::==~~::;::~===:::--, Richard K nupWP Use Government Approved Cbemleall fe r have iss ued invitati ons .for a reception in honor of 1\lme. Gilde royTelephone Supuior 9853 ~~cott, Eng lis h cont r alto on S und av aitcrnoon, Septembe r .22, from 4 m; til 6 : u'clock. at their rcsicle n ce, 127 La urel · ~[ r. a nd. M r s. \t\' a lt e r . n~ nue . \\'ilmcttc. Assis t ing- in r cccivi :i~ \\·ill he ). 1rs. :\ewe ll R ogers an d 1:11.: ). J i~:;cs J-.:atherine Chand ler , E liza- h·..: th Poole. l ean ). l il. tcad. \\'ini fn.:d .\tickL·y, and ·tklct1c 1-\n upfer. I 1 Our apecial proceaa of fumigation deatroya all moth-life iD · upholstered furniture, rugs, furs, etc. We Call for and Deliver 1 oo 7 Rt·ba Micl{cncr. daughter of ~ l r. and ~[rs. Cnmh· ).lichcner. 1530 ). J iss NORTH CLARK STREET CHICAGO \ (\: ntral a\Tnue. kit \ 1\·nns\·h·ania ~tatt: cullt~e. Pll Tucsda\· iln· IContrarts for l-: xtermlnattng Roae·hes, Bt'd Bogs, Mlee and BatsJ 9-129 Frigidaire offers greater beauty ~ enclosed mechanical parts ~ low operating cost ~ low prices ·· \ 1rs. C. P . Duhhs. g-<·nera l chairman ·1i thl' .\ sst)ria1ed l'i,·ic Opera·clubs ui '-,\ ilml'ttt:. Ita-. llladc it p.1:-.sihlc thrllll )~h 1. LT u 11 t i r in c.: c IT 1 1 r ts. it) .. it.; 111 L'lll hc r . . t (l L ll ill.\' a \\t· ll ~·r:-'anizt I and itltl.'l'l'-1ill~ c lul>. Tht · lir . . t tt tn :t inc.: oi the rluh 1:1i:-. ... ~,·a:-t·ll \\<t:- h~.·ld (lll ~L' Jl!t' tllhl'r I~ at ' ~lla\\ llL'l' l'cnttltr\· rluh. Dr. F. \ \'. l· uermann. \\'ho ·,\a:- t'kL't t·d pr~.· -.idcnt ,. : the "r!.!;t!lii'a1ion. pre:-irkd at a siH!rt .h:J:-illl':-:- tlll·l'ting ioll,l\\·ing the dinIt ·: r. T h c L' ll tnt a: nn... i,) r t h L' c n·n i 11!..! : \-t.TL' ~ I ;~rx :tnd .-\nna Oht· rndPri~.-r. :tnd . tltn.;e ,,·]w heard thl'tll enj"~'l'cl a tr·'at itt their pre:-L'tltatiun t1i "( )peratic ~I :11·.tll tH·:-." and "Thl' l lllportanre oi Opera tr· y,)u ." :\ot unly \\·as t he <.:n:ning 1 ithtrurti' c but n·n· L'll~crtaining- a:-. · \\ c II. . The 1llCmhers \\'l'fl' tnthu:-iastic ior ibt· iuture ni tht· club and \\·ill hold their next n1cetin~ at 3 u'cltKk ~u11day aitcrtHl\)!1. ( ktt1hn (l, at ~ha\\'t~l'C ,.,Hmtn· club. \\'ith an il1\·itati<" 1 to t!1e lllt:tnb('-rs oi ~ha\Ynce club a . guc:;ts 1:!· tht Opera club. Those dl's iring dinJ·cr at tl:e club. on that date must mak~ rcs<.:n<~ t tons \nth ~ l rs. ~1. 1. Hammt rs ;t l. an car h · ua te. SuncLt ~- dinner i:-. :'lT \'ed fron-1 1 o 'cloc k untii 2 ·30. The :-~>caker on that day !Ja.., been :-;ecured 1)_\. 1hc Ope r a Cl ub ()f Clncago to gi·.T a program ior li\·c consecutiYc \\'eck:-. c,tch n·en ing tn di iTc r cnt Opera L' llll>-:;1 an d ahL) tl t Chicago. I 1 and the ttCold Control" for quicker freezing of ice cubes and desserts ODAY Frigidaire embodies a standard of design and renders a service that can not be duplicated by any other electric refrigerator or type of refrigeration. It is beautiful, simple~ practical. Every mechanical part is enclosed, out of sight, away from du ~t and dirt. The sturdy steel cabinet is lined with seamless Porcelain-on~steel with rounded corners, lustrous white ... easy to clean. The waist-high shelves make stooping unnecessary. And Frigidaire's extra power meets the heaY iest demands for refrigeration easily ·· . . at low cost, no matter how hot the ~eather or how warm your kitchen. In additiou, Frigidaire gives you selfsealing trays and the patented Frigidaire "Cold Control" for faster freezing of ice cubes, salad.s and desserts. It gives you incredibly quiet operation. And with all T The Frigidaire "Cold Control" has introduc -.t:f a new standard in electric refrigeration. It is as important as a gas regulator on a1a oven. ; , j ! I 1 I of these improvements you can now buy the new, quiet Frigidaire ... at the lowest prices ever offered. Let us give you complete information about the new Frigidaire and the liberal monthly terms. IN WEDDING PARTY Fa rl eY of K e nihnH·t h has ht·en chose n one oi t he ush er:-; in the \\ 'a lg reen- Da rt hr i d ~tl p:1 rt\· and Bett,· La \\-re nce nf \\' ilm ette a b rid es m aid . T he \\' cddi ng " ·ill he one oi t h e nt:t - I s ta ndin g . nc ia l Cn' nts of t he ,,·intn \\·ith a l ar.~e bri da l partY. ).! iss \\' al -j gree n \\'as an Alphi P hi at ~urth \\'t:-.kr n un i,·<.· r si t,· an d h a:- c i HI~L'Il lll·l ~ t 1 oi h er bri de m aid s f ru m her :--1 ,r, n·it ,.. T he marr ial!e sc n ·ice \\·ill he tT<td itt t~1c 1 l 'n i, er:-i t\· ni Cl li ca.~n c hape l. Pres t o n 1 Let us help you win in big $25,000.00 contest Come into our display room. Learn why 50° is the safety point for perishable foods . Then write a letter that will give you a chance to win a model home, a Cadillac car or one of many other valuable awards now being offered by the National Food Preservation Council. Come in, and get the rules of the contest and complete information today. POINT FOR PERISHABLE FOODS \l. r. an d :\f r s. 1\nfth K . P o r tn. -l2~ rna d, K eni l" ·ort h, a n d t ll ir so n. l\ecl. han· r eturn ed t11 th ei r home a ft er spendin g th e seaso n at th e ir stll nm er home in ~r a in c. Th e P or t er .; re nt<.:d th eir house to th e Silk fa mih·;: wh n Ji,·e in Chi c;li!O. a n d !t it K cllilw o rth Jun c 10. \\.bile till' \' \\-ere th nc th ev had a s th eir ern es t ". B entl e Y ).f cCloud. H a rold K e ith, a ncl Hinm a n Di shee of Kcnil\\'orth . ?\Pel Port e r ""i ll fini sh thi ~ Year at N e\\· Trie r Hig h . 1 C um11 or --- 50° IS THE SAFETY STOVER· CO. }I ic·lli~an E\au s tou n. at. Haurlolpll St.. Hi:n Slwrman .\n·. H~O (1~1 X. '\fl(·ltlgnn An.) UantlCIIJlh (i l'l't'Uh·nf lluhtutnl " ·nntls · foi!IU J.iutlc·u Wlntwtkn 1:.12 I II h.:-llhtntl l'nrk Jli~hlancl f'c·ntrnl A 1'('. l)urk 150 :1 ~ 2 l'uhli(' S··rvh·e ( 'om)mny of Northern Illinoi s ,\ t all their offices. school.

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